Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1366987-Love-Pain-and-a-Mystery
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Animal · #1366987
Love can take you places you've never been before.
Rustling came from somewhere in the bushes. It was soft but distinct. Angy, being the curious person she was, hiked her nightgown up around her knees and walked towards the bushes, stepping carefully so she didn't startle what was hidden in them.
She kneeled next to them, and bent at her middle so she could see the dark shape hidden beneath the branches. “Oh! You poor baby!” She exclaimed when she the small baby fox, crippled and shoved in one of the branches creases. She reached in, and jumped a little as the fox lurched back, further into the bushes. “Come here baby. I won't hurt you. It's alright,” She said, trying to coax the small fox to come closer so she could grab him. The baby foxes nose twitched. It sniffed her fingers from where he sat at first, and then pulled himself a little closer to get a better smell.
She talked quietly to him, telling him that everything was all right, that she wasn't going to hurt him. When he finally trusted her, after sniffing her fingers a couple more times, he pulled himself from under the brush, coming into the dully lit house light.
He was a small fox. Nothing to impressive. He was a small, red tinted fox, with black beady eyes. His snout had a tinge of white on the end like he had stuck in a paint can and let it dry. His paws were brushed a light red-orange on the ends.
“You're such a cute thing. I wonder who could've done this to you?” She said softly to herself, holding out her hand to pet him.
He backed away, as best he could, at first, still not having 100% faith in this human. “It's really alright. I swear I won't hurt you. I want to help you, heal you, so you can go back into the wild young fox.” The fox seemed to understand. He didn't move back any further this time when she reached out a little farther, setting her hand down on his head, scratching him behind the ear.
Angy sat there for a few moments, petting the wounded fox. I wonder if I should bring him in the house or call out mother? She was started when she heard a reply from some unknown source.
Please. Take me inside. They are after me. If i stay out here, I'll die. I will do anything. Become your pet, your servant, anything! It was a desperate mans voice, pleading in all honesty. This man needed help. And Angy would help him if she could figure out where he was from and how he was speaking.
Hurry! Came the voice again. They're coming! If you do not hurry, the may hurt you!
Angy took one last look around and then decided it was the small fox speaking to her. If I'm hearing voices, I think Mother or Father must've put cocaine in this mornings tea. It's supposed to help delusions but to create them is unheard of! She carefully picked the small fox up, and carried him into the house.
Once inside, you could see this girls clearly defined features. She had been hidden in shadow, so of course you hadn't seen what she had looked like. Her body frame was skinny but muscular. Not skinny enough to need medical attention at least. Her skin was painted with an olive tint. Her hair was greenish-blue and waist length. Her eyes were bight, diamond white and shined like jewels. Everything was pretty about her.. Except, that she had been born with a deformity. Her face was distorted, and angled in places it shouldn't be, and completely flat in others.
Her whole life she had been ridiculed about it. After awhile, Angy just stopped caring. She didn't let it bother her. So instead of making friends with people, she made friends with the plants and animals. They were friendly. They didn't care what she looked like on the outside. To the plants and animals, it was more important what she looked like on the inside. Her heart was gold, and welcoming. She didn't discriminate anyone. Everyone was welcome to her.
Inside, she carefully set the fox on the kitchen table, and went on a search for a wicker basket so she could make a bed for him. She found one hidden away in a closet, tucked behind some old shoe and hat boxes. It was rather large but she figured the fox would like the amount of room. This will have to do. She thought, brining the basket back to the kitchen.
“I'm sorry but, this will have to do.”
Thank you for your kindness. I don't know how to thank you.
“I dun-”
Angy was interrupted when a rather scary looking woman appeared in the doorway. “Angy dear, I thought I heard you-” She stopped for a minute when she saw the fox on the table. “What is that grotesque looking creature doing on our supper table Angy? I demand to know!”
“Grandmother please! You'll scare him! He was injured and I thought-”
“You think nothing young lady! Get that, thing, out of here!” She practically screeched, pointing a finger at the fox.
Angy put her foot down. “No Grandmother. He's injured. I refuse to let him go with out healing him first,” Angy said indignantly.
“Angy dear, what's all the-” A smaller woman came to stand in the door way next to Angy's Grandmother. “Oh. Hello Grandmother. I ask that you not yell at my daughter. She's simply trying to heal him. Take your yelling elsewhere.”
“Darcy, do not tell me what to do and not do with my granddaughter. I don't want her to turn out like you. Useless!”
The woman glared at her mother. She, like her daughter, had been born with disability. She had been born with only one leg, and for much of her life, had used a wheelchair. Now that technology had allowed it, she had been built a plastic leg she could attach to her own so she could live daily life more normally. She still walked with a slight limp though, rendering her useless for many things.
“Grandmother, I want you to go find other things to do unless you feel like helping my daughter and I heal this poor creature.”
