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This is a fiction based off a dream. |
Below Gravity By S. D. S 4/27/07 XXXXXXXXXXX There are many places of existence. Don’t be close minded… Or you’ll close the door to all of them. XXXXXXXXXXX **************************************************************************************** Chapter One Clang was the sound Zyact’s boots made as they stepped upon the cement steps. He was heading out from a long day of something his planet called slang, which amounted to meaning school in English on Earth. Zyact sighed and peered up as a sky craft was drifting off near the slang building. Oath, Zyact’s planet, was known for it’s travel on air crafts rather than the standard cars Earth used. Usually the bright bluish pink skies of their giant gas and rock planet was full of all different sorts of air craft, for this is how they transported their people and their goods across the lands. The planet’s gases made it easier and more efficient to travel via the air rather then the standard ground travel. Zyact was reviewing his day in his mind as he went on walking down the cement. He failed another science test, and was on something they called ‘mark up’, which meant he was being tutored by the class’s smartest student, until he finally learned enough to pass the exam. Martha was the class’s nerd, she was the smartest, and yet the most prettiest of all the girls in slang with Zyact; she was the girl who was tutoring him after today‘s class. He sighed and stopped as he heard foot steps trotting up behind him, he recognized those steps, they where Martha’s. “Here to prove to me how horrible I am in science?” He said still standing there, his back turned to her. She giggled some, “What is that suppose to mean? I want us to get right to work, you see, so I don’t have to waste my time with you that long! You do understand me tutoring you is holding me back. I can’t go on with the lesions until you learn yours! We are going to my home promptly and your going to learn this dimensional mathematical science stuff, got it?” He rolled his crystal colored eyes, swung his lean-macular body around, and then peered down at her. The wind brushed through his light blue to blue toned bangs. The rest of his spiky, yet long, black hair joined in with the dance. He then placed a hand on his hip and played with the mental spiked rings on his fingers. They was used when playing Spike Ball, which was a game crossed between bally-ball and soccer. The rest of his outfit was the usual trend of the planet, it was black material, a shirt which flared at the sleeves, but showed part of his chest, a long necklace which grew longer as it draped down his neck, black crossed over pants, and black boots. His outfit was competed with his pierced ears which ear rings dangled. Martha frowned up toward Zyact’s handsome face, “Don’t even look at me like that!” She started in wanting to swear at him for being so irresistible, but she stopped, others where heading their direction. Enemies. A gang of students who was jealous of Martha was creeping up behind the two. They’d been planning on beating the poohy out of her eventually either that or just mock the heck out of her. “Martha! There you are!” They called to Martha, “ We’ve been looking for you!” “Sure you have been!” She yelled back at them knowing they was after her, this wasn’t the first time this happened to her. She sighed and muttered, “this was another reason why I wanted to get out of here as fast as I could, theses guys have been picking on me all day in slang.” Zyact knew this, he already tried to defend her and himself when they was mocking him for failing and teasing her for being his tutor earlier that day during transition in the halls. Zyact clinched his fists, he knew they had his spiked rings equipped and didn’t figure those bullies would be dumb enough to mess with him when he had them on. Quickly he stepped forward facing the bullies and shoved Martha behind him, as if to shield her. The group stepped forward and started to yell in mockery at the two. This was becoming to unbearable for Martha, so she fled the scene as quickly as she could. She scampered off straight down the cement and onto a sidewalk looking walk way leading to the parks around their slang. Zyact watched her as she ran off, he then gave one last look at the group of bullies before him, before he joined Martha in her flee. They both was high tailing it out of there, until Martha took a sharp turn, which quickly somehow forced Zyact to lose track of her. He stopped and surveyed his surroundings still listening to the group far off in the distance. He must have ran farther off then he thought he had, he was a long distance from anything. The nearest object to him was a mysterious blush, just a plant, with what looked like a nice sized hole dug into the soil next to it. The voices was becoming ever closer to Zyact, so in a panic, he leaped straight into the man sized hole in the dirt in hopes the bullies wouldn’t be able to find him down there. Suddenly everything went black and he would feel his whole entire being lounged and tugged down fast, faster, and faster yet! He screamed out loud, as this undesirable gravity continued to pull him down. He tried his