Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1357596-Writing
by Bill
Rated: 18+ · Essay · Arts · #1357596
Well i just set up this here account for the purpose of writing so what better way of introduction than a bit about writing.

I once had an assignment in college on "why i write" and i wrote a bunch of nonsense, bullshit, nice sounding, dignified, organized, redundant and otherwise cowardly ideas about why i write and what the purpose is.

If i were to throw all that shit out and be totally honest --just for a second, just between me and me--  i write for the same reason anyone does anything they do: because it brings them enjoyment from deep down somewhere inside, from a place they can't quite put their finger on and for reasons they don't really understand, be it the why or the how or the what that drives them to do that thing and be pleased in the doing of it.

I see no real point in the words i write now for instance, it is a bunch of pointless, self-pleasing, ego-stroking, mental masturbatory wordplay that i partake in because i enjoy placing words on a screen or page in an interesting, and to be quite honest with myself, sometimes not so interesting series that form sentences which may or may not elicit a response from the reader who may or may not be there.

So why do i write then? It's for pleasure of course, as i have said above. But not the kind of pleasure that is idealized in movies of people who are supposedly good at a thing and do it out of inspiration or whatnot. It's certainly not the pleasure in the process or the doing, that’s for damn sure. Who enjoys typing, hand cramps, neck aches, --who enjoys story structuring, plot devising, character building-- who enjoys the agony of writing for hours to find that you have only gotten a quarter of the way there-- who enjoys editing, misspellings, grammar errors, criticism, opinions, etc-- well i suppose there are people out there who like all those things, i am just not one of them.

I enjoy having an idea and then working it out on the page. Finding a purpose in writing a story or essay or idea down and explaining it. I like making something funny, fun, interesting, worthwhile, poignant, without worrying about whether it makes sense, is grammatically correct, holds weight, or is spelt properly. The simple mechanisms of writing, which could be argued are the most important part of it, are simply tools to be used or discarded i think.

Of course this is just my simple way of saying i am too lazy to check spelling and sentence structure, but who are you to question me damnit! Are you interested in the prose or are you interested in the ideas? That’s basically what it comes down to, or are you one who says that good writing is a matter of both, that the idea comes through the structure, perfection, eloquence and beauty of the prose. Well to that i say... touché! You might have something there. I am the first to admit i am not a great writer, but that i need practice to be a better writer indeed... as all writers do.

Does what i have just written make sense... i don't even care! I don't usually write essays, nor shall in the future. This was just my way of introducing myself to this writing platform. SO... if you have happened to read this rant of nothingness that came to no conclusion and had no real point other than to give me something to write tonight... sorry i guess? But if you have gotten this far in it, it's kinda your fault now ain't it! Either way, funny shit to come! I promise

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