Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1359796-The-life-she-always-wanted
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Romance/Love · #1359796
a story about highschool sweethearts who have been through so much together. not finished

         As Adam sat in his truck outside Cholie’s parents house on a warm summer night telling himself that she would never come out and talk to him. He hadn’t been answering the phone in a few days because he had been planning on a special surprise for Cholie. Taking a deep breath he turned off the engine and walked up to the door. He knocked on the door and prayed that she would talk to him. It took several minutes for someone to answer the door and when the door did finally open there she was wearing a red silk nightgown. She was so beautiful that she took his breath away. He almost lost the nerve to talk to her.

“Oh it’s you. What are you doing here? You can’t even answer the phone for three days when I call and then you show up at my door… what do you want?” Asked Cholie.
“I’m sorry baby, I wanted to answer the phone but I was working on something important.” Adam said.
“Really, what was so important that you didn’t want to talk to me?” Demanded Cholie.
“Well I did want to talk to you. I just didn’t want to blow the surprise. Baby will you come somewhere with me for a little bit? Please!” Asked Adam.
“Ok but I can’t be gone long. I have to work early tomorrow.” Said Cholie.
“We won’t be gone long, I just have to talk to you.” Said Adam.

         So she got in his truck with him and he drove her to a park that was empty. She couldn’t figure out why they were in the park on a cold night so late. They got out of the truck and started walking around on the trails, and then suddenly Cholie noticed that there were some candles lit a little farther down the trail. They continued to walk down the trail to where the candles were. When they got there she noticed that there was a couple blankets laid out with some pillows on the blanket. And in the middle of the blanket was a basket with some melted chocolate and fresh fruit. So they sat down on the blanket and Adam took Cholie’s hand to ask her something…

“It’s cold out here, what are we doing here so late?” Asked Cholie.
“Baby, we have been together for two years now and you mean everything to me. I don’t want to spend a day without you. I have been working up the nerve to ask you something for a while.” Adam said.
“Ok, you are scaring me. What is it that is so important?” Said Cholie.
“Well I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I can’t see myself with anyone else but you, I want to make us a family. Will you marry me?” Asked Adam.
“Oh my god, are you sure?” Asked Cholie.
“ Yes I want to be with you for the rest of my life.” Said Adam.
“Yes I will marry you. I love you so much.” Cholie said crying.
“Baby, I love you so much. You have just made me the happiest man in the world.” Said Adam.

         As they sat under the stars on the blanket together and ate the fruit and chocolate that was in the basket, he couldn’t help but tell her how beautiful she was and how much he loved her. After they were done eating Adam took Cholie home and then went back to his house. When she walked into the house her mom and dad were still waiting for her… She didn’t know this but they already knew about all the stuff Adam had planned for her. He had been talking to them and getting help from them on how to make it romantic. They had more of an idea on what she would like so he asked for their help.

“Mom, dad, are you still up?” Asked Cholie.
“Yes we have been waiting for you. Did you have a good time tonight?” Asked Sara, Cholie’s mom.
“Yes I did, he took me on a trail at the park and had some blankets and a basket waiting for us lit up by candles. It was so beautiful.” Said Cholie.
“So then what happened? Did you say yes?” Asked Sara, she had accidentally slipped. She couldn’t wait anymore she had to know.
“How did you know he wanted to ask me something?” Cholie demanded.
“He told me about it because if you didn’t agree to go with him I was supposed to try to get you to go with him.” Said Sara.
“Well any other time I would be mad about that but right now I don’t care because I am so happy. And another thing… I said yes!!!” Said Cholie giving her mom and dad a hug.
“We are so happy for you. We have always loved you and him; he has always been so good to you. You guys are so perfect for each other.” Said Sara.

         So she called Adam and let him know how her parents reacted to the news and everything. And she also had to tell him that she knew he had been talking to him about it and that she wasn’t mad. She loved him with all her heart. She was so happy that they were going to spend the rest of her life with him.

