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Rated: XGC · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #1363365
Read before "The Night the Dead Awoke"
The Man Who Wore Human Flesh

My name is Timis Frisco and I’ve been following a man who carved the inside of people out to wear their skin. All I find is a trail of death, the insides of the people flung on bushes and on the ground, and big puddles of blood. This guy has pissed me off beyond anything I have ever known, for he attacked helpless girls around the ages fourteen to twenty-one. The same with the guys, but them dying doesn’t drive me insane like when I hear about a guy beating up a girl who can’t defend herself.
I looked up to see the bloody bones of a female. My eyes began to glow red until they glowed in the dark enhancing my night-vision, my muscle grew until I could easily throw seventeen elephants at once. My hair became shorter until it was an inch and a half, and became spiked making me look like something from hell. I took off after the guy with renewed strength. I ripped through the bushes and found myself staring at an opening in a cave. I ran off down the cave until I came to the exit. The light vanished and something began to block the cave exit in front of me. I creep forward to the exit getting ready to attack, but as the figure stepped into the light I saw a bear. It lumbered on past me without taking note, and I continued on my way until I came to a town. I walked into a house and asked if I could stay the night.
The house belonged to a couple who had a twelve-year-old son and nineteen-year old daughter. I looked into the girl’s bluish-green eyes. She was beautiful, and if the killer was here in this town I would have to look out for her until he leaves this town for good. Unless I kill him, and then I want have to follow him, then I could move on to fight more danger that threatens.
“Well I guess you could stay for the night,” said the father,
As I stepped fully into the light, they saw the two handguns strapped to the outside of my thighs. There was sword strapped to waist. The two knives clipped to the side of my shins and the sword across my back. The only thing they didn’t see was the magnum under my shirt.
“Kids, honey, stay behind me,” the father said, his face turning pale at the sight of my weapons. But I didn’t know that so I pulled out my sword and whipped around and scanned the night for danger that I though he saw, but I saw nothing.
“There’s nothing out there, no need to be scared I’m sure it was a trick of the light,” I said turning back to them to see the dad was holding a hunting knife.
Then it hit me their was no one out there it was me that they was scared of my weapons.
“Oh” I said “Don’t worry I want hurt you, I’m after a criminal wanted by the police.”
“Well, you better keep your weapons at your side while you’re in this house” he said firmly but I could scents the fear in him.
I looked back at the girl to see her staring at me with admiration. If I survived this whole ordeal then I’ll ask her out. If you were wondering how old I am, I’m twenty. I shut the door behind me and looked around the room.
After I talked to the family for two hours, the dad told the two kids to go to bed.
“I’ll go to bed to set a good example for the kids” I said looking at the boy and then started staring at the girl.
“My name is Hergalus, and you are not much older then me so it would be my little brother you be setting a good example for, not me,” she said angrily.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you, I’m such an ass, aren’t I?” I apologized.
“Yes, you are,” she said her angry face began to smile.
I then looked at the boy and said, “Forgive my language that was rude of me to speak that way in front of you.”
I headed toward the couch that they said I could sleep on. I sat down and leaned my head back against the back of the couch.
I listen to them say goodnight to each other. The little boy came over and asked me a stunning question.
“Can I hold your gun?” he asked with eagerness.
The parents gasped and I smiled and looked at the parent’s astonishment at what he just asked.
“Sure” I said and pulled the gun out of its holder and slid the bullet cartage out and handed the bulletless gun to the boy.
“This is awesome! How many guys have you kill with this gun?” the boy asked.
“That is classified information,” I said kindly but firmly.
The boy nodded, and handed the gun back, and went upstairs and I inserted the cartage back into the gun. I slid the gun back into the holder and watch the family go upstairs for bed.
I laid my head back and slowly slipped into sleep. I was almost asleep when I heard the girl scream. I rushed up the stairs and burst into the room where the scream had came from.
I saw Hergalus on the floor and a man wearing the skins of other people. I looked closely at the man. He was wearing nothing but the stolen flesh. He was standing over her with a knife in his hand. From the looks of it he had melted the skins to his own.
