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Rated: 13+ · Other · Fantasy · #1362531
The Last Saga of the Hero's Journey

The humidity was terrible, the dust of the ground burnt, and the smell of decay was amongst the wasteland.

“I WILL NOT GIVE UP!” Said a battle worn man who stood out in the dark and tormenting wasteland.

Man in his twenties, with blue hair, wet by wounds, whose face, smothered with blood revealing one eye for the other is badly hurt. His body wrapped with wounds which seemed impossible to heal. Even for modern medicine.


referring to another creature beyond the lingering darkness. Only it’s eyes showed, burning with white, hot flame.

In all of a sudden the enraged man, stormed screaming at the mysterious and vague creature, brandishing his sword, as if an army of Sha’ Des were coming towards him. The creature stepped out from the safety of the cloaking shadows and revealed his features. An arch-type demon, with four long horns protruding from his head. Leathery Grayish blue skin, glowing and some parts of his body covered with angelic feathers of golden hair. He was a part of the long forgotten, lords of Chaos. AS he glared at his frenzied assailant, in response, drew a nightmarish sword from the sheath at his back, for it was huge. A terrifying sword indeed, for the pommel, takes the form of a crow’s skull with blood dripping from the eye sockets. The grip made of something like stretched skin where blood poured as the creature squeezed it. The guard, made like a cross crafted of magic obsidian for it glowed erringly violet and a skull at the center with two sapphires’ for eyes. The blade was like a two edged saw, but the edges pointing downwards, guaranteed to scrape and rip large chunks of flesh if it ever hacks through skin and it still has the smell of dried blood. The monster licked the blade, provoking the charging man, full of wrath and fury.

Then the man, streamlined his body for a speedy form, lowered his sword, with the point facing downwards, a perfect gesture for seemingly slashing through his opponent. The creature now in a defensive stance, but sill looking laid back.

“ THIS IS THE END FOR YOU! DEMON!”, the man yelled

, with blood replacing tears that dripped in his face.

“ Pathetic human”, said the creature calmly.

“ SORA NAMI!!”, the man shouted,

summoning up all his remaining strength to perform a legendary attack, with the point sparked with glowing mana fires, gusts of wind hacking through and around them. The blade is now glowing bluish red, intensely hot and bright. As the point touched the air, it exploded, with mana sending small flares up the sky, and marking rips in the air. Strong billows pushing the two fighters away.

The creature stared at the remarkable force of mana forming around the man’s blade. He recognized it as “Redeemer, the Immortal”, for not only did mana but divine marks whirled around the sword. A sure counterpart for his sword, “Nevermore, the Destroyer”. He not only feared the sword, but the skill also, “Sora Nami” or “The Sky Breaker”, is a skill of legends and power. And lived up to it’s name for it was able to leave rips and tears in the sky and close for months. Sometimes these rips became black holes if it didn’t close too soon and accidentally suck living and non living things into alternate dimensions. Now, the creature will face it’s full intensity.

“LUCINUS!! THIS IS IT! WRAAAGHH!”, The man shouted as he was going to deliver the final strike.

The sword almost reaching the creature’s waist and in a split second, time seemed to slow down and froze, the glow and crackle of pure divine energy on the man’s blade, now a blinding light. It seemed virtually impossible to parry such a devastating attack, but the man stopped, for the creature, a warlock of the tenth level, had cast a chrono spell which stops time, just before the man attacked, that in the nick of time, awoke. Taking advantage of the bleak situation, for the spell will wear off in a matter of seconds, he quickly lunges his sword, aiming for the man’s chest and sends a spell for preventing healing.

“Banus Medeor!”, as soon as he spoke the chant, mana flared up the edges of he sword up the wound and stopped blood clotting.

After that, the chrono spell had worn off and the man’s fabled attack missed for he was thrown off balance when the creature had fatally stabbed him. Instead, he left a long wound that painfully marked across the creature’s face. A few more meters and his face would have been slashed in two. With this he shrieked in agony and anguish, quickly casting a healing spell,

“Integro Arkanus!”, soon mana entwined around his long and melting wound.

A wound that burnt of sulfur and wreaked just as foul. In a matter of seconds that searing wound was nothing more than a badly burnt scar.

