Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1358393-Capn-Swallow-The-First-Adventure
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1358393
Go along with Cap'n Swallow and learn her secrets and enjoy her adventure.
One day on the high seas there is a ship called the Silver Swallow which is part of a fleet.  Cap'n Swallow: On deck crew get ready to make port in Tortuga._ *The crew running aroud on the deck while Cap'n Swallow is watching.*Cap'n Swallow: Come on crew let's make port._  *the ship sails into port.*  Cap'n Swallow: Mary stay with the ship._  Mary: Aye Aye Captain._  Cap'n Swallow: Gory Go check the Mailbox._  *Cap'n Swallow is hoping she got a letter.*  Cap'n Swallow: Crew go get supplies for our trip South._ *Gory comes running up with something in his hand.*  Gory: Cap'n Swallow ye got a letter._ Cap'n Swallow: Ah who be it from._  Groy: It is from Port Royal!_ /*Cap'n Swallow  still calm* Cap'n Swallow: Ah probalby from Louis._ Groy: who._  Cap'n Swallow:me cousin Louis._  Groy: oh._  *Cap'n Swallow takes the letter* Cap'n Swallow: He has invited us to Port Royal._  Groy: Cap'n?_ Cap'n Swallow: yeah._ Groy: we be pirates ye don't really think about goin._  Cap'n Swallow: why not?_  Groy: we be pirates what if we get caught?_  Cap'n Swallow: we won't we be smart enough not to and if we do we still have the Silver Seaserpent. _ Groy: aye we do._ Cap’n Swallow: Let's go mates to Port Royal._  * they sail off to Port Royal*./* they reach Port Royal*. *Sharal Cap'n Swallow first mate comes runnin in to Cap'n Swallow quarters* Sharal: Port Royal in sight Cap'n._  Cap'n Swallow; excellent get the girls ready to make port and lower the flag._  / Sharal: Aye aye Cap'n._  * the ship makes port in Port Royal* Port Royal Officer: How may I help you travelers._ Cap'n Swallow: We be lookin for me cousin Louis Swallow._  Port Royal Officer: Oh he lives just up the street follow._  * Cap'n Swallow and her crew fallow the officer* Officer: here we are._  Cap'n Swallow: thanks._ Officer: my pleasure.  * Cap'n Swallow and her crew walk up to the house** Cap'n Swallow Knocks on the door* *the door opens* Louis: Hello.  Louis: Cathy, welcome please come in.  *Cathy/Cap'n Swallow and her crew walk in* Cathy: how have ye been Louis?  Louis: same o same o and you?  Cathy: ye know Livin the life.  Louis: I am so happy you could make it.  Swallow: yeah we weren’t busy when we got your letter.  Louis: I want you to meet my wife louan.  Louan: hello I had heard much about you Ms. Swallow.  Swallow: plz call me Cathy.  Louan: ah Cathy would you join us for breakfast on Louis's ship the lovely lady.  Swallow: I would love to, when is it.  Louan: tomorrow.  Swallow: ah we will need a place to stay then.  Louis: you may stay here.  Swallow: thank ye.  Louis: no problem.  *Louis shows them to their rooms**Cap'n Swallow settle down for the night and get ready for their last night in Port Royal*.  *the next morning the crew gets ready for breakfast*Louis: Cathy you ready to go? Cathy: yes we are.* then Cap'n Swallow and her crew leave to go have breakfast* Louis: here we are.  Cathy: wow your ship is wonderful. Louis: why thank you.  Louis: may we sit down have breakfast and I will give you a tour of my ship after we eat.  Louan: sounds wonderful.  Cathy: yes it dose.*Cathy is at the breakfast by her self the crew are gettin ready to leave**they all sit down to eat breakfast* /Louan: so Cathy what do you do for a living?  Cathy: Oh I just sail goods from port to port.  Louan: interesting. Cathy: ah well what do ye do now Louis?  Louis: oh I am in the Royal Army.  Cathy: ah so what rank if ye don't mind me askin?  Louis: General.  Cathy: oh nice well I am done thanks for having me but I better go.  Louis: but ye haven’t seen the ship.  Cathy: oh right ok then lets see the ship.  Louis: fallow me.  *Cathy and Louan Fallow Louis**Louis is showin Cathy around the ship when suddenly Louan falls overboard.  Louis: LOUAN!!!!! *Louan is drownin so Cap'n Swallow take off her jacket, compass, her swards and her firearm and jumps in after Louan.  Louis: Cathy don't plz * but it is too late she has already jumped.**luckily Cathy is a good swimmer and swims up to Louan and brings her on the ship then she sees Louis crying on the rail so she walks up to him.* Cathy: Louis I am ok and so is Louan.  *Louis turns around and sees Cathy and Louan.* Louis: oh thank you oh so much.  Cathy: no problem.  Louis: I want ye to meet someone.  Cathy: ok who.  Louis: my co General Lorington.  Cathy: ok where is he. Louis: in my quarters I will go get him Cathy: ok I will stay right here.  *Louis walks down to his quarters and then walks back up with someone fallowing him* Louis: this is General Lorington.  * General Lorington holds out his hand Cathy hesitates then grabs his hand and he pulls up her sleeve and sees that her arm has been branded P as in pirate.* General Lorington: I knew it she is a pirate. *he pulls up her sleeve a little more* General Lorington: Ah, Cee Cee. Cap'n Cathy: Cap'n Cee Cee.  General Lorington: Louis get me some Irons.  *Louis looks at him then walks off* General Lorington: men get some guns on her. *General Lorington looks through her stuff**Louis returns with the Irons* Louis: Cathy, why. Cathy: like I said livin the life.  *Then she jumps backwards into the sea.**once she hit the sea she swims towards land* *the Generals and their men our looking for her one of them finally spots her on the land*  General Lorington : turn this ship around. *once Cathy reach Louis's house she saw that it was not going to work her and her crew were surrounded by Royal Navy Officers* Cathy: oh bacca. *General Lorington walks in with Louis behind him* General Lorington: not so easy.  Cathy: the first part was./  * General Lorington takes Cathy and her crew to the jail.* * in the jail* Sharal: Cap'n what happened?  Cathy: well it just didn’t work out but we still have the Silver Seagull.  Sharal: yes but when will they com-*she was interrupted by Louis walking in. Louis: Cathy how could you?  Cathy: what being a pirate.  Louis: no not telling me. Cathy: oh that um? Louis: then why did you come? Cathy: I wanted to see you. Louis: now what are you going to do?  Cathy: wait. Louis: what? Cathy: I am going to wait. Louis: for who? Cathy: ye will see soon but will ye tell. Louis: of course not.  Louis: goodbye Cathy. Cathy: goodbye. *that night the cap'n heard screaming and cannon ball fire so she walked to the jail window* Cathy: they are here. Sharal: who? Cathy: Cap'n Seas. *then they heard a bam and saw two Navy Officers fall then Cap'n Seas walked up to them*/ Cap'n Seas: So things didn’t favor ye Cee Cee. Cathy: not the way I planned. *Louis comes running down to the jail* Louis: Cathy what is happening.  Seas: yes Cee Cee what be happenin? Cathy: Seas this be me Cousin Louis Now can someone get me out, Seas. * she looks over at seas* Seas: yes we best get movin. * he walks over and is stopped by Louis* Cathy: Louis move. Louis: I cant I am a general. Seas: Cee Cee what is he talking about._ Cathy: Um I didn’t know until today trust me._  Seas: I do trust you._ *Seas pushes Louis aside and lets Cathy and her crew out* Cathy: thank ye now we best get movin._ *then Seas, Cathy, and her crew walk past Louis and towards the ships.* Seas: so Cee Cee ye must tell me the whole story._ Cee Cee: I will back in Tortuga._ Seas: alright we best set sail to Tortuga._ Cee Cee: um yeah then to the Mediterranean Sea after Tortuga._ * then they left and went to their ships but they didn’t know that General Lorington overheard  them.** then they set off to Tortuga while the Royal Navy fallowed them.*Cee Cee: crew get ready to set sail to Tortuga._ Crew: Aye aye Cap'n Cee Cee._ Cee Cee: oh and raise the colors._ Crew: Aye Aye Cap'n._ *the two ships sail off to Tortuga with the Royal Navy behind them.*/* they arrive in Tortuga* Seas: so shall we head to the brides maid so you can tell me all about yeur adventure._ Cee Cee: I am afraid it be not over._ *Cee Cee and Seas turn around to find the Royal Navy from Port Royal right behind them.* Cee Cee: ah I am right girls grab your swards and Sharal bring me me sward._ General Lorington: ah Cee Cee we meet again._ Cee Cee: yes and this time I am afraid ye will be beat by me._ General Lorington: yes but you forget who was in jail last._ Cee Cee: yes but i was unarmed and i still got away._ General Lorington: true but i will still win._ Cee Cee: keep tellin yerself that and maybe yell be a challenge._ General Lorington; lets get started then._ *then he lunged toward her with his sward she just simply side stepped out of the way.* *then she turned around and they really started the fight then next second the General was on the ground without his sward and Cee Cee's sword to his neck* Cee Cee: it seems i win and i was right._ General Lorington: so it seams._ Cee Cee: well i best be goin Seas ye ready._ Seas: aye oh and General ye look good down under Cee._ General: this is not over._ Cee: i think it is._*then they went into the bride maid to look for the rest of their crew then they found them and left on their fleet of their ship including Silver Swallow, Sea serpent, Sea dragon, Silver Sea dragon then they headed to the Mediterranean Sea.