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by Hermes
Rated: E · Article · Emotional · #1359687
Have you ever wondered what to do when you don't know what you can do? Here is my opinion.
What is more dangerous that that which we cannot see, cannot feel, and are unable to control? Events occur all around us, but it is the simplistic actions of people around us that are possibly the greatest determining factor of our view on life. So think of those around you and who you have touched. Has your mark gone unnoticed to you when it has been left within someone's heart? When you see, and often predict the actions of others, what has taken place? Has your trust in them gone down and your pride been elevated? There are often hard times in life, but if not for hard times, the easy would seem difficult. So if we perceive that what has occurred to be difficult, would it be hard to someone who has gone through other events and has had different experiences? Where is the control in our lives to determine what is easy and what is hard? It cannot be decided by us, but only by those around you the measure of difficulty you are experiencing. For if it were judged by you, it would ultimately be biased and the momentary pain would seem more extreme at the time than it would afterwards or previously. But when each experience is unique and the people around you do not know what exactly you are going through, who can ultimately decide what we are going through to be difficult. The measuring of our experiences is within our control, but ultimately false. There is a certain level of control in every person's life however. The ability to affect someone is uncontrollable, however, by our actions; we can attempt to influence the emotions of someone positively or negatively. Therefore, what actions are we willing to take to gain that level of control? Are we willing to lose sight of ourselves in order to gain that control, or do we pursue what we see to be of more worth?
Be there for people to confide in, and then their confidence in you grows. However, in order for someone to truly confide in you, and not just give you an update on what has been happening in their life, the confidence must be maintained. The trust must be there in order for future conversations to be more than just a friendly gesture. If that confidence is betrayed, it is hard for it to be earned and only when both parties truly care enough to do so. It is not only up to they who betrayed the trust, but for the ones who are hurt to stand up again and be willing to give a little. However, when the one who trusts extends the offer again, even if to a separate party, and those people who offer and say they are to be trusted and eliminates that small amount of trust, it will be very hard for that person to ever extend that offer again. Therefore, if there is one who does not trust you, it may not be that you are untrustworthy; they are simply untrusting because of their previous experiences. Work to gain that trust, and do not let it fall. There are people that simply need to learn to trust, and there are people who can help them with that. Once the trust is gone, it can be rebuilt, but it takes great time and patience. When there is a level of trust that you have built with someone, not only can they confide in you, but you can confide in them.
When you are hurt, many say that you must not focus on it, but do not forget it. When someone you know is hurt, it is much better to say you have been there, or have been through similar experiences than to say "I'm sorry" without any support for the emotion. When your life is over, it will be measured by others, and it is through your actions that ultimately suggests who you are. Let your actions truly reflect who you aspire to be. There is a limited amount of time in our lives, and we must therefore do whatever it takes for it to become one that remains, truly and forever, unforgettable.
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