Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1359628-My-Boyfriend-The-Vampire-ch-2
by Keiko
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1359628
Kuro goes over to Alexander's house for dinner with his family.
*two hours later*

         Alexander had dragged me out to his car, which happened to be a BMW, after the last bell had rang. He was so hyper after I had yes to him for coming over his house and going out with him. I, on the other hand, was worried about meeting his family, plus the fact that we only just met each other and are now going out.
         He held the passenger side door open for me, and smiled kindly. I got in, and he close the door after he was sure that my feet and arms were safe in the car. He walked to the driver side, and hoped in, and started the car.
         " Ready?" He asked me, before pulling out of the school parking lot.
         " Yes." I said, looking at the students, who were staring at us.
         Alexander nodded, and sped down the parking lot and out onto the road, where he seemed to only picked up speed. He was going faster than I was used too, and yes it scared me. My fingers were digging into my legs, my teeth clenching within my mouth. My heart was racing, seeming to get faster and faster as I watched the little arrow on the speedmeter crawl upwards slowly.
         " Kuro?" Alexander said, voice filled with such concern, as he took one of my hands in his tightly.
         " I'm fine, really I'm fine." I looked at him for only half a second, before training my eyes back on the road, trying to get my breathing even.
         " Want me to slow down?" He asked, seeing that I was nervous. " I'll slow down."
         " Please," I said in what sound like a mere squeak.
         " All you had to do was say so, my love," He smiled, slowing down. " I do tend to go a little fast. My parents hate it when I drive."
         " I can see why."
         Alexander chuckled. " I nearly gave my father a heart attack one time. I almost hit a deer."
         " And you find that funny!" I exclaimed, though it sounded funny.
         " Yes, I was drunk. My father and I, two drunk idoits!"
         We both laughed. The thought of seeing Alexander drunk caught my interest. It would be a funny sight, since I've never seen anyone who was drunk, or been drunk myself. I'd have a sugar high from to much candy, but that's about it.
         After only 10 minutes we were riding up in a big ass driveway, and through the big oak tree I could see the gothic, 18th centry style house that loomed in the shadows. It was a beautiful house, yet it was a little creepy, and gave me a cold chill. I could only imagine the inside. Dark, cold, spider webs everywhere, and somewhere in the house was a coffin with a vampire sleeping in it.
         Alexander cut the engine, and turned to me. " Ready, my love?"
         " Yes, a beautiful house." I smiled at him, helping myself out, not wanting to be a bother to him.
         " It is, isn't it?" He smiled, a cute, light smile.
         He opened the door once we walked up the six steps there were. He moved to the side to let me in first. I nodded a thank you as I walked into the huge livingroom/dinning room.
         It had a high ceiling and painted a crimson red color. That seemed to be the theme of that house. All the cloth stuff in the place seemed to be crimson, and the wood was a dark cherry wood. It was wonderful, and made me feel warm and comfy. The cold feeling I had gotten faded away.
         Alexander took me by the waist and pulled me close, resting his chin on my shoulder.
         " You like it do you not?" He whispered lovingly into my ear, causing me to shiver.
         " Yes, I do. It's very comzy in here." I smiled at him when I looked over my shoulder.
         He nodded. " Now you must met my father and his lover!" He beamed.
         " Don't you mean your mother?" I asked, taken a back when he said lover instead of mother.
         " Nope, his lover. My mother passed away when I was only 12." He never stopped smiling, but I could see the saddness in his blue-green eyes as he said that.
         " Ah, I see," I looked down, knowing how he felt all to well. " I'm sorry."
         " Not your fault, Kuro." He hugged him tightly, nuzzling my neck.
         " Alexander, is that you?" Came a man's voice from behind us, he sounded rather young. When I turned around he looked rather young as well with bright green eyes, and shining blonde hair.
         " Yes, daddy!" Alexander let me go, and rushed to hug his father. He might dress goth, but he didn't act it at home at all.
         His father smiled, and hugged him back. " Glad you're home, my man!" He chuckled and looked at me. " Who is this, Alexander?"
         " This is my....boyfriend, father. His name is Kuro!" Alexander blushed, when his father's smile turned into an all-knowing smirk.
         " I see," He said, and hugged me. " Welcome to our home,Kuro. You can call me Mr. Black, or Coby."
         " I think I'll stick with Mr. Black for now." I smiled at him kindly, and he nodded.
         " Justin is cooking dinner, I'll go tell him to make a little more." Mr. Black smiled, leaving us alone to go to the kitchen, I assumed.
         " Justin?" I looked at Alexander, who smiled and blushed.
