Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1364888-Till-We-Meet-Again
Rated: ASR · Short Story · Holiday · #1364888
A Christmas miracle.
Till We Meet Again

Christmas Eve aboard a cruise liner wasn’t exactly the way I had wanted to spend this night.

Everything had happened so suddenly; the accident, the funeral, the settling all of my husband’s affairs and it hadn’t left us with a lot to spare.  No insurance, just a little nest egg I had saved, enough to start a new life for my daughter, Charlotte, and me. 

My kind Aunt Josephine had paid for this cruise, any other time it would have been enjoyed and appreciated.  I could hardly refuse her as we did not have the money for this sort of extravagance.  I barely had enough to buy Charlotte a present for Christmas.

But how, oh how, do you explain death to a five year old? 

“Will Daddy be in the new place when we get there?” Charlotte had asked before we left.
“No, honey, Daddy is gone now.  We won’t be seeing him again,” I had said, tears welling in my eyes.  I had tried so many times to explain this and nothing seemed to work.
“When we go to heaven, baby.” 
“Can we go there now?”
“No, sweetheart, not  for a long time.”

Did she understand that?  I barely understood it.

Right now I needed to get started on my new life to, hopefully, stop hurting so much, to have things to occupy my mind so I didn’t see his face everywhere. I missed John dearly.

“Are we going for dinner now Mummy?” asked Charlotte as I brushed her hair.
“Yes, we are sweetheart.”

I carefully braided her long blonde hair and once finished wrapped her up in my arms for a hug.  With her yellow gold dress and shining blue eyes, she looked like an angel.

“Is Santa going to be there?”
“Of course, it’s Christmas Eve, he is already flying around the world delivering presents to everyone.”
“How does he know we are here?”
“Santa always knows where everyone is, that’s his job.”
“Do you think he will have that doll house?  Is that too heavy for the reindeer?”
“I'm not sure, we'll have to wait and see.”

I had given Charlotte’s present over to the events co-ordinator when we boarded.  They put all the presents for the young children into a sack and Santa would call them out, this way the children thought their gift was from Santa.  I had gotten her a Bratz doll and neatly wrapped it in sparkling red and gold paper so I would be sure she received the correct one. 

She had wanted a particular doll house that can be closed up and easily carried so she could take it places with her to play, I couldn't afford it.  John had been on his way to buy it when the accident happened.  I don't know if he had already bought it or not, or the gold ring he was getting for me, which was supposed to be a surprise.


After dinner was over Santa's arrival was announced.  All of the children in the room became excited and started to make their way to the dais where Santa would be sitting.  Charlotte and I made our way up and waited for her name to be called.  She was so excited and could barely keep still. 

All of the children had received their gifts and were moving off when, “Charlotte Smythe” was called out.  She was the last one to receive her gift.

Charlotte jumped up and down and turned to look at me.  “See Santa didn't forget, honey.”  Charlotte beamed and moved up to stand at Santa's knee, he reached behind him and brought out a large package neatly wrapped in sparkling red and gold paper.  The package was far too big for the doll I had bought.  What was going on here?

Charlotte squealed with delight as she tore the packaging off to reveal the very doll house she had wanted.  I moved forward to take the doll house as it was too big for her to carry. 

While she was busy fussing over the present, I whispered to Santa, “There's been a mistake, this isn't the present that I got for her.”

Santa smiled and said, “I always know what they truly want and this little one has been through enough.  Don't worry, she will be OK, you both will.  But there is one more gift I have and it has your name on it.”

Santa handed me a small package with the same sparkling red and gold paper wrapping.  My eyes teared as I unwrapped the gift.  Inside was a beautiful gold ring with a heart design. 

I looked up to ask Santa where it had come from and he was nowhere to be seen.  The 'elves' weren't much help either, they said Santa had left the dais quickly after giving my daughter her present.  I told them Santa had given me a present after her but they shook their heads and told me I was wrong.  According to them, Santa had given Charlotte her present and then left the room.

Confused I took Charlotte quickly back to our cabin and while she was absorbed in setting up her doll house I took the ring out to have a better look.  Inscribed in neat script inside the band were the words, “Till we meet again.”

WC: 886

© Copyright 2007 Kimberley Bird (kimberleybird at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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