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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1354776
Emily learns more about Leere and Megas, and her father stumbles upon her secret.
Chapter Four

    When Emily opened her eyes, she was in a strange place, although to say it was strange was an understatement.  It seemed like a room, pitch-black, although it was easy to see her companion, whom she assumed to be Megas.  At the same time, she was aware of seeing her room, from a first person perspective. It was all very odd to Emily.  A glance down to the floor she stood on caused her to feel immediately dizzy.  She saw nothing but black depths beneath her, though she stood on the ground firmly, whatever ground it was.  The only idea that seemed logical to Emily was that she was supported by some sort of barrier that prevented her from falling to her death.
    “You look…. pinkish.”  Emily stopped staring at the floor long enough to scrutinize Megas.  He seemed a lot more normal than she would have thought.  He seemed very human, but exotic, nevertheless.  Emily noticed that Megas was about her age. His skin had a somewhat yellow complexion, and light, turquoise eyes that were currently sizing her up.  He also had very dark hair that was very untidy, though it only made him seem more appealing.  He wore a vibrant yellow t-shirt over a black, long-sleeved one, and a stiff, brown collar, that matched his boots and slacks.  The only thing non-human about him was his wings.  They were like a bat’s, leathery and angular.  However, they were huge, and a deep violet in color.  Both had three circular holes near the top, but Emily could only guess at their purpose.
“You don’t look at all how I imagined,” Megas continued, his head tilted slightly as he looked her over.  “I thought you would seem more…. Like a warrior.  Not as pink-skinned.”
    “I thought you would seem more like some sort of monster,” Emily replied, then instantly regretted it, hoping that he wasn’t offended.  Fortunately, Megas dismissed the affront, looking at Emily intently.  Emily spoke up again, “What is this place?”
    Megas seemed mystified for a second, then realization crossed over his face.                      “Well, uh, it’s a bit difficult to explain.  I’m really not sure, but I think it’s your mind, or Leere’s mind.  Or someplace in between.”  He then asked, as though Leere was standing next to them, “Leere, are you okay?”
    -Of course.  Well, to a degree, considering the fact that you stuck me in a locket that won’t let me out unless I say the password.  I can work on the rest of these things, so you two can get acquainted.-
    Emily wondered for a brief moment what Leere looked like, then focused her thoughts elsewhere as Megas turned toward her.  “So.  I’d better do what Leere says before she kills me.  My full name is Megas Recker Sogan, and I come from the planet Myrcadia, as you already know.”
    -Don’t be such a smart aleck.-
    “I’m just kidding!” Megas mock-protested.  “Don’t kill me!  But really,” he said, once again serious.  “We could get to know each other more.  It’ll be dreadful if the only person I could talk to was Leere.”
    “Wait, can I ask you something? How come you’re always fighting?  It seems like you and Leere have some sort of background.”  Once again, Emily hoped that Megas didn’t think of her comment as rude.
    Megas just nodded.  “Okay, I can see why you’d ask that.  The truth is, me and Leere-"
    -That would be Leere and I, Megas.-
    Megas rolled his eyes, but carried on.  “-Leere and I are engaged.  Betrothed.  Destined to be together forever, ‘til the end of time.  What a nightmare.”  He grinned as Leere groaned with exasperation.  “Our parents thought that since our Realms have terrible relations, if me and Leere-“
    -Leere and I…-
    Megas stuck out his tongue, then continued.  “-Leere and I married, then perhaps that would lessen the tension between Mara and Myrcadia.  Of course, the problem is that we hate each other.  However, our parents won’t take that into consideration.”
    -We were supposed to marry a few days ago, but a certain person decided to skip out on the ceremony and leave the bride to receive punishment for something she didn’t do…-
    “That wasn’t my fault.  I was…”  Megas grew quiet, and seemed lost in thought.  “I was, well, captured.  I think it was my uncle’s way of rescuing me from the ordeal.”
    -Rescue?  You’re glad it happened?-
    “No!  Well, mildly.  I’m glad I got out of the matrimony business; well, postponing it, really, without the blame entirely on me.  But I wish I knew a way that didn’t include getting stuck in a pendant.”  Before Megas said anything else, however, his eyes became blank, and Emily realized that he was seeing what Leere was doing.  Obviously, he had mastered the process more quickly than her.  “Leere, do you hear that noise?”
