Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1362607-Rose-of-Dragona-1-MOVING
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1362607
The first chapter to Rose of Dragona.
         It started off as a normal day: wake up, dress in whatever I pull out first, go to school and back, do homework, eat dinner, go online, watch T.V./read, shower, and go to bed. I got as far as the "go to school and back" part. I landed in front of my house…or at least I thought it was my house A different realm moving tram sat in front of it. Since when were we moving, I asked myself. I went through the already open door and tripped over a box sitting in front of the stairway.

         My mom, a tear blue dragon named Kityashi, appeared at the head of the stairs. My crashing to the floor wasn't exactly mute.

         "Oh good, you're home. Would you mind putting the box you just tripped over into the tram? It's too heavy for your father."

         I sighed, got up off the floor, and picked the box up. Hi, Mom! School was hell as usual. Mind telling me why no one bothered telling me that we're MOVING?! I thought as I carried the box with little trouble. I put it in the back of the tram and pushed it against the box behind it. I walked in trying not to seem upset, but I had a slip of the tongue.

         "We're MOVING?!"

         "No, YOU are." That just fueled my fire.

         "I'm fourteen! Are you THAT eager to get me out of the house?! Mind telling me why no one informed me BEFORE the tram came so I could say good bye to my friends?!"

         That day was one of the worst days of my life. My parents had packed only MY belongings into boxes. My dad, a midnight blue dragon named Darion, was probably the one who rented the different realm moving tram. The next thing I thought was that I had done something so horrible that I was being sent to boarding school…in a different realm.

         "It's not that, Honey. It's just that Daso's imprisonment scroll is weakening. As the Diamond's guardian, you must protect it. Even if it means leaving your parents and living on your own."

         "Oh sure, Dad. It always has something to do with being the Diamond's protector. That's the reason why I can't have a normal life!"

         Before either of my parents could respond, I ran out to the teleportals. A teleportal is a platform with weight-sensitive panels of the owner's color of choice that teleports the user to the realm they choose. Mine, which was black, red, and silver, had already been packed away. This left me with Darion's midnight blue one or Kit's neon pink one. Since I despise the color pink, I used Darion's.



         In a midnight blue flash, I was in a black skied realm. The only light came from the blood red moon over head, dimmed by bulking rain clouds. This was Vamtoria alright. Nothing but green everywhere and the rain came down as if a flood would cover the Earth. This seemed to be the perfect location for vampires and their prey. Yes, most vampires drink human blood, but some have enough self-control to limit themselves to animals, evil demons, and voluntary dragons.

         The coven, or family, of vampires I had befriended lived in the first house north of the teleportal station. As soon as I reached the curving, serpent-like driveway, something like a stone dropped into my stomach. I had a feeling a feeding was taking place in the mansion-like home at the other end of the driveway. My conscious told me to come back later, but that wasn't an option. So, against my better judgment, I sprinted with ease up the steep, winding path. Though, seeing was made a challenge since the rain was currently coming down in buckets.

         The accommodation was four stories high, a row of four windows looking out of each. There was something odd about the usually welcoming home: the outside lanterns were on, beckoning visitors to come in, but inside…the only light came from a lone candle. Now, I was sure a feeding was taking place.

         Instead of going anywhere near the door, I went to the stable. Inside, it looked more like a barn, with two rows of four stalls. Only three stalls on either side contained horses, for only five of the eight vampires rode. I did as well, of course, taking the most dangerous horse. My horse, Nightshade as I called him, was a stubborn black mustang that refused to be broken with scarlet eyes the matched my own. The only reason I rode him was because he let me.

         As I allowed myself to get lost in my memories, Nightshade reared up, braying a warning. At the same time, an unnatural wind blew, as if from a running body. I turned my head to stare at the door as it slammed shut. I could have sworn I'd heard the faint click of a lock follow.
© Copyright 2007 Rose of Dragona (alone93 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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