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Rated: 18+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #1360546
A boy taken from his home grows up in a military camp.
“Recruit! What the hell are you doing!?” The Drill Instructor roared.

Recruit 7503 looked up into the scowling face of DI Barnes, his hands held closely to his chest and his body turned away from the massive Drill Instructor.
“Answer me recruit!”

7503 just stood there defiantly. As Barnes' face mutated into a mask of rage, the boy's eyebrows narrowed.

DI Jenkins strode forward between the two.

“Barnes, I got this,” the older man said.

Barnes spat and mumbled something under his breath as he walked away. Jenkins turned to 7503 and knelt so as to be eye to eye with the boy.

“Recruit 7503, what do you have in your hands?” Jenkins said in a soft, stern voice.

The boy hesitated for a second, then turned and opened his hands slightly to expose a small squirrel. The animal's leg was obviously broken, and it seemed 7503 was trying to comfort it.

“Sir, it's the recruit's pet, sir,” 7503 said in a stern voice. “Sir, he hurt himself and the recruit was trying to take care of him, sir.”

Jenkins smiled and shook his head. For all the trouble the DI's went to to instill hostility and aggressiveness into the projects, as they were called, they all still seemed to express completely normal human emotions, cares, and worries. Jenkins couldn't even think where the seven year old boy had heard the word “pet” in the last year.

Although 7503 had always been a sort of problem child. Ever since he was brought to the Facility, 7503 had always bucked the way he was taught to do things. Over and over again the Drill Instructors would attempt to reign him in and force him to follow orders, and time again the boy would find some new way to work around it. Just the week before 7503 had gotten in trouble for having stashed food in his rucksack, but countered that the DI's had only said no food in his wall locker. Personally, Jenkins admired the boy. His out-of-the-box mentality was what the military needed, not automatons that would follow orders blindly. Jenkins made it his personal responsibility to keep the boy under his wing and mentor him as he grew.

“Does he have a name, recruit?” Jenkins asked, petting the shocked creature.

“Sir,One, sir,” 7503 replied.


“Sir, yessir! Sir, he's the recruit's first pet sir.”

Jenkins allowed a small laugh (technically he wasn't supposed to show that kind of emotion to the projects).

“Well, you're not allowed to have animals inside the barracks, 7503,” Jenkins began. “But I'm sure having him in a box outside would be just fine.”

“Sir, yes sir!”

“Let me take One until we return to the house. Now return to training, 7503.”

The child gently handed the creature over to Jenkins, then scampered off to join his platoon.

Barnes sidled up alongside Jenkins and looked at the squirrel.

“That's bullshit, Jenkins,” Barnes hissed. “You are way to soft on these little shits.”

Jenkins turned on Barnes.

“I am stern when I need to be, and lax when there's no reason to be stern. 7503 is turning into a fine trooper, they all are. If he's out of line I'll discipline him. But he just wants a pet, something he can't normally have because the government took him from his family. You're a great soldier, Barnes, and an excellent DI, but you need to learn to lean off a little.”

With that Jenkins stomped off to observe the projects train.

That night at the barracks the First Platoon recruits were cleaning their lockers and maintaining their uniforms. 7503 had hurried in cleaning his things and rushed outside to see his pet. One was in a small, rusted wire cage that had been an animal trap at one point. 7503 looked around to make sure none of the DI's were around, and pulled a handful of nuts and raisins out of his pocket, dropping them into the cage. One, still hurt, dragged himself to where most of the food had landed and began munching the best he could. 7503 smiled, something he had rarely done since he had been brought to the Facility. Everyday was training for war. The enemy wouldn't give any ground, and so 7503 and his comrades couldn't either.

Recruit 7508 walked up to 7503 and knelt, her short brown hair bouncing around her jaw line.

“He's cute,” she said.

The two giggled. “Cute” was a “bad” word that the DI's hated hearing and would make the recruits do push-ups if they heard them say it.

“Hopefully he'll get better soon,” 7503 said, peering into the cage as One ate.

“What are you two doing?”

The two recruits jumped to attention and spun around to face DI Jenkins.

