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Rated: 18+ · Other · Crime/Gangster · #1363955
This is part of my story which i am in the process of writing
The Mood Ring

Chapter One
Have you ever wanted someone dead. This was what was going through the mind of Dian as she was awoken by a noise at her door.
'knock' 'knock'
'knock' 'knock' 'knock'
"uuurrgh", Dian moaned as she started to wake up, turning to look at her bedside alarm she realized frustratingly that it was four in the morning. Dian is a woman around twenty six years of age After sitting for a minute maybe two trying to stay awake another few knocks came and she became so frustrated that it would be best to answer the door and just scream for them to go away. As Dian struggled to get up she had to adjust to being six months pregnant so it was taking her awhile just as she was about to roll out of bed the baby gave her a kick sending her back onto the bed with a felling of both excitement and a little pain, once up Dian walked towards the door thoughts kept going through her head like 'who would be at her door at this time' and other things about her dream and lack of sleep. Dian opened the door looking out to see who was disturbing her at the hour, to see a woman in a dark jacket turning to face her. As she turned she noticed a bulge in his jacket sleeve and became a little nervous but not to worried, thinking it was more paranoia by lack of sleep.
Once she was fully turned he moved all of his weight to her upper body and shoved her way through the door breaking the dean bolts and knocking Dian to the floor in a shocked and scared manner, the look on Dian’s face was like a deer in headlights unable to move or speak, she walked through the door revealing a small knife which reflected of the rooms light, once she saw the knife a glimpse of fear sparked in her mind when she realized that she might not live through the night, as the woman walked towards her she crawled backwards too shocked to scream. Dian gathered up the energy to scream but as she was drawing up the breathe to begin the intruder lashed out with her knife and swiped at her neck cutting deep enough to reach her vocal cords stopping Dian from making any noise ever again, Dian quickly grabbed at her neck hard trying to stop the blood from gushing out desperately hoping to prolong her life and be able to survive another day, after a short time which felt like eternity enough blood had left her body so she knew it would be over soon but she was still frightened of what was still to come.