“Lu…ci…nus…you…ha…ha…ve…not…de…feated…me…yet…I…wil l…come…back…I WILL!...”, The man whispered as he fell to the ground with the creature, Lucinus’ sword, still gorged at his chest.

Lucinus, stepped towards the dying man and took out a shiny object, glowing brightly. The man now, barely moving but still breathing, looked on how helpless he was in his numbness.

In his last moments, the creature, Lucinus spoke, “ Farewell…Hiru.”


Part 1

“The Magic Bracelet”
Tokyo, 1980

It was nearing summer break, and all the students were excited. Only a few minutes ‘till the bell rang. Inside a second year class room,
A girl, named “Meru”, frowning as she looked at the class clock.

“How long does it take? Ohh…I can’t wait to go home” groaned Meru.

It wasTheir Physical Education class, and she and her teacher, Mr. Tao Faji, were not good vibes. Probably since, Meru often didn’t take the class seriously
And always made petty excuses during Gym. Meru gets bruises and injuries
Easily, that’s why. But now, it will be her last time to see Mr. “most hated teacher”. The clock was ticking, and only a few seconds till Twelve O’ Clock. The suspense was intense, Meru could not even hear Mr. Faji talking
Now, only meaningless mumbles as if time has gotten slower. Her heart beat
Now at the rate of a beat per 3 seconds. She could not even breathe and her body starts to numb out. Sweat begins to drip from her intensified pale face.
Then it happened. “RRRIIIIIINNNNGGGG!!!”, the clock has struck twelve.
Meru almost died of suffocation, and at that. She quickly joined the others
At saying farewell to their teacher and their teacher replied good luck to them. He too has plans for summer, so did everyone else.

Seconds later, students were rushing out of class rooms, yelling, shouting, screaming like 5 year old children.

“ Link… Sure is long since we met”, Said Meru as she day dreamed.

“ Link? Hey, Meru! Didn’t you know the news lately?” Shouted a familiar voice behind Meru, interrupting her fantasy.

“ Oh, Rika?! How nice to see you!... What news do you mean?”, replied Meru to her 1 year younger friend.

“ Link, went to England!” Exclaimed Rika.

At that, it seemed Meru’s hopes and dreams were smashed to pieces.
She stood their, staring blankly, oblivious of the other students rushing pass her. “England…” whispered Meru, as tears began to drip from her eyes. “Meru” said Rika, trying to comfort her friend.

“But we almost had something…Why?” sobbed Meru, then without thinking, ran off leaving tears sparkled like crystals.

Then as she ran, Meru met a dark alley. A dark, mysterious man was waiting for her. All her bitterness were soon replaced by dread and fear, unknowing of her shadowy stalker.

“Greetings, Meru… You are late.” Spoke the man. “Who are you?!” shouted Meru with terror.

“I am no one, but you I find interesting. You just might be the one.” Said the man, as he reached inside his black trench coat.

“ Listen, Mister, I am not the mood to talk to you right now! Don’t you see I look miserable?!” cried Meru.

“ Then this would probably help you ease your pain. I want you to have this.” The man said as he revealed a shiny object to Meru.

“What is that?” Meru said in astonishment.

It was a golden bracelet, with a sword at the center with three gems encrusted on it. Sapphire, Ruby and Diamond. All of a sudden, Meru’s sadness was washed away into delight, for SHE must possess such a beautiful object.

“Oh, thanks…” Meru said, with a glint of happiness in her voice. Then after she had worn it,

“ How do I look?” She asked.

“It looks magnificent…You look magnificent, Meru” The man said with a smirk.

“How did you know my name?” She said as fear began to crept up her soul once again.

“ ha, ha, ha, ha…HA, HA, HA, HA!” The man laughed menacingly, as Meru stared with horror.

Then soon magic cells called “ Mana”, began to rise from the bracelet, whirling around her arm, glowing brilliantly, so brilliant she shrieked at the presence of magic. Then the mana exploded in her arm, transforming into a large pillar of flames, that seemingly burned her, but her body wasn’t hurt at all, only a part of her school uniform. She screamed so hard that she fainted. Then in a moment that seemed like a eternity, Meru woke up. Now, her fears rose tenfold, as her nauseous head, dazed like a drunk person, and her body trembling at what she sees in front of her. A world totally different from hers’. She is now in the world called, Ithria. And there is no going back…
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