Two years later…

         They have now been married for six months and at the moment they are living with her parents trying to save money to move out. They got married right after they graduated high school and now they were both in college getting a degree and working to save up money. Adam is getting a degree in Computer And Information Technology and Cholie was getting a degree in Computer Graphics Technology. So they were pretty busy with all that and money was tight enough as it was so her parents offered to let them stay there.

“Hey baby I think we need to start looking for a place of our own. We have been married for six months now and I know my parents like having us here but we need a place of our own where is can just be me and you for a while.” Cholie said.
“I was thinking the same thing. But what’s the big hurry all the sudden?” Asked Adam.
“Well I don’t know how you are going to take this but I am pregnant. I just found out this morning. We are going to have a baby.” Cholie said with a big smile on her face and tears in her eyes.
“Oh my god, are you sure?” Adam asked.
“Yes I am sure, and I called my doctor and I made an appointment for the day after tomorrow to make sure and see how far along they think I am. You aren’t mad are you?” Asked Cholie.
“No, I’m not mad, I am actually really happy. I have always wanted to have a family. I love you. So are you up for the idea of us starting to look for a place tomorrow after we tell your parents the news?” Asked Adam.
“Yes we will tell them when we sit down for breakfast then we can get ready and go out looking.” Said Cholie.

         They sat in their room that night and talked about what they were going to do and their feelings about the baby. And the next day they went out looking for a place to live. They had looked at so many apartments they thought they were never going to find one that was perfect for them with the amount of space they need. They were going to have to live in it for a while so they were looking for one that was really nice and in their price range. They finally found one that was really nice and they could afford it so they filled out all the paper work and was going to wait for a call from them. They had to have a credit check and a lot of other things done to see if they qualified for the apartment. And also with the money they were putting back they had enough for the deposit and first and last months rent. They still had plenty money left over but that was all they really needed at that time. It took a week but the apartment manager finally called them and said as long as they had the money they could move in the following week. It was a nice two-bedroom apartment with plenty of room for them and it wasn’t that far from her parent’s house. So she could go see them whenever she wanted to.

Five years later…

         On June 25, 2009, living in Indianapolis, Indiana, there was a woman named Cholie and her husband Adam. They have been together for nine years and married for six and a half years. They have a beautiful five-year-old daughter named Payton. Adam had recently got transferred to Indianapolis six months prior for his job and they were franticly trying to find a house so they could bee all together again. Cholie and Payton had stayed behind in their apartment trying to get everything packed up and ready to move and take care of all the other stuff that goes along with moving from one place to the other. They had to have everything ready for when Adam found a place because he was already doing so much for them while he was away. While he went to work at his new job location he was also looking for a house when he was off work. He wanted to find a house that was going to be perfect for all of them to be comfortable. He thought it would be fun to surprise Cholie with it; he was going to tell her that they were going to have to get another apartment for a few months until they could find a house.

“Hey baby, how have you been doing today?” Asked Adam.
“I have been doing good. Payton keeps asking me when we are going to move so we can see daddy everyday. So I just told her that you were busy working and trying to find us a house so we can all be together again.” Replied Cholie.
“Well I hate to have to tell you this but it looks like we are going to have to live in another apartment for a few months. Just until I can find a house that we can afford right now.” Said Adam.
“It’s ok, I understand. At least we will all be together again soon. I have everything except what we use on a daily basis all packed up and ready to go.” Said Cholie.
“Ok. Thank you for being so patient and understanding. And also for getting everything packed up and ready to go.” Replied Adam.
“It’s not a problem, I love to help out where ever I can. Well baby, I have to get off here for a little bit so I can take Payton to her doctor’s appointment for her checkup. I love you and I will call you later when we get back.” Stated Cholie, not really wanting to get off the phone.
“I love you too.  I will talk to you later.” Adam said and then hung up the phone.

