Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1365413-My-Boyfriend-the-Vampire-ch-3
by Keiko
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Comedy · #1365413
A school fight breaks out!!!!
         It's been a month since I met Alexander Black, and a month that we've been going out. It has been a wonderful month, spending time with him and his family, and him spending time with me at my place where Kitty would jump on him as if he was going to disappear one day. That little kitten loved him just as much as I did, and it showed. Poor thing would cry everytime he'd leave. It was sad, but he had to go. Though I knew how she felt, I didn't want him to leave either.
         I sighed loudly, listening to my math teacher tell the kids to shut up once again. I hadn't heard anyone talking, but that doesn't mean anything to her. She'll yell at you for breathing hard, or if you just sitting there staring at your computer screen.
         We had to do our math on a computer, though it wasn't that bad, because you can go at your own pace as long as you get to a certain clipboard by a certain date. I was ahead by three or four, so I just sat here most of the time. I don't get stuck alot, but this month I have been lately, and thank god that Alexander is sitting beside me. I'd ask him for help, he's really good at math. I think the teacher worships him for it. Yet that's not all we did in math class.
         This is going to sound very wrong, and we wonder why we haven't been caught yet. We play a game called ' nervous' when we're bored of doing math. Nervous is a game where to slowly run your hand up your girlfriend, or in my case your boyfriend's leg, and when they say nervous you stop. Then they would turn around and do the same thing to you. Alexander hasn't gotten half way up my thight before I squeak, not say, squeak nervous. I can't remember how far I've gotten with Alexander, my heart is racing that I'm not paying attention, but he would let out a small groan, then say nervous. We're playing nervous right now, and he's almost passed the half way point where I squeak nervous. I'm bitting my lip, heart pounding, praying that I don't give in this time around, but it doesn't look so good.
         " N-nervous," I manage not to squeak this time.
         Alexander chuckled. " You never last long, but it's cute. Scared we're going to get caught?"
         " Yes, yes I am." I smiled at him, knowing deep down that some students alright knew what we had been doing for the past few weeks.
         " Your turn, my love." He said looking at his computer screen, his eyes moving as he read the word problem he had. I think when it was my turn in helped him think, until I got pretty high.
         " 'Kay," I said, placing my right hand on his left knee, and rubbed there for a few second before I started up slowly, letting my nail dig a bit into his leg.
         I felt him shiver, which he hasn't done before. I was half way up his thigh when he placed his hand on mine, abadoning his math problem. He started to make me rub, and he groaned.
         " Stay right there for a minute, rub please," He asked me, and I did as he said.
         His breathing had picked up speed, and I could have swore that I heard his heart pounding. He had removed his hand from mine, and grinned, enjoying himself. I was enjoying myself a little more than I thought I should.          
         A minute passed and I moved my hand up higher to the top of his thigh and stopped. I didn't know what to do at this point, for I was paying attention. A thought crossed my mind, but then we'd surely be caught, because he'd moan then, instead of letting out a small groan. He hadn't said nervous, so if I did do want was on my mind I don't think he would get upset with me.
         I looked over at him, and our eyes met. His blue-green eyes were lit up, and a smirk crossed his perfect lips, as if daring me to do what I was thinking, tauting me.
         My heart skipped a beat or two, but I returned his smirked. If he wanted me to do it, then do it I shall. He can't blame be if he gets pissed off or ruins his pants.
         Looking at his face, wanting to see his reaction. I took my hand and brushed it against his crotch. He let out a gasp, and quickly composed himself before anyone, but me, heard. A shiver went through his body as I started to massage him there lightly.
         " Oh god nervous," He said, resting his head in his hands, trying to hide his pleasured expression from those around us.
         " Nope, you have to just say nervous," I smirked, rubbing him more.
         " Nervous," He said, and I stopped removing my hand. He was breathing heavy as if he'd been holding it.
         I looked at him, starting to worry. " Alexander, are you alright?"
         He chuckled. " Yeah, I'm fine, my love. It's just...." He trailed off.
         " Just what, Alexander?" I asked, wanting him to go on, thinking that I was in trouble or something.
         " It felt so fucking good." He said, looking longingly into my eyes.
         " F-for real?"
         " For real, for real," He smiled at me. " If you'd like we can continue at home."
         " My place would be good, because I don't want your father to get mad at me," I blushed, wondering how far it'd go at home.
         " He's working tonight, he won't be home." Alexander said, a smile laced in his voice.
         " Oh? Where's he work?"
         " Hospital." He answered me.
         " Okay." I said, trying to slow the pounding of my heart.

         It was lunch time now, and we were sitting at our normal table. I was eating some stuff that Justin had made for me, even though I told him that I was totally capable of fixing my own lunch, but he insisted. Alexander just munched on what he had. He never seemed to eat much until dinner time. I couldn't help but wonder why that was.
