Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1360774-Alone-in-the-darkness
Rated: E · Poetry · Emotional · #1360774
When we're alone is when we have the most time to think and to feel
Alone with my thoughts I wonder…why do I even bother to try?
I know I’ve let you down so often…with seemingly no reason why
I know you love me, but yet inside, the question runs my mind
I want to believe you love me….and not be left behind

In my childhood I knew of you, but didn’t believe it was true
I mean there’s no way you could love me; I’m not worth it, I’m an inconvenience,
I’m in the way…I always wanted just SOMEONE to love me
Who knew the right words to say

Now since I’ve grown older, I’ve come to understand, the things I couldn’t see as a youth
That I do have a Father who loves me, who so desperately wants me to see the truth
Of who I am meant to be, not what my surroundings may say
I’m not in the way, I’m not a bother, to You I’m not stupid or dense
I may be at the point of wanting to give up
But I know with You, and through You, I can find some rest

A rest I will never understand, a peace no one can steal
In time I know the wounds of my heart, will find the ways to heal
So I can hold on to that joy, and that love that I’ve always been missing
If I wait on you, I know I’ll be safe, and I’ll find that love I need
So when I’m alone in my thoughts, I won’t feel the hurt, I won’t see the pain
And I”ll be able to rise above the words, and the hurt to become
The person you’ve destined me to be.
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