My eyes glowed a deep bloody red, my hair became spiked and my muscle grew bigger. I slammed into the guy sending him and me both out the open window. We rolled down the roof and hit the ground hard. He rolled off of me; I looked up to see the girl and her mom, dad, and little brother watching with ghostly pale faces from the window.
I turned back to the killer, spun to my feet, and kicked out at him only to have him leap back and pull out a sword, something I didn’t notice and he swung it at my head. I bent backward until my hands touch the ground and brought my feet to kick him in the face. He stumbled backward and I flipped on to my feet, pulling out my own sword and I swung it at him, he was unprepared for such an attack and I sliced about two inches out of his arm, I barely nicked his original skin.
He roared, and leaped up into the air and came down toward me, but I grabbed him and flung him into a nearby tree. The tree splintered and fell to the ground in chucks of wood and dust. His sword had caught me on the side of the face and it opened a gash, blood ran down my face.
I looked at the guy and saw him stumble to his feet and growl an inhumanly way that made me feel uneasy. I lifted my sword and charge him, catching him by surprised, but he recovers as I reach him and he swiped out with his foot causing me to dodge him and lose my footing. He leaped on me and grabbed my throat. He began to squeeze, I found it getting harder and harder to breathe as the seconds pass. I looked him in the face and build up acid in my mouth. I spat it in his eyes and he screamed and fell to the ground. He was now blind but that still didn’t stop him from attacking.
He seemed to have another sense to make up for that of his lost eyes. He leaped at me abandoning his sword and pulling out two knives and shoved them both into my gut. I felt the cold blades pierce my stomach. I felt my blood run up my throat and into my mouth. It poured over my bottom lip and down the front of my black shirt.
I looked up into the grinning face of the killer and smile back at him. From the center of both palms appeared a spike; I jabbed them into the underside of the man’s jaws pinning his jaws shut at the same time as puncturing his brain. I unlatched the spikes from my metallic skeleton system and watched him drop dead to the ground.
My knees buckled and I pitch forward hitting my head on a block of wood from the busted tree. Everything went blurry then black, I felt myself being lifted off the ground by three people. I felt someone’s hands probing the wound in my stomach and my shirt being cut off. Something cold and wet touch my stomach, wiping away the dying and still fresh blood. Bandages were being put in place, tightly, as to stop the bleeding.
But, those feelings also faded away as well. When I came to my senses I saw the girl sitting next to me reading a book. I looked at her and very slowly so not to move the couch too much that would hint to me being awake. I sat up and grabbed her around the waist and yelled “BANG” she screamed and leaped off the couch and tripped but I rolled off the couch and cushioned her fall, and gasped in pain at the pressure applied to my stomach wound. She let out another scream and rolled off of me and on to her knees.
“Are you ok?” we said together and I began to laugh, a little blood oozed its way up my throat.
“I’m fine,” we said together again and then I said, “I’m sorry I shouldn’t have scared you like that, this is all my fault.”
“I didn’t hurt you did I?” she asked.
“No” I lied “Let’s go for a walk and we can talk”
“Ok” she agreed.
She grabbed my hand and led me to the walkway. We walked down the sidewalk and she stopped and lean up against me and ask “Do you like me?” she asked.
“Of course, there is nothing about you that I don’t like” I answered honestly.
She grabbed me and kissed me at this and that is when I saw the group of gangster walking toward us.
“Hey baby, what is a cute chick like you doing with a guy like him” the leader.
“I could say the same thing about you and the guy besides you. But, I not the one to question the bisexuals” I said at that the two of the guys leap at me.
I twisted and kicked out and snapped the neck of one of them and I twisted the neck of the other. They both dropped dead to the ground and the rest of the gang ran at me pulling out Swiss blades and guns. The leader headed for Hergalus. I pulled out a pair of lanorax gloves and slipped them on and charged them as well. Dodge one of the slashes that were directed at me and disarmed the guy and slit his throat and I slashed the throat of another who just shot me in the shoulder. I stabbed another in the stomach and slash another stomach. Four guys were left and they had me circled, they lifted their guns. I leaped up and over them and stabbed the guy in the back and disarmed him as he dropped dead and I shot the remaining three.
