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by Mully
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Drama · #1362851
3rd part to my novel, im keeping the parts short and sweet for easy reading.

Bud was now driving down highway 9 and reaching a fairly decent speed for what he was driving. This guy was definitely in some sort of a hurry. It was 4.52pm and he was about 10 minutes away from the store depot. Deciding this just wasn’t good enough he pushed his foot down even further against the accelerator and clocked up about another two kilometers per hour.
He was down to two beers and had completely demolished the bag of chips. As per usual though that wasn’t enough for Bud, he’d have to pick up a dodgy egg salad sandwich from the vending machine at the depot.

He flicked his soft packet of cigarettes and popped one in his mouth as he turned his truck into the depot. As he pulled into his usual spot Bruno the depot manager for “Danny’s” walked out of the office.
‘No smoking in the trucks you jerk off!’ he screamed at Bud.
‘Get the fuck off my case berko, it’s been a long day.’
‘Well, my fat lazy friend it’s about to get even longer.’
Bud slapped his palm into his forehead knowing what Bruno was about to say. He cracked open a beer and chugged it down in less than 30 seconds as Bruno continued.
‘Last minute delivery old friend, it seems that the Doctor from that old town wants this,’ he handed a small black box up to Bud ‘It sounded pretty urgent, strange sounding fella.’
‘You talking about that old deserted place down Grimm Road?’
‘It’s not deserted dickhead, its just small. But this guy is willing to pay me a lot of money to get this little plant to him as quick as possible. So get the fuck out of my face and get to work.’
Bruno walked away as he got out his car keys and continued towards his Mercedes which he would be taking home to his two story mansion to make love to his beautiful money hungry wife.
Bud was furious but found it hard to pass down good money. After all it shouldn’t take longer than a couple of hours.
He started up the truck again and sat there for a second before leaving the compound.
‘Fucking asshole.’ He said to himself.


‘Why babe?’ asked Vincent ‘You not having fun?’
‘It’s not that’ she replied ‘but someone might come back soon looking for this!’ she pulled out a fat brown wallet from her jacket pocket.
‘Not again Sammi!’ said Vincent who was obviously disappointed. He snatched the wallet out of her tiny hands and checked the contents. His eyes almost burst out of their sockets as he spotted at least 500 dollars worth of 50’s struggling to fit inside the wallet.
‘I agree’ he said ‘gigs over, let’s go!’
‘I’ll get the ladies’ said Sammi as a hand was suddenly placed firmly on her shoulders. As she turned around she noticed the awkward looking Major whose wallet she had just shafted during an indecent sexual encounter.
‘Pardon me miss’ said the town police officer whose hand was still holding her shoulder ‘but I believe you have in your possession something that does not belong to you!’
‘That’s it!’ cried Major Bernard, frantically pointing at the wallet that Vincent was holding in his hands. ‘This whore and her boyfriend stole my wallet, arrest them immediately!’
‘Relax Major, I have it under control.’ The officer turned Sammi back around and handcuffed both of her hands behind her back. His partner who was up until now standing by quietly quickly grabbed the wallet from Vincent and handcuffed him.
‘Everything in order sir?’ asked the main officer as he handed the wallet back to its rightful owner.
‘It appears so, thank you gentlemen I will come past the lock-up later to help out in anyway I can.’ The Major gave Sammi and Vincent a spiteful look as he said ‘Just make sure these scum get everything they deserve!’
‘Fuck off you soft cock faggot!’ screamed the disgruntled Sammi ‘If you gave me 2 more minutes I would’ve robbed you for every penny you own!’
‘Sammi for gods sake woman!’ Yelled Vincent ‘Shut your fucking mouth!’
The two officers yanked the pair away from Major Bernard and escorted them the short walk to the only lock-up in town. As they walked Sammi (being the deceitful businesswoman that she was) insisted to her captor that there was an easier way to go about this. She pleaded that surely they could come to some sort of an agreement.
A free blowjob perhaps?
‘Just let me suck your dick and ill get the hell out of here! Fair trade right?’ she whispered into his ear.
‘I’m afraid you’re not my type love.’ Said the younger of the 2 policemen.
‘Fuck me Jesus!’ exclaimed Sammi who was getting more annoyed and disruptive by the second ‘This town is full of faggots!’
Vincent on the other hand was cool and collected, at least that’s the way it appeared. He was really scared shitless because he knew that getting caught stealing from an Army Major was a serious crime. He also knew that getting caught with a “lady” like young Sammi could only worsen the situation.
“Here we are people!’ yelled the senior officer ‘Welcome to your new home!’ he wore a cheesy grin as he threw Vincent into one cell and then Sammi into the next. This officer seemed to take great pride in making an arrest like this, after all in this town he didn’t see much action at all. This was something special indeed. What a night it was going to be for Officer Masters.


Krystal and the other cherry girl (hell let’s call her Candy) continued their erotic dances for the ever increasing audience. Krystal was now wearing the same as a newborn baby exiting its mother’s womb, absolutely nothing. She was quickly getting bored of this state as she enjoyed the more seductive technique of taking off a devilish outfit of some kind. She looked around and noticed that neither Vincent nor Sammi were anywhere to be seen. As she looked towards the entrance she noticed a young man giggling to himself. She decided to walk up to him and have a look outside. As she did the man noticed her and said ‘Hay! You with those two outside?’
‘Yes’ she answered ‘what’s so funny about that?’
‘What’s funny is they both just got arrested love!’
‘Your fucking kidding me’ she asked not really surprised at all, as she was aware of Sammi’s past experience with the law.
‘Not at all ma’am’ said the man blatantly staring at her exposed breasts ‘they’re probably both sitting in a jail cell as we speak.’
Krystal immediately whistled loudly towards her companion Candy who was currently sitting atop a table with some gentleman’s face between her legs. ‘Candy!’ she screamed ‘Time to go babe!’
Candy threw her head back to get the hair out of her face. ‘What’s that?’ she asked confused as her mind was elsewhere at the time.
‘Shows over, we’re leaving’ Krystal threw her a jacket and her clothes, she herself was already dressed although still managing to reveal enough leg to make any man drool. She turned around to the young guy who was now staring blindly at her rear end and grabbed him by the scruff of the neck. ‘You’re taking us to the lock-up!’
‘Well actually he said I was just about to..’
She pulled him closer to her angry face and said in a matter of fact tone ‘Now.’
© Copyright 2007 Mully (mully at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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