“Sir, the recruits were checking on One, sir,” 7503 replied quickly.

Jenkins stared at the two children, his face blank. Then he did something completely unexpected: he gave the two a big, toothy grin.

“Good. With lots of care he should be healed in no time.” Jenkins knelt down and motioned for the two children to do the same. “Now, 7503, he's your responsibility. That means you have to feed him, clean up his messes, and take care of his leg and conduct all your training. Is that understood?”

7503 was puzzled at DI Jenkins' manner, but nodded and gave him a “Sir, yes sir.”

“Alright,” Jenkins said as he stood back up. “Are you two ready for your evening inspection?”

Both recruits shot to their feet and yelled, “Sir, yes sir!”

“Good. Get inside and tell everyone to toe the line.”

The two recruits acknowledged and sprinted to the door. Jenkins looked down at the little animal and grinned. They would be fine troopers.

It was 1645 hours that Friday and the recruits had just left the school house and were preparing their gear for the weekend bivouac. 7503 ran around the First Platoon barracks, ensuring that his platoon was all set. He scratched his neck and his hand came to rest on the platoon commander rank pinned on his collar. As the years had gone on the DI's had increased the level of responsibility and the number of leadership positions within the platoons. 7503 was always in a leadership position. Two weeks before he had been squad leader, and now this two week rotation he led his platoon, marching them between classes and keeping them in order in the field. Even though 7503 was always busy and running around, he actually enjoyed being in charge and being responsible, and all the DI's gave him favorable ratings on his evaluations.

7508 walked up as 7503 was helping another recruit stuff his rucksack.

“Second Squad is ready for our pre-combat inspection, PC,” she said cheerfully.

“Roger that. Have them line up outside, I'll be there in five mikes to go over the inspection.”

As 7508 walked away 7503 watched her. Something else 7503 had noticed as they all grew older, some of the female recruits were beginning to look different. 7503 had always been good friends with 7508, but now his feelings were becoming stronger. He always wondered what it all meant, but never thought to ask the DI's. After a minute he shrugged the feeling off and went back to taking care of his platoon.

It was 1800hours when the company began their long foot march into the field. 7503's strong, twelve year-old legs carried him, his weapon, his gear and his sixty-pound ruck along the gravel roads. He walked between his three squads, checking on each soldier and giving them words of encouragement (something DI Jenkins had taught him). For hours they humped it through the forested and swampy hills. Mosquitoes and gnats buzzed around their heads. Their boots make sucking, sloshing sounds and they continued to move forward. Every now and again 7503 would pull out his map, protractor, and compass and verify their coordinates. Three hours later and the company still had not encountered anything. The hills were quiet.

Suddenly the flash and roar of weapons could be heard behind them, quickly followed by the yells and screams of the other platoons. First Platoon acted instinctively, facing out on either side of the road and waiting for orders. A moment later the voice of the recruit company commander crackled over the radio.

“Fox One, this is Fox Six. We have engaged the enemy. Fox Two and Three are encountering heavy resistance. I want you to take your platoon ahead four hundred meters and see if there are any bases or caches, over.”

“Roger, Fox Six, I read you loud and clear.”

“Fox Six out.”

“First Platoon,” 7503 called. “Form up on the left side of the road, platoon wedge, squad column, fire team wedge. I want First Squad to lead, Second on the left, Third on the right.”

Like a well oiled machine First Platoon moved into formation in seconds. 7503 waved them forward and they were on their way. In the distance they could hear simulator grenades go off and the bellowing voices of their sister platoons. The night began to envelop First Platoon as they moved deeper into the forest. There were several tense moments as the lead squad would call a halt, but First Platoon continued to move forward unmolested.

They made on final halt and 7503 shot up to talk to the First Squad leader.

“Up ahead about a hundred fifty meters,” 7511 whispered. “Bunker covered with branches, surrounded by razor wire. I couldn't see it at first, but my point man spotted it right away.”

“Anyone there?”

“Count five inside, four patrolling outside. Saw DI Barnes,” 7511 snickered.