Chapter Two

Sirens were heard through out the whole neighbourhood making people curious but also a bit worried to what might have happened to bring the police out to this quiet place. Once the police had cornered of the crime scene a jeep arrived with a woman driving trying to get through the crowd and do her job, a few of the officers were gathered outside the house talking to each other jogging on the spot trying to stay warm recovering from what they saw inside, the lights from the jeep caught their eyes and they waved to the officers to let the jeep through whispering to each other that this must be the new detective and laughing that what’s in store inside. The jeep pulled up and a brunette woman between 30-40 climbed out of the drivers side carrying a metal suitcase moving with a strong stride towards the other detectives. Once she was in range the detectives ceased their laughter and became serious, "Detective Clara it is the worst thing that I or anyone has ever seen in their", one of the detectives coughed out. As they were saying this Clara did not stop moving towards the house and the detective stopped talking and moved out her way and began to follow her bringing her up to speed on the situation, he tried to keep up while telling her all of the information Clara would need to know, that the victims name was Dian, between 20-25 years of age and was six to seven months pregnant.
Once inside she spotted a small pool of blood on the floor and a faint trail leading towards the living room with police walking or running to and from certain rooms in the house all wearing latex gloves as not to disturb the crime scene, when she was almost at the door to the living room an officer barged past her holding his hand over his mouth running as fast as his legs would carry him to the outside where upon arrival he spew everything he had in his body upon the front lawn. Back inside the house Clara was coming to the bedroom after finding more blood, when she came to the bedroom door a note was written in blood saying 'FAMILY REBORN' which was starting to make her suspicious what was on the other side of this door. Clara opened the door to the most hideous site she may ever witness in her entire life, sitting before her propped on the bed was a woman with her arms rapped around her child which had been cut from her stomach and the woman’s eyes had been sliced out of the sockets.
Outside the police were interviewing some of the people who had gathered around the front of the house asking if they knew Dian and what her normal day to day was like or if they knew anyone who might harm her, after time some more people came to see what was going on or if they could help while others started to walk away and go home but with everything going on one man wearing a black leather jacket with short blonde hair and a shadow under his eyes didn't move an inch just keeping focus on the sight in front of him. As the police started to work there way through the crowd the strange man started to walk backwards and eventually vanished from the crowd and street, just as the dark figure vanished from the street Clara came out of the house holding her stomach down writing a few of the reminder notes appalled at what type of person could do something like this. As Clara held the vomit down she looked up and saw a figure turning the street corner but put it to one side thinking the officers would have asked him all the necessary questions and took all his details.
In her jeep driving back to the station Clara flipped on the radio trying to work out a few of the problems in her head, turning the corner a six or seven blonde child ran out in front of her car making her hit the brakes as hard as possible so the car would instantly stop not hitting the child, once the child ran away Clara’s heart beat started coming down but she was still a bit on the edge.
Once back at the station Clara was working by gathering all of the information on the victim, everything from her family up to her private life trying to work out who was most likely to hurt her but with no avail, as an officer was walking past she asked him "can I have the notes you took earlier from the neighbours of the victim".
"Sure, here you go".
As the officer handed over his notepad Clara asked if he questioned a woman in a black jacket, seeing the confused look on his face she decided it was just a lack of sleep except when the officer had left her office it all replayed in her mind and she was sure that someone had walked round the corner. Later that night as sleep and coffee that was wearing of Clara was just about to get up and leave when her telephone started to ring which became a little bit of a annoyance but it could also be important so she decided to answer it.
“Hello”, answered Clara.
“Hello detective, I just wanted to talk to the one woman who will be a part of my life a little more.
