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Rated: · Other · Action/Adventure · #1358271
Valmont's secret report to an unknown person. It's content concerns the Bionic Unit.
Valmont's Report
Subject: The Bionic Unit
Reciever: unknown

-The nine children with enhanced bodies and physical abilities, also known as the Bionic Unit.

I'll begin the topic explaining what these children are, their importance to the world, and their capabilities. I'll explain each child's significances from our most prominent to our lowest priority.
What was meant to be and what is the Bionic Unit is a group of adolescences that have been enhanced with bionics, cybernetics, and bioengineering. super soldiers. They were not created. These are normal children selected to become augmented because they were found to be the most likely to survive a long and difficult experimental process call project S.C.A.R. Select condition augments recover. Form optimize recover employ
At the moment our most reliable and useful combatant is Penny Rhaynes. Currently sixteen years of age, she is physically the most well trained and conditioned soldier we have at our disposal. She is in good shape for a super soldier and in unbelievable shape for human female. Her ability to manipulate metal and magnetic fields is impressive. But she is by no means at her full potential. Penny displays all the qualities of what we hoped for in a well-trained super soldier in battle. She listens to authority, she follows instructions, she's disciplined, and she's reliable. The only apparent drawback is that she can't be controlled completely like we hoped. Her amnesia makes it easy for her to trust us and that is our only hold on her if any. Trust. Her instincts tell her to follow orders. And right now she is the only one we can trust to give orders to as a lone operative.
Tyronte Trones; currently sixteen years old, is not exactly what we expected to be the leader of the first real Bionic Unit. As a physical specimen compared to the other soldiers, there isn't anything very interesting about him. He isn't the strongest. He isn't the smartest. He isn't the fastest. But he is in my opinion, the most important. He is the soldier that seems to bring out the potential of the whole unit. He is their "Leader" so to speak. He displays important leadership instincts and skills that are critical for the success of the Bionic Unit. He was selected for the unit because he was deemed most likely to prevent his fellow soldiers from going insane. So we spent a lot of time training him and developing his natural leadership qualities into the instincts that would allow the Bionic Unit to be most formidable. We took a chance on him because we predicted that he would have good human chemistry with the others. Thankfully, our prediction was right. He is like the chemical bond that allows the others to function at their best.
Leadership aside however, Tyronte failed to satisfy the corporation's specification for a soldier that could be lethal with or without his unit. Not to imply that Tyronte wasn't a good soldier, he just didn't have a distinguishing standout talent. Most of the other were known for something; Kalyn was the fastest, Chris was the strongest, Jamal had the greatest capacity for energy, Penny was the most experienced, but what did Tyronte have? Compared to his would be unit, he was very untalented and was in danger of being disposed of by the corporation. I didn't want to lose possibly the best leader the Bionic Unit could ever have at the time. So it was my idea to augment him further with the prototype nano-form machines. They would give him the ability to manipulate charge particles. The ultimate goal of the board. It was a success. The board was impressed that such a feat could even be achieved without killing him.
My enemies on the board still wanted to replace Trones however, and moved for a better candidate to be selected. It frustrated me that Xyn Sinclair was still intent on ruining things for me, but I stayed a few steps ahead of her tactics and even took a couple steps back just to show her that I couldn't be bested. I came up with the idea of placing a small team inside a private school with our soldiers disguised as students. Most of the board objected immediately and didn't think the soldiers would be capable of hiding their abilities in public without raising suspicion. But the good president was very interested in the notion and placed me over operation UNIFORM to see if the soldiers could do everything I said they could. I had said a lot to persuade the president but I was confident they would get the job done.
The president gave me complete control over the operation and I handpicked the members of the team. I chose Tyronte of course, Penny, and an extremely high priority super solder Geronti. I made the last choice based on curiosity and the fact that the board demanded it. I should have known back then what Geronti was. Imagine my reaction to someone telling me that there was an Omega-level super soldier in the group I selected. But my only concern then was having a chance to test Tyronte out in the field. At the same time that was the exact same plan the board had for Geronti. Despite the "incident" at the end, my team completed their mission and I was pleased with Tyronte's performance. As a bonus during the mission is when I first recognized that Penny had impressive leadership potential too. So we worked on her a little and for my second operation, I chose Kalyn, Will, and Penny as leader. That mission was to test Penny's improvisational skill in the field with an unlikely combination. Things went well but by the end of the mission the board was back on the president's good side because they had introduced a new priority soldier.
