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about the war we have and are now in and all the lives that have been lost |
Why all the fighting it i senseless Men and women sent to war Truly politics Not what our goverment really says Peace In The World.... They have sacraficed their lives and their families Their children Why must they have to is all for politics Our goverment says other countries lie to their people Where is our goverment any different? Our country says we go to make peace Peace in the world.... Killing one another is not peace It is all the same our goverment lying to us as well It is all about politics My Friends Not Peace In The World.... It should be all about the world truly coming together To make great peace in and amoung our world No lives should be taken nor lost No tears should be shed No pain should be suffered to so many families If It Is Truly And Clearly Peace In The World..... No children should be left behind to suffer the loss of a parent No parent should be left behind to suffer the loss of a Son or Daughter Nor any grandchildren What we all should be given is Truly Peace In The World..... Something our goverment has always promised Yet never delivered Peace In The World.... Politics has no boundries Nor does it shed any tears or suffer loss It only creates strife,sorrow and great loss To all of us as one Nation Unto God That is not Peace In The World.... Politics does not grieve, trust me It is one excuse after the other Always looking to blame its own people Never excepting responsibilitiy for the many lives it has cost and taken For no other reason than politics That my friend is not Peace In The World.... Politics is not one Nation coming together unto God Politics is destruction,death, the tearing apart of one great Nation What happened to the promise? Peace In The World.... The goverment abuses and uses it's abilities And All Powers Within The Goverment To do as it pleases When alls we need is to come together as one Nation Unto God Bringing forth Love AND Peace In The World. |