“Who is this”, stammered Clara.
“Do you not remember the voice of the only person to ever escape your grasp.
“Lucy , no way I saw you die, this is impossible.
Lucy laughed before retorting with “No you left me for dead but I managed to survive long enough to be rescued by the paramedics oh and you must watch out for children when driving”.
“You were watching me you bitch”, shouted Clara.
Each passing moment Clara was becoming more frustrated and angry until the point of pure rage where she instantly slammed the phone down, after cooling down a little she rubbed her eyes to think of what to do next when all of a sudden her computers screen flicked a message stating ‘You’ve got mail’ over and over again until such time as it is opened or the computer shut down, even though she hated herself for doing so Clara opened the message instantly regretting it by what it read on screen
Clara got up and started to lightly pull on her hair and turned around when all of a sudden Lucy broke out of her closet and grabbed her by the throat squeezing the life from her as hard as he could until her eyes rolled back into her head and she was breathing no more.

Chapter Three

A few years ago
Lucy was running through the gates into university were had decided to study crime throughout history even though she was already one hour late she kept running as though her life depended on it, as she approached her classroom another girl shoulder blocked her into the lockers dazing her for a little while but not enough to injure her, the two girls stood there for a while toe-to-toe each waiting for the other to strike first but neither was going to give their opponent the satisfaction of self defence. Just as the other girl was about to strike a girl rounded the corner dressed in a long black trench coat reaching to below her knees with black and pink hair highlighting her green eyes carrying a stud in her nose she told the girl “No, she’s mine”
The girl backed down and moved to behind the girl were Lucy kept her stare pointed at until the girl was only an inch or two from her was then Lucy averted her gaze from the bully to the Goth, “Clara what is going on, I mean why are you doing this to me” whispered Lucy
“Oh I think you know why, and I will not stop until you pay for what you did” screeched Clara.
Just as Lucy was about to say something else the bullies fist connected with Lucy’s face making her face whiplash back and connect with the lockers behind her sending her to the floor unconscious making it the perfect time for Clara and the other girl to leave and as they were walking away they started laughing out loud which could be heard through the hall and many of the classrooms.
Lucy started to grog in and out of unconscious seeing a light she had to raise her hand to her eyes for the light being so bright, the nurse turned around to face Lucy “Hello how are we feeling now”.
“Ok but what happened to me, how did I get here”
“Well you were found unconscious near the lockers and brought here so I might warn you to take it easy as you might feel dizzy”, stated the nurse as she handed Lucy some pills.
Once Lucy felt okay again she left the nurses office to go to his evening class of English history studying Victorian times mainly interested in jack the ripper, once in the room Lucy took his sea near the front of the class, looking around he saw Clara smirking in the back row with a glint of revenge in her eyes.
“Good morning class, now settle down, today we are going to continue where we left off in the middle of jack the ripper cases”, stated the professor.
Once the class was over Lucy was walking out of the door and turning to walk down the hall when Clara stepped in front of her blocking her path but what scared her the most was the fact she had a cheerful look on her face, “Can I walk with you “, Clara asked merrily.
“What so you and your friend can beat me up again”, Lucy shouted back.
After saying this Lucy turned and walked the other way hoping not to bump into Clara or her friend again at least for a few days so she could calm down and find a way to forgive her for this or maybe get back at her instead. As she was walking through the science corridor the girl who had punched her in the face earlier was coming the other way with a look of something between rage and hate, when she was in reach Lucy grabbed the girl by the collar and pushed her up against the wall clenching her fist as if ready to strike, the girl up against the wall had a scared look on her face, completely not ready for this, when Lucy saw the look on the girls face it became aware to him that their roles had swapped she had become the bully and the girl the victim, she released the girls collar letting her run of, when she was far enough away the girl shouted back at her “that was the biggest mistake you will ever make, once I tell Clara and the others what you did you will be sorry”.

