Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1364855-Forsynthiah-beginging
Rated: E · Other · Fantasy · #1364855
This is the start of a novel I'm writing.
"Do you have to?" Fabien nodded.
"Watch the stone." Fabien grumbled, pulling the black hood of her jacket up and stepping into the pouring rain.
"I will. Earth isn't a very good place Fabien, are you sure?"
"Positive." she began walking.
"Fine. I won't question your motives."
"That would be for the best." Ayerion flinched. How could she disregard him so coldly?
she must be determined to do this. He figured a good friend would support her, he wished he could do that. No, he wished he didn't have to. Wished he didn't have to be so angelic all the time. For once he'd love to just scream at her and tell her how stupid she was bienging and say how much it hurt but he just had to sit there. He clenched his fists.
"A little determined, huh?" She stooped and turned raising an eyebrow.
"Of course, anything for the greater good."She gave him that classic 'how could you question someone with my judgement?' look. "An angel like you would understand, correct?" Her logic was perfect, along with her sense of rightousness, he had to listen.
"It would seem so..."
"MAybe its worth losing my wings over." he gave her a cold stare. She didn't even flinch.
"Nothings worth that, don't be an idiot." she spat.
"Well, how else will you remember me?!" he stepped off of the Castle doors platform and into the rain.
"I may not, its a risk I'll take."
"Is that it?!"
"Do not lose your temper, Ayerion. You are an angel, you cannot do this. Keep your wings. When Ileave they may be all you'll have left, besides Kyelie." He was striding towards her shadowed figure now.
"I lose my temper if I should feel it nessesary!" He snarled, something completely out of character, he could feel his large white wings hunching over his back. Fabien could feel him trying not to curse and it made her furious.How could he behave like this? She knew the awnser but pushed it out of her head.
"No. Stop right there. Please, believe me it is important for this missoin to be carried out. I don't know how but I can tell I will see you again, I may not recognize you, you may not recognize me but we WILL meet again so please, go back inside." She pointed to the castle. He bit onto his lip feeling an odd burning sensatoin behind his eyes.
"Fabien, I hate this."
"You hate nothing." She gave him a smile. "Every second..."
"Is your last." He finished thier familiar saying and she pulled a portal open. She turned and handed him a not sealed with the key. Ten stepped into the dark abyss. Ayerion's heart felt as heavy as led as he loped back over to the dark wooden doors and stepped inside. He HAD to see her again.
14 years later, Earth.
"Mom, why again did I get dragged here?" Faye flipped her blonde hair back over one shoulder.
"'Cause! It's like, only the coolest craft show in HISTORY! I mean look at thiS!" she ran over in her usual Super duper hyper active Mom in overdrive kind of way. "A lawn penguin that sings the national anthym, Does it GET any COOLER?" She pressed the little patriotic birds red 'try me' button and sang along. "OOOOO SAKE CAN YOUUU SEEEEE? BY THE DONDERLLYYY-" I hunched ove rin mock distress. "Ears, bleeding, room spinning, must. Stop. Demented. SINGING!" she rolled her eyes and set the FLightless Flag bearer down.
"Fine. A Penguin that sings is pretty cool." I sigh. We walked down the countless isles until I felt like, well, I had just walked up and down around a Bajillian isles wit an ADD Mom.
"Jeeze Faye, you NEED to dosomething about that hair!" I looked up at my slightly curly blonde-brown hair, which wasn't hard to see because it fell right in front of my face.
"Pull it back or something, you could be so pretty..."
"Suure. If I had a face transplant." I paused, "Make that a full body transplant." I was normal. Normal wieght, normal hair, normal eyes, normal everything.
"Don't say that."
"Too bad I just did." I smirked. Most people would think me a spoiled brat, but I wasn't me and my Mom just joked and played like there was no tommorow.
"Yah, yah, blah blah, how's school?" She asked as we turned into a sweater tent. My Mom had a fettish with sweaters. It was wierd, she had a different one for like, every day. I peeked over the silver hanger as I spoke, the tent was too crowded to carry out a decent conversatoin.
"Good." My Mom fingered through a group of sweaters.
"How's my buddie Ace?" I grinned, Ace had been my bestfriend since like, forever and my mom always referred to him as her buddie because well, he was everyone's buddie, he was very loveable.
"Great, FLunked three tests this week!"
"Good he's improving!" to most this may sound like sarcasm but it was true, Ace had been bombing since forever also.
"Yuppers, and I'm going to a dance Friday."

KEEP IN MIND: This is just the start, thank you yet again!!!!!
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