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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Emotional · #1353676
Kali Stone, trapped by a man she loves and boy she doesn't. (TBC)
It was a cold winters morning, much like any other morning, there was fallen snow becoming mushy, snowflakes dropping slowly down to earth and cars speeding past sending muddy slush on to any pedestrian. Kali stood staring at the sight, still as amazed as she was when she first stepped off the aeroplane three days earlier.
It was London, winter 2007; Kali had just transferred from America due to her mothers work.
Taking a quick glance at her watch, Kali swore under her breath and kept moving towards her new high school, West Mount High. She had giggled to her self over the name for months, but none of that now as she stood across the road from the school. Why here? Why this school? Her mother had chosen one of the best schools in London, why not a normal school like she had in Texas? All ready she felt uncomfortable in her uniform, she could handle knee high socks, woollen skirts, but a tie? A blazer? Kali started to feel light headed and even more nervous than before.
“Well, here we go.” She muttered as she walked through the gate.

“Class! This is our new student, Kali. She came all the way from Austin, Texas. Make her feel welcome; please.” Mrs. Normer seemed like a nice enough teacher; she was always smiling and clapping for no reason.
“Kali, why don’t you tell us a bit about yourself?”
Kali stood and walked to the front of the class room, this was the moment she had be dreading the most, twenty pairs of eyes staring at her, judging, laughing, humiliating.
“Hi, my name is Kali Stone; I’m from Austin, Texas. I transferred here because my mum got a promotion which meant us moving. I like writing, reading, music, dancing and riding horses. Being from Texas, my favourite food is Chilli, but not the really hot stuff, and yeah, that’s me”
Kali sighed as she walked back to her desk, unfortunately she was seated at the front and she could feel eyes watching her as she did. Amazingly there was no laughter, no snide remarks; for that she was thankful.
“Thank-you, Kali. Now can everyone please get out the reading material for this semester and turn to page one-three-five. Sorry Kali, you will have to get yours from the library at recess or lunch, for now just share with Belle.”

Belle was a medium height girl with long blonde hair and green eyes, most would describe her as beautiful. She had soft features and a kind smile, Kali thought she looked like one of those models from Vogue or something.
Neither girl said anything to the other, just listened and wrote what was asked of them until the bell sounded for recess.
“I’m Belle Lucas, pleased to meet you Kali. Come with me and I’ll take you to the library. This school can be hard to navigate when you’re new.”
“Thanks. I really didn’t know where I was going.” Kali replied with an embarrassed smile.
“No problem. Anyway, you seem cool enough so I’ll help you out with anything I can. Rule one, stay away from anyone that looks like them” she pointed to a group of kids with really long jumpers, un-even socks and dirty shoes. “Join them and it will be your social suicide. Rule two, stay with me and mine and you will be accepted in no time, we are what you American’s call ‘the popular ones’. Rule three, get your self a lad quickly, but stay away from him; he’s mine.” Belle nodded towards the sexiest man Kali had ever seen. He was just shy of 6” dark brown hair, dark mysterious eyes and the hottest smile ever. “His name is Mark” she continued, “We’ve been together for almost 5 months, and no one is going to take him from me. Not that I think you would do that to a friend, but it’s just one of those warnings a lass needs to say; just in case, you know?”
Kali smiled as an answer and glanced back at the boy named Mark, and then suddenly she caught a glimpse at the boy next to him, all her earlier thoughts of Mark being the sexiest boy ever, suddenly vanished.
“Who’s that next to him?”
“Who? Oh him, that’s Costa. He transferred from Italy about a year ago.” Belle eyed her, “He’s not taken if that’s what you’re thinking”
Kali flushed and decided to end the conversation there, she really didn’t need a romantic crush to ruin her first day of school, she was sure she could do that without a boy to help.