         " My father's lover."
         " WHAT?! Really?" I gasped.
         "  Yes, really. You'll like him, he's cool!" Alexander gave me a thumbs up.
         " That's very interesting." I smiled at Alexander, and he nodded. " What's for dinner?"
         " More than likly chicken or something like that." He took my hand and started to lead me to the kitchen, where I saw Mr. Black helping out. He was cutting things up.
         A man, about 6'1 stood at the stove, stirring something that smell really good. His hair was a strawberry blonde that was kept in a loss ponytail. I couldn't see his face, for his back was turned to me, but he wasn't as muscular as Alexander and his father. From the back he looked like he should be in his early 20's.
         " Justin, what you cooking?" Alexander asked looking over his shoulder.
         " Hm? Oh, some mac'n'cheese with baked chicken." I got a profile view of his face, and he looked like he was in his teens not 20's.
         I went up to him and looked at his full face, and looked him up and down. He gave me a gave me a curious look as he watched me. I could see the question in his eyes, and he was about to asked them, but I beat him.
         " How old are you?" I asked, and I got the whole lot of them to laugh.
         " Is that what the issue is, Kuro?" Justin said, and I then wondered how the hell he knew my name when I didn't tell it to him, but Mr. Black might have told him.
         " Yes, it is." I said, forgetting to ask about the name thing, it didn't really matter.
         " I'm 19 if you must know," He smiled at me. " I know that I look alot younger."
         " Yes, yes you do," I straighten up, and blushed. " Sorry if I was being rude."
         " Not at all. Alexander did the same things when he met me." Justin chuckled, causing Alexander to blush and look away. " He didn't like me at first either. He tried everything to make me leave, seriously. While I was asleep he placed my hand in a bowl of warm water, and you can guess what happened after that."
         I looked at Alexander. " Evil little thing weren't you."
         " Yeah, but it was funny." He smiled weakly at me, and I smiled back.
         " You two go wash up, dinner is almost ready." Justin shooed us. " Alex will show you where the bathroom is."
         Alexander took my hand, and we were off again. He ran up the stair to the bathroom on the second floor. He opened the door, and once again it was a crimson theme; must be his father's fave color or something like that. But that wasn't it about the bathroom. You know how you'd think that a bathroom would stink or smell of mint tooth paste, well that didn't appeal here. The bathroom smell of lavender and lilicas. I rather liked it.
         " Soap." Alexander said handing me the bar.
         " Thank you." I took it and wet it along with my hands. I washed my hand throughtly, who knows what were on the desks at the school. It scared me just thinking about it.
         Alexander leaned against the door way, waiting for me to finish. I noticed that his eyes looked at every inch of my body, not missing a thing. I didn't mind, but I wasn't used to it, and I couldn't help but wonder if he liked what he saw. I was tempted to ask, but held my tongue.
         I walked to him when I was finished. " Let's get down there before they eat it all."
         He chuckled and started to follow me back down the stairs. I found myself looking at his ass as he went down the stairs. It looked so firm, and tone. I wanted touch it, but reframed from it, knowing that it would be rube to do on the first date. I should at least until the forth, or let him make the first move.
         Once back down the stairs, Mr. Black had set the table in the dinning room. Him and Justin were sitting on one side, leaving two spots on the other so that Alexander and I could sit together. Our plate were filled with food, and glasses with what looked like soda. It smelled like Dr. Pepper when I sat down. They food smelled good too, even though I was used to mac'n'cheese. I lived off the stuff for a few months when I started to live by myself.
         Justin looked over at me. His eyes were curious, they always seemed to be curious. He had started to eat, like Mr. Black. Alexander had yet to start. I guess he was waiting for me to start, it was the polite thing to do.
         " What?" I asked Justin, as I put a spoon-full of mac'n'cheese into my mouth.
         " I was wondering if your parents minded you being over here, and the fact that you have a boyfriend now." He said, and for some odd reason my eyes narrowed angrily at him.
         " How could parents care if they are dead." I said, eating more, and eating faster.
         They looked at me a little shocked. It was easy to tell that they were thinking the same thing.
         " Y-you're living alone, Kuro?" Mr. Black said, being the first to speak.
         " Yes, I have for almost 4 years now, after my Aunt passed." I said, eating a piece of chicken, not wanting to think about it.
         " What of your mother and father?" Alexander asked me, taking my hand under the table, seeing that it was bothering me.
         " My father left my mother and I when I was only 2 or 3. I don't remember him, and my mother passed away in a car crash when I was 7." I sighed, reliving the moment, hating it. " That's why I changed my name to Kuro. Match my soul after everything was said and done."