“I should think not! I don't want that vile thing in my home longer than needed!” With that, she turned and walked away, humphing like someone had said something incredibly offensive.
Darcy sighed. “That woman gets on my nerves I ought to-”
“Hm-mm.” Angy cleared her throat. “Mother, we should probably start cleaning the wound. It seems pretty deep and we don't want it to get infected.”
Darcy stared for a minute before realizing what Angy was saying. Quickly composing herself she answered, “Oh, right. Go get the medicine kit.”
Angy nodded and disappeared out the kitchen door. When she had gone past her, Angy's mother walked into the kitchen, limping, and sank into one of the chairs. What had she been thinking? Defying her mother like that.. She could be put in jail for it. Or beaten. Or any numerous amount of things!
Ms. Darcy! Ms. Darcy! Can't you hear me Ms. Darcy? The fox called out. It was strange. Her heart was pure, but she could not hear him. He had called out many times and yet, she never turned to look at him, respond to him.
Angy came back to see her mother with her head on the table, her hair spread out all around her. Angy nearly dropped the medical case to run over to her mother. “Mother? Mother what's wrong? Do you hurt somewhere? Is your leg fee-”
“Darling, I'm fine,” Her mother said, lifting her head from the table. Her eyes were slightly red, as though she had been crying.
“Mother, were you crying?”
Her mother looked down, ashamed. “Yes darling. I was.” Angy set the medic case on the table and pulled up a chair next to her mother.
Setting a hand on her mothers back Angy asked, genuine concern in her voice, “Why were you crying Mother? Did I or grandmother do something wrong?”
“No darling, it wasn't you. It was I. I've back talked your Grandmother. I could be sent to jail for that. If that happened... Oh! I don't think I could leave you with such a vile, evil woman! I want to to just.. Strangle her!”
“Mother!” Angy said, surprised. “How could you say such a childish thing!”
“I... I'm sorry. Forgive me. I don't think I can be in here. You'll have to heal him yourself.”
“Yes Mother. You should go and get rest. Father is already asleep.”
“Good-night Angy darling, sleep well.” Darcy stood, watching as Angy's eyes followed her every move, kissed her baby on the forehead, and headed out the door and up the staircase that led to her bedroom.
Angy followed silently, just to make sure her mother really went to bed, and not to go strangle her Grandmother. She let out a sigh and went back to where the fox sat silently watching. What a relief. Grandmother really shouldn't get mother so angry. It's bad for both of their health.
When the fox suddenly, “spoke” Angy jumped. That womans heart is pure but is filled with evil thoughts. Perhaps that is why she could not hear me speak.
“What do you mean Baby?”
Her heart is in the right place but is swirling with evil thoughts of revenge, death. You must watch her or someday, she may end up hurting you.
“Baby,” Angy said, opening the medicine box finally, “for such a young fox, you're quite knowledgeable. Why is that?”
The fox sighed. At one point, I was like you. I was a human, freely roaming these lands, doing as I pleased. That is, until I came upon a witch named Agri. She became infuriated at me for I knew more about magic than she. And then, she put this infernal curse on me, cursing me to be a fox for the rest of eternity, roaming now, not as human, but animal, not as the hunter, but the hunted.
“How terrible!” Angy said, placing all the supplies on the table as Baby talked. “So, earlier, you said someone was after you. Are they trying to hurt you?”
Baby laughed. No. Not hurt me. But to retrieve something I had as a human but no longer have in my possession as an animal. None will believe me so they continually chase me, trying to get from me, something I don't have.
“Was it some important keepsake?”
No no. Just an amulet they thought would protect them against the evils. How wrong they were. In fact, the protective amulet, actually strengthened the curse put on me.
“I don't mean to be rude Baby but, how old are you? There's no such thing as amulets and witches anymore. Now, they are nothing but fairy tales told to children to scare them.”
Older than you could possibly count. I have lived through the many stages of this world, and will probably live for many more to come. Child, many changes have been made. Feel lucky to live in the world you live in now. Feel privileged not to live in a time when there were slaves, and maids, and people were beaten. Feel lucky to live in a place where all is calm, where the war hasn't hit. Be lucky you live in a place you can call home.
Angy, who had been staring in amazement, listening intently, had all but forgotten the herbs she was supposed to be applying to his leg. Well, that was until he let out a pained grunt.
“Oh!” She let out, surprised. “I'm sorry! I completely forgot!”
She quickly rearranged the medical supplies, grabbing only what she needed. She made the remedy quickly, and then applied it carefully to his leg, asking, “Why am I lucky? There are still so many cruel people in this world. So many people that want to hurt others.”
The fox seemed to let out what appeared to be a sigh. Well, that's if foxes sighed. Yes, but those people aren't as bad as they were back then. No one to curse them, torture them into insanity. Their bodies were often torn, and fed to other wild animals. There was no mercy. People back th-
Angy cut him off. “But Baby, people today are like that. Not quite as bad but almost!”