“Timis” Hergalus screamed as she was shoved into a car and it speeded off.
I hissed a strange deadly hiss and a black dragon came swooping from the sky.
“Raptor follows that car now,” I said as I leaped on to his back.
Raptor flew off after the car and I climbed up on top of his head preparing to jump.
“Fly right over the car, I’m going to jump,” I said.
I leaped on to the roof of the car and punch my fist though it, as if it was only water. I snapped the neck of the driver and quickly pulled the gang leader through the roof and tossed him up into the air where Raptor snatched him into his mouth and chewed him up and swallowed.
The driver’s foot was still on the petal and the car was gaining speed and we were heading straight for a cliff. I grabbed Hergalus pulled her against my chest and leaped up into the open space where the roof of the car used to be. I flew up into the air and began to fall down the side of the cliff. I began to run down the slightly sloping cliff and I hissed the same deadly hiss and Raptor zoomed down after me and flew up under Hergalus and I. Hergalus hugged me so tightly that I was finding it hard work to breathe. I grabbed on to one of the spikes sticking out of his back. So I would not flip off backward and fall again.
Raptor flew us back to the top of the cliff and I held Hergalus more firmly as I leaped the ten feet to the ground. I cradled Hergalus in my arms and walked over to the cliff and looked down in time to see a pin dot of orange light as the car finally hit the ground below.
I sent Raptor back into the sky and I began to walk back to Hergalus’ home. But, two police cars and Hergalus’ parents car pulled up the police leaped out and pointed the weapons at me.
“Put the girl down, and step back” one of them said.
“No, she needs her parents she as had a rough night” I said.
Hergalus’ mother leaped out of the car and rushed forward and I handed over to her mother who struggled to keep from dropping her. A movement by the cliff catched my eye. I looked closely and to my surprise, one I though I killed was still alive. The man who wore human flesh also goes by the name Kilus.
I stepped toward him and pulled my sword from it place and rushed forward toward him. He pulled out his own sword and rushed toward me. I swung my sword at his mid-section and he blocks it and returned his own attack and I blocked his and leaped up and over him he slashed out nicking my leg. I landed behind him and he attacked again and again and again. I was forced to defend myself each time. I dropped and rolled to the side and leaped over him with speed I didn’t know I had. I was a blur and he was unprepared for this. I did the only thing I could think of at the moment, I charge and drove him and myself over the side of the cliff.
“Nooooo” Hergalus screamed.
I rolled down the three hundred and fifty-three-foot cliff. Kilus was going down faster then me for he had more weight with him then I did. I hit a dip in the cliff and it sent me spinning into the air. Landed on my feet but I notice that Kilus land on the car that dropped off little while ago, a rod had gone through him and came out his stomach. He began to stand up and I watched as he ripped the rod out and tossed it aside. Then it hit me he wasn’t a man he was the demon I been after and it can’t be kill by human weapons. My hands began to glow a reddish-black and I attack him. He attacks with his hands glowing a bloody red. We moved in a blur attacking the face and the chest with the power of burning my whole body was being burned his wasn’t even harmed.
I leaped toward the cliff, metal claws as sharp as hell shot out of my fingertip and the tip of my toes. I zoomed up the side of the cliff and leaped high into the air as I reached the top and I hissed the deadly hiss and Raptor shot under me and began a steep dive down. A demons only weakness is the flame of another evil being and Raptor may be sweet to his master or pretty girls but he is a black dragon with red eyes and in the rules that is enough. I leaped back down on to the ground ready to give the order for the torching when the demon attacks me. I leaped high and twisted in the air and I came down with dragon fire flaming on my hands and I sent a big flame at the demon so that it looked like I had a flame-thrower. It seared the demon's body and it screeched loudly. The ground began to vibrate and to my horror at least twenty more demons crawled from the ground.
“Raptor, quick the flaming staff of the black dragon,” I said.