    -No, this Realm’s music is crowding my ears, I think.  It’s harder to hear than it is on Mara.  Kind of like static.-
    “Weird.  I can hear perfectly.  I think somebody is in the house.”
    Immediately, Emily thought of her dad.  “What time is it?”
    She was dimly aware of Leere looking at the digital clock on her desk.  –Um, almost noon. Why?-
    “My dad!  He’ll totally freak out if he sees you here, and not me!  We’ve got to switch back!  Quickly!” Emily exclaimed, realizing the questions and disbelief from her father if he was aware of the alien intruders.  “He’ll kill me!”
    Megas’ face took on an inquisitive look.  “Really?  That seems a bit harsh.”
    -You know what she means, Megas!  But I really don’t think it’s at all necessary…-  The girl’s voice stopped, and as Emily glanced in Megas’ direction, she could see the blank expression he wore.  Guessing that he was somehow seeing how Leere was faring, she too let her eyes glaze over.  It was remarkably easy, and soon, a fuzzy image caused her to gasp.  It was her father, standing in the middle of the doorway to her room, and the shock on his face caused her stomach to start sinking with dread.

                                            *        *        *

    Leere was certain that the man that had regarded her with alarm, though he now was giving her a stern face, was Emily’s father.  He seemed like the fatherly figure the Etherworld would have in her mind, a hard-working man that secured his family’s needs without fail.  He wore a tie and slacks, and rectangular frames rest on his normal-sized nose.  However, at second glance, she could see the worry lines across his forehead and the circles under his hazel eyes.  His hair was blond and starting to thin, and his posture was slightly stooped.  Of course, the floor lamp in his hand maintained his authority.
    “Now, who are you, and what are you doing in my house?” he asked, giving her an unyielding look.  “You seem like a nice girl, but it shouldn’t take much to ruin that first impression.  Where are your parents?”
    -He won’t believe you if you tell him about the pendants.  Tell him that you’re a friend of mine; you’re getting my… notebook, or something.-
    Leere felt a blush coming over her; she hated lying to adults.  “You’re Mr. Frostlen, right?  Sorry to make you worry, I’m a little nervous, is all.  Emily sent me to get something of hers here.”  She watched Mr. Frostlen’s eyes scan her face, hoping that he didn’t see the lie on her face.  “We just met today,” she added, knowing that the man was still doubtful.
    “Uh, well, I suppose you’d better get it for her.  You’re new around here?” 
    “Actually, I’m just visiting.”  The idea struck Leere that she was probably dressed strangely compared to other Etherworlders.  In fact, her hair coloring was probably also peculiar here, unless her long, red-and-black hair was some sort of trend.  Her black mini-dress with red trim also failed to make her feel better.
    “Hm, looking at our new meteor, huh?”  Emily’s dad was still looking at Leere with unease, causing her to let her eyes drift towards the ground.  “Where are you from?”
    Leere’s head snapped back to him.  “Well, uh-“
    -Say, uh, New Jersey.-
    “New Jersey.  But my parents go all over the place, they’re used to it.”
Mr. Frostlen nodded, imploring her to go on.  “They’re into politics,” Leere explained.
         “Really.  You must know some pretty important people, then?”
         “Well, yeah, but I don’t hang around them often.  I, uh,” Leere stammered, startled as Mr. Frostlen drew in closer.  “Pardon?”
         “You, uh, are from New Jersey, you say?” Mr. Frostlen asked, his tone doubtful.  Leere’s mind whirled, wondering if he had caught some lie.
         “I, I, uh, yes.  Um, I’m going to-"
         “Are you sure?” Emily’s dad questioned.
         Leere’s discomfort transformed into indignation.  “Are you implying that I’m lying?” Stepping forward firmly, the Marsian scowled at Mr. Frostlen.  “I assure you, whether I’m from New Jersey, Washington, or, I don’t know, the next galaxy over, I’m practically the same character that I present to you.”
         -Oh great, she’s getting mad.-
         Ignoring Megas’ remark, Leere watched as Mr. Frostlen slowly retreated.  “I’m not so sure about that,” he replied carefully.  “Really, where are you from?”