Angy finished bandaging his leg and stepped back to examine her work. She readjusted a few times until she was satisfied, making sure to be careful of his leg. “And anyway, you shouldn't live in the past. You should be living in the present. Make of life of what you can.”
The young fox put on what looked like a grin. I shall try. But sometimes, that's hard to do when you have all of eternity to look to. It's hard to live in the present when you have such a long past and future to look to. He laughed bitterly, and gazed out the window into the dark, starless night.
Angy cringed at the foxes bitter tone. It was an unpleasant tone and she disliked it. A lot. She too decided to stare aimlessly out into the bleak night. They sat silently there, staring out the window, silently for almost five minutes before they heard a loud, thump at the window.
Something had been thrown at the window. What, they didn't know. But it had left a streak of something dark across the glass.
They're here, Baby said, his voice cold, harsh.
Angy continued to stare at the window, her eyes wide, frightened. “Baby, what are they?”
Creatures of the night. Ones looking to tear flesh from bone for food.
His answer sent shivers down her spine. How could such a thing exist in todays world?
The sound of thumping could be heard again, as something was thrown against the window. “Oh Baby! What are you going to do? “Those.. Things! What if they hurt you?”
Don't fret. I will be careful.
Angy watched as the fox stood, testing out his newly bandaged leg. He winced a little and Angy gasped. “No. NO! I won't let you go! Your leg is broken and you might get hurt even more! Even if your leg wasn't broken, I wouldn't let you go! I want to hear more tales of the older days. What if you.... What if something happens to you Baby?” Her voice was coated with concern. Her eyes were dragged together in a look of determination. She wasn't going to let Baby go out there and get hurt.
He seemed to sigh in frustration. If I don't go, something may happen to you. How could I let myself live, knowing that I killed an innocent, almost arrogant human being? He stared at Angy, an intent look placed upon his small face.
Angy's eyes filled with tears suddenly. She didn't want to see him go. He was the first friend she'd ever had. The first real friend, who didn't care about what she looked like on the outside.
“If it's that important to you...” She whispered, looking into the foxes eyes.
The fox nodded once. He was prepared to do anything for this young girl that saved him.
Angy's eyes started to well up with tears. “Please be careful.” She asked with pleading eyes. The fox nodded, and before he knew it, was being swept from where he sat, into the arms of the sobbing girl.
He nudged her with his nose. I'll be fine. Trust me. Angy nuzzled into his neck, nodded once, and set him gently on the ground.
He walked as fast as he could towards the door, limping on his injured leg. He pushed the door open with his nose and stepped outside to greet those who waited for him.
Hello brother. How nice to see you again.
Baby's face hardened. Older brother, what are you doing in such a place? I though I had told you, I have not the amulet you seek.
Another fox stepped into view. This one was older, more ragged in his looks. What used to be shining red orange fur, had grayed. His muzzle was almost white. His eyes were black, like charcoal, but milky. The creature was blind. He had a scar, running from his left face, and almost half way down his chest. This, animal, was one of war.
Angy had walked stiffly, to stand next to the window, watching as Baby took a fighting stance.
You lie.
He does not. Said the higher voice of yet another fox. This one, female, stepped into the light next to the other fox. Her coat was bright, flame red, but shaggy, as though she hadn't been taking care of it. Her snout was painted a pale pink. She, unlike her 'brother', had a scar free face. Her face was pure. Innocent in a way.
Brother, does not have the stone? How could this be? We have searched for so long, Sasha! How, how can he not have that sacred stone?
Tatyor, he has it not, as I said. For a long time now, I have told you, once in fox form, he was no longer in possession of the Stone of the Ancient Devil. Let us leave now.
The fox growled. He had come all this way. He wasn't going to give up, just because his pawn said his younger brother had not in his possession, the most treasured, most wanted stone, in the world. Baby went rigid, preparing for the attack.
Tatyor let loose. He leaped, bearing his sharp, poisonous teeth, and bit into Baby's left shoulder. Baby let out a howl of pain. He let his breath out, and counterattacked, biting deep into his brothers ear, tearing the tender flesh.
Tatyors teeth loosened but did not let go. Instead, He began to shake his head, ripping tiny pieces of fur from his brothers coat. Baby's eyes closed. He wasn't going to lose to pain. He HAD to win.
Sasha sat on her haunches and watched as the two brothers fought. They fought for what felt like forever. And just as Tatyor was about to finish him, Sasha decided she had had enough of his foolish games. Him, and his vile ways. She stood up, stretched, and sauntered over to the two brothers. Stop.