hardest to escape whatever this that was happening to him. As his heart was beating a million miles in his chest, he waved his arms outward trying to grab onto anything he could to pull himself out of this, but there was nothing. What happened to the dirt? Nothing there was nothing, this was happening to fast, was he dead? Where was he? So many questions was rushing into his mind as his body drifted into a place of merely no existence to man. Then out of no where there was light, and he was sitting in a place which looked like a nice sized living room. He opened his eyes and looked side to side. “What the hell? Where I am?!” He said out loud. “This looks like a house! Hello? Anyone there?” He wondered if someone made themselves a house under ground or something. What a weird person he thought, to build a house under ground and have their front door be a whole in the ground under a blush. Zyact stood up and began wondering around the room which seemed to be connected to a long hallway. He was looking for the owner of this mysterious looking house under the planet, or which appeared to be under the planet, but was unsuccessful. “No, no one.” He repeated to himself after a long period of searching. “Maybe they’ll come home later, and lead me out of here. Heh, look at the bright side, Zyact,” he said to himself, “at lest those bullie people defiantly can’t find you down here.” He laughed at his observation and took a seat in another room with a nice sized sofa looking recliner. He sighed, and relaxed, the room was the exact temperature in which he was comfortable with, good enough for him to doze off in. He thought it over, if the owner wasn’t to appear by tomorrow, he was to go exploring the underground house like place, and maybe even possibly take it as his. He thought to himself, he the place isn’t inhabited why not inhabit it himself? He liked this place, it was secluded. It was a great distance from everyone, who ever knew how far that distance may be, it was also peaceful, and seemed to have a pull to it which drawn him into it. The place seemed infinite, tamable, and longing for a type of unsaid ownership. It was weird, the place almost seemed to beg to Zyact, that it was lonely, like Zyact was becoming, and was seeking out a leader. One to control the places elements, to become indorsed with it enough to become one with the area, and take it up as their own. He was longing for a ruler much like a king, with a hard iron fist. Zyact feed into the places desires, and they became his own. He was willing to reap the plane as his own and become a type of king of this underground cavern of mystery. During this insight and emotion of the area, he was closing his eyes and ever slowly drifting off into sleep, a dimension of it’s own, one assessable enough to give in to the place’s suggestion. He was communicating with this place enough through his desires as he was dozing off, that the place seemed to agree and hand over it’s essences to him in his dreams. Soon his senses faded as did that day, everything was about to change now, as his mind set off on a journey. ********************************************************************************** Chapter Two Hours became days, days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, and months soon became years as Zyact stayed within the bizarre area. He had no clue of how much faster time was traveling outside of that secluded environment, but he was making him self quite comfortable. He made claim of being king of this environment, he even made himself his own throne, and the room became a sort of castle, that whole place was his castle now. There was an outdoors looking place he created in that underground world he was making with his mere thoughts. All he had to do was desire something and that place would obey his every order and create anything he pleased. All his wishes that that place could serve was becoming his reality and that place’s. Zyact was defiantly in delight of this world, not knowing it was devouring his notions. On the twilight of one late evening, Zyact, becoming ever more lonely, decided he was to get up and possibly look for others like himself that might have been pulled in the mysterious place which now was his kingdom. He only traveled up to four rooms and a long hallway of this place, because part of him was secretly afraid to go any farther. He didn’t want to lose his power over this area, or run into anything that might over take him. Yet, he was lonely enough to take that risk at this point, he was human after all and longed for companionship. He lifted himself from the recliner-throne of his, and forced himself out the door and into the hallway of the place. The dimly lit halls was haunting him eerily, for he was back tracking to the area in which he first fell through. Silently he creped closer and closer into the darkness. The halls seemed to close in on him closer and closer that he came to that region. Creek! Something broke the silence! Zyact’s head bolted up fast, he turned around quickly and began to slowly back up. He was ready for something to jump out of the darkness and try to tear him to shreds. His fist clinched, he was ready with his spiky rings once again. His body continued to back up as the seconds