         " Sorry, that I ask." Alexander looked down, his hand falling away from mine, as he went back to eating. Mr. Black and Justin went back to eating as well.
         " It's not your fault." I said, I hadn't meant to ruin the mood.
         " Alexander's mother died in the same car crash when we first moved here as well." Mr. Black said, playing with a noddle in his plate. " Alexander wasn't with us, he was with a baby-sitter. I hated coming home to tell him....." His voice trailed off.
         " Father, it wasn't your fault."
         " I know it wasn't, but I just can't let it go. No matter what I do." He sighed, getting up, picking up his plate taking it to the kitchen.
         My eyes saddened. I hadn't known or even guessed that anyone else died in that crash except for my mother, but I guess I was wrong. Now I hated the fact that I'd even said anything about my past. It seems like everyone around me got killed or their feelings hurt. Why could god just take me instead of other people? What propose could I have here on earth?
         Alexander took his and my plate into the kitchen to be cleaned, but I knew that he was going to check on his father as well. I kinda envied him for still having his father, or even one of his parents still here with him.
         " Don't worry, he'll be fine." Justin smiled at me from across the table.
         " I hope," I sighed, looking at my hands that were balled into fists. " I just feel like it's my fault they're both upset, ya know."
         " Don't feel that way. This happens alot to be honest with you," He said, then looked down. " May I ask you something?"
         " Sure." I said without thinking. He could ask me anything and I had to answer it now, reguardless.
         " What is your real name, Kuro?" He smiled kindly at me.
         " Um....Jacoby. Jacoby was my real name." I said, my heart bleeding.
         " That's a nice name, why change it?" He asked innocently.
         " My name were my mother's last words, so it hurts when anyone says it. So if I wanted to stop the pain, I would have to get rid of the name, and that's what I did." I said, honestly, my whole body shaking now. " Though I do miss hearing it, because I feel empty...."
         " I guess so." He said, drinking from his glass.
         Alexander and Mr. Black walked back in, and sat down.
         " What were you two talking about?" Mr. Black smiled at us both.
         " I just asked him what his real name was," Justin answered.
         " Kuro isn't your real name?" Mr. Black said, looking at me with a child-like expression. Alexander seemed to have known that.
         " Yeah, it's not. I changed it a little after my mother died," I said, hating to tell the story twice. " My name used to be Jacoby."
         " You look more like a Jacoby than Kuro." He smiled at me.
         " I think they both sound good," Alexander smirked a little, taking a sip from his glass. His blue-green sparkled brightly in the light of the dinning room. Like there was something he was thinking about somthing that was wrong in a phyical way.
         " Oh, thank you," I said, smiling alittle. This was the first time that I heard someone say they liked my name other than my late aunt.
         " Would you mind if I call you, Jacoby?" Alexander ask me, taking my hand tightly in his, and placed one hand on my cheek.
         " O-okay," I said, blushing, feeling my heart begin to race. Why is that him saying my name made my whole body tingle?
         Mr. Black looked at Justin, and it was if they were talking to each other inside their heads, for Justin nodded and stood up. Mr. Black did the same and walked with him out of the room, leaving Alexander and I totally alone.
         " Jacoby, do you want me to take you home now, or would you like to stay the night?" Alexander asked me, his eyes wanting me to stay there.
         " I-I couldn't stay the night. I'd just be a bother, plus I have to feed my kitty. I just got her, and I bet the poor thing is lonely." I said, bitting at one of my knuckles. It was true, I had just gotten a little kitten. I found her at my door step, just meowing at me. She was so cute, and didn't have a callor that I took her in. I couldn't leave her alone all night long without feeding the kitty, she still needed to be bottle fed.
         " You have a kitten?" Alexander's eyes lit up. " What's her name?"
         " I haven't named her yet, but she still needs to be bottle fed. She just came up to my door one night." I said, starting to get a little anxious.
         " Okay, let's go see kitty," He took my hand, and we started outside and into his car. Night was falling, and I saw that it was going to be a half moon tonight. I wished it was a full. I liked the full moon better, and it would mean that I've had kitty for about three weeks now.
         Alexander looked at my house once we arrived, he seemed to like it alot, though it wasn't as big as his. It was a simple house, big enough for a family of 4, but that's about it. It had red shutters, and the siding was a tanish color.
         " I like, nice and homey." He smiled, opening my door.
         " Mew!" Came a meow, making Alexander jump, and almost cling to me. His face was pale. When he looked down to see that it was my new kitty relief washed over his face.