* Cee: Girls set sail for the Mediterranean Sea._ Crew: aye aye cap'n._*they set sail on the horizon* *the next day then ran into another ship* Cee: girls ready the guns and run out the sweeps._ *they get closer to the ship*/ Cee: wait its the Lovely Lady._ Sharal: Cap'n?_ Cee: aye_ Sharal: who is the Lovely Lady._ Cee: me cousin Louis._ Sharal: ye don’t mean Port Royal Louis._ Cee: me mean Port Royal Louis._*they sail the ship up to the Lovely Lady*Cee: Louis ye there._ *Louis walks up on deck* Louis: i am here but you shouldn’t be._ Cee: why do ye say that._ Louis: the navy is lookin for you._ Cee: yeah they wont mess with me again._ Louis: again._ Cee; yeah again so what are ye doing here._ Louis: lookin for you._ Cee: me?_ Louis: yes i want to join you._ Cee: join me?_ Louis: yes as a pirate_ Cee: a pirate._ Louis: yes so what do ye say._ Cee: i don’t see why not but why?_  Louis: i want to be free._ Cee: ah don't we all._ Louis: yes i am sure it is what everyone wants but few go out of their way to get it._ Cee: ok beautiful now lets see yer skill with a sward._ Cee: lets see then._*she lunged at him and they started their battle.* *Cee layed on the ground without her sward and Louis's to her neck* Crew: gasp._ Cee: let do it again._ Louis: i suppose you went easy and want to give it another try._ Cee: aye._ Louis: best two out of three._ Cee: agreed._ * then they started the fight again and */Cee had Louis down twice*  Louis: i see ye be the better._ Cee: ye be surprised._ Louis: yes ye are a girl._ Cee: so girls can run fleets too._ Louis: this is yer fleet._ Cee: Aye me and me friends._ Louis: yes ye and yer friends._ Louis: ok so do i make yer crew._ Cee: i don’t see why not ye can be me second mate._ Louis: ok thanks so what shall i call ye._ Cee: Cap'n Cee or Cap'n Swallow._ Louis: ok Cap'n Cee._ Cee: girls contact Seas._  Crew: aye aye cap'n._ *they sailed back to tortuga hoping to find Seas* *they arrive in Tortuga and find Seas lodin up his ship. Seas: Swallow why are ye here and why is Louis with ye._ Cee: Louis wants to be a pirate and he has brought his ship so we need a crew and needed to tell ye._ Seas: ah so we will keep loadin up while ye can find a crew and i will also load up the new ship meet back here at sunset and no fightin with out me._ Cee: se ye at sunset._ Cee: come on girls._ *they walk down to the bride maid.* Louis: what about my crew._ Cee: are they pirates._ Louis: no so._ Cee: then we can not trust them._ Louis: why._ Cee: i just told ye they not be pirates._ Louis: ok._ Cee: ye will see later._ Louis: i can live with that._ Cee: i would hope._*they arrive at the bride maid and start recruiting crews.**they leave the brides maid with a crew.*Louis: so why are we going to the meditation?_ Cathy: to find a certain someone._ Louis: who._ Cathy: ye will see._ Louis: ok._*They head back to the docks and Sea*Seas: ye make it ready to go. Cathy: aye, lets set sail._*they sail off to the magisterial.*/ Cathy: crew start lookin._ Louis: for what?_ Cathy: a ship with black sails._ Louis: ye mean the Black Pearl._ Cathy: yes._ Gory: Cap'n there is a very small vessel off the starboard._ Cathy: Let me see._*she looks over the starboard and sees a very small ship* Cathy: move us in._*they move in towards the small ship* *on the small ship* Jack: oh great what now, and there pirates even better._ *back on the Silver Swallow**the Silver Swallow is now next to the small ship.*Cathy: will the Cap'n of this ship come aboard._ Jack: do I have a choice?_ Cathy: aye ye can stay there and we will hand ye over to the Royal Navy or ye can come aboard._ Jack: fine I will come aboard._ Cathy: good choice, bring out the flanks._ Jack:(whisper) what have I got myself into this time. _ *Jack walked up onto the Silver Swallow.* Cathy: so what be yer name?_ Jack: why?_ Cathy: so i can address ye properly._ Jack: i am starting to like ye._ Cathy: well i can tell yer a pirate._ Jack: as are ye._ Cathy: true enough, so what is yer name?_ Jack: Cap'n Jack Sparrow and ye._ Cathy: Cap'n Cee Cee Swallow._ Cathy: so Cap'n Jack this is yer ship?!_ Jack: not exact ally._ Cathy: then where is yer ship?_ Jack: Um_ Cathy: let me guess Barbossa?_ Jack: yeah how did ye know?_ Cathy: i keep track of the pirates in the Caribbean._ Jack: oh i see._ Cathy: i need ye to make a deal._ Jack: like what?_ Cathy: ye give us the charts and we get ye the Pearl back._  Jack: no._ Cathy: excuse me?