         Since Adam is now three hours away from his daughter and the love of his life, he has been looking for a house so they could all be together again. The only time he gets to come home is on the weekends as long as he doesn’t have to work that Saturday. So he calls home as often as he can to talk to both of them. Finally in December he found a house that was away from all the city traffic, it was only twenty minutes away from work so he decided that he would look into it. The schools were highly rated and in a good area. And since Payton was starting school the following year they needed good schools. And Cholie always talked about wanting to put Payton in a catholic school system and when Adam found the house he liked he noticed that the catholic schools were really close to it. By the middle of December he had all the paper work and everything completed so they could move in. Adam wanted to surprise Cholie so he decided to wait and tell her until the week before Christmas so he could get everything in the house and organized before Cholie and Payton moved in. he figured he would call her to let her know what was going on and give her a chance to get the final things done so they could move.

“Hey hunny, how is it going looking for an apartment?” Asked Cholie.
“It’s going really good, I just found this one that is really nice and I think I am going to sign everything for it next Monday. So when I come home next weekend I am going to start moving everything that is ready to go with the truck I rented so you can get the rest of it packed.” Replied Adam.
“Oh ok. I love you and when you get home this weekend we need to sit down and talk about something. I don’t think it can wait much longer. It is really important.” Said Cholie.
“Ok, well I guess I will see you this weekend baby.” Adam said.
“I will see you tomorrow. Oh and baby, I think you will be excited with what I have to tell you.” Said Cholie.
“Well why can’t you tell me now.” Asked Adam.
”I want to talk to you face to face about it.” Said Cholie.

         So that weekend he drove the three hours back home to see Cholie and Payton. He was so excited to be going home again. He hated it because right now he can only see them on the weekends if he didn’t have to work that Saturday and because his job was three hours away. When he got home he decided to take Payton to see the movie that she has been asking to go see so Cholie could relax before having to cook dinner. Payton loved it when her daddy came home because he always took her somewhere to do something. When they got back they were surprised to see that the table was already set and dinner was on the table. They were having a big pot roast with potatoes and carrots, a salad, and a fruit salad for desert. So they all washed their hands and sat down to eat. After their big dinner it was time for Payton to take a bath and get ready for bed. Adam thought that since he was home that he would read Payton her bedtime story. Every night Cholie would read Payton a chapter or two out of her Harry Potter books, so that night Adam took over from where Cholie had left off the night before. So he took Payton to her room and read to her until she fell asleep, then he went to spend the rest of the night with Cholie. He knew she needed to talk to him about something but he had no idea what it was.

“So baby, what is it that you wanted to talk to me about but didn’t want to say anything about it on the phone?” Asked Adam.
“Well I have been waiting for two weeks to start my period and it hasn’t come yet… So I went to the store and bought an at home pregnancy test and took it Monday.” Answered Cholie.
“Well… what did it say?” Said Adam.
“I’m pregnant. Baby, I know it is not the right time with us moving and everything else but I didn’t want to keep it from you anymore and I couldn’t tell you about it on the phone. I don’t want you to be mad at me about it. What do you think?” Cholie asked.
“Well I don’t know how to tell you this but… I love it; I am so excited. I love so much baby girl.” Said Adam.
“I am so happy you are taking it like this. I thought you would be mad about it.” Cholie said relieved.
“I could never be mad about us having another baby. Why would you even think I would be mad?” Adam said excitedly.
“I just didn’t know if you wanted another child yet. Especially with us moving and everything.” Said Cholie.
“Another child with you is all I have been thinking about lately. I want to have a big family with you.” Said Adam.

         And so came the time to move. Adam showed up the following weekend and started loading everything on the truck that he rented. When he got there no one was home and then he remembered that they had a family reunion they had to go to. He felt bad that he couldn’t go with them to the reunion but he had to get things done so his plans would flow together. So they would be gone all day and it gave him plenty of time to get things done, so he just started to load as much stuff as he could that was already packed. He wanted to be out of there before they got back home which wasn’t going to be a problem because they wouldn’t get back until the next day. And with them not getting home until the next day that meant that if he needed to he could make two trips to get things. He ended up making two trips and got everything out of there except what wasn’t packed and a bed and the couch and TV. He left them just enough stuff to make it through until the next weekend. When they finally got home they knew he had been there because their apartment was almost empty. Cholie was shocked that he had been able to load that much stuff alone. Cholie tried to call Adam over and over but he wasn’t answering the phone. When she did finally get him to answer the phone two days later she asked him why he wasn’t answering the phone. She was mad because she thought he was avoiding her.

