Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1355517-Show-Me-Music---Prologue
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1355517
Sasuke and Naruto need changes in their lives. sasunaru, yaoi, mpreg
Disclaimer: Don't sue please! I own nothing put the plot. Characters all belong to the creator of Naruto. I am not getting any money out of this.

Warnings: This is a boys love story. Which means love between men. Which mean, well, you get the idea. Also, there is slight language.

Please enjoy!! ^^

* * * * * * *

         “Sasuke…” the blond boy said to his best friend. “We’re going to be together forever, right?”

         “Of course Naru; even if we don’t, promise you won’t forget me?” Sasuke gazed into the deep cerulean eyes of his favorite blond.

         “I’ll never forget you Sasuke! Believe it! Just promise the same thing, Teme.” Naruto gave his best friend an innocent kiss on the lips.

         “I promise Dobe.” He kissed his friend back and pulled away, smiling one of his rare smiles.

Some promises are forgotten but never broken.

* * * * * * *

         Sasuke Uchiha continued playing the Devil's Trill with ease; his sound so powerful and majestic, beautiful and elegant. He played quickly, his eyes shut, his posture perfect. His bow slid swiftly and smoothly, over and over eloquently on the strings of the violin while his fingers moved as if automatically on them.

         The vast crowd stood and vigorously applauded the young boy. The Uchiha family remained seated as if the piece he just played was nothing by the time the song met its conclusion. Itachi, Sai and Mikoto wanted to clap, but around the powerful Fugaku, it was futile. Being supportive over the youngest Uchiha was defying Fugaku’s pride.

         "Wow, I'm impressed," said one parent, the sarcastic Shukaku Sabaku, the parent of the nation’s first place cello player.

         "Yes, he is one of the greatest," said the music teacher, Kakashi Hatake while reading a book of sophisticated interest.

         "He's an Uchiha, of course he is one of the best," spoke Sasuke's father, Fugaku Uchiha. He smirking with so much smugness, it suffocated the room.

         Sasuke finally left to the backstage. He sauntered towards the Allegro dorms, his violin in its case, when he saw his girlfriend. "Sasuke, you were wonderful, love!" Sakura Haruno exclaimed as she handed him his water bottle.

         "Hn,” He took a chug of the water and walked up the staircase that lasted forever into the Allegro Dormitories, completely ignoring his girlfriend’s blabbering. He finally made it to his room, near the end of the dorms, room 418.

         “Goodnight Sakura.” He slammed the door in her face and locked it tight, silently thanking the maker of locks for the times that the technology has saved him.

         He thought he was alone until he heard the soft voice in the corner.

         "How was the concerto?" Gaara Sabaku questioned while lying down on his bed. He played with his hour glass, watching the small sand grains pour up and down.

         "It killed some time," Sasuke told him as he plopped down on the navy silk sheets of his bed. He heard Gaara chuckle at him.

         Gaara stopped in the middle of his quiet laugh. He growled lightly as his cell phone rang and “Let the Bodies Hit the Floor” came on. The screen flashed “Your favorite big sis!” with a big heart next to it. ‘I really have to change that one of these days….’ He thought to himself.

         "Hn," Gaara grunted into the speaker after pushing the green button. He mentally cursed himself. 'I've been spending way too much time with Sasuke.'

         "Hello. Yes Temari, I'm fine. Yes, I've been practicing. Yes...” He paused for a moment to glance at Sasuke. “Yes, he’s fine as well. Yes... Hi Kankuro. Yes... Yes… Alright, hi Dad… no… yes… Fine, if I must. Goodbye, Temari, Goodbye Kankuro, yes… goodbye Dad." Gaara pushed the red button on the phone and turned it off while muttering curses under his breath. He stopped his string of colorful language to speak to Sasuke. "Temari and Kankuro say hi to you and good job on the concerto."

         "Hn,” Sasuke said to his friend and roommate. He looked at the picture that was tacked on the wall next to his bed. It was picture of him and his brother, Itachi, making slight smiles, Gaara snickering, his other brother, Sai drawing on his sketchpad, Kyuubi smirking and giving Itachi “bunny ears” and a blond boy sleeping on Sasuke that he didn’t remember. He smiled inwardly at the picture and raised his finger to trace the outline of the blond boy.

