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Rated: · Novel · Action/Adventure · #1356224
Continuation of Part Two; Chapter one. If you haven't already guessed that.
As the next few days preogressed, Kera began adjusting to her 'new life'. MAny of the crew had accepted her as part of their crew, and the work they gave her, helped Kera cope with the upleasent realization of mortality. Kirksan and Bremic had, of course, been trying to befriend her. Only Bremic had partially suceeded. Kirksan had made the very foolish mistake of refering to her as "That Human" while she had been in earshot. Now Kera stubbornly refered to him as "That Alien" no matter who she was talking to. It had always been the crews running bet on when Kera might forgive him. Gregy was Kera's favorite crew member to talk to. He always knew what was going on, even if he didn't always tell her. Gregy was also the only one who put "Never" as his bet on Kera's forgiveness. Gregy, though at first very frightening in apperance, His head shaped much like a shark but the rest more squidlike that anything in Kera's imagination could conjure.

On Day Twenty of Kera's Space travel, the Surfer landed on the Planet Saturn. It was then that the entire crew threw a surprise farewell party for Kera. This was a job indeed as Kera always seemed to be underfoot. The speed at which she completed the chores they gave her was infathomable to the crew members. Only Brmic seemed to understand what was going on with Kera's increasing speed. However, no matter how anyone pleaded He would not say a word about it only

          "Go back to what you were doing and stop asking me silly questions!"

Bremic hated being asked silly questions. even though Kera had pointed out several times that no question was a silly question. When the party was finally set up, Kera was called to the cafiteria on the third floor. When Kera got there, exactly fifteen seconds after the call was announced on the ship's intercom, The entire crew shouted "SURPRISE!"

Kera was completely taken aback.

        "What's all this?" She asked Gregy, her favorite informer.

          "A farewell party, Miss Kera." Gregy said in his somewhat nasaly voice.

          "A farewell party? For me?"
          "Indeed." Kirksan said in his own slightly robotic voice. Kera ignored him

          "Where am I going?"

        "Onto Saturn," Bremic said calmly, "That is Galactic's plan, to disperse Humans onto a variety of planets closest resembling their former home."

      "F-former?" Kera whispered, "I'm not going back?" It had for a time, been Kera's understanding that she would just travel around with Bremic and Kirksan ubtill Earth was ready to be inhabited again.

      "By the time the Earth will be ready for Humans again, you will be over ten thousand years dead." Gregy said kindly. A tear slid down Kera's cheeck, but she quickly wiped it away.

      "Where will I go, on Saturn?"

      "You will be on your own, Galatic has supplied you with a house with a family here, and the money to get you through two years, time enough for you to make your way into the community and start your own means of living." Bremic said, "I must speak with you alone, for Galatic has researched every Human ordaned to be retrieved from Earth." He motioned for Kera to follow him to a door. Kera followed Bremic into the kitchen of the ship, Kera had seldom been in here, save to ask a recipe from the cooks, or to offer her assistance. Bremic turned to Kera.

          " Galactic has done an entire background check on you, Kera."

          "Why? I've lived on Earth all my life."

        "But your ansestors haven't." Kera blinked, comprehending this knew information.

        "OK, go on." Kera told Bremic. He grimiced, Bremic was not used to orders.

        "Please go on." Kera ammended.

        "Galactic found that your thirty three hundred times great grandmother was a Fairy, from Saturn."

        "From there?!" Kera asked in surprise, pointing out a nearby window to the lust, wild forests and rivers of Saturn of Solar System 33286.

      "Yes." Bremic said, "Therefore, you, by blood, are a fairy also."

Kera blinked three more times. "I'm a fairy? Riiiiight. And my sister was the Queen of New York City."

      "I'm not joking." Bremic said sternly.

      " If I am a fairy, why don't I have wings? Powers? A wand? Anything!?"

      "You do, That is what I am to give you."

      Kera stared at Bremic in disbelief. " You are? Then why wait till now?"

        " You had to reach the age of flight."

        " The age of What, now?" Kera said, accidentally reverting to her Earth slang. Bremic, now used to these slips, said,
            "The age of flight, the Twentiuth day of a journey, after one's Fifteenth birthday. For you, that day, is today." Kera bliked yet again. This was almost too much information for her to make sence of.

        "So, are you going to give me somthing or not?" Kera asked, trying to get to the heart of this very confusing meeting. Bremic nodded and held up yet another needle.