“Hey, Belle! Who’s your friend?”
Kali’s heart sunk, why did he have to call out? Oh crap, what if they saw her staring at Costa? Still, she walked over with Belle to be introduced.
“Boys, this is Kali, she just transferred from Texas. Kali this is my boyfriend Mark and his friend Costa.”
Kali only smiled, she could not find any words that wouldn’t come out in a jumble. She couldn’t work out why she acted like this just because he smiled at her.
“Nice to meet you, Kali” Costa smiled at her, “Heading to the library?”
“Yep, Belle was nice enough to show me the way”
“Well, why don’t I take you the rest of the way? Leave these two love birds for a bit? Are you ok with that, Belle?”
“Yeah sure, that’s fine. I’ll catch up with you in Bio, ok?”
“No problems” What else could she have said? Suddenly she was stuck with the item of her soon-to-be fantasies and no idea how she would get to Bio afterwards.
“Don’t worry, I’m in your Bio class as well” Costa said.
Kali sighed; great he must have seen the worry etched into all her features, good first impression, Kali.
“So Belle told me you transferred from Italy?” she decided she can withstand small talk.
“Si, about a year ago now. Her and Mark were kind enough to show me around and what not”
“You don’t have much of an accent” Kali noted, wonder why that was, his speech wasn’t English, but it wasn’t Italian either.
“No, I kinda just have a muddled accent now; a cross of everything. Do you not like how I talk?” Kali missed the gleam in his eye and as usual said the first stupid thing that came to mind.
“No of course not, I like it. It’s deep and kind and would make anyone feel safe”
“Hmm, I’m happy you like it. Here is the library, to get to Bio go down the corridor on your left and it’s the first door you come to. Sorry to leave but I must go now, I forgot something.” And he left.
Kali groaned to herself, what a fool she must have seemed; she scared him off. She just hoped he didn’t tell anyone about it.
By the time she had all her books it was five minutes into the lesson. Turning up late wasn’t what she really needed.
“Sorry, I was getting my books from the library.” This teacher really didn’t look nice at all, he was tall, muscled and had angry eyes.
“I’m Mr. Henry; take your seat so we can begin”
Thankfully, Belle had saved her a seat towards the back of the class; unfortunately it was in front of Mark and Costa, who were both smirking at her.
Please just let this day end, she thought.

“How was your first day, Dear?”
“It was fine, Ma, I have all my books, I have a friend called Belle and I have a crush called Costa. Is that all you were looking for?”
Kali and her mum were close, more like sisters rather than mother and daughter. They shared everything together whether it was boys, dramas or school related crap. Kali’s dad had died when she was 4 years old; he went on a fishing trip with his friends and just never came back. Kali had never asked for the details, she was happy thinking he may have just gotten lost and couldn’t find his way home to them. She wasn’t stupid, she knew he wouldn’t come back, but it was a nice thought that sometimes kept her warm at night.
“Of course that’s all I wanted. But you will have to tell more about this crush, what does he look like?”
“He’s gorgeous. Tall, dark eyes; grey or almost black, dark hair, sexy smile. He’s Italian too.”
“Bring him home one time, actually bring a group that way it wont look weird just bringing one guy home and not your girl-friend too.”
Kali found it amazing how her mum was able to think like a teenager, she was over 20 years older than her, and times change, but she was still able to think things through so they were less embarrassing to Kali. She didn’t know many mothers like that.
“I’m going up to my room now; I have Bio, Chem and History homework that needs to be done. Already behind don’t need to be further. Call me when tea’s ready.”

Kali made her way up to her room, she didn’t really have any intention of doing homework, but she really didn’t want to be discussing Costa anymore. She had already ruined it with him, this is the reason she lost friends so quickly back home, always talking before thinking. Her best friend back home, Naomi, said that her honesty was the best thing about her, and that most people just don’t understand it, therefore distance themselves from her. Kali didn’t care if people didn’t understand her, them distancing themselves made her feel like a leper, maybe worse than that.
“Why did I need to open my big mouth?” she whispered to her reflection in the mirror, “Why not think before talking, your 18 years old now, time to act it!” 
She decided to write a list, a kind of late New Year’s resolutions thing. She wrote down everything she wanted to accomplish within the year, the first one being ‘Not to make fool of ones self, by acts of not thinking’ second of course would be to date Costa, but Kali really didn’t think that one would be happening, not for another million years and then some.
“Kali! Dinner’s ready!”
She closed her diary and headed down to tea feeling a lighter now that she has a list of everything she will accomplish. Kali felt happy for the first time since leaving Austin nearly 2 weeks earlier.

