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Rated: E · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1357042
“Wait for me…I will find you” he said and kissed my cheek once more. I back away from him.

Wait for me
By Jasmine Kanji

  I  lay on the soft grass gazing up at the night sky, it was quiet accept for the crackling of the fire that Henry made. I sat up and looked at him; his pale face glowed in the light of the fire, his brown wavy hair that curled along the side of his ears, his hazel eyes were dazzling and his smile was cute. I smiled at him.
“Its time to go my love” he said smiling
“Awe do we have to?” I said shuffling over to him I wrap my arms around his neck.
“Yes its nearly mid night” he said getting up I stood up next to him and turned toward him.
“Well that never stopped you before “I said rubbing my hands on his muscular arms. He laughed and pulled me closer to him, and kissed my lips softly.
“No, common we both have to get going before we get into trouble.” he said. Henry and I had to keep our relationship a secret because of different classes in money. I was first class, which means that any one below us was trash. Unfortunately, Henry was below so that means we were forbidden to see each other,  I always lied had to lie and said I was horse back ridding.  I sighed and kiss his lips again.
“Ah if we must then fine...” I sighed he smiled and walked away from me. He grabbed the big bucket of water and through it onto the fire. It went out like a light. The smoke was floating up into the beautiful night sky. He walked back over to me and took my hand and led me out of the forest, we walked back to my house in silence. We came to my front yard and we said our good byes at the garden gate. I looked at my house. It was big, white and covered in vines. I hated that house, I felt sick just looking at it, so I looked back at Henry. 
“I love you” I whispered to him
“I love you too Gwen, more than you know.” He kissed me again.
“Am I seeing you tomorrow?” I asked
“Yea met me at the harbor at eight o’clock in the morning” he said
“Okay harbor at eight” I said smiling “I’ll see you then good night” I kissed him again.
“Night” I smiled and opened my gate and ran to my side of the house to where my bed room window was, I climbed up the veins and reach my opened window.  I climbed through and closed my window. I quickly got changed into my night gown and crawled into bed.
I woke up the next morning to the sun rise on my face, I quickly got dressed and ran down the stairs, and I heard voices coming from the library I tiptoed over to the door so I could hear who was talking.
“Elizabeth your six-teen year old daughter has been fooling around with this boy how can you defend her?”
“I defend her because I know what she going through… if she has to hide her relationship with this boy from you, she really must love him” my mother hissed
“Eliz, I don’t care if she loves him… his class is below us, His father is a –“
“It’s not always about money Fred, my god!” shrieked my mother.
“Yes it is, you can’t survive with out it… it what our society is all about…Your nothing with out it” he said
“What’s wrong with you?” my mother asked in disgust.
“Nothing… now pack your bags my dear were leaving” he said
“What about Gwen don’t you care about how she feels?” she asked my mom
“Yes but she just going to have to live with this decision and try to live with out love for a bit” he said harshly. “Go wake her up and make sure she doesn’t live this house” he said as soon as I heard him say that I blotted for the front door. I ran as fast as I could to the harbor. Once I got there I looked for Henry, I noticed he was leaning up against the big oak tree down the hill. I ran down the hill yelling his name,
“Henry!” I bellowed he looked up; I was running so fast I couldn’t stop; I bailed and tumbled down the hill. He saw me and ran up to me, by  the time he  got to me I was sitting on the grass he came up to me and helped me up.
“Are you okay?” he asked I shook my head I felt tears roll down my cheeks.
“What happened?” I hugged him and cried.
“Were leaving my dad found out about us… he’s making me leave Greenwood” I said quickly.
“What?” he said shocked
“Were leaving…” I repeated looking way from him.
“Come with me” he said he took my hand and I followed. He lead me into the forest and sat down I sat next to him. And thought how much I loved him and how much im going to miss him. We sat in silence.
“I’m going to fight for us…I’m not going to let him take me away from you” I said looking at him.
“Gwen he’s going to force you…” he said.
“I don’t care… I’m going to fight for us and I don’t care if he disowns me. As long as I’m with you I will survive” I said kissing him on his lips “I love you “I said he smiled.
“I love you too” he kissed the top of my head; I laid my head on his lap and closed my eyes. I remembered when I was about ten years old, I wanted to be free like the birds. So I ran way. On the way I got lost and was scared and cold. Lucky for me Henry and his father were hunting and found me. They returned me to my family and ever since then we were friends. But over the years we became closer and closer and fell in love. I felt a kiss on my neck I turned over onto my back and looked up into his eyes, and smiled. He leaned over and kissed me on my lips passionately. I broke the kiss and sat up to look at him I was about to kiss him when I heard, the dogs barking.
“Henry. Dogs!” I exclaimed “they picked up our sent” he stood up and helped me up.
“Common” we ran together in the other direction. When we stopped to catch our breaths I heard foots steps and yelling coming from men.  We ran in the different direction of the men but we came back to the loud barks of dog. We were surrounded. I started to breath heavy hugging Him tightly. He kissed the back of my neck.
“GET YOUR LIPS OFF OF MY DAUGHTER!” bellowed my father. My hearted beated faster and faster, Henry’s grip was tight on me. My father marched over to us.
“Common lets go” my father said grabbing my arm. I ripped my arm away from him.
“Gwen get going!” he said
“No” I said quietly
“What did u say?”
“I said NO” I repeated he rolled his eyes and slapped me across my face. I fell over on to the ground I gripped my cheek I felt the splintering of pain run through my cheek. Henry came to my side and held me.
“Go” he whispered in my ear “before you get in trouble” he said
“No. I’m not leaving you” I said
“You have no choice” he said
“Yes Gwen you have no choice now come” said my father. I glanced up at my father and glared.
“Fine give me a minute to say good-bye” I said quietly. He nodded Henry helped me up and kissed my lips for the final time.
“I love you “he said more tears steamed down my cheeks, he wiped them away and kissed me again. The only words I could manage to get out were.
“Good bye” I couldn’t say “I love” because it hurt too much to say. I kissed his cheek and turned away. He grabbed my hand and pulled me back and whispered into my ear.
“Wait for me…I will find you” he said and kissed my cheek once more. I back away from him and turned away, he was still holing my hand as I walked I felt his hand leave mine. I walked over to my father and didn’t look back at Henry. Tears still filled my eyes as we walked. My father dragged me into the house and into the library where my mother was standing in crossing her arms and frowning at my father.
“Sit” hissed my father as he pointed to the chair, I did as I was told and took my seat.
He paced up and down the library mumbling something. I slouch in the chair knowing I was in for it.
“What am I going to do with you?” he asked I said nothing, I glanced over to my mother who looked very displeased with him, her arms were still crossed and her frown went to a deadly death stare. If only looks could kill I though, my father pointed his long figure at me.
“you… are lucky I care about you, if I didn’t you would of still be in the forest right now, probably doing something you would regret” he said.
“What’s that suppose to mean?”  I asked him.
“What do you mean?” he asked me.
“I’m referring to your last statement…’doing something you would probably regret’” I quoted.
“I mean having sex with this boy…have yo—“
“NO, God. He wanted to wait till we were ready...” I said quietly. he rolled his eyes at me and took a seat across the room from me.
“Dad I love him...”
“Gwen! I don’t care if you love him, he has no money how the hell can he support you? Huh?”
“I don’t care about the money I love him.”
“What don’t you get about I DON’T CARE!” he yelled
“Fred don’t yell at her!” hissed my mother
“Eliz stay out of this!” said my father my mother back way from him.
“Why are you so rude to her?” I asked him standing up walking toward his desk “my god you don’t dissever her or me you are a selfish man.” I said storming out of the room.
“Gwen!” called my mother I ignored her and ran to my room. I slammed my door shut, and crawled to a corner in my room. I held my keens and tried not to cry. My door opened and walked through was my mother. She walked toward me and sat down next to me and hugged me.
“Oh Gwen” said my mother
“I hate him so much right now…you have no idea” she laughed.
“I know exactly how you feel…about your father…. He can be so thick skinned.” She said.
“You think?” I said in sarcasm she laughed.
“Listen we are leaving in hour…please don’t fuss” she said. “I know your angry but I don’t want him any more mad…he will pop that big vain in his head” he said I stared to laugh.
“Fine… Ill go but I’m not going to be a ray of sun shine” I said  she held my hand.
“Mom, he said that he is going to find me” I said
“Do you believe him?” she asked
“Yes… I do and im not going to give up” I said
“Good don’t I have faith in him too, I wish I could of met him.” She said
“you would of liked him” I said
“I’m sure I would…listen im going down stairs to get some other things packed…” she said getting up.
“Okay” I said I watch her get up and leave my room she closed the door behind her. I was left alone and that’s how I wanted it to be.
One hour later we were on the train to my Uncles house in Caption, which was a four day by train, and was many miles from Greenwood.
A few days later after we arrived at my Uncles, I was unpacking my trunk when I found a bash envelope. I looked at it funny and reached to pick it up. I slowly opened it and read.
Dear Gwen,
You’re probably wondering how I got this letter into your trunk… let’s just say your maid likes me.
I miss you so much, you have no idea, and I can’t sleep or eat.
I don’t know how I’m going to find you but I will. Don’t worry we will be together again so my love don’t worry.
I love you, wait for me and I will find you.
Love you with all my heart.