         Leere, incredibly vexed, said, “All right.  I’m really the princess of Mara, here against my will because of my stupid fiancée, who is currently stuck in my head, along with your daughter, and your next-door neighbor.”  The last part was flavored with sarcasm, which Mr. Frostlen detected easily.
         “Don’t be smart with me, young lady!” Emily’s dad shouted, momentarily forgetting whom he spoke to.
         Leere blinked.  “Pardon?”
         Mr. Frostlen’s eyes widened.  ”I’m- I’m sorry, that was uncalled for-“
         Leere blinked again.  “It certainly was, Mr. Frostlen.  While I  may be the same age as your daughter, I don’t stand for criticism from someone I’ve just met.”  Narrowing her eyes, she gazed at the Etherworlder with such intensity, that he almost shrank before her.
         “I realize that I was out of line, but, your eyes-“ he started hastily.  Unfortunately, he was interrupted.
         “Who cares about my eyes?  I was polite to you, but now you’ve gone and made me upset!”  It seemed to Leere that wrath drove through every inch of her body, and at first, it mastered her like a puppeteer, directing every movement.  Her vision became tinted with crimson, and her neck became tense, preparing for the force that would tear her head from her shoulders, otherwise.
         -Leere, what are you doing?- Megas asked, seemingly worried.
         Realizing the mistake she was about to make, Leere quickly threw herself backwards, her spine arching.  The energy from her irises was released; she could feel the power, driving her head back.  It threw her from her unbalanced position, and soon she  lay on the white carpeting, her ears ringing from the impact of her head striking the floor.  It took her a moment, silently staring at the burn mark on the ceiling, before she snapped out of her state.  Quickly, she stood, ready to apologize to Mr. Frostlen and tell the truth, even beg, if it was necessary.  She had half a sentence formed in her mind when she saw the poor man out cold on the carpet.
         -Oh… my god.  You killed… my dad!-
         “Emily, I’m so sorry, so, so, so, sorry, I guess I panicked, and, and, and my temper shorted out, and… oh, wait, he’s breathing…” Leere observed, watching as the Etherworlders chest filled with air.
         -I want to see him; he could wake up at any moment!-
         “Emily, I’m so, so, sorry, I just lost control-”
         -Leere, you’d better switch back, I think Emily’s hyperventilating.-
         Leere glowered at Megas’ authority, but reluctantly muttered, “Etherworld repre.”  Blinking slowly, Leere wondered if she would kill Megas, or simply torture him when this was all over.

                                          *      *      *

         Emily almost felt sick as she watched herself transition from being inside the pendant to simply wearing them.  She could almost feel herself, starting from her feet, separating into what seemed like colorful dust, until the colored dust was all that she could make out.  Finally, she was able to discern her bedroom, its white floor, sage green wall, maple furniture that her dad had selected specifically to match the baseboard, and, finally, her father.  Although she was glad to see him moving slightly, she still felt like vomiting from her close breakdown.
         Rushing over to him, she carefully knelt by him, raising his shoulders and head slightly.  Feeling his head for bumps from the fall, she murmured, “I think he hit his head kind of hard when he fainted.”
         -Emily, please forgive me, I really am sorry.  I’ll do anything to make it up to you, please?- Leere pleaded.
         Emily sighed.  “I know you didn’t mean to.  And I did overreact.  How about making it up to me later, then we can call it even.  Now,” she continued, making note of Leere’s relieved sigh, “I’m going to call an ambulance.  Dad may have a concussion.  It might not be necessary, but…” Putting her father down gingerly, Emily stood up, then walked out of the room to get a phone, calmed by her father’s well-being, if not feeling awkward by the odd circumstances.
         -I hope he’ll be okay,- Leere said, obviously still tense.
        -You could have tried to keep cool, instead of blowing up at the guy.-
        Leere’s nervousness turned into indignation.  -Yeah, and you could at least try to avoid turning every other person into an experiment, couldn’t you?
        -At least I don’t nearly kill people, like a certain Marsian, Megas retorted.
        -You think so?  I think you should think over that statement again.
        Emily rolled her eyes, knowing that an argument was inevitable between the two.  She dialed the emergency number into the phone determined to ignore the drama unraveling in her head.
      -Oh, you don’t remember the corkscrew you made, three years ago?  Or the time you made that power switching machine?
