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by Mayo
Rated: · Short Story · Military · #1359232
details of the life of Private Mayo before he goes off to Normandy
March 1941

The last dance. It didnt seem real at all. His school life was coming to a swift end. After tonight, all he had left was graduation and then it was off to the world for him. It all felt unreal as he thought about it. The music started and his girlfriend grabbed his hands and pulled him out to the dance floor for that last go around. She rested her head on his chest as they danced slowly around the dance floor, savoring the night and hoping it would never end. Dissapointment settled in many hearts as the realization that the dance was over set in. Chris and Julie stood on the dance floor for a while after the last notes of the song faded out. Julie looked into his hazel eyes and saw he was in despair over some thought that crossed his mind. "What's wrong Chris?" She asked after a few moments. " I just can't believe it's all over now." He said almost sadly. "Part of me does want to be out of school and on with life. But another part of me wants to stay here with you forever. I dont know which part i should listen to." At that, tears welled up in Julie's dark brown eyes and she began to cry. Chris drew her closer to his chest and wrapped her in a hug that lasted for several minutes. The couple walked out with a group of their friends, making jokes and laughing at stupid things. After their friends had left, Chris walked Julie to her house and said his goodnights. As she was walking up the sidewalk to her house, Chris called after her, "I love you!" She stopped mid step and turned to face him again. "Really?" She asked. And even as he was still nodding she ran back to him and locked him in a kiss. She stood looking into his eyes for a few minutes, and then she walked back to her house, the largest of smiles showed on both of their faces. He waited til she closed the door before he started walking back to his own house.

December 7, 1941

"Julie. I decided i'm joining the Army."

"What?!?" She asked confused and surprised. "But why?"

"The Allies are getting beat badly over in Europe and i feel like i can make a difference if i go over there to help. It's difficult to explain Julie. And it must be hard for you to understand, but i feel like its what i have to do."

"Do you still love me?" She asked.

"Why would you ask that? Of course i do!"

"Then why do you want to go and throw everything away like that?!?" She yelled and then broke down into a sobbing fit. Chris pulled her close to him and tried to comfort her, but the tears kept coming. They sat there for what seemed like hours, when a knock on the door broke the silence. Chris answered the door and saw two of his friends, Jeremy and Dylon, standing there with anger and worry etched on their faces.

"I guess you guys heard the news too? Is it over yet or are they still attacking?"

"The radio says its still getting worse but who knows whats really going on."

"What's worse is that there isnt anything we can do about it. Makes you feel helpless and small."

"Well, we were on our way over to the recruiting depot to sign up and stopped by to see what you were going to do."

At that, Chris looked back at Julie, who was standing in the hall with tears running down her face. He walked to her and hugged her but she only whispered one word to him. "Go."

"You're sure this is ok with you?"

"It's what you want and i think that should be good enough for me. Now go!"

He kissed her hard and left, almost reluctantly, but he left. He was off to sign his life away.

The sargeant shook the hands of each of the men standing in the room and welcomed them all in to the United States Army. All where assigned to bootcamp on January 23 at Fort Benning, Georgia. There they would spend several weeks training to combat the Axis forces that had taken over Europe.

On his way from the recruiting depot, Chris stopped by Julie's house and shared the news with her and filled her in on as many details as he could. Tears came again as the thought of him leaving came even closer to reality. The two sat in her quiet house talking for at least an hour before Chris departed to give the news to his parents and friends.

January 22, 1942

The bus station was quiet and not very many people had shown up to see the young recruits off to their training. Most of the people there were family, a few friends, and girlfriends, of course. When the bus was spotted coming up the road, Julie wrapped Chris in a hug and gave him one last farewell kiss. "I love you so much." She said to him as the bus stopped and the recruits gathered on board. "I love you too." And with that he was off on his way to become a soldier.

