Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1353721-Jack
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Comedy · #1353721
A short story.
Adam came home from work, tired after his 8 hour shift at Jack in the Box, he poured himself a few shots of Jack Daniels in front of the tv. He then stumbled to his bed room and fell asleep. He dreamt of being something more. Something important. Something meaningful. Something he was not. His dream was beautiful, he was happy.

He awoke with sweat, the hot sun hitting him hard. A breathe of wind filled with dust blew over him. He squinted and peered around out of his sleep to find himself in vast desert under a long dead tree. He was covered in a torn robe. He had no idea where he was. He was afraid. He found and looked into a bag he apparently was using as a pillow. In it he found some food that would last no more than a few days, a canteen with precious water, a compass, a zippo lighter, a .45 handgun, 2 clips, papers, 4 packs of menthol cigarettes, a zip lock bag with about an ounce of primo weed, and an empty journal with his name on the cover. He was clueless on what had happened last night, the last thing he remembered was his sweet dream.

He decided that he would not sit around and ponder what had happened, seeing that doing such would not help him at all. He got up, gathered the bag and threw his hood over his head to protect himself from the fiery sun and began walking north, hoping he would find something that will answer his questions.

Hours seemed to have passed by, the sun after reaching its peak started to slowly drift down westward. He had seen nothing but desert.

Something caught Adam's eye, a glimmer on in the distance. He advanced toward it. What he found was a small oasis. A lone palm tree stood watch over it. Over to his left layed a dead man. On closer inspection, the man had been shot twice in the chest and had nothing but his clothes. Adam did the only thing he could do, he dug a grave with his bare hands. After his task was done, he sat by the water, decided to camp here for the night, as the sun was falling over the horizon.

After smoking up and eating, a mutt came over to get a drink of water. The two exchanged awkward stares, nervous of what the other was going to do. Adam decided to break it up and reached out his hand offering some of his limited food. The mutt accepted. He decided to call him Bobby. Little did they know that this was begining of their friendship of survival together.

For the next few days the pair continued traveling north. They encountered a Doritos truck with the engine missing. Adam opened up the back and grabed all the food he could carry and what he could strap onto a pack he made for Bobby. Inside the truck Adam found a newspaper, dated Jan. 14, 2076. Its headline read: US PLANS TO LAUNCH PRE-EMPTIVE NUCLEAR STRIKE AGAINST UPPAR. Upon further reading he discovered that the UPPAR(United People's Pan-Asian Republe) had built up its nuclear arms and of course the US had made its plans known. He came to the conclusion that a thermo-nuclear war had occured and for some odd reason he has found himself thrown forward in time after it had happened. He still had no idea what the date was or where he was or how he got there, the only thing on his mind right now was survival.

The next day he came across two men. They were clothed in robes similar to his and wore a mask similar to a ninja.
"Hey you," they drew their rifles and pointed it at him, "give us your shit or you gonna be dead nigga."
"Hey man, i dont want any trouble dude," Adam nervously responded, "i just wanna know whats goin on man."
"you gettin robbed, thats whats up nigga, now strip naked."
Adam slowly droped his bag and threw down his clothes. The two men started laughing hysterically. Adam, scared for his life, uttered "Why are you laughing?"
The two men took off their masks, "Its us Adam, Mark and Nick, hahahahhahhahahahha."
"what the fuck?"
"yeah dude, you were so drunk last night, so we carried you out to the desert and shit, shit dude, this is the funniest shit ever, you thought the world was over dude, shit man... shit."
"Dude, that is so not cool, funny, but not cool, can we go home now?"
© Copyright 2007 Athibodeau (adamthibodeau at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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