was counting down. “I’m the king of this kingdom!” he blurted with the essences of fear in this tone, “You’d better nail down to me! Or you’ll regret it!” he warned. Suddenly a hand lashed out of the darkness behind him and latched it’s grip on Zyact’s shoulder in seconds. He about jumped sky-high and ripped away from it as fast as he could as he swung around. “What was that?” He screamed in his mind. He stared down and to his disbelief here was a human like figure before him, it appeared to be a broader shaped man, who was in a nailing position. “Excuse me!” He said politely to Zyact, “You’re the king of this domain? Please then, I fell here quite on accident. Would you please assist me back from where I came?” Zyact blinked, another thing in which he wished came true? He found another human as he desired it, he figured this must be more magic of his and this place’s doings. “Come with me,” He grinned in joy for his new human being. “Raise up and follow me, through this hall to my main throne.” The other man quickly obeyed in belief that this man might be of true power in this domain. Once they was in Zyact’s main quarters, Zyact took a sit and crossed his legs comfortably. The other man resumed his nailing position before Zyact and stared down at the tile flooring under him. The man’s eye’s slowly crept upward and watched Zyact as he swung his hand about and a glass of water appeared in them. Magic? The man wondered, this man must be some sort of powerful king for sure, he confirmed to himself and peered back at the floor before him. Zyact started in again, “So you want me to help you, huh? Well, sure I would, but sadly your in MY domain now, you see, and now you must be my servant. If you serve me well, I’ll..” He paused and grinned down at the black haired, muscular, shirtless man, who only appeared to have a pair of baggy gray colored pants, and shoes on. “ Well,” He continued, “I’ll let you go, and I’ll return you to with you came.” The guy’s dark colored eyes lit up as his head faced the King’s. He nodded delightfully in thought of getting the heck out of that place. “Thanks! Um, your majesty!” He bowed still in his sitting position toward Zyact. “Alright, servant, your first order of business would be..” He thought about things he’s been wanting to do once he had human contact. He’s been longing to play or at lest watch a good game of Spike ball for a couple months now, for playing alone wasn’t exactly the best way to pass time for him. “I want you to play Spike ball with me.” He demanded to his new servant. “This is a sport I very much enjoy, and have been getting…eh..a bit rusty at lately.” he brought up. His servant nodded, but mentioned that fact he wasn’t aware of how to play this Spike ball. Zyact laughed hard and figured he better equipped his handsome looking servant. Out of nowhere a collar stretched around the servants neck followed by a long chain which strung out like a leash from it. At the same time a body holster appeared around the man’s bold chest, and spiked rings formed around all his fingers. The servant looked surprised by this sudden make over. “This must be my servant gear huh?” he tried joking light heartedly to his king. “Sure,” His king replied, “those spiked rings are for the game of Spike ball. Let me teach you.” He pounced up out of his throne and gripped his servant’s chain leash and tugged on it. The man lifted himself to his feet and realized he was slightly taller and a bit more built then his master, he found this to be a little ironic. He followed behind his King out a front gate, his eyes gazed down on Zyact’s butt from time to time by accident. “Hmm, that’s nice.” He was thinking to himself, then soon realized what he was thinking. This was a king, you really don’t mess with those types he reminded himself to be as respectful to this man as he could. But the desire to respect him seemed to come from more then just this man being his leader, but it was just something he wanted to do for this man. He just plan respected all aspects of him right away. He was lead to this place which appeared to be outside. Who knows how, but it appeared there was a sun, grass, and a lawn which ended adherently by a fence. The fence was a complete share this ’out door’ area actually appeared to be one of the many rooms of the place out. Weird he thought. Zyact taught the man how to play his game and the game was soon on. Zyact lost sorely to his slave this was upsetting to him, so as secret punishment of his slave, he forced him to play that game alone all day for his own amusement. The king seat high up on his throne in his ‘castle’ as he gazed down at his slave running circles below him on the grassy plains of his playing field. This was just to much entertainment for one day. Zyact called out to his servant that his session was over and that he could return to the throne room. His servant obeyed and was by his side as fast he could once more. His servant breathed hard in effort to catch his breath and regain himself. His stomach was starving it seemed like serial days that he was on that playing field, entertaining his King. He wasn’t about to beg for food though, he was going to let his King feed him when he was ready too. He didn’t want to question his King’s