Both growling in fury, they turned to look at her. Both were a mess. Baby had gaping holes in his shoulder, right ear, and his already injured leg, had been torn again, blood dripping slowly from the oozing wound. His brother, Tatyor, was a turn for the worse. The whole of his left ear and been torn, or bitten from his head, and two of his four legs were dripping in blood, trailing along the ground as he moved to dodge Baby's steps.
What is it you impudent fool? Can you not see I am busy?
I'm not your pawn, nor you sister, any longer Tatyor. Tatyors eyes burned red.
I am no longer your pawn to throw around.
Baby watched silently, still in a defensive position. He wasn't going to trust her just yet.
Aktual, please finish him. I have no right to kill the last standing brother. For a moment they stared at each other until Sasha bowed, her head, and backed away.
You can't kill me Aktual, Tatyor spat.
Wanna bet? Baby leaped, and sunk his teeth deep into Tatyors flesh. He let out a howl of pain, and Baby bit harder until finally, he could no longer hear his brothers heartbeat.
Sasha wandered back over to him and bowed a deep bow. My king, I welcome you.
Angy's eyes widened. King? Aktual? She didn't get it. How could he, a young fox, be a king? She wouldn't believe it. She couldn't. Not after what she had just witnessed.
Sasha, her head still bent low, backed away about a foot from Baby. And suddenly, right before their eyes, Baby was engulfed in light, his body starting to shift forms. His hind legs grew long and tall, into the legs of a human, and his front legs became strong, muscular arms. His short, trimmed fur slowly vanished, turning into smooth, milky skin. His torso became long, and very well defined. He had sharp, jade green eyes, and his hair, was red like the fall leaves. When he had finally straightened himself, he stood at a tall, proud, 6'0”.
He wore old fashioned clothes, of the 1890's. He wore a well pressed, black suit, with a silk white top underneath. He wore polished black shoes, that had been tied with care, and white socks. Around his finger he had one small, jade green ring.
Angy gasped. How could some one so beautiful, not take in her outer appearance?
King, welcome. Sasha looked up at her king, a glimmer in her eye.
Change now into what you once were, and what you shall now become.
He still spoke through his mind, without words, but this seemed to have a huge effect on the young female. She, like himself, found herself enveloped in light. Her body also grew longer, her legs, her arms and her breasts became slightly rounder. Her red fur became long, knee length white hair. It was wispy but beautiful, like silk. Her eyes were skull white, and never stopped shimmering. And she, like Baby, wore clothes of the 1890's. She wore a tight, light purple, low cut dress, that hung around her feet, and she had her hair wound in a half bun, with half her hair hanging from the middle of it. She wore a corset around her middle, and 3 inch heels on her feet.
As soon as the light had dissipated, she had gone down on one knee, and bowed her head. “Thank you King Aktual. I thank you for your kindness.” Her voice was as beautiful as she. Like an angel with a choir of bells in her soul.
Baby laid one hand on her head and said, “Stand. Theirs no need to bow. I'm not quite sure whats going on, but please be patient with me.”
She stood slowly, letting his hand slide from on top her head. “Thank you m'Lord. Is there anything I can do for you?”
“No. But there is someone I would like you to meet. She is kind, and although I had never before met her, had tended to my leg. Please be kind to her. Look not at whats on the outside, but what lies inside her heart.”
She nodded once.
Angy stood in the window, and when Baby looked at her, shook her head vigorously. She couldn't meet someone of such beauty. Baby nodded. Angy continued shaking her head until Baby finally said, Come. Her feet now moved mechanically, as if pulled by a wire, towards, and then out the door.
Angy hid her face as she walked. She didn't want to show her distorted face to someone so extravagant. She stopped right next to where Baby and Sasha stood. “Sasha,” Baby said, “meet Angy. The girl to whom I owe my life.”
For a moment, Sasha stared, but suddenly said, in all seriousness, “My darling, you're beautiful! Do not hide your face! Let is show, and let the world know that the way you look is what makes you you and no one else!” Sasha took Angy gently by the wrists, and pulled them away from her face to get a better look at her. Angy tried to turn away but Sasha held on tight. “You're beautiful in every single way. And don't let what others say bring you down.”
Angy looked into the diamond white eyes, and found just what she was looking for. The sincerity no one else would show her. Again the tears pooled into her eyes as she said, “Thank you.”
Baby stood by, watching silently as the two talked to each other. Some where in his mind, he knew that he loved this girl. Not as a sister, or maid, but as a wife. The woman he could stay with for the rest of his long, forsaken life.
He couldn't take it any longer. He walked over to Angy, wrapped his arm around her waist, and pulled her to him. Gently, he kissed her lips. Angy gasped, but soon let herself drift into the kiss. Her eyes fluttered shut.
Sasha's eyes turned soft. Finally, at last, her master would have a wife he could love for what was left of his long lived life.
© Copyright 2007 Kurosaki Ichigo (deathchild180 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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