Ken Durant was the soldier that the board had been itching to get in the field as a lone operative. He was the single most gifted super soldier in the entire project. He excelled in every training exercise masterfully. He was extraordinarily quick, strong, and intelligent. He was everything Penny was meant to be. Except for Ken success came natural. He was gifted with ability, well as Penny and Tyronte needed extensive training and repetition to develop instincts. Ken was born with them. But the one thing that separated him from Penny and defiantly from Tyronte was his inability to work with his fellow soldiers. Ken felt cooperation and teamwork were a burden but Tyronte thrived from it. A unit seemed to be his comfort zone.
Currently Ken is not trustworthy to give important information because I sense that he wants to have his own agenda in all of this and if I don't monitor him carefully he has the potential to either become an enemy or become a player in the conspiracy that's going on and that is just as bad as having him for and enemy if not worse. At the moment he has been gathering as much inside info as he can and doesn't pose much threat to Penny who is currently considered the most dominant because she is the only one who remembers how to control her power with any real lethal skill. Other than that, Chris and Jamal are having energy problems and neither Tyronte nor Ken really understand what they could be capable of. Kalyn, Jamal and Angelina have yet to discover their abilities and Will is unaccounted for.
Cariza Krause is the only known Native American to have the DNA required to bond her bones with the living metal. She is exceptionally strong for a super soldier, but lacks the extensive training that the others have an is liable to get in the way rather than be a useful addition to the unit. Her ability is very interesting. She can absorb sunlight into her skin so to speak, and discharge the light's sub energy in lethal beams. This is exactly what Augma. Inc hoped to accomplish with Darsha's power. To create unlimited energy from the air.
Chris McNeil. Physically the ideal poster boy for what a super soldier should look like and be capable of without the special abilities. Like all super soldiers Chris has been supplied with every valuable nutrient known, except we were able to increase his body's ability to absorb the nutrients quite bit. Chris's muscle tissues have been successfully interwoven with prosthetic muscles and most of his tendons and ligaments have either been replaced or reinforced. This successful combination super nutrition and biologically engineered mechanics have made Chris physically the strongest soldier by far. His strength is only known to less than that of Goliath unfortunately.
Chris's special ability is basically the absorption and discharge of massive amounts of electricity. His ability didn't receive much attention in development because most of the lab rats couldn't stop run all those tests on Cariza, Penny, and Ken. Electricity was nothing new to them. Though Chris's total amount of strength hasn't been tested, I believe he is cable of crane proportions and will only keep getting stronger until he stops growing.
Jamal Wilds. Less than impressive to look at but makes up what he lacks in size and strength with his astronomical capacity to store energy. Manipulating fire is the most difficult and exhausting of all the special abilities we've employed up to this point. It is even much more difficult than manipulating metal. So we took a chance on giving him his experimental ability but he was the most likely to succeed at it.
I have to say I am more than disappointed with Angelina's physical results. When it comes to speed and strength she should be at competition with both Kalyn and Penny. Instead she is only about as strong as an adult male, even with reinforced bones and ligaments and her intelligence is less than impressive. Her current value to the unit is of little to none.
As for her ability, though she has yet to discover it is to manipulate relatively small amounts of molecules. Her ability is one the scientist spent much time in perfecting. Right now she should only be able to control small pieces of paper. I wonder how long it will take her to find out on her own. I would have told her about it myself so that she wouldn't be left out but every time she speaks I think more and more that thinks should just take their natural course. I must admit, she is very unenjoyable to be around and I think that even Tyronte loses patience with her. She seems to be somewhat infatuated with Ken who only seems to be annoyed by her constant attention.

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