_ Jack: ye heard me no._ Cathy: Fine, Girls put him in the brig._ Jack: wait, how about ye help me get the Pearl then we will sail to the fountain of youth together._ Cathy: seams reasonable._ Jack: great so do we have an accord?_ *they shack hands* Cathy: Aye we do._*they set sail to find the Black Pearl.* /Jack: there she is._ *he is lookin over the side of the ship out over the sea at a ship with black sails*/ Cathy: crew bring the ships together._*they bring all 4 ships together.* Seas: so what are we doin Cee Cee._ Cathy: well we're first goin to surround the pearl then set Barbossa off on the little ship._ Seas: that doesn’t sound like ye?_ Cathy: it is Jack's plan._ Seas: figures._ Cathy: so ye for it._ Seas: lets do it._*they sail up to the Black Pearl.* Cathy: Barbossa come out._ *Barbossa walks up from below deck.* Barbossa: what do ye want._ Cathy: come aboard me ship or be forced onboard._ Barbossa: come get me._*soon enough he is brought aboard by force.* Cathy: Jack plz come here._*Jack walks up from below decks* Jack: ello Barbossa._ Barbossa: Jack, what is happenin?_ Jack: well._ *Jack is cut off by Barbossa* Barbossa: i wasn’t talkin to ye._ Cathy: well me and Jack have a deal and gettin him the Pearl back is part of it._ Cathy: girls._*they force Barbossa in to the small boat**then they sail off with Jack and the Black Pearl.*Jack: so what’s next?_ Cathy: charts._ Jack: why._ Cathy so we can get to the treasure._ Jack: no their my charts._ Cathy: i know but i want to see yer charts._ Jack: fine.*he hands over the charts.* Cathy: thank ye._*Cathy and Jack go into her cabin.*Jack: so which way._*Cathy pulls out two compasses* Jack: whoa why two?_ Cathy: one is normal and points to what ye want most._*the compasses pointed different directions* Cathy: crew head south._*as she said this she tossed the charts back to Jack.* Jack: so what is yer story?_ Cathy: me story is long._Jack: yeah so we got a lot of time._ Cathy: fine._ *they head back into the cap'n's cabin* Cathy: want some rum?_ *she holds out a small bottle* Jack: thank ye._ *she hands him the bottle and takes out another one*/ Cathy: well i born on a pirate ship, but never was a pirate until the Royal Navy attacked me ship luckily she made it and your on her now after that i became a pirate since then me and me friend created this fleet._ Jack: wow._ Cathy: so what’s yer story?_Jack: well i was part of the Royal Navy._ Cathy:what?_ Jack: well i transported cargo._ Cathy: then what happened?_ Jack: then i found out the cargo was slaves so i let them go._ Cathy: then i know what happenend._Jack: yeah._ Cathy: so is the Pearl yer only ship?_ Jack: yeah. Cathy: what about that little tiny ship?_ Jack: ha ha so funny._ Cathy: what?_ Jack:well seein yer fleet compared to the Black Pearl._ Cathy: Jack think about the treasure we're goin to get._ Jack: yer right._ Cathy: come on something is goin on._ Jack: alright._ /* they walk out and find a bigger fleet of Royal Navy ships.* Jack: well this worked out._ Cathy: crew get all the lanterns and place em by the wheel._Jack: what are ye doin?_ Cathy: sendin a signal._ Jack: to who?_ Cathy: Seas._ Jack: oh._ Cathy: yeah._ *on Seas ship the Silver Sea dragon.* Crew member: Seas look._* Seas walks over to the side of the ship and sees the signal.* Seas: return the signal._*they return the signal.* *back on the Silver Swallow.* Jack: Um, Cathy._ *he is pointing at the Silver Sea dragon.* Cathy: this is not good._ Jack: still new to all this what be happenin?_ Cathy: we're goin in with out a fight._ *Jack looks at her with wide eyes.* Jack: yer just gonna give up?_ Cathy: what else can we do?_ Jack: run?_ Cathy: and get blown up along the way?_ Jack: right._ Cathy: crew, we're goin in with out a fight._ *on the head ship of the Royal Navy fleet* Lorington: if they're smart they will give up._ / Gillette: yes, but you can never know._*on the Silver Swallow* Jack: so then what?_ Cathy: i don’t know._ Jack: well i am leaven._ Cathy: no ye aint._ Jack: and why not?_ Cathy: we still have a deal._ Jack: fine._ Cathy: bring in the guns._ Crew: aye aye Cap'n._ Sharal:we givin up?_ Cathy: aye we are._ Jack: so now what?_ Cathy: we will do the best we can._ Jack:what?_ Cathy: wait and negotiate._ Jack: ok..._Cathy: it works 99% of the time._ Jack: ah well i will hope it will work._ Cathy: it will._ *they bring they're ship towards the fleet.* *On the head off the Royal Navy Fleet.* Gillette: ready?_ Lorington: yes lets hope it will be easy._ Gillette: lets hope._ *the ships arrive next to each other inbetween the fleets.* Cathy: what do ye want?_ Gillette: your help._ Cathy: with what and why?