Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1358587-Sunsets-Twilight-Re-done-1-Symphony
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Romance/Love · #1358587
This story is originally "Twilight" by Stephanie Meyer. Multiple 1st person POV.
(You will know who is who by the font. it is the colour of their eyes.)
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The alarm buzzed on my nightstand with its early imaginary fan-fare of "Its 6:oo am! We wouldnt want to be the least bit lazy on your first day of school!" Me, of about 17 and a half, moaned tiredly into my light blue pillow. I hugged it tightly and grumbled softly into it as I shifted onto my stomach. My light brown hair matted and tangled as I avoided my finger's contact with the "Sleep" button of my pesky alarm clock. "Nope....good dream....nope..." I murmured into my pillow.
My mother laughed from her place at the bottom of the stairs. Footsteps indicated that mother had walked back to the kitchen and away from the stairs leading to the attic.
I joked back with tired laughter. I got up by swinging my legs over the edge of my bed and standing up quickly....big mistake....I gasped as my vision went prickly and my head swam quite uncomfortably. I cringed and I swayed slightly. I suddenly felt my entire body hit the wooden floor with great impact.
I hissed as I looked around the room.
"Thank God its only mornings that Im like this..."
I groaned aggrivatedly and turned off the alarm as I picked myself off the floor. I was about to get ready for my first day back from summer break. I had just recently moved to Washington and away from my rather unattatched father. Thank goodness my mother had finally seen the light and filed for divorce against him. As this thought crossed my mind, I brushed my teeth, brushed out my hair, pulled a BeetleJuice hoodie over my plain grey cami, threw on a pair of ripped up jeans and a pair of plain black ballet flats. I applied a little make-up and snatched my charged iPod, cellphone and a bagel and dashed out the door.
In my navy-blue cavalier (The "Gad-About"), I was currently stopped in traffic on my way to school. "Gah......sigh.....yawn...."
I spoke aloud and continued boredly,
"Blink....cough....wah.....lol....gigglesnort and all that jazz....."
I muttered under my breath and rolled my eyes. I then decided to pop in my Greenday cd into the player of the Gad-About.
I grumbled and annunciated the words like a speech therapist. I rolled my eyes at my sick boredom. Suddenly my low-volume GreenDay music was drowned out by an intense bass thumping. I felt myself sneer and looked to the side, my
passenger window was rolled down. I saw next
to me in a flashy little red car, were two blonde girls and two boys, one with dark brown curls and the other with dirty blonde hair. They were blasting some urban pop music....obnoxious.
So me, being my regular balligerant self, took out Green Day and switched it with something else....Rammstein. With a flick of the wrist, the volume dial was cranked all the way up, I smirked softly and leaned back casually as the song "Feuer Frei" blasted to the point where ears would bleed.
"Getadelt wird wer Schmerzen kennt....vom Feuer das die Haut verbrennt...Ich merf ein Licht....in mein Gesicht....Ein heisser Schrei....Feuer frei!!!"
I calmly mouthed the words with one hand loosely on the steering wheel. I looked over at the Hollister-wearing popular people who were frozen on the spot, their faces contorted in both rage and disgust. I smiled cutely and waved. Suddenly the light turned green and I was gone.
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I stepped into the classroom, and quietly looked about, sighing at another impending year of calculous...as if i couldnt pass the final by now with my eyes shut. Never the less, it was still nearly 10 minutes before the class started, so i pulled out my cd player, and threw in the ever controversial Marilyn Manson. Turning the volume all the way up granted me quite a few odd looks from people in my class...but why should i care? I looked about, and smiled to myself at their thoughts, whether they be about profane music, or my 'shockingly good looks'. I looked up at the clock, and sighed again; it was going to be another boring first day of school........again.
© Copyright 2007 Prongs Bialystock (prongsbialyhoo at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1358587-Sunsets-Twilight-Re-done-1-Symphony