“Hey, its about time you answered your phone. What’s been going on?” Asked Cholie.
“Oh I’m sorry, I have been busy unpacking things and getting everything ready to bring you and Payton to the apartment.” Said Adam.
“Oh ok. So when are you going to come get the rest of our stuff so we can follow you to the apartment?” Asked Cholie.
“I will be back there tomorrow to get the rest of our things and while I take the things to the apartment you and Payton are going to stay there so I can surprise you. I want to have everything in its place when you see it.” Said Adam.
“Ok well I will see you tomorrow.” Cholie said.
“You aren’t mad because I want to surprise you, are you?” Asked Adam.
“No I’m not mad. I love you.” Said Cholie.

         The next day Cholie took Payton and went to the Christmas parade because she knew Adam would be there soon to get the rest of the stuff and she didn’t want Payton to start crying to go with him. When they got back home they were shocked to see that there were two-dozen red roses on the counter. Adam knew they were her favorite flowers so he bought her two-dozen long stemmed red roses. But what surprised them even more was that everything else in the house was gone except what was in the refrigerator and freezer. They knew Adam had been there so they just waited for him to come back. After a few hours of waiting, Adam showed back up to get Cholie and Payton. Then they all went out to dinner and when they were done Cholie and Payton got in Cholie’s car and followed him to their new home. When they finally got there Cholie was surprised at what she saw. It was nothing like she had expected.

         They didn’t arrive at an apartment, instead they were at a beautiful two-story house with a fenced in backyard. The house had five bedrooms, two of them having their own bathroom in them. There were two additional bathrooms, one upstairs and one downstairs. As she was looking around she saw that Adam had made the master bedroom and the guest room the two with their own bathroom in them. Then out of the other two bedrooms that were upstairs one was Payton’s room and the other room just had a lot of boxes in it. As she looked closer at the boxes she saw that there was a changing table, a crib, a rocking chair, a toy box, and a couple dressers. She was so excited that he went ahead and got all of that stuff for the baby. It was all the furniture that she needed to start the nursery. Then when she went back down stairs she saw the fifth room. Adam had turned it into an office for Cholie so she could work at home and take care of their kids. He had even bought her a desk, computer, and an all in one printer/scanner combo. The office was the best room because she could sit at the desk and watch Payton outside. She couldn’t believe Adam had done everything by himself.

         She continued to walk around and she was impressed at everything he did for her. Everything was in its place and organized. She went to the kitchen to get something to drink and saw that Adam even had dinner ready and on the table. He had made steaks with baked potatoes and corn on the cob along with a chocolate cake for desert. So before Cholie went to find him and Payton so they could eat she went ahead and fixed them some drinks and placed them on the table.  She then walked out to the backyard to see if they were out there and saw that they were playing basketball on the deck. The backyard was beautiful. There were two flowerbeds, one on each side of the deck, and there was also a wooden playground in the back section of the yard. There was even an eight-foot privacy fence that enclosed the backyard. She liked it because if she was busy doing something she could let Payton play outside without worrying about her leaving the yard. While Cholie was working she could just look out the window and see Payton playing in the backyard. 

“Hey guys, I saw that dinner was done, so why don’t you come inside so we can eat.” Said Cholie.
“Ok we will be right there.” Replied Adam.
“And we are going to have to have a talk with Payton and tell her the news.” Said Cholie.
“Oh I thought that you already told her.” Adam said.
“I wanted it to come from both of us. You aren’t mad that I didn’t tell her about this are you?” Asked Cholie.
“No I just hope she is ok with it.” Said Adam.
“Oh and another thing. I love the house; you did an excellent job picking out the house. But you didn’t have to do it by yourself.” Said Cholie.
“I know I just wanted it to be perfect for you.” Said Adam.