_ Gillette: with finding this sertian place and for a reason you do not need to know._ Cathy: and why should we?_ Gillette: um look around you will help on your own or by force._ Cathy: and what’s in it for us?_ Gillette: you go free._ Cathy: well lets talk this over somewhere else._ Gillette: fine come over to my ship by yourself._ Cathy: i will bring on person to your ship with me._ Gillette: fine one person, and who will this be?_ Cathy: i will bring Jack._*Jack looks at her in wonder.**she gives him a look of comfort.* Cathy:we are ready to go._ Gillette: drop all your weapons right there._Cathy:yer not serious._ Gillette: fine._*Jack and Cathy bord the ship.*/Gillette: fallow me._ *they fallow Gillette to his cabin with his crew pointin guns at them.* Jack:(whisper)this is welcomin._ Cathy:(whisper) ye think and only the devil knows what’s gonna happen._ *they walk into Gillette’s cabin.* Gillette: sit._ Cathy: so we lead ye to this place and ye will let us go free?_ Gillette: yes._ Cathy: what do ye think Jack?_ Jack: well I have been offered some low prices but tis will be the lowest._ Cathy: what island are ye lookin for?_ Gillette: the island of which the Fountain of youth lies on._ Cathy: well i hav to say no._ Gillette: well you have no choice._ Cathy: i think we do._*Gillette and Jack give her a look of yer crazy.* Gillette: what do ye mean._ Cathy: well on the map the compass has been torn off and i have the only compass that will lead us to it._ Gillette: let me see._ *she tosses him the map.**Jack looks at her bewildered**Gillette opens up the map.* Gillette: so your telling the truth._ Cathy: what did ye expect?_ Gillette: well i see this is not going to work._ Cathy: ye think._ Gillette: what will it take?_ Cathy: a new ship Jack what do ye want._ Jack: yer not serious well i think we get half the treasure and full command over the fleets during the travel  to the island with your exceptions._ Cathy: fine what he said, forget what i said._ Gillette: fine._ Jack: so do we have an accord._*he holds out his hand Gillette takes hold of his hand and they shake._/Gillette: so we will need a Cap' n for yer ship._ Cathy:and why do ye need that._Gilette: because your goin to stay on my ship._Cathy: and why would we do that?_ Gillette: so i can make sure you honor your deal._ Cathy: so you lake in trust in me._ Gillette: well, yes your a pirate._ Cathy: and yer a Royal Navy Cap'n._ Gillette: true._ Cathy: how about ye let us go back to our ships with some of yer offericers and we will let some of our crew go over to yer ship?_ Gillette: keep your crew but you can go back with some of my officers._ Cathy: fine._*she holds out her hand Gillette shakes it.* Jack: ok well are we ready to head back?_ *they head back to the Silver Swallow.**On the Silver Swallow* Jack: ok so yer good at makin compromises._ Cathy: told ye._Jack: i wonder what they want with the treasure?_ Cathy: i don’t know and i don’t care._ Jack: right so which way and are we ready._ Cathy: head that way and lets go._/*they head towards the island.* *Louis walks over to Jack.* Louis: so your Jack Sparrow._ Jack: maybe and ye  are?_ Louis: Louis, Cathy’s cousin. _Jack: ah and what do ye want?_ Louis: to know the deal ye made with my cousin._ Jack: its none of yer business and ye don’t sound like a pirate to me and I don’t trust ye._ Louis: ok._ *he walks off.* Jack: (whisper) he is weird._ Cathy: what did ye say?_ *she has been standin behind  him since  Louis left* Jack: oh nothing._ Cathy: so what are ye goin to do with yer share of the treasure?_ Jack: don’t know yet._ *they get close to another ship.*Jack: great we get company._ Cathy: don’t worry._ Jack: I am not we have the whole fleet on our side._ Cathy: then lets go._ Lorington: (yells over to the other ship.) your orders Cap’n ?_ Cathy: hold fire until me say or Jack’s we will yell  fire so don’t worry._ Lorington: I am not worrying._ *he walks into the Captains Cabin on the Royal Navy ship* *in the Cabin* Lorington: we are going to attack a ship we should watch and see how she dose it so when…_ Gillette: yes lets go._ *they walk up on deck.* *On the Silver Swallow* Jack: so how easy will this be?_ Cathy: only the devil knows._ Jack: ok so what do ye think?_ Cathy: fairly easy._ Jack: then no worry’s?_ Cathy: aye._ *they sail up to the ship* Cathy: will the captain show himself?_ *a small girl walked up on deck.* The Captain: what do ye want?_ Cathy: what are ye doin here?_ The Captain: ye should know Cee Cee._ Cathy: how do ye know me?_ The Captain: don’t tell me ye forgot about dear old Mariea._/ Cathy: Mariea is that ye?_ Mariea: who did ye think it was?