Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1357438-My-Boyfriend-The-Vampire
by Keiko
Rated: 18+ · Novel · LGBTQ+ · #1357438
15 year old, Kuro, finds himself falling in love with the new guy at school.
His hand was in mine as we danced beautifully to Dear God by Avenged Sevenfold. It was one our fave songs, yet I didn't know that this would be the last time I danced with him, or held his warm hand in mine.

*two years eailer*

         High school is a bitch, I should know. I'm in the 10th grade, 15 years of age. I'm a fairly good student, making As and Bs, yet like all good students I have issues in one class, and that would be math. I swore that the teacher didn't like me. As a matter of fact I don't think anyone in the school liked me.
         See I was different from everyone else, very different. I dressed different, my accent was different, hell I might as well smell different.
         I was the punk-goth of the school. Not scared to walk up into school wearing all black, eye-liner, and black nail polish. My tougne is pierced, as well as my eye brow, and two on my lips. The two on my lip I copied from Zacky V from Avenged Sevenfold. He was hot, as well as Synyster; that has nothing to do with this I know. Anyways, I'm hated.
         I changed my name, I never liked my real one. I don't think anyone else did either, so I changed it to Kuro. I know it's isn't very original, but it's all I could think of at the time. It seemed to match my personaliy well, and everyone in the school learned it fast.
         People viewed me as a troubled child, but I wasn't. I was just alone, I had no one. My father walked out on my mother and I, when I was only 2 years old. I don't remember him all that well, all I know is that I look like him a little. Then only 10 years later my mother passed away in a car crash that I walked away from with minor cuts. They said that she died instantly, but she didn't. I had to watch her die, and I guess that's kinda why I hate my name too. Those were her last words, and everything time someone would say my true name my heart would shatter into a million pieces. After my mother died I didn't talk for a year, I locked myself in my bedroom for a month or so. I wouldn't eat, sleep. I would drink and go to the bathroom, because the bathroom was joined with my room, so I was still in my room. I lost alot of weight, so that's why I'm skinny still now. I never really got it back.
         You're asking yourself where I live now huh, well I'm getting to that part. After a month my aunt came to live in the house with me. She got me to come out after a month, with chocolate. I hated her for it, but she'd just give me chocolate, because that seemed to be the only think to make me happy, yet I didn't smile. I'd just say thank you and sit on the couch and watch a little TV with her. She was nice to me, gave me everything I wanted, but that didn't last very long.
         After 7 months when she had a check up with the doctor, they said she had cancer, and that she had only 3 months to live. I forget what type it was, it was just a long name. My aunt didn't let it bring her down like it did me. My aunt lasted until my 13th birthday, which was 5 months after being told that she was going to die in 3 months. She lasted long enough to give me my cake, gifts, and something that I would miss most of all, a good night kiss. I found her the next morning in her bed. She had died in her sleep. Though I was sad to see her gone, I was glad that she died peacefully. On the day of her funeral I had sent all of my allowance that she had given, which was almost 12 hundred dallors and bought dozens and dozens of rose of every color for her and for my mother. I was going to use the money to buy a car, but I didn't see any point in it. They were more important to me, and I was probably just going to kill myself in the next few hours anyways. That's what I thought.
         I didn't kill myself, instead I just sat on my bed, watching the shadows on my wall move around me; hoping that death would come and get me, and take me away before someone else would come and take care of me, to only die in a few months. So I refused to have anyone to look after me, for my mother had saved a whole hell of alot of money so I lived on that. So here I am, 15, and still living by myself.
         I'm in english class, just looking at the teacher, trying to pay attention, but my mind kepts wondering. It seems to do that alot, until my eyes start to get heavy.
         " Kuro, what did Romeo say to Juilet?" Mr. Assface said to me, seeing that my eyes were getting heavy. I liked to call him Assface, because his face looked like an ass.
         " Hm?" I looked up at him, with the same blank look I always gave him. He was standing right over me.
         " What did Romeo say to Juilet?" He said, looking like he was about to get really mad. Like I cared though.
         " Why do you ask that?" I said, sighing. " They just die in the end, because they are both stupid. Why does what they say matter?"
