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Rated: 13+ · Essay · Religious · #1362534
This is my perspective of God. hehe I hope nobody finds it offensive = )

“What is truth? “

God is said to be in Christianity as the possessor of the three most stupendous traits, mainly, being omniscient, omnipotent and omnibenelovent. He is also said to be the creator of man, a being now defined as unstable, emotional, violent and neurotic. Yet, I believe that man is not the mark left by these impish characteristics, but a being who owns the potential power to imitate God. This power could already be seen today by the advancements that were and are being made in science, mathematics and philosophy, the things that we have achieved in peace and justice, in love and in our ideologies.

Today, the holiest book in Christianity is the Bible, it is that defines God as the supreme being. This was also said to be the word of God. But I argue, man is who wrote these books John, Matthew, Luke and Mark were a few of them. But that is not all, the Bible is also said to be the truth, yet, its contents were first chosen by the council of Rome in 382 AD and were later on edited by other “holy” councils. This council’s job was to sort out books that were thought to be inappropriate. Take in example the Gospel of Judas; it was found in the 1970’s near the banks of the Nile River in a cavern that was used to bury the dead. It was found to state that Jesus asked Judas Iscariot to betray him on purpose, which contradicts the teachings of the Bible. As you can see, the Bible is not the whole truth, but the truth that the Church wants us to learn. If man has this kind of power to persuade and to influence with their lies and personal agendas, and even control people of their actions, then may we not call him God?

God is said to be omnibenelovent, meaning he is generous to all of his creations and even to a grave sinner. But there are evidences that exist to question this belief. The crusades, the Knights of Templar and the Hospitallers of John who sailed to their deaths and to the slaughter of countless lives with the motivation of being accepted to heaven even though they have violated the 5th commandment. They were called upon by the pope, supposedly the advocate of God in this world, to venture to the holy lands to reclaim it from a foreign race, a race alien to God claiming that Pagans, Muslims and others do not have the right to set foot in the grounds of Christianity.

God is also said to forgive even a man who has committed a lot of sins. But in the history of the Church, inquisition may be considered as the largest controversy. This malicious practice was used to torture and slay blasphemers and filibusters. During this dark age, many were murdered, corrupted, humiliated and burdened. But inquisition is not the only act that exemplifies the Church’s flaws as well as God himself. Excommunication is one of them; this is a process in which a person who revolts against the Church is expelled from the doors of Christianity. Martin Luther the founder of the protestant church, was one of them. He was excommunicated in 1521 by the papal bull issued by Leo X. If God truly exists and is as forgiving as his prophets preach, how come such practices exist to eliminate heretics? Why can’t freedom, another so called gift of God, be respected? But even though man is the sometimes the promoter of such acts, he is also the one that abolished and corrected these things. Now, man is more forgiving, and is already close to being omnibenelovent. If man now has the power to forgive and even to forget sinners, the power to correct his mistakes that even God cannot do, then may we not call him God?

God is also said to be omnipotent, meaning he is all powerful. But even to this day, we could see the evil and darkness that lurks in our society. Some even believe that Satan is more powerful because of all the grotesque products that are available today, like pornographic materials and games that promote aggression. Crime rates in certain countries are also going drastically off the charts every year proportional to the decrease of the country’s economic growth. If God was really that almighty, why had he not destroyed evil? , Why did he not fulfil the promises that were made? In this point enters the solutions and the rationality of man, first of all, he came up with justice which brings equality for all, then came law and order, which promotes peace in society as well as discipline. Man is also the one who kept the lingering promise of Christ, the separation of evil from the pure; he did this by the invention of jails, and correctional facilities as well as detainment centers. If man has this kind of power to abolish evil in his own society, as well as conclude some of the promises made by Jesus of Nazareth, then may we not call him God?

Not only that, God is said to also omniscient, defining that he is a keeper of infinite knowledge. But discoveries revealed that there are certain flaws in his designs. Some unfortunate people are being born with the lack of certain senses as well as certain abnormalities. People are also being intoxicated by lethal diseases that slowly take away theor lives, like the Black plague that nearly wiped out half the population of Europe. If God was truly that omniscient, then he would exactly what to do and if he is omnipotent, then he would have the power to do it and if he is omnibenelovent, then he would certainly have the will to do it, but where is he now? Again, man is who caught these problems with his back. He provided remedies for the sick as well as surgery to the naturally and artificially deformed through all the advancements that he made in genetics and biology, generally, in science. If man can alleviate pain as well as cure and create life, then may we not call him God?

As for all, God may just be an allograph of man, a mere representation of the ideal being that man truly desires. God may just be another word for the goodness of man, the saviour that he can be. And man is God for he is the power, the justice, the truth, the life.

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Hi guys, its me again. First of all, I hope that nobody will find this essay offensive to their beliefs, this is just my opinion of God and who he really is. But I say to you all that never lose faith in God, he might really be there. = ). This essay is still under construction and not yet at its full capacity.

Please help me improve this by commenting and suggesting things that I may add.
Thank you, Enjoy reading and Happy Holidays!!!

= ) dsh_214
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