      I read this his letter over and over again, crying wishing he was with me holding me and kissing me. I know he will find me and I will wait for him no matter what…
Over two years I waited and waited, but nothing, no letter no sign that he was near, I wasn’t going to give up not yet. It’s been Five years, and he has not found me. Carlisle Mesen has asked me to marry him; he was looking for a wife, and I turned him down.  I sat in my room looking at the letter I had from years before, the door opened, and my mother walked through.
“Gwen” she said, as she sat next to me on my bed.
“Yes” I said
“It’s been five years… he’s not coming...”
“Yes he is” I said
“Gwen sweetie its time to move on…” she said
“I love him mom”
“I know but you need to its not healthy” she said
“Yea I know… I probably sound so pathetic right now.”
“No you don’t… just a little too hopeful” she said as she walked out of my room I have deiced to let go and move on…I decided to give up.
Ten years have passed my father had passed away… it was just me and my mom now. We stayed in the same town with my uncle. I am thirty-one years old and not married. I wonder why I wasn’t married I even questioned it sometimes; I guess apart of me still dose not want me to give up, but I have. I was in the library reading a book when I heard a knock on the door, I got up and went to go and answer it. I opened the door and there was a man wearing a nice suit, he was tall was very good looking, his eyes where hazel and his smile was gorgeous, his hair was curled around his ears and his skin was a peach colour. I smiled at him.
“Hello miss is Gwen Jones here?”
“Yes I’m Gwen Jones how may I help you?” I asked he smiled again.
“I told you I would find you find you…” he whispered.
The end
© Copyright 2007 Jasmine <3 (jaminxox92 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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