         " Watch your mouth, Johnson!" Jasper growled at me. He was on the football team, and thought he ruled everyone. He never used his brain, just his dick.
         " It's Kuro." I said looking away from him.
         " Like I care!" He growled.
         " Stop both you!" Mr. Assface glared at us both, getting us to turn our heads a look away. I hated those eyes of his so much. " Now, Kuro, just answer the question."
         " Something cheesy that rhymes, I don't know!" I said, getting annoying.
         " Don't take that t-----"
         " Hey, leave him alone. If he doesn't know, he doesn't know." A guy said. He stood at 6'3, towling over Mr. Assface, who only stood at 5'5. This guy looked 16, with hair just like Zacky V's. He was surprisingly goth, I wasn't alone, and he was sticking up for me. Something that no one has ever done for me.
         " Excuse me, who are you?" Mr. Assface said, trying to compose himself.
         " I, Sir, am Alexander Black. I'm new, and so far I don't like what I see." His eyes darkened.
         " Whatever, just sit behind Kuro here." Mr. Assface pointed to me, before turning to walk back to the front of that class.
         " Ass." Alexander murmured under his breath as he sat behind me, taking out his stuff. The chains on his pants jiggled, and he smelled of man persume. " Damnit." He crused.
         Then there was a tap on my shoulder, and I turned ot stare into his blue-green eyes. I was waiting for him to say something, but his cheek suddenly went pink, as did mine.
         " Um....D-do you have a pen or pencil I could use?" He said looking down, then back up to my eyes.
         " Yes, I have one. Just give me one second." I said, going to look in my bookbag, which was clear compared to most of the other student. I pulled out a black pen, black was all I had, other than red. " Here ya go!" I smiled for the first time in a while.
         " Thank you so much!" Alexander smiled at me cheerfully, taking the pen from me. " Out of all the things to forget, huh."
         I chuckled. " I know!"
         Alexander smiled and looked at the paper on his desk, and started to take notes. Unlike what I was doing, I was drawing. The only real class I looked forward too, was art class. The art teachers was the only one to like me, and I liked him. He liked my art like no one else, well I didn't have anyone else to show it too.
         The bell rang for art class, and Mr. Assface was giving out the homework, which I didn't really bother to hear. I just wanted to go to art class and that was it, and take my seat; where I sat all by myself.
         I was half-way out the door when Alexander tapped me on my shoulder. I turned to look at him, and found that he was smiling kindly at me, which was something not many people did, and I didn't except him to smile at me again like he is now.
         " What class do you have next?" He asked me, looking down for only a second, as if hoping I would say a certain class.
         " Um...I have Art with Mr. Irving." I answered him, and his face lit up.
         " Really?! Can you show me where it is, because no one told me, or gave me a map of the school." He said, his blue-green eyes sparkling.
         " Sure, just follow me," I smiled starting to walk at a slower than normal pace so he could keep up with me. " Sorry that everyone is treating you badly on your first day. They've been mean to me for years."
         " I see," He nodded. " I don't see why others have to be mean to someone who is a little different from themselves."
         " Yeah, but I've gotten used to it, as well as many other things in my life." I smiled lightly at him, and he just nodded. We walked in silence after that until we got to the art room, where we were greeted warmly.
         " Good afternoon, Kuro!" Mr. Irving smiled, and looked at Alexander. " Who's your friend?"
         " I'm Alexander Black, sir. I'm new." Alexander flashed a charming smile.
         " I see, I hope that you wouldn't mind sitting with Kuro?" Mr. Irving looked at us both when saying that.
         " I don't mind if he doesn't." Alexander said.
         " I don't mind at all." I smiled.
         Mr. Irving nodded, letting us in, and even though I was walking slower we were the first ones in the class room.
         Alexander looked at the paints, and clay pots, and figures. His blue-green eyes bright as he looked around.
         " Wow! I like this place, so colorful!" He sat beside me in the front of the room.
         " Yeah, I know. That's why I like it here." I sighed a little.
         " Kuro, do you have any drawing you wish to show me today?" Mr. Irving asked, like he did everyday.
         " Um..." I blushed. " Yes, I do, but.....it's something that I'm trying and......"
