Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1367065-From-the-Moment-We-Met
Rated: GC · Chapter · LGBTQ+ · #1367065
From the moment we met, I knew I was in love with him.
I knew it. The second I saw his face I knew that I was in love. Not that it mattered but, I felt my heart nearly jump out of my body when I looked at his well shaped face, and his deep golden eyes. They drew me in, like debris in a hurricane. There was no escape to his perfect eyes, body, shape. His every being felt like a part of me. Well, maybe if I'd had him as my own. But, I didn't. He belonged to someone else. A woman of great beauty and stature. I couldn't compete with her. She was a princess, looking down on the rest of us, the scum of the human race.

Of course, those weren't the only reasons. Oh no there were others. Let's start with the main one shall we? I was a MAN. How could a man compete with a woman? I mean, yeah I was gay, and I had nothing against being gay but sometimes I couldn't help but wonder if I'd made a wrong choice. I mean, we could all CHOOSE whether we wanted to be homosexual or not and I chose to be. Did that make me wrong? Sometimes, I wish I could just go back to the was I was in middle school. I hadn't always been gay, trust me. I never intended to be either. That was until HE came along. I couldn't get that man off my mind! It's like, every where I went, I was haunted by him. Jacob Earnings.

I swear he was the most wanted guy in all of West Town middle school. He was tall, and muscular, but was kind and nice to pretty much everyone. He stood up for people, so people were naturally drawn to him. His skin was ivory white, and he had shoulder length chestnut hair. Of course his eyes. Oh his eyes were jade green with small tints of violet around the edges. He was always well dressed in a button down shirt, always making sure to leave the top two or three buttons open to reveal his muscular chest, and he always wore tight jeans that hugged each and everyone of his tender curves.

The girls flocked around him like birds, all wanting to touch him, to hold him, to well... to be blunt, to fuck him. I'd never been like that. I had never wanted to do anything sexually with anybody. Maybe that's why I kept losing girlfriends. Anyway, I found him always staring at me in math class, his eyes piercing me like knives. I didn't notice much until one day, he came looming up behind me and grabbed me by the shoulder. Of course I was forced to turn to look at him so I did, and I craned my neck to look him in the eyes.

All I remember was his gruff, yet beautiful voice asking me, in a soft, awkward way, "Would you go out with me?"

At the time, I was totally bewildered. Why was a guy like this, asking a guy like me out? Or, why was he asking another guy out in the first place. Then of course, I didn't really understand his situation. He'd been like me when he had left his old home, but had spent a lot of time in jail and well, we all know what happens when you're only surrounded by men for long periods of time.

"Sorry. No. I don't swing that way."

That was the only way I could answer him! I hadn't known what else to do so naturally, I said no in the WORST way possible. Of course, that day I went him with half my face blue and black. Anyway, after all that, I found myself wanting to get close to him. Not like in the way a friend gets closer to their friends but I found myself wanting to desperately touch him, caress him. At home I found myself touching as I pictured his face, pictured his body naked and in my bed. Later in the year, after not being able to deal with it any longer, I asked him out for myself. He turned and gave me such a hard, bitter glare, that I turned and ran. I don't think I ever have, or ever would have, heard his answer.

- - -
It was a Thursday evening and the wind was turning bitter, and I could see my breath freeze in front of my face. I wrapped my jack around me tighter, waiting for my ex-lover to come pick me up. We were going clubbing and he was keeping me waiting, standing in the freezing cold.

"Dammit Jake where the hell ARE you? I'm going to get sick standing out here!" I yelled into the night, my teeth chattering like china in an earth quake. I looked left and right down the road, searching for the familiar beat up car of his, when suddenly, I felt the vibration of my cellphone in my pocket.

Digging through my pockets, I searched until I found the blasted vibrating piece of technology. I looked at the caller idea and almost sighed in relief, but quickly replaced it with irritation. I answered it, "Jake, where the HELL are you? I've been standing here for nearly twenty minutes waiting for your skinny ass!"

"Woah dude sorry! But, I can't make it tonight!" a sneeze, a hack, "I caught a really bad cold from my little sister! And I still have to study for the huge science test tomorrow! Go boyfriend hunting on your own tonight!"

"You could have called me earlier you ass!" I screamed loudly into the receiver. "Anyway, I'm not going on my own. No way in hell."

"Suit yourself. We'll go AFTER I don't look like shit anymore." Jake said, letting out another loud sneeze.

"Whatevs. I'll see you at school than alright?" I said with a sigh.

"'Kay. Love you my sweet."

My face went scarlet as I answered, "I love you too."  The line went dead as Jake hung up and my hand went limp. I pressed end on my cell, and flipped it shut.

Slipping it into my pocket, I pulled out my last pack of cigs and lit one, placing it in my mouth. I knew it was a dirty habit but it was hard to kick, and I usually only smoked when I was upset or needed some relief from all the stresses of life. I threw the now empty carton in the garbage can that was chained to the stop sign post.  Now slightly depressed, and obviously pouting, I walked back to my one room apartment, alone.

In the apartment, I threw my jacket over the back of the leather couch, and turned the tv on to the news channel. The newscasters voice bounced back to my ears as I made my way towards the kitchen to make myself dinner. Of course, just like it had been for what felt like years, it was alone. I took out only what I needed, and made myself a simple dinner of mac&cheese, green beans and a sandwich.

I ate it quickly, and then dragged myself to the single bedroom, dragging my backpack behind me. I took out my science book, threw it on my desk, my pack on the bed and got to studying.

Before I knew it, my digital clock read 10:00 PM. I'd been studying nearly three hours so I figured maybe it was time for a stretch and something to drink. I stood up and stretched out my body, leaning forwards and backwards to crack my back. I yawned and once more made my way to the small apartments even smaller kitchen. I grabbed a cup out of the cupboard and poured myself a cup of cold coffee. I took a sip, shook my head at the bitter taste, and then sat the kitchen table, yawning here and there.

I had been staring at the wall across from me absently but was shaken from my thoughts when I heard a light knock at the door.

Who could that be this late at night? I thought to myself as I stood up, stretched once more, and made my way to the door.

The knocking became more persistent and heavy, so I quickened my pace a little, before the person broke my door. I opened it quickly, to find a man, a beautiful man standing in my doorway. Immediately, I knew I was in love with the man, from the first time I saw him.
© Copyright 2007 Kurosaki Ichigo (deathchild180 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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