         " Awww, you scared Alexander, kitty." I picked up the tiny little black kitten, and she purred. Her little yellow eyes never left Alexander as we walked into the house.
         The inside was just as simple as the outside. An enertainment center in the living room with a couch, love seat, and coffee table inbetween. The curtains were a light blue, as was the carpet. The kitchen was right across the room. I didn't have a table for I just sat and ate at the coffee table, where kitty would curl up in my lap and sleep. Even for her size she made a good space heater.
         " I really like it here." Alexander said, looking around.
         " Yeah," I nodded in agreement setting kitty on the floor. I watched as she went over to Alexander.
         " Hello kitty." He smiled at her, bending down to pet her, but she hissed and bit him. " OW!! That's not very nice." He pouted pulling his hand away, and she went after in, but in an attempt to play.
         I chuckled. " She just wants to play with you. She tends to hiss when she wants to play rough. I learned that the hard way." I showed him my left hand that had been torn to pieces by the little kitten.
         " Ouch, that looks like it hurts." He said, petting her now.
         " It did." I smiled, looking at kitty. " Go get Alexander your mousy, show him your mousy!"
         She raced into the living room, and under the couch where she hid her toys, thinking that I didn't know where they were. She yanked out her mousy, which was twice her size and processed to drag it over to Alexander, who eyes were wide. Surprised that a little thing like her could carry something that big over to him.
         " That's her mousy?"
         " Yes, that is her mousy," I smiled proud of her. She was like my baby, but I'd never admit it. " She drags it everywhere. To eat, bathroom, bed."
         " Strong littly kitty, aren't you?" Alexander sat on the floor, crossing his legs, as he picked her up and laid her in his lap like a little baby. She still had her mousy in her mouth when her stomach growled loudly, and she purred. " Kitty hungry huh?"
         " I'll get her bottle." I said. " Want to feed her?"
         " Sure, if she'll let me." Alexander smiled, rubbing her tummy, making her purr more. She seemed to like him, unlike she did with everyone else. She didn't like that man that runs by the house at 6 am, or the mail man, or the pizza man. But she liked Alexander as if he were me. I guess she knew that he wasn't going to hurt me and that we were friends.
         " I think she will. She seems to like you, instead of wanting to kill you, like that mail man." I chuckled, going into the kitchen to go get warm milk and a bottle.
         As I waited for the milk to warm up in the pan I put on the stove, my mind began to wander. My thoughts were mixed between pleasure and sorrow. I could see myself with Alexander, in his arms as he hummed a song and I'd go to sleep. He'd stay awake and watch as I dreamed of our life together, then it was change to me finding him in my bed,skin drained of color. Life no longer in him.
         The thought made me shudder, and brought tears to my eyes. People would say I would be stupid to get so upset when I'd just met him today. They'd say that I didn't know him at all, but I felt like I've known him for years, like he's always been there.
         " Jacoby?" Alexander looked in from the door way, kitty in his arms. She looked just as concered as he did. " You alright?"
         " Yes, I'm fine." I smiled at him reassuringly. " My stove is just being a bitch."
         He chuckled, and nodded. " Alright, we'll be watching TV on the couch." He turned a left.
         Kitty's yellow eyes never left me. She watched me until she couldn't see me anymore. She knew that I was upset. She always knew what I was feeling, and if she could talk she'd ask me if I was okay a thousand times a day. Strange how you can consider your pet your best friend.
         After getting the milk into a tiny little bottle without spilling any, I walked into the living room. Alexander was playing with her on the couch. He'd found a string and wiggling it in front of her face as she laid on his stomach. Her attention was on the string until she saw that I had the bottle, and she mewed happily, her yellow eyes had lit up.
         I chuckled, sitting down. " Calm down, kitty. Alexander's going to feed you tonight."
         She seemed to understand what I'd said, because she stayed in his lap as he sat up. I gave him the bottle, and she tugged at his sleeve until the nipple was at her mouth. She began to suck greedily at it, purring.
         " Damn, she got some sucking action!" Alexander laughed. " Imainge what she could do if she were human." He smirked devilishly at me. There was a sparkle of lust in his eyes.
         I gasped playfully. " Alexander!"
         " Like you weren't thinking it."
         " Not until you said something," I laughed.
         He was laughing, watching both me and kitty. Kitty seemed happy in his arm, and she looked at me. It was as if she was getting in my head when your eyes met. It was like she was telling me that I should keep him, he was a good person, but she didn't need to tell me that. I already knew, and he'd soon prove it.
© Copyright 2007 Keiko (shadow_chan at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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