         " Kuro, I don't care if it's gay, you know that." Mr. Irving smiled at me.
         " I would like to see." Alexander purred playfully, chuckling.
         " O-okay." I pulled out my drawing book, and flipped to the page that I was working on he night before. It was a picture of two guys that had popped into my head, and I had drawn them in bed together.
         " You're getting better, Kuro." Mr. Irving ruffled me hair.
         " Cool!!!" Alexander smiled happily.
         My blushed worsened with Alexander's comment. He's the only other person who likes my drawings. He was the only other person besides Mr. Irving to really talk to me as well, it was new to me.
         Mr. Irving left to go greet the other students that were coming in, and I quickly hid my drawing book before one of others saw it. Alexander gave me a confused look, mixed with a little saddness. I met his eyes.
         " What?" I asked, and he looked down.
         " Why hide good art?" He looked back up, blushing a little.
         " Because they'll try to rip up my book, they've done it before." I sighed looking around the room, at all the faces that hated me.
         " I see," He said, he placed his hand on top of mine, which was in everyone's sight. " Sorry."
         I blushed, and looked at him. Seeing a look in his eyes that I've never seen anyone have towards me, guy or girl. Yet, I wasn't sure if the look was love or likeness. I've been wrong before, and I didn't want to get hurt again, plus I don't think it is a good idea if he gets to close to me. Everyones who's ever gotten close to me just dies.
         He gave my hand a little squeeze, and an expression of uncertaintly washed over his face. He didn't understand this feeling as much as I did. This had to be new to him as it was to me.
         " Oh great! The two goths are gay," A girl to my far left laughed, getting all her friend to laugh with her. Her name was Jade, and her three friends were Alice, Emmi, and Jane. They were all blonde, popular, and rich. I hated them alot.
         Alexander removed his hand, and glared at the girls. " I wouldn't be talking if I were you, Jade."
         She looked at him with somewhat of a pale face. " H-how do you know my name?"
         " I know everyones name, and I know that you and your friends have all made out with each other, yet you have boyfriends." Alexander smirked, getting the girls to gasp as if it were true.
         " Guys, not now." Mr. Irving scolded them.
         " Yes, sir." Alexander turned away from the girls, and smiled at me. " I'm such a bitch, aren't I?"
         I laughed. " A little, but you just stood up to one of the most popular and rich girls of the school."
         " I don't care, they were picking on you and me. I don't like that, therefore I don't like them," Alexander smirked. " Plus I have a hell of alot more money than they do, trust me."
         " My money is still good, but I hardly consider myself rich." I said.
         " I see," Alexander nodded, still looking me straight in the eyes. " Tell me more about yourself, Kuro."
         " There isn't that much to tell at all." I looked away from his eyes, trying to get him to see that I didn't want to talk about it.
         " You live alone?" He asked.
         " Yes."
         " That's all I would like to know, until your ready to talk." He smiled, taking my hand again.
         " I got a question for you." I looked at him, curious.
         " Shoot." He smiled at me kindly.
         " Are you gay, and like me?" I blushed saying it, suddenly feeling giddy.
         " Yes to both." He said in a purr.
         " REALLY!?" I shouted at the top of my lungs, getting Mr. Irving to come over.
         " Are you two alright?" He asked looking at us both.
         " Yes! Yes we are!" I said looking up at him, trying to hide my excitment.
         Alexander chuckled. " I just made his day."
         " Oh? Okay" He smiled and went on his way.
         Alexander laughed a little, and looked back at me. " So what'd ya say?"
         " Huh?" I was still in shock by the fact that he liked me, like I liked him. I just didn't want to admit it.
         " Will you go out with me?" He said with puppy dog eyes, and the cutest little smile.
         " Uh-huh, yes!" I smiled happily.
         " YAY!!!" He shouted, rubbing my hand against his cheek. " Want to meet my family?"
         " They know?" I asked.
         " Of course, they don't mind. They'll welcome you with open arms!"
         " Um.....Alright." I smiled at him, blushing even more. Something told me this was going to get rather interesting, and I'm gay!
© Copyright 2007 Keiko (shadow_chan at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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