authority. Several days had passed since Zyact met his servant, and his conscious was feeling sympathy for the poor man. Somehow he was caring about his slave, perhaps because this slave was the only human being around besides himself. “Are you hungry?” the king asked his servant, and a nod came back in reply. “Alright then.” Zyact laid back on a sofa-bed looking seat and waved his hand and a tray of fresh delights appeared on the tray. The servant’s eyes widened, food! Zyact continued, “feed me and you may also partake of these delights.” The servant nodded once again and took the tray in one hand and balanced it. The bed like chair was close enough to the ground that the servant could easily lean close to his king and feed him and himself. ******************************************************************************* Chapter Three The servant was eyeing his king as he continued to place each morsel of food in his king’s mouth. His king was one handsome guy he kept thinking. Watching his mouth take in the food, it’s moister, inhaling it was causing to many thoughts to arise in the servant’s mind. The king licked his lips finishing his meal. His servant ate some of the food as well as he lain back slightly rubbing his stomach. Zyact ate way to fast, a thought soon hit in mind. Why rub his own bully when he had a servant that could easily do it for him? What’s exactly what he demanded of his servant. The servant had no protest, this was all an opportunity for him, he longed to do this for his king. Rubbing Zyact’s stomach came natural for his servant, it just felt so right to him. He wanted to share time with his king, he adored his king, and was being caught up in the moment with him. Zyact breathed harder in relaxation as his muscular abs relaxed and he leaned more at ease in the bed like chair. Zyact’s hand reached up to his shirt and slowly undone it’s button unleashing his bear chest and skin to his servant. He leaned his head back, and closed his crystal colored eyes. The moment was becoming ever more interment as time was passing. He rubbed ever more firmly down words on Zyact’s abs. This was becoming more and more pleasurable for Zyact, he gave out a slight moan under his breath. Once his servant heard the breathing and moan, he could no longer resist his king, his king was just one of those hard to resist men that just seemed to pull people into them causing them to become instantly interested in him. The servant caught his hand rubbing farther and farther more downward with each stroke. He wanted to hear it again, that gentle moan, it was arousing him. Zyact’s muscles began to tighten as his servant’s hand was coming ever closer to his lower portions, his light moan started up again. His eyes slide open straight in his servant’s direction and their eyes met. His was over whelming for the servant now, he was melting in Zyact’s gaze. Zyact’s head turned upward and stared down at his servant’s hands, he began to watch them as they rubbed his stomach. He was beginning to finally notice what was going on, that his servant was acting slightly funny about this. He watched as his servant’s hand finally reached his pants and farther down until his servant gripped his lower region. His body responded without time to think, his muscled flexed as his hips jolted forward. “Ahhh…ahh..,” He moaned louder then before. It became more apparent his slave must be crushing on him. He wasn’t sure how to react to his man slave making moves on him like this. It made him instantly nervous. The king’s hand gripped tightly onto his slave’s as he pulled the slave’s hand away from his body. The slave’s head slumped downward in disbelief that he done such a thing and upset his king. He wanted to apologize, but feel more silent. It ate him inside that he upset his king, this guy, he was now falling in love with. He was becoming less a king to him, and more of a person he wanted to be close with. He wanted to know this man as a person, not a ruler, and be his equal if not his protector. Zyact’s gaze feel on his slaves again. “Get some rest okay? I worked you hard back there with that game of Spike ball, go ahead and rest up. I’ll see you later then alright.” His slave nodded and lifted himself to his feet giving his king one last look before he headed off to his own sleeping quarters. He was still ashamed for what he done to his king and was longing for an escape, that guy seemed more like a person to him every time he gazed into his eyes. Was he really a king? Why didn’t he feel like one? What if he was just another person who feel in the whole like he had? He wanted to find out, he wanted out, and if he found away he wondered if his king would follow him. He wanted to bring this other man out of here, he wanted to show that king a better life then his underground world. He wanted to love that man, not serve that man. How was he to make that made love him? Too many questions was flooding his mind as he drifted off into his own fantasies. *************************************************************************************** Chapter Four When Zyact awoken in what seemed to be the next ‘day’ in his standards it seemed his slave had vanished. Zyact searched his slave’s sleeping quarters repeatedly, he explored the four