BCT-Fort Benning, Georgia

The bus ride had been long and quiet and pretty stessful for some of the more nervous recruits. A few of them carried on conversations and made jokes to try and lighten the mood a little. Chris sat in a seat by himself and looked quietly out of the window. As the bus carried him further and further from his home and family and Julie, doubt started to enter his mind about what he was doing and why he was doing it. Thinking on it now, had he really wanted to join in the first place, or was he just doing it because of that helpless feeling he had after listening to the news from the Pearl Harbor attack. 'Too late to turn back now, i guess.' he thought. "Mayo, you alright man?" Dylon asked him from a couple seats over. "Yeah, I'm fine." He said with a bit of sarcasm in his voice. He looked back out of the window and saw a sign that read "Welcome to Georgia."

They got off the bus as quickly as they could and were assaulted by yelling that seemed to come from everywhere out of the dark Georgia night. Instructors ran around everywhere, shouting at recruits and forcing them to stand in one of the most single file lines anybody could ever want to have to stand in. It seemed like sheer chaos to some of them and others just went along with the game. After the line had been formed, they were marched into the building and were measured for their uniforms and what not. After that they were assigned their bunks and footlockers. Then, when they were all at attention in front of their bunk, the biggest, meanest looking instuctor they had seen so far walked through the double doors followed by two other instructors. " I am Sargeant Norris, your senior drill instructor, and for the next nine weeks, the first and last words out of your mouths had better be Sir. Got that ladies?" He said in a deep, gravely voice that echoed through the barracks. "Sir, Yes sir!" The sargeant walked around the room, continuing his welcome speech and inspecting this new batch of recruits. "What's your name private?" He asked when he got to Chris. "Sir, Private Mayo, Sir!" Chris said as loud and clearly as he could. "Mayo? What the hell kind of name is that? Is that your idea of a sick joke? Well?"

"Sir, it isn't a joke, it is actually my name, sir."

"Come to think of it, i dont think your the first Mayo thats passed through my camp. Did your father serve son?"

"Sir, yes, sir."

"Well, then i'll be expecting twice as much from you. You can thank your daddy when you get back home." And at that he walked on to the next recruit and saw something wrong with him and nearly blew his top. It continued on like this for about an hour more and then lights out came.

Graduation Day

"Today, you advance beyond the rank of maggot and shed your self given titles of ladies. Today, you become soldiers. I am honestly proud of each and every one of you little maggots. You all grew up so fast. But enough of that. It's time for you to get your dress blues on and show all those civilians out there what it means to be a soldier!" The recruits went to their bunks and started getting their dress blues on and reported to the deck, where many parents and loved ones were gathered to watch the graduation ceremonies.

After they were done marching and had received the medals and ribbons they earned during BCT, the recruits were allowed to find their loved ones. Chris found Julie right away and hugged her so tightly she couldnt breathe for a minute. "You look good in uniform, Chris." She said after she could finally breathe again. "Your mom and dad are here, somewhere." She said. After a little bit of searching, he found them and his mom had tears and a smile spread across her face. His dad gave him a salute, which he returned, and then gave both of them a hug. "We're so proud of you." His mom said. "Thanks mom."

June, 1944

Dear Julie,

This will be the last letter i am able to send to you for a while. We're heading to France very soon. I'm more nervous right now than i have ever been in my entire life. Some of the British guys told us some pretty nasty stories from their battles with the Germans. Sounds like it'll be a hard fight. I'll send you another letter when we make it over to France. It may be a while though, so please dont think the worst if i havent written for a while. I love you more than anything in this world, Julie, and i will come home. I promise you that. I have to go now, we're doing more training exercises.

Love you,


The letter fell from her hands as she read it. It arrived two days after he wrote it but with another letter from the government. It read:

Dear Ms. Parks,

It is with the deepest regret that I, Sargeant Dylon Crow, must inform you of the death of your loved one, Private Chris Mayo. He was a fine soldier and performed to the highest standards anyone could be asked to perform. The U.S.Army could not ask for a finer man than him.

Sgt. D. Crow, U.S. Army

The door to her room slammed shut and the letters lay on the ground in the living room, alongside a picture of the man she had loved so much.

© Copyright 2007 Mayo (chris_mayo08 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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