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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1362510
Continuation of Moon Whipser
Chapter Six

“Hmm, seems like those Oira fools are interfering after all.”
“Kylian, you worried?”
“No. The Natural Order prohibits them to battle.”
“Unless they are provoked or attacked.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you hate those ethereals for what they did to you and your army, right?”
“Of course, but attacking Oira is out of the question, Dread.”
“And why is it, Kylian? It seems well thought out.”
“I will not risk the lives of my men in a suicide mission like this.”
“And yet, you sent goblins, orcs, and even a succubus to their deaths while you knew they would die.”
“It was unfortunate happenstance that they are dead now.”
“It was poor decision-making on your behalf, Kylian, and now you are trapped in a corner.”
“And what do you suggest, Dread? Overthrow me and claim control of my army?”
“You must be crazy. You will not last without me in charge.”
“So you are giving control to me, Kylian?”
“I’m giving you a chance to prove you are what you say you are.”
“Kylian, are you sure that’s wise?”
“Erin, why are you asking him? Dread is right when he said sending Lucy to her death was poor decision-making.”
“Shelly, are you seriously thinking about joining Dread? We’ve been working since the beginning and we have sworn to Kylian’s orders.”
“I may have, Erin, but I trust Dread for the time being. And so does half of the originals.”
“Fine. Have your war against Oira, but remember that it is a suicide mission.”
“Now don’t think I will not forget about you, Kylian. I still need troops to spread darkness. And you will train them.”
“You are ordering me already? Fine, I will train your troops.”
“That’s good to hear, Lieutenant Colonel Kylian.”
“What? You’re demoting me as well?”
“Yes, your rank as commander was relinquished when you handed me control. Besides, you look like ‘lieutenant colonel’ material.”
“Understood, Commander.”

As the morning sun came into view, James and Zeke had reached the Naïlo’s household near the northern part of the city. The house itself was a deep forest green, nearly camouflaging the building with the forest.
The two spotted Councilor Naïlo in a chair outside the front door as they approached him.
“Good morning, Mr. Naïlo,” James said timidly.
“Good morning, James. How is your family?”
“They’re doing okay.”
“That’s good to hear. And who is this young man with you?”
“This is Zeke.”
“Zeke? Zeke Galanodel?”
“That’s correct.”
“My god. It’s been ages since we’ve seen you around these parts again. How’ve you been, boy?” he asked as he hugged Zeke.
“I’ve been fine. Caran has been a handful for me, but I’ve managed.”
“You are running Caran?”
“Yeah, I thought Dad told you?”
“Oh, your father and I don’t see each other as much as we used to, what with work and all.”
“That’s understandable. How’s everyone here?”
“Oh, the missus and I have been trying to manage without Lia around.”
“When is she due back?”
“Any minute now. She camped out by the borders last night. It’s been two years since we’ve last seen her. But she always writes to us every chance she gets.”
“Yeah, a pilgrimage around Mardiosta would take a while. Must feel uneasy, seeing her leave though.”
“Yes, it does. But she’s old enough to protect herself in case of danger.”
“Oh, Daddy. Telling stories about me again, are you?”
Zeke and James spun around to see a beautiful young woman clad in a green silk dress. Her brown hair is tied up in a bun on the top of her head.
“Oh, Lia. It’s good to see you home. You look more beautiful every time I see you.”
“Thanks, Daddy. Hey, James. How’s home?”
“Not bad.”
“Hey, Lia. Long time, no see.”
“Zeke, when did you get back?”
“Last night.”
“Well, I got to get to work. You three have fun, ok?”
“Bye, Daddy.”
“Bye, Mr. Naïlo.”
The three stood there in the courtyard in silence, looking at each other with an uneasy looks.
“Uh, James, why don’t you go check on Mom? She might need your help.”
“Okay. I’ll be back to come get you later.”
Zeke waited until James was out of earshot to talk.
“It’s been six years,” Zeke said.
“Yeah, it has.”
“I cannot believe how good-looking you look after all this time.”
“I know.”
“You want to take a walk and talk a bit?”
The two of them walked around the town for a few hours talking about everything that has happened in the past six years, talking about Lia’s training in wizardry and Zeke’s political victory in Caran.
“So, how are the folks?”
“Oh, they are alright. Dad’s inviting the town to this party he’s throwing for Joseph, Raine, and I. We should add your name to the party list.”
“Okay. It’s been a long time since I had some fun.”
“So, how come you haven’t come back to Laiqua since you guys left?”
“I couldn’t leave Caran, knowing how corrupt the government is in the Indo regions. I changed that since then.”
“That’s nice. But you could have come back.”
“I know.”
“I missed you.”
“So did I.”
They looked at each other with a glint of love in their eyes.
“We should get you home. You probably need to rest before the party.”
“Yeah, you’re right.”
The two young adults walked back to Lia’s house, where they said good-bye. Then Zeke headed home, thinking of how to tell Lia that she is a Noleveo like him.
“Oh, Zeke! I am glad I ran into you.”
“What is it, Dad?”
“I talked to my boss and scheduled a meeting for you.”
“That’s great.”
“Not so great, I’m afraid. The meeting is in fifteen minutes.”
“But what about Mom? I promised to help her.”
“She’ll be alright. Now come on. We need to hurry.”