         He looked at me, and our eyes met, a smirk formed of his perfect lips, and a blush spread across my cheeks. It was that gleam in his blue-green eyes that always seem to make me look away with my cheeks, no my whole face flaming red. I bet that he could charm any girl or guy to the point that they'd faint. He's come close to doing that to me a few times.
         " You're blushing!" He teased, rubbing his leg against mine.
         " So...you're fault," I said looking away, innocent expression.
         " I know, but you're just to cute when you blush, and look innocent," He teased me even more, but the teasing soon stopped.
         " Alex, Kuro!" Boomed a voice from a few yard behind us. The voice was easy to regonize. It was Jasper with his little group of friends. We weren't doing nothing to them, so why were the head towards us?
         Alexander seemed to puff up. " My name is Alexander, not Alex."
         Jasper growled at him. I knew that he didn't like Alexander's attuide towards him and his friends.
         " I don't give a fuck what your name is, ya faggot!" He got into Alexander's face.
         I started to get nervous, seeing Alexander's eyes darken to almost black, and the fact that Jasper's friend had us trapped like rabbits about to be eaten. They were looking for a fight, and Alexander would more than gladly fight them, but I didn't want that to happen. I can't fight, and I didn't want for Alexander to get hurt, I don't care the reason.
         " Excuse me?" Alexander said, standing. He towled over Jasper by what seemed like a good foot and a half, yet I could tell that he was making himself look alot bigger than he was.
         " I don't give a fuck what your name is, ya faggot!" Jasper repeated himself, and his friends snickered.
         " Look, Jasper, I don't care why you're here, but Kuro and I would like to have lunch in peace." He said rather calmly, which seemed to piss Jasper off more.
         " Why, so you can feel that little bitch up, like you were doing in math class?" Jasper said, getting closer to Alexander's face.
         One of Jasper's friends pulled me close to him, and nuzzled my neck. " He is cute though, I'd hate to see something happen to him." He then licked my neck.
         Jasper looked disgusted, as did Alexander, but it was two different disgusts. With Jasper it was because it was gay, yet funny. With Alexander it was because I was his and no one but him had the right to touch me in such a manner, and it was the look of total horror and revulsion on me face. I hated the feel of Jasper's friends tongue on my neck. It was disgusting, and gross. It caused my stomach to turn, and I felt like I wanted to blow fucking chucks.
         " Let him go now, I don't want to fight." Alexander said, growling in warning.
         " Make us," The guy chuckled, placing his hand on my crotch and rubbed.
         " Ah!" I yelped, hating it. I began to whimper, half begging him to stop, and half begging Alexander not to hit him.
         Jasper then laughed. " What you going to do next, Mark, rape him?"
         Mark's lips turned into a devilish smirked, as he looked into my scared eyes. I knew that he was thinking about it, even before Jasper said something. The thought caused my heart and breathing to speed up.
         " I think I might join you," Jasper chuckled darkly, but it was cut off when Alexander's fist met his jaw with a hard hit. I heard something crack, and I could only guess that was Jasper's jaw break from the impact.
         " I fucking warned you!" Alexander shouted, his eyes a flaming red, and he looked to Mark. " You never laid a hand on, Jacoby! Now I sugguest that you and your little friends run, before you end up like Jasper." He pointed the knocked out Jasper on the floor. His nose was bleed as well as his mouth.
         Mark stood his ground, but the other's faces paled and they ran like bats out of hell.
         " Make me, Alex," Mark tauted, purring.
         This pissed me off, and I felt rage for the first time in my life course voilently through my veins. I reacted. I turned and hit him in the nose, breaking it, then kicked him in his dick. He dropped to his knees, groaning in pain, and I intended to make that pain far worse, as I kneed him three time in the face before a teacher rushed over to stop us. Even then I was still going at him, willing to hit the teacher if I had too.

         " What the heck got into you two?!" The vice principle shouted at us. The principle was out at a meeting, she would have understood if we told her the story, but with the vice principle it was just wasted breath. " Hitting the players of the team like that! They aren't going to be able to play on Firday night, do you understand that! We'll have to forfit, because of you two!"
         " They were going to rape him, Mr. Sterling! Rape, does that word mean nothing to you!" Alexander shouted back at him, clearly pissed off that he was more worried about the football team than my safty.
         " I don't care, Mr. Black. He's gay as well as you are. You could be tied to the fucking flag pole and I c-----"
         " MR.STERLING!!!!" Ms. Rose's shouted cut him off. She must have got back from her meeting a little early, but I was glad of that.
         " M-Ms.Rose." He said, shocked to see her. He was busted, and he knew he was going to lose his job over this.
         " That is a cruel thing to say to any student! I want you to pack your things and get the fuck off the school property. I'll make sure that you never work in a school again after what I just heard, as a matter of fact these two boys can have you sued for a hate crime along with Jasper, Mark, and the rest of them! NOW OUT!!!" She growled, her cute face masked in a rage that would scare the shit out of anyone. I think Mr. Sterling did shit himself.