        "Oh, no. Not again!" Kera graoned. "I hate needles!"

        "You've said that." Bremic quipped. " Ready?"

          "One sec." Kera swung her arms back and forth, in circles and side to side. "Gotta limber up." She explained to Bremic, " It hurts less that way." When she was ready she held out both her arms. "Which one?"
Bremic took the right one, and quickly incerted the needle. Kera looked away, waiting for whatever had to be injected into her.

"Done." Bremic said after about twenty seconds.

"Really? That was fast."

"You don't like needles." Bremic said, smirking at her.

  "Truer words were never --- OW!"  Kera yelped as pain in her back errupted.

"You are getting your wings." Bremic replied.

Kera had fallen to the floor, Her back arching and twisting. Trying to escape the pain that was tearing the skin on her shoulderblades, as the bone of her wings appeared, skin and feathers soon appeared after. Bremic was watching with an almost bored look. He had seen many Fairies before, react to the gift of flight. It was always painfull. However, Kera seemed to be in more pain than the rest had. Then Bremic noticed the difference. The other Fairies always had irridesent wings.Kera's were feathered. Now Bremic was watching in earnest as Kera writhed in pain on the floor. When Her wings stopped growing and feathering, the pain subsided. Kera lay quivering on the aftermath of the pain. Bremic gave her a minute to regain her mind and comprehension.

"You ok?" He asked, as calm as he had been all day.

"That REALLY hurt." Kera squeaked.Bremic helped her to her feet. Her legs were still shaky.

  "Aw,snap. I can't stand."

  "Try Flying." Bremic promted. It was then Kera took note of her wings.

  "HOLY SNAP!!" was all she could say. Her wings twitched.

    "How am I doing this?" Kera asked excitedly.

  " The same way you walk and run and skip. It's imprinted on your brain, the knowledge to fly, you just didn't have thewings yet."

"COOL!!" Kera shouted. flapping her wings a few times. her feet rose a few inches of the floor. " WAY cool!" Kera started to flutter across the spacious kitchen. She tried gliding, but didn't have enough room. She landed, and folded her wings together so that she could walk.

  "Oh, this is so cool! I can walk AND fly!"

  "There's more." Bremic said kindly.

"More!?" Kera came running back.  Bremic handed her a book.

  "Eeh?" Kera made a questioning look at the book.

  "This is your family's spell book. They will only work for you. There is some room at the back for you to write your own spells. The more you learn and memorize, the easier your life will be."

  "Great slice of wisdom there, Bremic, but I think the crew is waiting for us."

  "Indeed. Let's go back to the party."

As They left the Kitchen Kera sang out

"I HAVE WINGS!!" Everyone turned from the farewell cake to look at her. All applauded, except Gregy, who was wiping his eyes. Kera rushed to her friend's side.

  "what's the matter, Gregy?" Gregy looked startled. Kera didn't realize that she had ran with the aid of her wings, close to the speed of light.

"I'm just going to miss you terribly, Miss Kera." Gregy said, his eyes swimming with tears again.

  "I'll miss you too." Kera said, hugging her friend.

Well after the party had ended, Gregy was still with Kera, helping her pack her cloths and belongings she had picked up on her travel to Saturn.

"Tomorrow you will leave our ship." Gregy said gavely.  Kera nodded. She would miss the friends she had made on the ship very much.

"Promice me, you'll all come and visit, right?"

"Of Course!" Gregy said, suddenly enthusiastic. " Even if we have to tie, That Alien to the floor to get here!"

Kera laughed at the mental picture of Kirksan tied to the many hooks on the floor of the ship. Once she had asked Gregy about them and he had explained that they were for when the gravity feild around the ship gave out.

The next morning, Kera hugged goodbye to her friends, and exited the ship. Using her wings to glide toward the town square, where Bremic had said her 'new' family would be waiting. Kera felt her heart tear and ache as her sence of home, and her sence of adventure battled inside her.

"Galactic wouldn't have let me stay, anyway." Kera reasoned, and landed on the dirt ground of the Town Square. The Village looked like the ones she had seen in the pictures of her history book at school. The houses were hand built and had stone walls. A well was to her right and all around her were a variety of creatures.

"This is going to be very interesting." Kera murmered to herself and made her way to the wildly waving group she took to be her 'new family'

    "Hi!" She chirped, " I'm Kera."

                    End of Part Three; Chapter One.
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