7503 smiled then called in his other squad leaders.

“Here's the plan. First Squad will set up a base of fire here on that bunker. Second Squad will flank left and cut that wire and provide security for Third who will actually storm the bunker and knock it out. I will be with Third. Have EPW and Aid and Litter ready to be called at a moment's notice.” He turned to 7523, the Third Squad leader. “You also need a bunker clearing team.” He turned back to address all three. “No rucks or LBE's. Load ammo into pockets. Soft caps only.”

The three other recruits gave him a quick nod and moved to disseminate the info to their squads. 7503 dropped his ruck and load bearing equipment and quickly slipped six magazines into his fatigue pockets. He felt relief as his helmet came off his the lighter patrol cap plopped down on his shaved cranium. Minutes later his squad leaders gave him the thumbs up and he began to move to the left side of the bunker with Second and Third Squad.

Then First Platoon opened up on the bunker. The personnel inside yelled and tried to return fire. The four guards outside fell, their training suits registering them as “dead.” The five opposition inside the bunker opened up with a heavy machine gun and rifle fire and began spraying the woods. Quickly and unnoticed Second Squad set up security on the left side of the bunker and one recruit cut the razor wire. Third Squad bolted through the opening and stacked behind the bunker itself. Two recruits busted the back door down and a third cooked off two training grenades before tossing them in. There were two dulled explosions and one of the recruits who broke the door down stuck his rifle into the bunker and unloaded an entire magazine. The deed done the first fire team of Third moved in to clear the room and make sure all occupants inside were dead.

7503 followed close behind to observe the clearing himself and to look for any documents, maps, or radio codes the OPFOR could have. Sure enough, maps of the surrounding area and the location of enemy emplacements were on a table in the middle of the bunker. A radio with a flashing LED and voices chattering over the line sat in a corner. The five “dead” OPFOR looked around the room at their attackers, frozen by their training suits. 7503 spotted DI Barnes next to the radio, the mic still in his hand. An idea suddenly formed.

“Squad leaders, on me.”

It was 0200 hours and DI Jenkins was bushed. He had been probing and assaulting the recruits' positions with his OPFOR unit for the last five hours without respite. He rubbed his back and swore that he was getting too old for all of this. His seven man squad trudged through the forest back to their command post. They hadn't heard anything from the CP in hours, but that didn't mean anything. They were using older radios that were prone to lose their signal over hills. Finally after what seemed like an eternity they walked up on the bunker. Everything was in place. Even the guards outside were still there. Jenkins shook his head. He thought that one of the platoons would have found the bunker and attacked it. Where was 7503 and First Platoon? Had they already been taken out by another OPFOR team?

Jenkins just shrugged as he and his squad walked up to the razor wire. There was something wrong. None of the roving guards had acknowledged or challenged Jenkins and his unit. They just seemed to stand there and stare out into the night. Then he noticed it. One of the guards was propped up by a small log.

“What the...?” one of Jenkins' squad members asked. She was cut off by a blaze of fire from behind the bunker.

“Get down!” Jenkins bellowed as he dropped to the ground and returned fire.

The machine gun inside turned and sprayed the pinned OPFOR. There were so many muzzle flashes it was as if fireworks were going off in front of them.

“Break contact!” Jenkins yelled to his men.

Just as one of the fire teams began to bound away from the bunker withering fire from their right flank cut them down, setting off their training suits. A few moments later and Jenkins and the rest of his squad were “dead.” Out of the darkness came First Platoon, tracking their weapons on the neutralized OPFOR.

“Three sixty security,” a voice from the black called out. “EPW teams, check those bodies!”

Jenkins looked up to see 7503 commanding the platoon. He smiled as the adolescent quickly took charge of the situation and kept his platoon organized and his perimeter secure. The boy was growing up to become an excellent soldier and leader.

It was 7503's seventeenth birthday. He only knew that because his date of birth were engraved on his dog tags. It was a Thursday evening and the recruits were enjoying some personal time. Even though 7503 was the company First Sergeant for the next two weeks, the PC's were taking care of everything. All he had to do was check up on them from time to time.

