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Rated: 13+ · Other · Emotional · #1357952
Excuse me for my rant. There were just some things that I needed to get off my chest.
Walk A Mile.....Before You Talk
    Ok, I’m about to get something off my chest that I have wanted to do for a long time.  I am sick and tired of self righteous ‘thin’ people.  No this is not going to be a Mo’Nique type skinny bitches are evil type thing either.
    If you have never had a weight problem, don’t weigh in on the issue, please.  That’s like a train conductor trying to tell a doctor how to perform an operation.  I have seen and heard thin people sit back and say that fat people are fat because they eat too much and are lazy.  Well I am here to tell you that’s a bunch of Bull S***.  Now don’t misunderstand me, there are some that are fat because they over eat, I don’t even condemn them for that, but I also don’t want to hear them complain, its just that some people take that few and associate them with all.  Even those people most likely have some type of psychological reason why they over eat.  They most likely won’t find that out because when they go to the doctor they only thing they hear is ‘lose weight’.  No nutritional or medical aid offered.  They could tell the doctor they are crying all the time and just can’t get along, signs of depression, and the only thing they will still here is lose weight.  Not bothering to find out why this person is heavy, which just makes that person feel worse because they know that whatever they say to the doctor the only response will be ‘lose weight’.  There are such things as thyroid conditions, cortisol issues and other metabolic reasons, but these doctors never diagnose them because, like those outside of the medical profession, they dismiss them like they dismiss their pets.  There is a double standard in this country and it needs to stop.  If a thin woman goes to her doctor with the same symptoms that doctor would order a battery of tests for her. 
    Then there are the employers who either won’t hire over weight people or have begun to attack them in their employment by saying they will give them a bonus if they lose weight and if they don’t get down to what the employers consider healthy for them they could lose their jobs.  What kind of foolishness is that?  To make someone’s employment hinge on their weight is damaging, stressful, and discriminating.  There are lawsuits out there regarding this issue.  Now imagine employers, if you will, if the people you don’t hire because of their weight could prove it you would be out of business.  Then what?
    Now you even have Duke University coming out with a study that overweight workers cost employers more money.  A few years ago it was smokers, drinkers, drug abusers, and at one point I think women.  Seems to me that these so called studies focus on one area at a time and find the results they want.  This is why the public, those ignorant enough to any way, actually believe that only fat people are diabetics.  I have known more thin type II diabetics than overweight diabetics.  My personal experience.
The same thing goes for heart attacks and strokes, difference being the medical profession seems to be more interested in finding out why the thin person is having these issues, and will simply assume why the overweight person does.  Overweight people don’t cause employers any more money than anyone else.  That’s like saying thin people don’t get sick, don’t have serious medical conditions, don’t file workers compensation claims, and don’t file for social security benefits.  People need to wake up and be realistic.  After all like I said, a study can conclude whatever you want it to conclude.
    To the media I would like to ask why is it that when you show ‘thin’ people walking down a street you include the entire person but when you show a heavy person you focus in on their behinds or stomachs like they are not an entire human being?  Are you afraid that we would not sign a release to be shown if you do?  And do you really think that we and the people who know us won’t recognize us?  So much is perpetrated by the media that damage is way beyond control.  Think about what you think of as an anonymous person walking down the street and remember they can and often are recognized by themselves and others.  You need to be held accountable when you do these things, they are not anonymous and you are not innocent.
    To my overweight brothers and sisters, just like my African American brothers and sisters, you too have some responsibility in this too.  You have to stop feeding into the stereotypes that others believe about you.  Also, when you go to the doctor don’t allow them to simply dismiss whatever problems you are having, make them listen, change physicians if you can or need too.  Don’t let them just shove your problems under the rug.  Your life is on the line and you cannot afford to just let that type of behavior continue.
    Along with all that has anyone seen the price of eating healthy?  I guess if they do a study that they will say there is no difference between the price of healthy food and not healthy food.  I am here to tell you that there most certainly is and not everyone can afford five dollars for a box of healthy cereal when the sugar filled stuff is on sale for half the price. Speaking of sugar, the cost of sugar free food is way up there too.  No wonder more poor people are obese according to some studies that have been around for some years.  These foods cost more than the others and people can and will buy what they can afford.  Fresh vegetables and frozen vegetables cost more than the less healthy canned vegetable.  Same with chicken, the skinless, healthier chicken breasts cost more then wings or very fatty thighs.  Ground sirloin which is lean and healthy is more costly than simple ground beef.  People have to eat what they can afford and it’s not always the best for them.  If you want to help fight this issue, obesity, make it more affordable for people.  Why should only the well off be able to feed themselves properly?
    There are ways to end obesity but you will never end it for everyone.  As long as people are overweight because of other health or personal reasons and doctors choose to ignore them, this will always be an issue in this country.

© Copyright 2007 Frieda Peepul (dstokes010 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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