         So while they ate Cholie and Adam started asking Payton questions about having a baby brother or sister. She was really into the subject of having a baby in the house. And from what they could tell by the way she was acting that she was happy about the idea. So they just told her that she was going to be a big sister soon. Payton seemed to enjoy the thought of being a big sister. For the next week she walked around telling everyone she saw that she was going to be a big sister soon. Payton couldn’t stop talking about having a baby brother or sister. She kept telling her mom that she wanted to feed the new baby and play with the baby too.

“Baby will you come lay down with me so I can feel our baby move?” Asked Adam as he moved the blankets down so she could lay down with him.
“Yes I will just let me put some shorts on so I can be more comfortable and then I will be over there.” Said Cholie.

         Cholie went over and got into the bed with him and he moved closer to her. She took a deep breath before guiding his hands under her shirt. She had to rearrange his hands more than once searching for the perfect place to feel the baby. But the baby seemed to settle down for the night and wasn’t moving. By the time Adam shook her hands off and began to explore on his own, she was starting to feel shaky and weak and was wishing she had eaten something for dinner but she wasn’t hungry at the time. Next thing she knew Adam was saying that he would be right back and when he returned he had a plate of food for her. And he told her that all he wanted her to do was relax and eat her dinner. She is now six months pregnant and has a doctor appointment tomorrow to find out if she is going to have a baby boy or girl.

         The next day they all went to the ultrasound appointment and they wanted to take Payton because they wanted Payton to feel like she is apart of the entire process. Payton was so excited that she was going to get to see her little brother or sister today. So they arrived at the doctor’s office and checked in. As they were waiting they explained to Payton that she was only going to see pictures today. Then the doctor came out and called them back to the room. As they were doing the ultrasound Payton kept asking a lot of questions about the pictures she was seeing. Then came the time to find out if it was a boy or a girl. The doctor decided to do something a little different this time so he told Payton what the baby was and she could be the one to tell her mom and dad. So he pulled Payton aside and told her that she was going to have a baby brother so she could tell her mom and dad.

“Well we are going to do things a little bit different today. Payton is there something you would like to tell your mom and dad?” Asked the doctor as he moved across the room so he could get the picture print offs.
“Mommy, the doctor said I was going to have a baby brother.” Payton said excitedly.
“Oh my god, I can’t believe we are going to have a baby boy.” Said Adam.

         As they were leaving the doctor’s office, Payton wanted to stop by the store and buy her baby brother something. So they went and got something to eat first and then they stopped by the store and let Payton buy her baby brother a few things. They ended up buying a few outfits that were on sale and some bottles for him. They even let Payton pick everything out for her baby brother. It was now getting late and time to go home so Payton can take a bath and get ready for bed. After Payton went to bed Cholie went into the office and got on the computer, she wanted to get her baby shower invitations done so she could take them to the post office and send them off. She put “it’s a boy” in big blue letters along with the time, date, location of the party, and phone number so the people could call and let her know if they are coming or not. The following day Cholie and Payton took the invitations to the post office and mailed them off. They are planning on having the baby shower in a month so they would have enough time to get the baby’s room ready for their son to come home to. They already have the crib and dressers for his room along with a few other things, but not enough to take care of a baby. They still needed so much more stuff before the baby came.

         The following day Adam and Cholie decided they were going to discuss names for their son.  Cholie knew that she wanted her son’s middle name to be Scott after her grandfather that passed away on her eighteenth birthday, but they still needed to come up with a first name. So as her and Adam were talking they decided to just make a list of some names that they both liked and choose one from there. Adam didn’t really care what the name was as long as their son was healthy. He knew whatever they came up with would be perfect for their son. Adam ended up only writing two names down and they were… Anthony and Khamiron. But Cholie had written down about ten names to choose from and they were… Jacob, Jaiden, Christopher, Tony, Brayden, Gabriel, Maddox, Michael, and Ramsey. Now all they had left to do was choose a name out of the list. It wouldn’t be that hard to find one that goes with Scott.

