Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1361507-Significantly-Insignificant
Rated: E · Monologue · Experience · #1361507
More musings from my perspective about life.
What's the purpose in life? For most there is a purpose...for some it's finding the purpose and for even fewer it's living out that purpose. Throughout life all we really want is happiness...love...and then those pesky necessities that are vital to life. Brings up the question of wehter or not having a purpose is necessary to life. Do we have to feel special...needed...to be able to live? Or without purpose would we waste away and just nonchalantly go about life. Maybe it's just harder for people my age to understand these questions with no answers. Maybe with time and age those questions fade away and we just accept reality for what it is...maybe we find some answers and that's why we no longer question things...I dont know. I do know, however, that throughout my life these questions of mine are so relentless. I'm not complaining because some people are so oblivious to what's going on that they never see the deeper side of consciousness. It can be a bad thing..sometimes we can delve so deeply into our consciousness that we can't escape it. What is being conscious anyways? Having an understanding of reality or simply realizing that you're alive? It's interesting to think of these things and try to fathom the answers. The only thing I've ever been able to tell myself as solace is that there are no answers. We gain knowledge through experience...but what about those things that aren't tangible? Are those things real...is that a part of reality?

Oh, the woes of the human mind...the woes of the human race. Sometimes it's just too much to take. Never ending chaotic collision. Nothing to wash this confusion away. Nothing to answer the woes of the world. Only thing I can hope for is true love and sanity. If I can acheive that in my life, I feel as if my purpose has been served. Im sure I have others...one of which I hope is to one day make someone happy without even trying. Heh, but that is such a finicky thing...to have that as a purpose would be tiring and depressing trying to find it.

Trying to find love is like trying to find perfection. We have an idea of it...but nothing immortalized short of human speech and emotion to try to make it alive. But it's not. Its an idea....an idea that human kind seems to thrive off of.

There are no answers.
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