Raptor built of the flame in his body and spat out a reddish-black flaming staff. It was his fire held together by his will. I snatched the staff out of the air just as the first swarm of demons. I twirled the staff snapping the neck of one of them and I began to speed up the attacks and I went into a trace only aware of the demons and they seem to be moving in slow motion. I jabbed, swung, and snapped the staff on the heads of the slow-motioned demons.
They began to disappear very quickly after that, I concentrated harder and I began to move at speed that I only I dreamed of moving at. I moved faster and faster and the demons began to as well, but I was moving way to fast. I was creating so much turbulence that the scrapes of metal from the car and other junk that people have throw over the cliff in the past and the metal began to heat of from the fiction from the speed glowing red. That is when I notice that the demons were catched in the twirling mess as well and their body began to melt. Their scaly skin melting right off their body, their bones turning black and crumbling from the extreme heat.
All the metal was now molten and was being suck toward the source of the wind. From the top of the cliff for those who were watching all they would have seen was nothing but a big swirling tornado of molten metal.
My body should be turned to nothing by now; I looked to see the staff glowing red with the light of the Kesnic Gods.
His power and that of Raptor were working together to destroy the demons. I began to slow down and the tornado vanished and I looked around at the red rock of the cliff and it slowly turned from red to black. I dropped to the ground on to my knees from the energy that was drained for the power that I just used. I heard a groan and I looked up to see Kilus slowly picking up speed to a jog, coming at me. I flicked the still glowing staff at the demon where it hissed in pain and died its body crumble to the ground and the glowing red staff turned to a black metal that held the fire of Raptor inside. Raptor no longer had to contain the fire for me the metal that nothing could melt or scratch held the flames for me.
Raptor snatched me up in his clawed hands and flew to the top of the cliff and dropped me to the ground before he flew back into the night. Hergalus limped over to me and kneel down beside me and cradled my head against her chest. I groaned at the pain that that created, my whole body ached like hell.
I looked up into the face of Hergalus and said “He is finally dead, don’t worry about him any more”.
The cops stepped forward put handcuffs on me and said “Sorry, but you are being charge with murder. We have some witnesses that saw you kill the gang called “The Bloody Snakes”.
“I won’t denied it, they got what was coming to them and I gave it to them,” I said “I don’t take to rapist to easily so I killed them all”
They pulled me to the car and took my weapons from me and locked them in the trunk. I use another power of mine to teleport them back on to me and make them undetectable. They ignored the cries of protest from Hergalus and speeded to the jail and they lock me in a cell of four guys big guys around the age twenty-four and twenty-five.
“Hey, look what we got here someone else to have fun with, and so small this will be great,” one of them said.
“Wait, what are those in this jail in here for” I asked.
The one who looked like the leader said “This is a jail to house rapist and murderers, that have already done a great harm to the society mostly everyone here is here for killing or raping a female, there are a few who killed a few men, but that’s enough of that on the bed now,” he demanded.
“Sorry, I can’t do that” I said and leaped forward claws shooting out and I shove them into the man and he dropped dead to the ground and I slashed the throat of the other man. I twisted the neck of the third and then I spilt the head of the other one by smashing it up against the wall. I ripped the bars apart and stepped into the runway. A whole swarm of police run toward me I opened my mouth and let a cloud of sleeping gas fill the air. It soon filled the whole station and jail and I pulled all the innocent people away from the jail and to the outside.
I wired the jail to blow at a push of a button, I counted down from three to zero and push the button and the fire surrounded me and licked at my skin, doing no damage, but killing all of the people I hate. Those who have a love for the abuse toward females of the human race.
I kneeled down on the floor and dug one of my claws in the concrete, and craved a sign to show that I was responsible and what my intentions were. I stood up and looked down at the symbols on the ground, they looked like this:

I walked out of the fire and into the night craving a message in a tree that Hergalus walks by every day saying
“I’m fine, I hope to see you again Hergalus, but my job is not done and I can’t quit from this one. Creatures have appeared that I must kill so if it leads me back this way then I see you around” Signed Timis Frisco.
© Copyright 2007 endes_black (endes_black at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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