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Rated: E · Fiction · Other · #1363619
A girl turns 15 and what will happen.Please review!cookies to anyone who reviews
Ellana woke up to the sun set showing through the small window.She blinked several times before jumping out of bed.Why hadn't one of the boys woke her up?She quickly pulled on a dirty looking tunic and a pair of her brothers pants that were far to big for her.Briefly she wondered if her mother would have approved of her always wearing the boys' pants.That thought was quickly pushed away.Tonight was for fun.Quietly she exited the house.
She ran all the way to the river before she was forced to stop to catch her breath.Ellana looked across the river,already able to hear the boys as they yelled and hid in the forest on the other side.As her breathing returned to normal she starts to hunt for the rope that was used to cross the river.Only Ellana and her four brothers knew about the rope.She was proud of that fact and planned to keep it a secret.After the rope was found tied loosely to a branch of a nearby tree she grabbed it tightly and swung across to the other side.She stumbles slightly as she lands but is used to it after so many years of crossing this way.
Elanna was the only girl in the Peak family,but she sure didn't act like it.She could climb,pick-pocket, and steal with the best of the boys(better then some of them).She was also the best at hide and seek for miles around. Thats what the Peak family was doing tonight.Tomorrow was her 15th birthday and they planned to celebrate all night long.Thats why they slept all day long.It was all Ryo's idea.It was a great idea and he even volunteered to be It.Nobody likes to be it!
She searched the forest for several minutes before finding all the boys in the meadow.It was a beautful place.Even and Conna had just got in a fight as she entered.John and Ryo were talking and watching them amused.She considered joining the fight just for the fun of it but decided against it.Instead she walked over to the other two boys.
"What are they fighting about?" She asked Ryo.The oldest ond her favorite brother.
"A girl,of course."
"Who is it this time?"
"Rosaline Johnson." He replied smirking at the twop boys rolling around on the ground like two angry cats.Ellana sighed.Even and Conna were twins and at the age where they were starting to like girls.The bad part was the always seemed to fall for the same girl at the same time.The forest gradually grew dark as the trio stood and talked,watching the twins fight.
Finally Ryo decided that it was enough,it was time to play.He brought his fingers to his lips and let out a loud shrill whistle which caused the twins to stop their mini battle and lay on their backs looking up at the sky.They were both bloody messes.Conna had lost a tooth and had a black eye.Even had a quickly swelling lip and they both were covered in fresh scratches and bruises.They managed to get to their feet but then they glanced at each other and burst out laughing.That started everyone else laughing.The group of them laughed until it hurt.The twins ended up back on the ground again,John was doubled over and Ryo and Ellana were leaning on each other trying to stay upright.It took about half a hour for them all to calm down.Then Ryo cleared his throat and started to explain how they were going to play:
"Okay this is how itgoes,I'm gonna count to a hundred and you guys hide.When Im done I'll come and find you.If I tag you you got to help me find the others.Now hide!" Ryo said before turning around to face the biggest tree in the clearing.He slowly started counting out loud. "One....Two...Three..." Ellana and all the boys ran like the Devil himself was after them.John and Even went North.Conna went West while Ellana went South. She had already picked where she was going to hide.She ran as fast as she could.Getting picked first on her birthday was the last thing she wanted.She soon had to stop,panting, for a break.But she quickly started again.Ryo was a fast runner and was probably done or almost done counting by now.
Elllana stopped and looked around the black forest surrounding her.The only light was coming form the full moon overhead.Luckily,she knew this forest very well.She soon came to what she was looking for.It was a huge tree.Ten kids could hold hands and still not go around the whole trunk and it was perfect for climbing.None of the boys knew about this tree because she had only discovered it a week earlier and kept it a secret from everyone.After climbing up the tree as high as she could she sat on a limb that was as big as her waist.The forest was so blakc she wasn't able to see the ground. She had slept all day but for some reason she was suddenly tired now.Ellana was sure they wouldn't find her for awhile anf found herself leaning back on the tree.Her eyelids got heavy and her dark hair fell in her face.She fell into a deep dreamless sleep.
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