         Gaara watched his friend closely, as if analyzing his every move. "Sasuke, I know this sounds stupid, but do you ever get bored with your life? Perfect girlfriend, perfect grades, perfect skills, perfect family, perfect life for crying out loud, wouldn't you get bored? I mean, no offense, but you’re more perfect than Barbie."

         Sasuke’s eyes widened slightly as he realized the impact the words had on him. He was perfect, just like both his brothers. There was Itachi, who was at the most prestigious Konoha Music University. Then Sai, who wouldn't go into music, but his artistic skills made their parents proud, and he was now a senior at an esteemed art academy. His parents both graduated from the same school Itachi is in now. His girlfriend is the nation's first place clarinet player. Even his closest friend Gaara is the nation’s first place cello player. He was perfect, nothing to it.

         And he had to admit, he was dead sick of it. So he admitted defeat to Gaara the only way he knew how.

         "Yes, I'm bored." He sighed and ran a hand through his navy blue hair as Gaara smiled slightly at him.

* * * * * * *

         "Hahaha! Akamaru, you lazy dog! You couldn't catch me if I was tied to a fence, believe it!" Naruto Uzumaki yelled at the small white and brown dog and pointed his finger accusingly at him.

         "Hey, don't tease him! You'll get you ass kicked!" Kiba Inuzuka shouted as he and his dog started chasing Naruto around the cafeteria.

         "Naruto, Kiba, Akamaru, that's enough. Please go to your seats," Iruka Umino said to the two boys and dog as he and his silver-haired boyfriend continued sharing their one tray lunch.

         “Yes, Iruka-sensei,” they said in unison as Akamaru barked his response.

         “How troublesome,” Shikamaru Naru said, lying down on one table already dozing off, dreaming of the girl with four pigtails and a big attitude. “Hot…” he muttered.

         Naruto slurped some of his ramen. "I'm going to be the principal of this school, believe it! Then we can have ramen for breakfast, lunch and dinner!" Naruto yelled while placing his foot on the table.

         "Yeah right, Naruto. How the hell will you become the principal, if you can't get an A in any of your classes?" Shino Aburame said while playing with a ladybug on his arm. Naruto was shocked. He wasn't shocked because he said something rude. He was just shocked he said something at all. Naruto dropped back down to his seat and continued finishing his lunch.

         "Naruto! You're looking youthful today!" Rock Lee came bouncing into the room sitting next to his closest friend. The word “youthful” made Naruto’s eyebrow twitch.

         "Hey Bushy-Brows, you've been training with your sensei today, haven't you?" Naruto said with an eyebrow raised as he slurped his ramen lunch.

         "Yup! I'm doing better and soon, I'll be the best ever, right next to Guy-sensei!” He stood up on the table and started crying for joy at the visions of his future.

         "Yeah and I'll be the best Principal." Naruto continued slurping his sixth bowl of ramen. Rock Lee stopped his “amazing performance” to look at Naruto for a long time, almost trying to memorize what he looked like.

         “What?” Naruto said, annoyed with Rock Lee staring at him.

         "Naruto, I know this may sound really not youthful, but you live so fast-paced; don't you want to slow down for a minute? I mean, just settle down. Your life is too fast and short-lived. You don't even think about having at least some organization or even stopping for a second to enjoy your surroundings?"

         Naruto froze for a moment, dropping his chopsticks as well while Choji Akimichi grabbed his bowl away. He was always trying too hard and wanting to be good enough to become Principal. Though his grades were horrible, he still studied in his dorm without rest. He spent weekends with his brother Kyuubi in anger management for beating up six students by himself. He helped Kyuubi pay bills at the apartment for school breaks with cheap, hard labor. The whole town called him a monster and hurt him because of his brother’s actions. Naruto just wanted to lie in the grass and stare at the clouds passing by. But how the hell would he be doing that if he couldn’t pay for grass! Relaxation was a luxury Naruto could never afford.

         "Yes, of course I do, Bushy-Brows, believe it.” Naruto sent his friend a fake smile, not noticing that his bowl was long gone.
© Copyright 2007 Alexandrié Valentine (alidajr4u at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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