“Well now we have to choose a name we will both like.” Said Cholie.
“Ok well here is my list of names I like, so just let me know what you think. And if you don’t like them I will understand.” Said Adam.
“There are only two names on here though.” Said Cholie confused.
”I know, sorry, I couldn’t think of anymore.” Replied Adam.
“Ok well I will look at all the names and tell you what I think.” Cholie said.
“That sounds good to me. I love you baby.” Said Adam.
“You know we are still going to discuss the names after I look at them. So don’t think you are getting out of this one.” Said Cholie.
“I know but I want you to look at all of them first then we can talk.” Said Adam.
         So they sat and talked for the rest of the night about what names they liked and came to a decision. They chose to name him Jaiden Scott, and they were going to call him J. Now that they chose a name for him and got it over with they had to start getting the supplies for the baby shower and figure out what kind of snacks and drinks they were going to have for everyone that was going to be there. She decided to do veggies and dips, chips and dip, and finger sandwiches. She also wanted to do a fruit salad to go with all of it. So that weekend Cholie went shopping for all the things she needed for the party. She had to get all the things she needed for the snacks and drinks plus she needed the decorations along with the cups and plates. She also went ahead and got groceries for the house so she wouldn’t have to go back out for the rest of the weekend.

“Well I think I have everything for the baby shower now. I even got all the decorations.” Said Cholie.
“Has anyone called to say they were going to be here or not?” Adam asked.
“Well most of our family has called and said they were going to be here but it has only been a week and we have three weeks left until the day of the baby shower. So I figure our friends will be calling in the next week or two, as long as they don’t wait until the last minute I wont have any problems.” Replied Cholie.
“So since it is a baby shower that means the men don’t have to come right?” Said Adam.
“Oh did I forget to tell you… the men are coming too. I wanted to have you there so I invited the other husbands to come along.” Replied Cholie.
“That’s cool. You know I will be there.” Said Adam.
“You better be. I want you to be a part of what we get from everyone.” Cholie said.

         So as the day got closer everyone who had received an invitation had called and said they were coming, including the men. And it was now the time to start getting all the snacks and stuff together. The party was tomorrow and everything was now done, all the food except the sandwiches are done and all the decorations are up too. Since the next day was the baby shower Cholie started getting all the extra chairs set up and the plates and cups all placed on the table where the snacks and drinks were going to be. Now it was time for Cholie to fix dinner and get Payton ready for bed.

         It was now the day of the baby shower and everyone started showing up around noon. Once everyone was there Cholie started looking around at all the gifts, there were a lot of them piled up in the corner. It looks like she was going to get everything she needed and wanted for their son. So as everyone was getting ready to sit down they all got them something to drink.  Then as everyone sat down it was time to play some baby games like guessing the weight of Cholie and guessing the weight and height of their baby boy. Following the games people started handing Cholie and Adam the gifts. As they were unwrapping them they saw that they had received a car seat/stroller set, a swing, a baby bath, some bottles, and lots and lots of clothes for their son. When they were finished with all the gifts it was almost seven o’clock so everyone began to leave. Which gave Cholie time to give Payton a bath and put her to bed so she could clean up after all her guests and then start putting their son’s things away.

         It was now a month later and getting closer to the time for the baby to come. So Cholie figured it was about time to get together her bag for the hospital. She got a few outfits for Jaiden and a few outfits for herself and put them in the bag. And now everything was ready to go. They also had all the baby’s things put away where they go and ready to bring the baby home. The closet now has the dressers in it and all the clothes hung up in it; and the dressers were also now filled with clothes and other things the baby will need.