Chapter Four

As Lucy was coming out of university later that day she kept thinking back to what had happened earlier that day and what the girl who knocked her out had said about being sorry, when Lucy was near her car she saw Clara there and guessed this is what the other girl meant, as she got closer she took a look around trying to see her exits and anyone else’s entrances, as Lucy saw no one she went closer to Clara and her car her gut instinct was telling her she was going to get jumped and beaten but the closer she came the more she thought it should have happened by now, just when she thought it wasn’t going to happen a jolt of pain ran through his body originating from the back of her head sending her to the floor in a pile, as the world was fusing in and out for unconsciousness was creeping more and more upon him, as the blackness was almost upon him a tall figure came into view striking her in the stomach with it’s foot sending a jolt of awareness over her before she passed out from the pain in the back of his head.
Lucy was unconscious in a hospital bed with her mother asleep in a chair next to her while her father was over talking to both the police and doctors, as the mother was starting to become awake her eyes focused first on her husband then on her daughter lying their so innocent. Lucy’s father came over with a look of both concern and anger, as he reached his wife he patted her on the shoulder telling her in one act that everything was going to be okay.
The father sat down annoyed at being so helpless as he couldn’t do anything to help his only daughter and most precious person in the world but somehow deep down knowing he was going to be okay, as the night was creeping upon him both the parents grew hungry and decided to go and get something to eat from the hospitals canteen although Lucy’s mother did not want to go his father persuaded her into getting out of that chair as the doctors would inform them on any change in circumstances.
The parents were gone a while worrying about Lucy and his state, if she was going to wake up in the next few hours or not even at all, when they reached the canteen Lucy’s mother couldn’t keep it in any longer and broke down to cry crumbling under the stress of it all, Lucy’s father helped her up and slowly helped her over to the tables so she wasn’t on the floor making sure she was alright before he went and got some hot food.
As Lucy’s father was carrying a tray of food and coffee back to the table his wife was sitting at when a nurse came barging through the canteens door looking around trying to find someone as if her life depended on it, after a few seconds she found Lucy’s parents and rushed over to them which made them a little anxious at the fact a nurse was almost running towards them. “She’s awake, your daughter is awake”, the nurse was calling while at the same time being out of breath.
Before she could finish Lucy’s parents were already out of their seats, running to get to there daughter as quick as they could not wanting to miss any more minutes with their only child, they reached the door to Lucy’s room, her father looking through the window towards his daughter who was now sitting up and talking to one of the doctors, another doctor was waiting for them outside the room with a concerned look on her face but Lucy’s mother did not notice and barged right past her not caring about the doctor in front of her just wanting to be with her daughter, her father stopped when the doctor waiting outside asked to speak to him and the doctor and Lucy’s father walked into an empty room across the hall.
Once Lucy’s mother was in the room she instantly went over to her child not knowing the doctor finishing checking up on her daughter or the fact he had the same look that the other doctor who was talking to Lucy’s father had on him when his mother walked past him. As the doctor left, Lucy’s mother walked over to her daughter and was shocked as she reached for her child’s hand and she pulled away like she had no idea who she was.
* * *
In the other room the doctor was talking to Lucy’s dad explaining that Lucy has suffered a blow to the back and side of her head which has caused damage to the brain and resorted in a loss of memory.
“Wait, do you mean my daughter has amnesia” pleaded Lucy’s father.
As the doctor kept explaining the situation to Lucy’s father he discovered that his son may never regain his memory or it could just be a temporary thing but in either case she would need a lot of care and asked if they would need any help from medical services. By this time Lucy’s father wasn’t paying any attention and just looked at his wife and daughter in the room next door, both of them with worry on their faces and a slight ounce of fear as well. He turned around and asked what options he had just to see if their was more than one and also hoping none of them wouldn’t destroy the family even though deep down he knew their wasn’t a slight chance of that happening.
“Well there are a few things you can do, there is the obvious choice in which you and your wife take Lucy home and look after her yourselves and then another option is to seeking medical help which could include helpers coming over and looking after her while you and your wife are out, the final option is a bit extreme but is still an option in which you put Lucy in foster care but that may take a while to get sorted” said the doctor.
After the doctor had explained all of this to him they went through to the other room were Lucy’s mother was getting all of this explained to her and Lucy was lying on the bed over hearing all of this and not getting any more relieved, in fact she was getting more anxious and nervous. When her dad came in the room her mother ran over to him right into a warm embrace crying her eyes out making a damp patch on the shoulder of his shirt. “What is going on, I mean what are we going to do”, stated Lucy’s mother.
“I have no idea, but I think we should go outside and discuss our options.
At first Lucy’s parents decided to keep care of her but over the years their marriage and their ability to take care of Lucy slowly slipped away until first their was only Lucy’s and her father and then only Lucy after her father decided enough was enough and gave him to foster care always blaming his wife for running of with Lucy’s doctor, After a few months Lucy developed a slight psychotic tendency and was transported to a mental institution.
Even though it had been two years Lucy had still not regained any of her memory but she was learning to control her behaviour or maybe it was more of the drugs that the institution pumped her full of, as she was lying in her bed her mind started wandering about some of the things that had happened to her over the years since the day that she woke up in hospital and as she concentrated very hard trying to remember what happened to her but every night she never could remember and sometimes that was the reason her anger boiled over and she attacked the staff, in one such case she almost killed the nurse and broke another’s jaw with a single kick while they tried to restrain her. After that instant the staff but mainly the doctors decided it would be best to up the dose to keep her quiet and more or less another doped up zombie. Days turned into weeks and weeks into months until finally she just lost count of how long she was their, as time went by her mind started to collapse in on itself before she had totally forgotten her former life and everything about it or even who she was.
Lucy spent seven years inside that mental institute before she was finally released from the place of the destruction of her fragile mind.
One the day of release it was snowing and outside it was totally untouched leaving behind a white sheet on top of the city.
As Lucy was walking round the corner to her hotel room after paying her cab fair which she received outside of the ward. Upon entering her room she could see that she was not the first to end up here and be on the end of their run wishing they were either back in prison/physcology ward or dead.

Chapter Five

In the coming weeks she started by getting a job and seeing a physiatrist helping her trying to get back on track with her life, but every time she got back to her hotel room her mind kept wandering back to a single night back in the hospital, this was one of the brutal nights for her, maybe even the worst for it was the night she was beaten, stabbed and raped in that order. It started as any other day waking up to be straped to the bed (not just for her safety), she spent half an hour lying their before one of the staff members came along to untie her and take her first to the toilet area and on to the meeting rooms. When Lucy entered the toilet area she could tell she wasn’t alone, “Why you little bitch you’re the one who broke my friends nose, well how about I break yours”.
Even though she was a little scared it didn’t show on her face which pissed of the woman standing in front of her with straight, long black hair and a little Canadian in her.
The woman stood looking Lucy straight in the eyes for a sign of fear but all she saw was herself in her eyes with no emotion what so ever as if she was staring in to a black hole trying to suck her in, just as the idea of making the first strike came to her mind one of the orderlies walked in the room making sure everything was ok
“What’s going on here, hey …. Someone tell me what the fuck is happening or I’ll take all of you back to your rooms”
As the orderlie was talking the woman turned her head to look at the orderlie but when she looked back at Lucy she received a head butt to the face breaking her nose
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