         " Yes, ma'am." He ran from the room, to do as she said.
         " I am deeply sorry about this, Mr. Black, Kuro." She looked at us with sad eyes as she sat in her chair. I knew she had to hate it when Mr. Sterling took over her office when he had his own, well not anymore.
         " Don't be, Ms. Rose. I'm just glad that you arrived when you did." Alexander said kindly. He was always a gentleman to women who showed him respect.
         " Was what you said true? About Kuro going to get raped?" She looked like she was going to cry.
         " Please don't cry, Ms. Rose," I said, leaning over and touched her shoulder. " Alexander wouldn't have let them do it."
         " Still did they touch you in that why?" She asked, and neither of us could deny that Mark had. Alexander had looked down ashamed. He was upset that he couldn't stop that from happening, and even if I told him it was okay, he'd never let it go.
         I let out a small sigh. " Yes, Mark did. The other didn't say anything, they just watched and snickered."
         " I see," She nodded, and looked at Alexander. " It's not your fault."
         " I know, but he's my boyfriend, ya know." He said.
         " I totally under, Mr. Black. Yet I'm sorry, but I have to punish you guys as well for fighting on school grounds." She hated saying that to us, I could hear it in the way her voice broke. She felt that we had every right to beat the fucking shit out of them. " Would you like to press charges against them?"
         " Yes, but they will also do the same to us, so it doesn't really matter." Alexander leaned his head back so that he was looking at the ceiling.
         " So, you'll win. Mr. Black, I know your father, and I can't see him lossing this case ya know." Ms. Rose smiled. " He's the most well known person here, and one of the best doctors."
         " True," Alexander returned the smile.
         " How many days will we be out?" I asked her. " And is it OSS or ISS?"
         " 10 to 15 days of OSS." She said grimly.
         " Well, at least I'll be able to train kitty, and get her a name." I said.
         " What about you pa----oh I'm sorry." She looked down, suddenly remembering what I'd been through.
         " It's alright." I smiled at her. " I have Alexander and his father there for me, so I'm not totally alone anymore."
         " I'm glad, um...you guys want me to call him?"
         " No, call Justin, his boyfriend. He should be home." Alexander smiled. " Man, he's going to be happy that Jacoby and I kicked ass."
         " Jacoby?" She titled her head and looked at him. She didn't know my real name. I hacked into the computer systems and changed it.
         " Oh, that's my real name." I chuckled, rubbing the back of my neck.
         " Alright. I like that name." She got up. " I'll be right back, okay. Sit tight."
         " We ain't going anywhere." I smiled, waving at her.
         " She's cool." Alexander smiled at me.
         " Yeah, she's been there for me whenever I got in trouble. She understood what I was going through, even though she sometimes forgets and says my parents. I don't mind." I suddenly felt like crying. Ms. Rose reminded me alot of my mother in the way she acted and treated me. Sometimes I think she wants to take me in as her own.
         I felt Alexander's arms wrap around, pulling me close. He stroked my hair lovingly.
         " It's okay to cry, ya know. I'm right here to hold you so that you'll never fall apart. I'll never let you go." He whispered in my ear, and I did cry for I don't know would long. It just felt good being in his arms, and having someone to hold me again. I've missed it so much.

         Justin came to pick us up, and he didn't look mad like I thought he would be. He looked rather happy and excited, he was shouting on the phone, and Ms. Rose had been laughing, so I guess I had misread what was going on. I did that sometimes.
         " So, you two beat up some of the football team?" He asked from the driver seat looking at us from the rear view mirror.
         " They had it coming," I said all tough guy like, getting a chuckled out of Alexander.
         " What was the damage?" Justin asked, looking at Alexander mostly.
         " A broken jaw, nose, busted ball...um...maybe a small concustion. Not totally sure," Alexander smiled innocently.
         " Boy, you're got to watch that strenght of yours," Justin sighed wryly.
         " They were planning on raping, Jacoby! They were already touching him," Alexander looked down.
         " He's right, and I busted the guys balls." I smiled, taking Alexander's hand in my own. He squeezed my hand as if saying sorry for the millionth time today or in the last hour.
         " Oh? I see," Justin said, I could tell that he wanted to take back a little of what he'd said. " Your father's not going to like this."
         " I know," Alexander said, smiling a little evilly. " But they still have it coming."
         Justin chuckled. " Be thankful that your father is at work. He would have killed your vice principle for what he'd said, and those football guys."
         " Totally!" Alexander laughed.
         I yawned, covering my mouth. I was suddenly tired, so I leaned my head on Alexander's shoulder, and he wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me closer. He whispered something into my ear, but I didn't hear it as sleep took over me. I was so warm, and comfy.
© Copyright 2007 Keiko (shadow_chan at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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