_ Cathy: I didn’t guess it was anybody I new._ Jack: I am still here?_ Cathy: oh right Mariea this is Jack and Jack this is Mariea._ Mariea: so how did ye meet Cee?_ Jack: we have a deal._ Mariea: that’s the way me and Cee meet._ Jack: cool._ Jack: so Cathy are we goin get goin or are we gonna talk to what’s her face all day._ Cathy: yer right Mariea we have to get goin so meet ye in tortuga after yer battle._ Mariea: ok see ye in tortuga soon._ Cathy: goodbye._ *they sail away**on the Silver Swallow* Jack: so what battle is she goin to?_ Cathy: fallow me and I will show ye._ *Jack fallows her into her cabin.* Jack: so what is goin on?_ Cathy: well we have a deal to lead them to the island but when we get there they aren’t gonna leave._ Jack: ye mean we’re gonna attack on the island?_ Cathy: Aye and we need all the help we can get so I told her to fallow us there and wait for the battle._ Jack: so we’re gonna have 6 ships vs. 10 ships they still have four more._ Cathy: yes but we got enough crew to crew 5 more ships so durin the battle on land some of our crew is gonna go over and get five of there ships._ Jack: ok so it should be easy._ Cathy: as easy as it can get._ Jack: so what if we win what will ye do?_ Cathy: excatually what they did to me._ Jack: and that is?_ Cathy: start a  fire in their ship and see how they handle it but start one in every ship but one._ Jack: I like it._ Cathy: so ye for it._*she holds out her hand**Jack takes her hand and they shake hands* Jack: cant wait._ *they walk back up on deck.* *on deck* Jack: look._ *Cathy looks where Jack is pointing and sees a small island.* Cathy: that is it._ Cathy: crew pull us up to Gillette._ *They sail up to Gillette’s ship* Gillette:: what is goin on?_ *Cathy swings over to the ship* Cathy: the island is in sight and we should go the rest of the way in our boats._ Gillette: unless ye aren’t gonna leave._ Cathy: what?_ Gillette: boys through her in the brig._ Cathy: this is against our deal._ Gillette: and pirating is against the law._/ *they through her in the brig.* *in the brig* Cathy: great, hopefully Jack makes it out._ *back on the deck of the Royal Fortune the head of the royal navy fleet.* Gillette: Crew she is out of the way carry out with the plan._ Gillette: Jack, I need to have a word with you._ Jack: where is Cathy._ Gillette: in my quarters waiting for you._ Jack: fine._ *he swings over when he lands he is also thrown in the brig.**in the brig* Cathy: well this is not good._ Jack: yeah so now what?_ Cathy: hope for the best and wait._ Jack: what about Mariea?_ Cathy: I don’t know._ Jack: bacca._ *on the deck of the Royal Fortune.* Gillette: surrender or we will fire._ *on the Silver Swallow there is a big commotion.* Sharal: crew run turn this ship around._ Crew: aye aye._ *they start to run and the Royal Fortune is firing but the Silver Swallow is returning the fire and getting away.**on the Royal Fortune.*Crew member: they’re out of range._ Gillette: bring me Cathy._ *in the brig* Cathy: sounds like they got away thank god._ Jack: someone is comin._ *a crew member walks down.* Crew member: Cathy the Cap’n wants to see you._ Cathy: bring him in then._ Crew member: your suppose to go to him, but I will ask._ Cathy: ye do that._ *the crew member walks out* Jack: why do ye want him to come down here?_ Cathy: because we’re a team and we’re goin through this together._ Jack: oh *he is cut off by the Crew member entering* Crew member: he will be down in a minute.* Cathy: fine._ *the Crew member walks back up and in a minute Gillette walks down.* Gillette: so now what are ye going to do?_ Cathy: wait and hope for the best._ Gillette: so why are ye a pirate?_ Cathy: because of the Royal Navy long story and I don’t need to tell ye._ Gillette: so your ship got away._ Cathy: I heard._ Cathy: if yer tryin to make a deal spit it out._ Gillette: fine, if you help us get the Silver Swallow we will let ye go._ Cathy: well considering ye didn’t honor yer deal no._ Gillette: fine be that way goodbye._ Cathy: goodbye._ Jack: why did ye do that?_ Cathy: I am a pirate not a privateer._ Jack: so ye could have left._ Cathy: no._ *Gillette walks back down.* Cathy: now what?_ Gillette: you know you will be hung._ Cathy: yeah so._ Gillette: good._*he walks out again.* Jack: he is kind of weird._ Cathy: ye think and I am the one who has to deal with him._*they are in separate cells.* /*they arrive in Port Royal.* *they take Cathy and Jack to the prison in Port Royal.* *In the Prison.* Cathy: a familiar place._ Jack: same here._ Jack: I wonder if they changed the hinges?