rooms he knew of including the ‘out doors’ looking room, but discovered nothing. There was just no trace of his dear slave. Tired and feeling worriedly deprived he slumped back into his throne about face first. He crawled back in the seat and curled himself up, and hugged his legs sadly. It was a good thing no one saw him in this state it was very embarrassing for him, but he was just so depressed. He became attracted and cared for his slave so much, already. He missed the slave so much, the only thing that was on his mind was now the slave, that was all he would think about anymore, his kingdom meant little to him now. “I should have treated him better, I should have got to know him better,” All those scenario’s flew through his mind, “maybe this place is punishing me for being so unkind to my servant, and now this domain took him away from me. I’m so sorry, I miss him so much. I just, I want him back!” He was about in tears, “No, I’m not going to lay here and ball, I’m going to find him.” Zyact sat up and decided he was going to venture farther out down that hall then he had before, he was going to search for his servant. What’s a king with out his servants anyways? So off Zyact went on his forage through the dimly lit halls. It was lonely for Zyact’s slave, as he was leaving the king behind. He was doing this for both their own good, he wanted to find away out of this crazy place and it seemed his king could care less about searching for a way off of his kingdom. The servant was certain he was falling in love with that king, and felt horrible pain for the thought of the king being left behind in this dreary place. Slowly his body crept and turned with a hallway until he found a same staircase. It reminding him much of a stairwell for someone’s basement. He took his chances and walked slowly down the skinny stairs until he reached a cement looking room below the hallway. This room was dimly lit much like the hallways before hand, and nothing was in there but a golden treasure chest. Slam! The slave’s head turned in a flash to the noise, he ran straight toward the stairwell in which the noise came. Before he knew it he was face to face with his king. “King! You followed me?” Zyact nodded slightly frightened by the sudden greeting. “Servant! Where have you been? I was wondering here you went, I was….worried about you…I never said you could run off like this. You disobeyed me!” The slave peered downwards, “You was worried. But this is your domain is it not, wouldn’t you know here I was?” Zyact feel silent, “yes, I was worried and no! I didn’t know here you was, you gave me quite the scare! Never do this to me again!” He demandingly sorrowed. “Listen,” The slave started in, “ I care about you too, enough I can’t just sit back and watch you become more and more along and engulfed in this place! Are you really a king? Or just a lost confused person here like me?” The king was saddened this man questioned him, and had emotions. All this time he thought the slave was just an illusion of this place, someone not even real, yet this man had feelings and desires like himself. This man was real, like him, but how did he get here? “You wanna get out of here, huh? Well, how did you get here? I didn’t create you?” The slave looked blankly into Zyact’s eyes, “Of course, I want out, and I fell down a damn whole and wand up here! Wait you think you created me! Gah!” Zyact nodded slowly, “So you fell down a whole in the ground too, huh? That’s how I got here too.” The slave was astounded yet had a peace of mind. He now understood this so called ‘king’ he was a normal man just as him who became victim to this domain, this place must have over taken him and somehow created objects and such that his ‘king’ desired. “Well, so called ‘king’ you certainly did not created me and either did this place, it just trapped me as it did you. Only difference between me and you is that I never gave into this area, and I don’t care too.” Though the only thing he was really giving into was Zyact’s handsome glare. “What is your real name anyways?” “Zy…..Zy….Zyact.” He said surprised, he to was getting a better understanding for his so called ‘slave’. He now understood that this was a real man, like himself, who stumbled into the same black whole in the dirt. This put their friendship on a whole new level now. “Well, I’m Samoan.” “Samoan? Wow.” “Yeah, your name is much more beautiful, it matches you well, Zyact.” Samoan grinned to his former leader as they shook hands. “Thanks,” he replied back shyly, curious, and uneasy about Samoans plans on escaping this place. Zyact was very fond of this place after all. Zyact felt demoted after he confessed to Samoan, but Samoan let go on Zyact’s hand and went over to the golden chest in wonderment of what was inside. He wiggled and jolted the chest until finally the lid popped up. Zyact walked behind Samoan and watched as Samoan reached in and pulled out a folded sheet of paper. Zyact backed away slowly as Samoan unfolded it, and turned it over. It turned out to be some type of map resembling the old fashion pirate maps of Earth in the 1600’s. There was writing up and down the edges of the map, one word stood out to both of the guys, “dimension”. They both was struck with the knowledge