Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1353835-Escapes-part-3
by animal
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Drama · #1353835
final act! the end of my story (only 1 chapter) (pardon the gramar errors)
Chapter 14
Final act

         Animal lunged herself at her father and grabbed the gun held hand.  A shot ran straight threw the roof of the house as the scream of Alison was heard.  Animal fought her father for a few short minutes before the gun flew to the ground.  Father ran after it as Animal ran to her hidden wall and took out one of her own weapons.  Both turned to face the other, guns in hand. 
         Both stood in pride as the battle field for the control of the house stood equal. 
“No!” Ginger screamed as she grabbed her father’s arm, forcing the gun out of it and him to the ground.  Animal ran to Ginger as she accidentally dropped her own gun as she struggled to set her sister free from her tormenter’s grasp.  Father took the opportunity and grabbed the gun once held in Animal’s hand.  Animal saw the action and grabbed her father’s.  She kicked off the ground, and was almost up straight when both fighters fired their weapons at each other.  Two loud cracks were heard as both opponents dropped, Animal, from knees slightly bent and feet on the ground, while her father from his resting place on the floor.
         There the bloody sceen lay, two dogs, a father, a daughter, and a son.  Ginger now sobbed from the confusion and disbelief as she crawled to her dead sister.  It had all happened so fast.  Her mother had inched her way up the stairs by this time and now stood in disbelief at the site of her family members all slaughtered.  Blood nearly covered the floor and in the middle Ginger sat rocking her sister with tears. 
         Then the smallest voice was heard seconds too late, “Stop,” the whisper said.  Mother finally spoke at the top of the stairs.  Ginger filled with tears, as the small brown in her eyes grew.
“Do something mother,” she whispered to herself. “Why couldn’t you just do something.”  Her voice was lower than her mother could hear.
“What?” she asked with the fear of a sheep.
“DO SOMETHING!” Ginger yelled, now dark anger revealed itself and the monster within arose.  She stood from Animal’s side and glared at her mother with the eyes of Animal.  Those eyes that were never shut, those eyes that sent her being into cold, those eyes that would never leave her.  Her mother once again looked into those sad, cold eyes once again, and once again put her hand to her mouth and escaped into her room, this time in clear tears that showed the empty compassion that lingered inside her. 
         Ginger collapsed next to her friend with dried tears.  In her mind it was her forsaken mother that killed Animal, not her vanquished father.  The room of hostages and host sat in silence.  All jumped with the ringing of the last gun shot from her mother’s room. 
         Ginger cuddled her proud sister in her arms.  Fresh tears fell as cried on her sister, all alone.  No one was left for her, not her mother, her father, her brother, her sister, or her friend.  She was now completely alone.  They all now lived in the final escape.
         Then Ginger heard what she thought she would never hear again.  A muffled breathing arose Animal’s chest.  She held her sister away a bit to look at her opening eyes.
“Animal…..but….how?” Ginger proclaimed, “You were shot,” she looked down at the dark hole that formed around her sister’s heart.
“Are ya sure?” Animal moaned.  Ginger looked again.  There was no hole, but what happened to it?  What happened to the dark blood Ginger was covered in? 
“Look at the gun,” answered Animal.  Ginger did so and saw that it was just an ordinary killing machine.  She looked back at her sister in confusion.  “Look closely.”  Ginger strained and saw the inscription, ‘Mirage Gun, Animal’.  A smile crossed her face and Animal weakly stood up.  “I saw it before the shot, but it felt so real,” she stopped and held her heart in pain, “It’s hard convincin’ yourself you’re not dead after that.  I guess that answers my question then hu?”  Ginger smiled, relieved to have her sister back. 
         Animal stood weakened but proud at the fact that she had over taken the one person over her.  She had over taken the final force that left her now in complete control of the house.  She looked around.  “Ginger, unleash these guests and give them something to eat.
“Right away captain,” Ginger said as she saluted her sister and went right to work.  Animal smiled at her younger sister having so much excitement and looked around at the remains of her family.  She looked once again at her dog and her heart broke.  Then she looked back at Ginger and saw her eyes.  Animal smile because in them she found no more brown around the black.

         Both mother and father were laid to rest on a green hill away from any socialization, where they would never again hurt anyone.  Dick’s ashes were mixed with Dozer’s, Donkey’s and Fi Fi’s and all were scattered across mother and father’s hill.
         Cat’s life forsaken body was found not too long ago on the path down from her spring.  Her side was now covered in dried blood and her bones showed easily.  Her hand was extended toward home.  She was trying to come back, not knowing there was now nothing to come back to.  She was put to rest away from her family under her spring, her head under the mysterious blue flower, where she would forever fertilize the life lived in the mountains.
         Ginger was adopted by Alison for a short time while Animal chose to be alone in their forsaken house in the middle of no-where Texas.  Michael, Tom, and Kristen all returned to their lives and the hostages’ show burst from the drama of the kidnappings.  Animal buried Mutt on her now owned property in the tall grasses of the west Texas desert.  Jane Wes had died on the side of the mountain she was now buried on and the world received a new scientist by the name of simply Animal.  She discovered many new medication and machines, and even ended world hunger by finding a chemical that would allow plants to grow in harsh conditions, including the desserts of west Texas. 
         Animal and Ginger finally received the rewards they so well deserved and spent most of their life catching up on the child hood they never had.  Once Animal had enough of being alone, she turned the land into the first ranch in the west.  There she and Ginger spent most of their time riding, or working, or just remembering.
         On one cool day in the birth of spring Animal looked from her pinto to Ginger on her palomino.  Ginger looked back and Animal saw one of her greatest accomplishments.  In Ginger’s eyes the small brown was now gone, leaving a beautiful shade of light blue now not only encircling her pupil, but spread to the rest of her eye as well.  Animal new her eyes would always stay dark from the memory of the torment she endured, but was finally contempt to seeing Ginger’s change the shade just a little bit to the joyful blue that would forever shine. 

© Copyright 2007 animal (animal at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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