_ Cathy: why don’t ye try it and see what happens?_ *he walks over and tries it but it doesn’t work.*  Cathy: that worked._ Jack: ha ha so funny._ *he walks back over and sits down.* Cathy: well dose Elizabeth still live here?_ Jack: I don’t know._ Cathy: (sigh).*the next day.**Two officers walk down to the cells.* Cathy: Jack the time has come._*she says this with a smile on her face. Jack is also oddly happy.**The officers first tie Cathy’s hands together then Jack’s after they do this they put their guns away. Then Cathy and Jack take the officers swords and cut the rope and stand at a ready position. The next thing they have both of the officers tied up and knocked out in the cells.* Jack: well that worked great._ Cathy: I always have a plan._ Jack: so now where._ Cathy: to the dock._Jack: ok._*they head off to the dock.* *They walk off under the water to the ships. with a  boat over their heads.* *they take over a ship and sail off to find the Silver Swallow.* *on the Royal Fortune that left an hour before Cathy and Jack left with the new ship.* Gillette: crew head back to the island._ Crew: aye aye._ *they head to the island.* *on the stolen ship.*Jack: so where to?_ Cathy: the island._ Jack: ok._ *they head to the island**on the Silver Swallow.* Sharal: crew head to the island hopefully we will find Cap’n Cee there._*they set sail to the island.* *at the island there is the kings army and Mariea they are waiting for Cap‘n Cathy and Jack to arrive at the island.* *on the Royal Fortune.* Crew member: Gillette island in sight._ Gillette: great bring us in._*now Gillette, Gillette’s fleet, Cathy and Jack, Cathy’s fleet, the kings army and Mariea are all at the island.* Cathy: well this is goin to be fun._ Jack: ye don’t say._*on the island.* Mariea: crew keep a weather eye open for Cathy’s fleet._ Crew: aye aye._ crew member: Cap’n there is another ship towards the north headed this way._ Mariea: crew back on the ship._ *the two ships sail together.* *On the stolen ship.* Jack: Cathy, its Mariea headed this way._ Cathy: oh good._ * on Mariea’s ship.**the ships are now side by side.* Mariea: who is there._ Cathy: ye know me._ Mariea: who are ye?_ Cathy: Mariea, its me Cee._ *Jack gives her a crazy look.* Mariea: Cee, where is yer fleet?_ Cathy: let me aboard and I will tell ye._ Mariea: ok._ *Cathy and Jack go aboard.* *On the Silver Swallow.* Sharal: crew sail to the east side of the island._ Crew: aye aye._ *they start to sail to the east side of the island.* *on Gillette’s fleet.* Gillette: bring up to the east side of the island._ Crew: aye aye Cap’n._ *they start to sail to the east side of the island.* *on Mariea’s ship.**in her cabin.* Cathy: so Gillette put me and Jack in the brig while also brakin his deal so we ended up in Port Royal’s prison._ Mariea: wow._ Jack: luckily we got out stole a ship and made it here._ Mariea: so yer fleet should still be here._ Jack: and the Kings army._ Cathy: and Gillette and his fleet._ Mariea: well we need to find yer fleet._ Cathy: well I think we should stay here and wait for them._ Mariea: good idea make yerself at home._ Cathy: thank ye._ *they settle  down and soon fall asleep.* *they awoke when they heard a boom and the ship rocked.* Jack: what the heck._ *but Cathy had already left to find out what happened.* Jack: Cathy wait._/ *they walk up on deck and see Gillette’s fleet.* Cathy: great more fun._ Jack: but there is your fleet._ *Cathy spins around and sees her fleet comin around the island.* Cathy: great._ *all of a sudden she grabs a rope and fires a cannon she goes flyin over to her ship she lands on the deck.* /

Sharal: great to have ye back Cap’n._ Sharal: so what happened?_ Cathy: tell ye later now lets go._ Sharal: what about Jack?_ *he is still standin on the deck.* Cathy: fine get ready for battle._/*they head towards Mariea’s ship and the Royal Fortune.* *on the Royal Fortune* Crew member: we’re in battle._ Gillette: great with who?_ Crew member: with a unknow ship and the Silver Swallow is comin, Cathy is leadin the Silver Swallow?_ Gillette: what?_ *he takes out his spyglass and he sees Cathy.* Gillette: well so it is, not for long._*Mariea’s ship and the Silver Swallow and the rest of her fleet are now right next to each other.* Jack: we’re goin into battle._ Cathy: aye lets do this._ *they sail into the battle.**Sharal walks over to Jack.* Sharal: well this might be the end._ Jack: maybe._  Sharal: well I have a plan._*her and Jack walk below decks.* *on the Royal Fortune.* Gillette: move in towards the Silver Swallow. *on the Silver Swallow.* *Jack and Sharal walk back above decks.