that they was both in another dimension. “Another dimension!” Zyact blurted in surprise, was this even possible he wondered. And if so, how? How was this even possible! As if reading his mind Samoan answered, “I guess so, and who knows how this place even existed or how he came here, point is we need to follow this map, it must know the way out.” Before anyone would read anymore of that map, Zyact wanted to get the heck out of there and back to his throne, this was all to much for him, and he didn’t think he would leave the place even if he wanted too. He didn’t want to lose his new friend, but all at the same time he took himself and rushed up the stairs and back to his throne room. Samoan’s eyes followed Zyact as he left. He let out a deep sigh. “He won’t leave, he’s too drawn into this dimension…” Samoan was worried for Zyact he cared so, so, much for that man. He wasn’t about to leave him, he was going to escape and he was going to prove it to Zyact that he could make it as well. He stayed and continued studying the map and thought off and on about Zyact worriedly imagining Zyact’s depressed face crying as he held himself alone. “No, you won’t be lost, you won’t be alone anymore, Zyact, not anymore, for now…..for now you have me, and my love something this dimension could never give you.” he whispered out loud only wishing that Zyact in his room could hear those meaningful words. *************************************************************************** Chapter Five Samoan slipped his way into Zyact’s head quarters questionably. “Zyact, are you okay?” He asked concerned. Zyact was hunched in his throne alone, “Go, go away! That’s an order!” Samoan shook his head, “Zyact, your not king now, remember? We’ve been through this..” he stepped up to the throne and slowly peered around it’s edges at Zyact who was bearing his face, face down. Samoan leaned up on an arm of the throne and placed a hand out to gently stroke Zyact’s soft hair. “It’s going to be okay. I’ll get us out of here.” “No! I can’t. Don’t you get it, I’m stuck here, there’s no way out. I already tried.” “Maybe you haven’t tried hard enough,” Samoan purposed. “Look! Doesn‘t matter, because I‘m going to get us out of here, with that map I found, it‘s a map of this dimension maybe if we go exploring we‘ll find our way out. Come on now, it’s better then sitting here for years on end, with no change. You know your not really truly happy here.” Zyact interrupted, “How do you know that?” “I can see it in your eyes, Zyact.” Samoan replied back softly. Zyact sat up and looked straight at Samoan, one could tell he had been crying. A tear trickled down his face as he sniffed. “Thanks.” he said under his breath to his former servant. Samoan smiled lightly then put his arm out around Zyact’s shoulder and pulled him in tightly against his chest. Zyact nuzzled into his chest and sniffled slightly, this embrace felt perfect to Zyact. It claimed him down and just made him feel like everything was going to be okay. Samoan just had that aroma around him toward Zyact, that he was comforting and protective. All in all, Samoan was making him quite happy, more happy then he been in years. Friendship felt so much better then fake material possessions. “Well, then?” Samoan taunted as he was half way tempted to kiss Zyact’s forehead, “How about we start our little adventure now, don’t worry now, you’ll have me by your side, you won’t lose me.” “Promise?” “I promise, I’ll always be by your side, as a loyal servant should.” He grinned peering down into Zyact’s lit up eyes. That promise would seem impossible to keep to most, but Samoan seemed certain he could keep this. He meant his promise with all the words from his heart. He stood up and held out his hand to Zyact. Zyact took Samoan’s hand and stood up side by side with him. They stared at each other for a couple seconds before Samoan nodded lightly and walked out the door with Zyact’s hand in his palm. “Take one last look, Zyact, this is probably the last time you’ll ever see this ‘castle’ of yours.” Zyact couldn’t do it, he couldn’t look back, there was just to many memories there, and he longed to move on now with Samoan as his guild. Samoan started running down the dark halls as Zyact held tightly to Samoan’s chain collar. Samoan felt like an animal as he ran faster and faster down the halls, behind them seemed to be getting sucked up like a sink inhaling the water from the drain. Doors, flooring, ceiling, it was all being sucked up behind them as they ran. Zyact started to look back time to time, and held even tighter to Samoan’s leash. No one knew what was happening to that place, but it was becoming less a house and more of a whirlpool. Suddenly everything came to a sudden stop as Zyact rammed himself straight into Samoan’s back, as Samoan stopped unexpectedly. “Look!” ************************************************************************* Words from the author: Anyone can make a guess for what happens next in these two’s story. Will it be a love story? Just how is it possible for them to escape? Will they come out together? Perhaps, with a sequel these questions can all be answered. Reader’s keep your eyes piled a sequel may be written soon. It really depends on my motivation. My apologies. |