Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1360558-Dear-Amelia
Rated: 13+ · Preface · Fantasy · #1360558
She watched the King rape her mom. She now has to fight for her life and find her father.
A woman- No. A Queen, of a large Island town, populated by elves of all kinds, cared for her husband--Very much. But her heart was held by another. She couldn't lie to her heart, and try to fall in love with the King. One late evening, the King informed her that he would be leaving the following day, to go on a four month journey, and that night took her to bed. The next morning, the Queen waved her husband off, and then rushed back to the castle to pack her belongings. She went to one of her loyal servants, telling her that her mother was in dire need of her daughter--And then fled from the castle--to be gone for the four month duration of her Husband's trip. The Queen did not journey to see her mother at all--in fact, her mother had died two months prior--she journeyed to see her love, the one who had held her heart since her 18'th day of birth. She traveled by carriage for 3 days, alone, to see her love. Once she arrived, he scooped her up, and placed a loving kiss on her lips--needless to say, he took her to bed. Not just once, mind you. Several times, within the first month or so. The rest of the time was spent catching up, as she hadn't seen him in over 5 years, since her wedding. They swam in the small pond, nestled into the back of his estate, ate picnic lunches,and walked along the beach; It was a romance novelists dream. All too soon the four months ended, and she said her last goodbyes, and began the 3 day carriage ride back to the castle. She would be back a single day prior to the King's arrival back home. Once back in her home, she caught up with her ladies maid, and confided in her, of her love, and how she had spent the 4 months prior. She giggled, and nodded, swearing to keep the Queen's secret. That night, rounding near midnight, her door creaked open, and the large bed began to move, as someone laid behind her. She gasped, and picked up the dagger form her nightside table, with a death grip. She demanded who the intruder was, and heard a masculine laugh. She sighed, knowing that laugh. She relaxed, and placed the dagger back upon her table. She caught up with the King, and asked about his foreign affairs, and kissed him softly upon his lips--only to be kissed back with an amount of passion she had never witnessed, and a lusty stare. That night he took her to bed more than once, and claimed his love for her, for yet another time. She just smiled, and said the basic, 'You too, darling...You too.' phrase, and curled up next to her husband, falling asleep.

Two months later, she was getting sick often, and having late night cravings, and it was determined that she was with child. Seven months after that, she birthed a beautiful baby girl--a half elf. It was determined that she would be the new Queen, if anything were to happen to the Queen, and that she would have great powers. The child was named Amelia, after the Queen's dead mother. Amelia grew up normally, save for the intensive constant magical training. Her seventh birthday came 'round, and there were whispers. Nasty, filthy whispers, about her mother; and she was just old enough to comprehend them. She ran to her mother, telling her of what she heard. Her mother was sitting on a blanket, next to a small spring, on the castle's estate, playing with the petals off of a strand of honeydew. She smiled, seeing her young child running towards her. She began making a crown out of the honeydew, as her daughter frantically explained the rumors she had overheard. Her mother--the queen-- sighed, and placed the crown atop her head, a small from placed upon her always smiling lips. It was that day, that the Queen admitted to her that she was not the King's daughter, but the daughter of a human...

That night, the King had confronted the Queen about the rumors, and she denied to them, and swore up and down that Amelia was his daughter. The King doubted her, because Amelia was only half elf, but the Queen still stood strong on her word. He then spoke of another rumor, and raped her, unknowingly in front of his own daughter. Afterwards, the Queen fell to her knees crying, and Amelia immediately ran to her mother's aide. The King, outraged, demanded everyone leave the room, leaving only his wife, his daughter, and himself. He grabbed a fistful of the Queen's hair, and demanded the truth, threw her about, screamed at her... Amelia screamed and fought him, begged him to let her mommy go. He shoved her across the room and demanded that she be silent, before he permanently silenced her.

Early the next morning, Amelia awoke in her own bed. Motherless. From that moment on, she vowed to get revenge upon the King. She was determined that she had a better family, and she would find it. But first--She would have to sneak away, and grow older. The King needed an heir, and she was the only one, but she would rather kill herself, than become the Queen of a kingdom that thought of her as a bastard, and to a kingdom where she would be brought to rule by the man who killed her mother, and raped her, in front of his seven year old daughter.
© Copyright 2007 ALentini (vampirosignora at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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