“Baby, I think it’s time to wake up.” Cholie said.
“What’s wrong?” Adam asked still half asleep.
“I think it’s time to have the baby. I would say we might need to go to the hospital.” Said Cholie.
“Oh ok I’m up. What should I do? Do you need me to call anyone?” Asked Adam
“Well first you need to call my mother so she can come get Payton and sit with her until after I have Jaiden. Then you need to call the doctor and let him know we are on our way to the hospital.” Replied Cholie.
“Ok, go make sure you have everything ready so we can leave as soon as I get off the phone.” Said Adam.
“All I have to get is the bag and my coat. I even have my shoes on.” Said Cholie.

         When they arrived at the hospital and got checked in they were taken to their room. Adam was rubbing Cholie’s back because the contractions were making her back hurt. When the doctor came to check in on Cholie he told her that everything was perfect and it was almost time to have their son. So after twenty minutes of pushing Jaiden Scott was born. They now have a healthy baby boy that weighed 8 pounds and 21 inches long. So as they were cleaning up Jaiden and the room Adam went and called to tell Payton that she could come see her baby brother. Now all they could do is wait for Cholie’s mom to bring Payton down there to see them. When they got there all Payton wanted to do was see her baby brother. She started to cry when she saw him and she started to ask if she could hold him. So they made her sit down and they let her hold him for a little bit. She is going to be a great big sister.

         Two days later it was time to take Jaiden home so they could start their life at home together. When they walked in they were all surprised to see that Cholie’s mom was already at the house waiting for them. She had even made them dinner so Cholie wouldn’t have to worry about cooking her first night home. She just wanted everybody to be able to relax and enjoy the first night with Jaiden at home. She loved the fact that she was home with her whole family. Adam was having a hard time believing Jaiden was already home with them. To their surprise Jaiden actually slept through the night only waking up once. He was a good baby and he didn’t really cry much so it was easy on them. Adam took a week off work so he could be home helping with both of their kids. It was nice having him home to help, he cooked and cleaned so Cholie wouldn’t have to do it and him and Payton were taking everything that she needed for the baby to her when she asked for it. She had everything she could ever need right at home. Her mom comes down to stay with her on the weekends so she had extra help getting things done around the house.

         She loved it when her mom came to visit because when they moved away she couldn’t see her parents as much as she did before. But she knew it was something they had to do so they could all be together. Cholie and Adam are already talking about another baby…

“Hey baby, I have a question for you.” Said Cholie.
“What is it? You know you can ask me anything.” Adam replied.
“Well Jaiden is now two months old and I was thinking… I want another baby.” Said Cholie not knowing how he would take it.
“Baby we just had another baby. What’s the rush on having another one?” asked Adam.
“I know but I want a big family and I want it with you.” Said Cholie.
“Well give it another two or three months and then we will see what happens then.” Said Adam.

         So over the next few months all Cholie could think about was that she wanted to have another baby. She loved kids and wanted to have a big family. Finally when Jaiden turned six months old Adam decided to get Cholie’s mom to watch Payton and Jaiden. He asked her to watch them because he wanted to take Cholie to a nice hotel for the weekend just the two of them. When Cholie’s mom got there they both told the kids bye and told Payton to help her grandma with everything. And then Adam and Cholie left for their romantic weekend alone. As they were driving to the hotel Cholie kept asking him where they were going so he finally decided to tell her what’s going on.

“Where are we going?” asked Cholie.
“We are going to spend a weekend alone together. I thought it would be good for us and your mom said she would watch the kids for us.” Said Adam.
“Oh ok that’s cool. But where are we going to be staying?” Cholie asked.
“We are going to a really nice hotel so we can be alone and get to spend time together.” Adam said.
“Ok well we might need to talk while we are alone. We need to discuss a couple things.” Said Cholie.
“Ok we are here so lets go get our room key.” Said Adam.

         So as they were going to their room Adam put a blind fold on her. When they entered the room there were rose peddles all over the floor and there was a candle lit dinner waiting for them. Adam led Cholie to the table and had her sit down. He took the blindfold off and she was amazed to see that all this stuff was already set up. As they were eating dinner Adam handed Cholie a gift bag and told her to open it.

