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Your future is determined by you |
Predict your future by creating it. Our thoughts determine the present and future of what is contained within us. It is all about our choices. How and what we choose, upon what we focus, concentrate or direct our attention, and where we spend our emotional energies that is precisely what we will attract or draw to ourselves. Our thoughts are prayers and we are always praying. THERE IS A TIME BUFFER IN WHICH WE MUST MAINTAIN OUR THOUGHTS OVER A PERIOD FOR THEIR MANIFESTATION. IT IS REALLY GOOD NEWS. IT ALLOWS US TIME TO FURTHER DEFINE OUR VISION, MAKE ADJUSTMENTS AS WE COLLECT DATA AND DETERMINE THE ADVISABILITY OF EACH ASPECT OF OUR DREAM. ‘What things so ever ye desire, when ye pray, believe and you shall have them,’ Jesus in Mark, 11:24. The physical mechanism that manifests our Dreams are important too. There is a connection Between out thoughts, feelings concentration or focus All of which draw to us our present or our future. Our thoughts define what is what is to be, While our feelings and emotions are the energetic source, The engine that manifests reality. The greater the depth of our emotions, the greater the likelihood of that reality predominating over others The present paradigm that we must, through hard work or good deeds, earn whatever benefit that comes to us is fundamentally wrong. Earning is a physical misunderstanding. It is all vibrations. It is not your so-called hard work that brings results. Your thoughts attract them to you. IF YOU THINK YOU MUST EARN A REWARD, THEN YOU WILL HAVE TO. But if you believe (in your heart as well as in your head) you already have it you will soon have it. Ultimately everything revolves around one’s thoughts, feelings emotions and feelings. You can have two views about the world. The belief that the world you have is the best of all possible worlds. This is the worst world you can ever have. The first one is pure optimism and the second pessimism. It is all a matter of choosing. The world does not change at all. Our relationship to it does. Our feelings and thoughts are mirrored by the reality impacting us. Our words, feelings, emotions and actions create our experiences. You become what you think about. “Imagination is the most powerful force,’ said Einstein. ‘As a man thinks so is he,’ Bible. Beware of your thoughts. There are no idle thoughts. Things get better when you harbor better thoughts and worse when you keep negative ones.. You are at cause for everything that happens in your life—whether you are conscious of it or not. Align your thoughts, actions and words with your goals. The physical world is an effect and not a cause. You see what you believe and believe what you see. But the beginning of the loop is you see what you believe. Nobody can get rich by receiving handouts from another. Prosperity begins with one’s own thoughts. It is absolutely one’s won initiative. Yet the idea that the solution to poverty lies in transferring wealth from the rich to the poor is so very prevalent today. This is totally untrue. If we divide the total wealth of the world equally among the entire population, the poverty conscious ones will become poor very fast and the wealth conscious ones become very rich. The poverty of the people can be removed only when they change their thoughts, when they become prosperity conscious. It is all in changing the thoughts, dreams, feelings and emotions. If you give more money to the poor they do not get less poor. ‘Give a poor man a fish. He will eat for the day. Teach him how to fish; he will eat for his entire life.’ This is applicable in the case of the poor and downtrodden. Teach them how to become rich and eventually they will. Every human being has the potential to create wealth and improve. They need only to change their perception. No one can develop on the handouts. Let the governments impart a firm belief that they can succeed if they want and an aggressive mental state to try to be enterprising. Subsidies will perpetuate poverty. Is bringing free market economy around the only obvious solution? Try to change the thought patterns of the poor and backward. Further, there will be fewer poor people when there are fewer people. Push contraceptives, empower women, space kids, rise up the marriage age, educate the people on the philosophy of personal achievement and change the thoughts of the poor from fatalism to master-of-one’s-own-destiny-thinking. When the thoughts patterns are changed from negative to positive everything gets changed for the better. You can easily create you own destiny –the way you want it. Anyone can succeed in his chosen line. It is not only the scientists, political leaders or the top-class businessmen who can succeed. Success is the birthright of each one of you. There is abundant energy down here. As mentioned elsewhere, the earth gets infinite energy from the sun. And every individual has abundant energy resources. Even if 99.99% of all people are highly successful, there is still plenty of energy available for the remaining ones to succeed. Even if the whole oil-resources come to an end, there is still infinite energy left in the waters of the oceans, let alone the more tangible solar and tidal power potential available to mankind. The earth has almost infinite resources of energy in its bounty. Let those who want to make fortunes do so. There are still infinite resources left for you. Further, those who are making the billions are not going to eat them up. They will invest their money and create more job opportunities for the poor and others. You can be so much more than what you are now. With the new tools presented here, you can aim at the sky or more. Remember, there is no sky up there. So you can AIM still higher. What you are now is far less than what you can become. You do have the perfect right to create the destiny you want. Right now the vast majority of us experience only a minute percentage of the tremendous potential just within us. The great secret is now laid bare to you. It is fully up to you to make use of the same and decide your future. Your destiny or fate is already halfway through. A part of it is already realized and the rest is on its way. You have no control on what has happened to you. Accept it. But YOU HAVE PERFECT control ON YOUR FUTURE. You can create whatever you dream. Let it be love, happiness, health, wealth or success in any field. There is no need to put up with something that is undesirable or painful. Your time on this earth is meant for success, and happiness. Start to create that destiny right from now. Is it not a great idea that you know how your destiny is created? You have the power in you to ordain your future the way you want it. It is not something an average person does. It calls for supreme will and streamlining your life to your cherished goals. You do not have to tear yourselves apart or adopt other people’s ideas. The important thing about your destiny is to know what you require of it and TO go after it until you get it. |