“High Councilor Valandil will now see you two.”
“Thank you.”
“Ah, Galanodel. How are you?”
“Good, sir. This is my son, Ezekiel.”
“Ah, nice to meet you, son.”
“Please, sit down. Now, it has come to my understanding that you need to address the council for something.”
“Not the entire council. Just you, High Councilor.”
“Oh? And what do you need me for?”
“You took control of the Elder’s records when the council came to power, right?”
“That’s correct. What about them?”
“In those records, did you find something about the Noleveo?”
“How do you know about them?”
“I am just an interested party. One of the Elders in Caran asked me to talk to you.”
“Hmm, I see. Let me look at those again for you.” He got up from his desk and walked over to a stack of papers on a table near his door. “Ah, here we go. Let’s see. Ah, there are two living here. And their predecessors are waiting for our approval.”
“Is it at all possible to approve it now?”
“I am a bureaucrat here, not a simpleton. All this must go through our approval process before anything should happen.”
“But we don’t have time for all this. The fate of Mardiosta lies on the Noleveo.”
“Young man, I am a very generous man when it comes to Mardiosta. But telling me to ignore the principles that have kept this city going for years is something I will not stand for. The process will go on as said. Now leave my office before I call for security.”

“Son, I know you’re intentions are good and all, but getting in an argument with High Councilor Valandil is not the way.”
“Dad, that man has the power to stop the Qualinosta from going on with this. And all he is doing is making the mundane into the complicated.”
“That’s what bureaucracy is, son. It’s a system of going in circles. You might as well wait until your request has been put up for vote.”
“No. I have a better idea. I want you to do something for me.”
“What is it?”
“I want to address the entire council, without any excuses.”
“Addressing the entire council is nothing any Laiqua citizen has done since the Council came into power.”
“Bureaucracy is a load of crap when it comes to the real world. I hope you understand what I must do, Dad.”
“I hope so, too.”

“Honey, we’re home,” Thomas cried out.
“Thomas, I am not ready for anyone to be over right now,” Elena shouted.
“Where’s James? I thought he was helping you.”
“He is, but there is still too much to do.”
“Well, let me help,” Zeke offered.
“Oh, thank you. I need help with the outside decorations.”
“I thought we were having the party inside.”
“With the people you invited? I don’t think so. You can help James in the kitchen, dear.”
“So, Mom, did Raine and Cora come back yet?”
“Yes, but one of their ninja friends came by and dragged them away for a while. I wished they’d be here right now.”
“So my message got through faster than I thought.”
“What do you hope to find out from Nar, Zeke?”
“I hope they would send the Noleveo from that region.”
“Hoping is never wise when it comes to survival. One second can ruin an entire strategy.”
“You’ve been reading up on the wars?”
“I just glanced. Strategy is not my game, as you can see from this household.”
“Here, Mrs. Galanodel. Let me help you with that.”
“Oh, Cora, you surprised me.”
“Sorry about that. You go sit down and rest. Zeke and I will finish up for you.”
“Bless your heart, Cora.” Elena went to find a chair to rest in.
“So what did you find out from your ninja friend?”
“Budi is coming and wants to talk to you and the council.”
“Did he say why he is coming?”
“No, but he did mention my name is the mix.”
“I see. Let’s hope he has better luck than I did at talking to the council.”
“Zeke, Ai cyrn mi air vaendral.”
“What did you say?”
“Your mom, I know she is pregnant.”
“But how do you know?”
“She blurted it out when she was cooking this morning.”
“Did Dad hear her?”
“No, fortunately. I don’t think he would want to hear that now.”
“She’ll tell him soon, I hope.”
Suddenly, a knock came from the front door. A slender man in his 30’s was standing in the doorway.
“Mr. Ezekiel Galanodel?”
“That’s me.”
“I have a message for you from High Councilor Valandil. He has accepted your request to address the council with four of your companions.”
“Why the sudden change of heart?”
“He wouldn’t say, but I do remember seeing a foreign official sitting with him when he made the message.”
“I see Budi has gotten here faster than I had planned.”
“The meeting is soon. I could escort your companions to there if you like.”
“Yes, Ms. Lia Naïlo, Ms. Cora Highhill, and Mr. James Xiloscient.”
“Why me, Zeke?”
“I have a hunch, James. Besides, you could use a break and the decorations are up.”
“Is it ok if I go, Mrs. Galanodel?”
“Of course, James. You young ones be careful now.”
“Are you coming, Zeke?”
“Not yet. I’ll meet you there.”
Cora and James followed the man as they walked towards the Council’s Headquarters. Zeke, on the other hand, went to the back yard and looked up to the sky.
“I know you are watching me now. I want to speak to Echuiver, now!”
“Calm down. I know why you called for me. You suspect Valandil is the spy.” Zeke saw the Awakener standing near the line of trees near the forest.
“Yes. He seems too suspicious to me. How can a good man like Valandil corrupt the council?”
“Through years of training from the Qualinosta. You are correct to suspect Valandil. He has been hard to predict, even with thousands of other bureaucrats working there.”
“So, I was hoping you would disguise yourself as someone to trap him.”
“Hmm, seems like a good plan. Alright, I’ll do it.”
“Great, let’s go.”
“Hold on. My mortal form alone is not enough to confuse the council. I need a better look. I’ll meet you there.”
Zeke ran towards the council headquarters hoping to trap the treasonous High Councilor.
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