“What is this for?” asked Cholie.
“I just wanted to get you something special. Open it and see what’s in there.” Said Adam.

         So she looked in the bag and to her surprise there was a diamond tennis bracelet and a new ring with the birthstones of Payton and Jaiden. She started crying because of how beautiful everything was. And after they were done eating Adam took her to the bed and wanted to sit and talk to her. As they were talking he said something that made Cholie freak out.

“Hey baby girl I have a question for you… are you serious about having another baby right away?” Adam asked
“Yes I am why I thought you weren’t ready to have more kids right now.” Said Cholie.
“Well the whole reason I brought you out here was because I sat and thought about what you were saying about having a baby and I just wanted to tell you that I cant think of anything that would be better than having another baby with you.” Said Adam.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to pressure you into doing that just for me.” Said Cholie.
“Baby come here, I am going to tell you this and I want you to believe me… I love you and I want to have more children with you. I want to start tonight if that’s what you want.” Said Adam.

         So they enjoyed their nice weekend together. They went to the pool and sat in their hot tub that was in the room. Cholie was so excited that they were going to have another baby; they had fun trying too. When the weekend was over they didn’t want to leave but Adam had to work the next day and Cholie had to get back to her kids. When they checked out of the hotel they went out to eat before going home. When they arrived home Payton was excited to see them and so was Jaiden. Cholie’s mom told her that the kids were good for her and that Payton helped her out the whole time. It made Cholie happy to know that they were good for her mom and that Payton helped out as much as she could. So the next day while Adam was at work Cholie took Payton and Jaiden to the store because she wanted to buy Payton something for being so good while they were away.

“Payton what would you like to get from the store? We are going to get you something for helping and being so good while we were gone.” Said Cholie.
“I don’t know mommy I will look ay the toys and get something.” Cholie said.
“Ok well just go pick something out. I have to get more diapers when you are done looking. But you can only get one thing. Ok.” Said Cholie.

         So as they were at the store Payton kept finding things that she wanted and then she finally picked one thing. It was a dress up chest with lots of clothes in it. It was only 10 dollars so she went ahead and let Payton get it. Then they went over and got a box of diapers because Jaiden was almost out of them. They also needed to find Adam something because his birthday was the following week. Cholie decided to get him a shirt made with a picture of Jaiden and Payton on it and on the bottom of the shirt it was going to say… “Daddy’s Babies”. It also had the kids’ names right under their pictures. It was a cute idea and she decided that it would be from the kids. Then Cholie decided to get him a new gold watch from herself. She thought he would like the presents that they had got him. Now they just had to get home before he did so they could out the presents away so he wouldn’t see them until his birthday.

         The next weekend they all decided to go out for dinner to celebrate Adam’s birthday and they decided to take the presents with them so he could open them after they ate. After they got done eating Cholie let Payton give Adam the present from her and Jaiden. Then after he opened it Cholie gave him the present from her. After he opened them he told Cholie that he loved them and gave her a kiss. Then he gave Payton and Jaiden a hug and a kiss. After dinner they all went home. It was ten o’clock and past the kids bed time. So when they got home Adam went out to rent a movie for him and Cholie to watch when the kids went to bed. While he went to the movie store Cholie gave the kids a bath and got them settled in their beds. She decided to put on the nighty that Adam had got her when they had their weekend away and wait for him on some blankets in front of the fireplace. When Adam walked back in the house he saw Cholie on the floor in front of the fireplace with a card next to her. He thought all his presents were over and didn’t know that Cholie had a surprise for him. He had no idea what was going on. So he sat down with her and opened the card. It was a blank card with a baby on the front of it. When he opened it he saw that Cholie had written something in it. It said… ‘Here is your other birthday present. We are pregnant again.’ He was shocked and didn’t know what to say. All he could do was smile and hug her. She thought he would flip out but he didn’t.

© Copyright 2007 sweetleaf420 (sweetleaf420 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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