“Recruit 7503,” a voice called over the barracks intercom. “Report to DI Jenkins' office immediately.”

7503 hopped off his rack and jogged outside to head to the DI building. On his way he ran into 7508, the First Platoon PC for the current rotation.

“What'd ya do now?” she asked in a mocking voice.

He just smiled at her and shrugged. “Dunno. But I'm sure DI Barnes will have something to say about it.”

7508 laughed and walked on towards the barracks. 7503 stopped to watch her. She was amazing. Her hourglass figure swayed with each step she took.

“Close that mouth, recruit,” a voice from behind him snapped.

“Sir, yes sir!” 7503 yelled as he spun around to face DI Jenkins.

Jenkins looked past 7503 at 7508, and then at him.

“She's a very pretty gal,” Jenkins said.

7503 was taken aback. He had never heard Jenkins use “pretty” to describe any of the female recruits, and never “gal.”

“Y-yes sir,” 7503 stammered.

Jenkins let out a loud laugh, another strange sight for the teenage recruit.

“What you're feeling is perfectly normal, son,” Jenkins said, gently putting his hand on 7503's shoulder. “We're instructed to suppress such feelings in you recruits and discipline you if you show such tendencies. But I don't totally agree with that. And you two make a great couple. You work the best together, compliment eachother in command, and are the closest friends within the entire company.”

7503 furrowed his eyebrows and looked at the ground.

“So...,” he said hesitantly. “What...what do I do?”

“You have an advantage over normal kids your age that you don't have the social programming and awkwardness of saying how things really are. Just tell her how you feel.”

“Sir, yes sir,” 7503 replied. “Was there anything else you needed me for?”

“Just seeing if the company is ready for final formation.”

“Sir, yes sir!”

“Alright. Remember what I said.”

7503 walked back to the barracks, suddenly unsure of himself. Throughout his whole eleven years at the Facility he had always been confident and aggressive, never worrying about what others thought and always coming out on top. But now, facing what he was going to do, he felt weak and lost. What would happen? What would she think? What would she do?

7503 walked into 7508's room. There she was straightening her bed and going through her locker.

“Oh, hi,” she said with a smile.


“Do you need something? Is something wrong?” she asked.

“I, um...,” he began but couldn't get it all out. He took a deep breath and let it all out. “I have very strong feelings for you. I don't know what they're called, but I want to be with you more and more.”

They both just stood there for a moment, looking at one another. 7508 stepped forward and laid her head against 7503's chest. She wrapped her arms around his waist and he crossed his arms over her back. She peered into his eyes and he into hers and slowly their lips came together in a kiss.

“Close the door,” she whispered into his ear. “We're going to be here a while.”

An artillery round screamed from the heavens and slammed into the earth, turning the hilltop into a crater. The enemy screamed and begged as they died in their fighting positions. 7503 charged through the newly created crater and toward the enemy base camp. He was faster and stronger than the enemy and a seventy pound ruck plus full kit didn't slow him or his platoon down. The twenty seven other soldiers in his platoon were close behind, all checking their line of sight so as not to shoot their own buddies. They moved with the discipline of the elite unit that they were.

7503 and his platoon flooded into the camp, each squad breaking off and taking their assigned section. He moved with First Squad, going up the middle and clearing out the larger tents. Enemy personnel stopped and attempted to respond to the lightening fast assault, but 7503's men were faster and cut them down with precision shots. The three squads converged on the command tent and stormed in, shredding flesh and bone with a hail of bullets as they cleared the large room within. Minutes later the base camp was neutralized and the rest of the brigade moved in to secure the entire zone.

7503 walked into the tent that had been erected for his use. It was small, only about eight by eight by nine. Lounging on his cot was a beautiful brown haired soldier, stripped naked.

“Good fighting today, 7503,” she said softly.

He walked over and kissed her.

“Thank you, wife.”

“Now come to bed,” she said soothingly. “We're being taken off the line, and we have plenty of down time.”
© Copyright 2007 Christopher Meyer (omaharenegade at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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