        -We weren’t supposed to speak of that again!  Nobody was hurt, and Dad said he could fix the kitchen!
        “Quiet, I’m on the phone!” Emily chided.  “I’m starting to get another- oh, I’d like to report an emergency…” Both Leere and Megas became silenced as Emily recited a simple account of her father’s injury, leaving out the alien part, and gave her address.  It wasn’t long before Emily hung up, and headed back to her room.  “Do you two need a referee?  How am I going to get you back where you belong, never mind make sure my dad is in good hands, if you keep yelling at each other?”
        -We weren’t yelling…-
        -How about wearing another one of the necklaces?- Leere suggested.
        -They’re pendants, not necklaces.-
        “Okay, I’m sure it would be better than having you two unsupervised,” Emily said, secretly wondering if she could handle a third personality in her mind.  Opening the case of pendants on her desk, she scanned the remaining charms, hesitant to choose one.  “Um, any suggestions?”
        -Uh, okay.  Jihan would know what to do, and he understands what your uncle is like, Megas.-
        -Jihan was captured?-
        -I don’t know, I was captured straight after you were!-
        “Which one?” Emily asked, wondering who Jihan could be.
        -The Fenaine pendant, the tooth,- Megas offered.
        “Ah,” Emily nodded, finding the golden charm.  Lifting it from the box, she placed the cord around her neck, admiring the structure of the fang that hung from it.  Immediately, she heard a groggy moan of someone who just woke up.
        -Uhhh… five more minutes…-
        “Is that John?” Emily asked, trying to discern the personality of the new boy, mispronouncing his name.  His voice had a slight lisp, nearly undetectable.
        -It’s pronounced Jihan, and no, this is his son Korin.  Who isn’t a morning person, or in bed.-
        -Megas?- Korin asked, his voice still groggy.  –You’re here?  Where am- Holy crap, I’m awake now.-
        “He looked down, didn’t he?”
        -I mean, I know Fenaines are supposed to have great balance and all, but this is just ridiculous.  And Leere’s here, too?  Megas, where am I?-
        “Korin?  Okay, my name is Emily, I’m an Etherworlder, and you happen to be in my head.  I think.  Megas knows more about it than I do.”  Looking back at her father again, Emily started to prepare for a trip to the hospital, slipping the metel box into an overly large bag.  She slipped her arm through the handles, listening intently to Megas.
        -Okay, I’ll explain.  One, this isn’t my fault.-
        -Megas… what did you do?-
        -See, see!- Leere exclaimed.  –He’s always using his stupid machines on us, and we end up in trouble!-
        -Not.  True.-
        -What about the power-switching incident?-
        -Leere, I said we weren’t supposed to talk about that!  Nobody was hurt!  And Dad said he could fix the kitchen!-
        -What about the time you tried breeding glowing potons?- Leere accused.
        -Korin’s hair stopped glowing after three days, and really Korin, you know better than to mess with my experiments.-
        -It didn’t look like an experiment, and I was hungry!-
        -What about the time you turned me into a giant friddler?- Leere continued.
        Megas only snorted.  –Well, you have to admit, you did deserve that.-
        -Take that back, or I’ll give it back!-
        The sounds of a scuffle could be heard, and Emily was relieved when Korin interfered.  –Leere, don’t punch the guy, it didn’t help the last fifty times you resorted to violence, and it this time either.  Megas, stop being a wimp.-
        “How old are you guys, anyway?” Emily asked out of curiosity.
        -Oh, me?  Twenty-six.  I mean, about your age.  The actual number varies Realm to Realm.-
        “Okay, so you’re all about my age, right?  Sixteen.  On the Etherworld, anyway,” Emily amended.
        -Yeah.  Oh, that reminds me, you never told me what Megas did.-
        -I didn’t do anything!-
        -Fine, Megas, I believe you.  So who did?-
        Emily was about to explain what she knew, when a familiar sound from outside her window distracted her.  Looking back at her father, still unconscious, she muttered “I’ll have to tell you later, the ambulance just came.  About time.”
        For a long time, nobody said a word.  Finally, Korin broke the silence, saying, -Leere, what did you do?-
        Emily could almost imagine Leere rolling her eyes, while Megas seemed to be dying of laughter.
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