* *soon  Sharal and Jack walk up to Cathy.* Cathy: ye ready to go over?_ Jack: I am afraid that is not goin to happen._ Cathy: what?_/ *Jack pulls out a pistol as dose Sharal.* Cathy: what are ye doin?_ Jack: just shut it and fallow me lead._ Cathy: what if I don’t want to?_ Jack: trust me and shut it._ Cathy: no._ Jack: this is loaded._ *on the Royal Fortune* Crew member: Gillette?_ Gillette: what?_ Crew member: look._ *he looks over at the Silver Swallow and sees that Cathy has Jack and Sharal pointing pistols at her head.* Gillette: hold fire this might be easier than I thought._ /*on the Silver Swallow* Cathy: tell me what ye are doin._ Jack: just play along._ Cathy: what are ye going to do?_ Jack: shut it._ Cathy: whatever._ Jack: pull us up to the Royal Fortune._ *the crew just look at him then Cathy.* Cathy: just do it._ *the two ships pull up next to each other.* Gillette: what do you want?_ Jack: a trade._ Cathy: what?_ Jack: shut it._ Gillette: and what is the trade?_ Jack: ye let us go and we give ye Cee._ Gillette: fine bring her here._ Jack: come and get her._ Gillette: what?_ Jack: we can to yer ship its yer turn to come to mine._ Cathy: yer ship?_ Jack: so what do ye say?_ Gillette: fine._*Gillette comes over to the Silver Swallow.* *On the Silver Swallow.* Gillette: so give me Cathy and I will be on my way._ Jack: I have a different thought._ /*he puts his gun away and pulls out his sward as dose the whole crew.* Jack: now we’re even._ Gillette: what?_ Jack: well it worked, ye through us in jail and now it is our turn._*they put Gillette in the brig.* Gillette: well now what?_ Jack: Cathy has a plan just sit back and relax._*Jack walks  up above decks.*he walks up to Cathy* Cathy: Jack yer crazy._ Jack: what?_ Cathy: ye know._ Jack: well it worked._ Cathy: yes, but next time tell me._ Jack: next time?_ Cathy: if there is a next time._ Jack: ye made it seem more real._ Cathy: so?_ Jack: so it worked._ Cathy: so it would have been nice to know._ Cathy: just forget it._ Jack: ok so now what?_ Cathy: set the fires._ *they set fires in all the ships but one and leave the Cap’n to fix the mess.* Jack: that was easy._ Cathy: and now we will have less trouble._ *they set sail to the Island.* *the island comes into view.* Jack: Cathy the island is on the horizon._ Cathy: great move us in._ Crew: aye aye Cap’n._  Jack: now no more problems._ Cathy: ye can never know._ Jack: well we can hope._ Cathy: and I can hope ye will never hold a pistol to me head again._ Jack: yer missin the point it worked._ Cathy: fine._ *they get in the small boats and row to the island.* on the island* Jack: so which way?_ Cathy: fallow me._ *they walk deeper into the jungle.* Cathy: great._ *in front of her stands the kings navy with their guns pointed at them.**only Jack and Cathy are surrounded by the Kings army.* Jack: not again._/ Cathy: what do ye want._ *some one walks up from behind the army.* The head of the Kings army: I want ye hung._ Cathy: well that wont happen._ The head of the Kings army/Thomas: you sound so sure of yourself._ Cathy: well I am._ Thomas: why?_ Cathy: because I never get hung._ Thomas: not yet but you will soon._ Cathy: really._ Thomas: yes._ Cathy: I don’t think so, Crew._*all of a sudden Cathy’s crew come out of the bushes and surround Thomas and his army.* Cathy: told ye I have never made it to the gallos and don’t plan on it anytime soon._ Thomas: so now what?_ /Cathy: I am not sure, Jack what do ye think._ Jack: I think we should leave em here without any of they’re weapons._ Cathy: I like it let’s do._ *they live Thomas and his army without their weapons.* *they walked on hoping to find the treasure.*  Jack: look._ *there in front of them stood the treasure.* Cathy: great let’s grab it and go._ Jack: ok._ *they pick up the treasure and leave.**off shore there is a  ship* *on the ship.* Cap’n: wait for me orders._ Crew: aye aye Cap’n._ *Jack, Cathy, and her crew walk out onto the beach.* Jack: we got company._ Cathy: what do ye mean._ *she turns around and sees a ship floating just off shore.* Cathy: it just cant be easy._ Jack: no it cant._ Cathy: fallow me._ *they walk back into the jungle* *they walk out of the jungle on the other side of the jungle.* *this time they see their ships floating just off shore.* Cathy: lets go._  *they row out to the Silver Swallow.* *Jack Leaves with half the treasure on the Black Pearl and Cathy takes off with the other half on her fleet.*
© Copyright 2007 Capn Swallow (pirategirl552 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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