“Kali, hurry up or we will be late!” called Belle, “And if we are late, I will tell Mr. Henry it was all your fault!”
“I’m here, calm down, Belle.” Kali replied.
She had been at West Mount High for almost a week now, and since then has become best-friends with Belle and hang around a lot with her, Mark and Costa; which she enjoyed a lot. She and Costa hadn’t spoken about her embarrassing out burst at all, I think they silently agreed not to mention it at all, and honestly she was perfectly fine about that.
Checking she had her locker keys, she jumped in the car without a second thought, “Hi” a deep male voice said.
“Oh Costa, Hi. I didn’t expect you today.” She replied, turning the colour of a tomato, so much for the thinking before speaking. Kali gave herself a mental slap, think girl!
“Yeah, parents had to work early; Belle here was kind enough to let me in the car pool for the rest of the week.”
Kali gave herself a mental note to kill Belle when they were alone; she could have given her some kind of warning that Costa was going to be with them. First class was Bio, no good, they were all together in that period, it will have to wait until Sport.

“Ok everyone settle down please, I do actually want to start this work on Genetics sometime this semester” Mr Henry yelled. Eventually everyone settled and started listening to how genetics have something to do with chromosomes and what not. Half way through the lesson Belle leaned into Kali and whispered, “You know, for a teacher, Mr. Henry really isn’t bad looking”
“I can’t believe you just said that” Kali whispered back.
“Oh come on, as if you don’t see it. Look at his shoulders, there’s muscles there. And his eyes are gorgeous, if only he wasn’t so scary”
“He’s a teacher Belle, not some guy off of the street, which makes what you’re saying all the more disturbing. Let’s just stop before he notices we aren’t paying attention”
“Kali, do you have something worth sharing with the class?” Mr Henry was looking at her, not in anger but in confusion.
“Ah, no sir. Sorry sir.” She rushed and pointed a glare in Belles direction. The bell sounded indicating recess, Kali was nearly packed and out the door when she heard Mr. Henry call for her to stay behind.
“See you in Chem I suppose” Belle called with a sympathetic smile.
“Suppose so.” She called back with a cold tone.

“You wanted to see me, Mr. Henry?” Kali wasn’t sure if she should be scared or just confused.
“Yes. How are you feeling here? I see you have made a few friends.” He was looking at her in a way she hasn’t seen before; she wasn’t sure what was in his eyes because she had never seen it before.
“Yeah, I’m going well, Belle is really nice, everyone is making me feel just fine”
“Good, I want to help you, Kali. You are behind in you work, not fault of yours I know, but I want to offer you tutoring after school, what do you think?”
“How much will it cost? Me and mum don’t have much after moving”
He laughed at that, Kali didn’t know why, but she found it infectious or sexy even, what ever it was she was drawn to him because of it.
“It wont cost anything, I’ll lend you my brain for free, its not help, not to bankrupt you, Kali.
“Ok sounds good, when do we start?” she heard herself reply.
It was lunch time and Kali was already feeling tired. The four of them were sitting around a table in the cafeteria discussing nothing of any importants, Mark and Costa were arguing over what was in the meat-loaf, Belle was chatting to someone on her mobile and Kali was sitting, emersed in her own thoughts.
Did she really have to do this tutoring tonight? She really didn’t want to make Mr. Henry even more angry than usual, he did offer his help without her asking and she did really need it. Best to just go and sleep as soon as she gets home.

“Do you understand, or would you like for me to explain again?” he asked, more quietly than he usually spoke.
“No, I understand. I just don’t get this part” Kali said. She was acutely aware that he was sitting too close and she could feel his warm breath on her neck as he spoke to her. She didn’t hear everything he explained, just enough to not look like a moron.
“Get it?”
“Yes. Thank-you, Sir.”
“You can call me Rick, if you like” he drawled, he didn’t really ask it; more silently demanded it, “Out side of school hours I’m no longer a teacher to you, just a friend who is helping you catch up with work”
“Oh ok”
Kali couldn’t really see the point, it was just confusing to her but then maybe this is how the Londoners work, all first names and what not after hours.
“Has Belle Lucas mentioned anything to you about me?” he asked casually, but Kali could tell there was something hidden underneath.
“Um, no. She said that if you weren’t a teacher you would be gorgeous, that’s about it though” Kali paled, she couldn’t believe she had just said that. If he mentions anything to Belle she would be history in this school. So much for that resolution, she will forever speak before thinking. He didn’t seem angry about it though, amused but not angry.
“And what do you think, Kali? Do you agree with her?” he asked lightly but it still took her back, regardless of what he said to call him, she was still talking to a teacher about whether or not he was a babe. Kali wasn’t sure what she should do, to tell him or to make up something to save herself and her friend.
“It’s ok, what is said in this room stays here. So tell me, Kali, what do you think of me?” this time he whispered the words into her ear, she could feel his breath tickling her lobe.
“I think I agree, if you weren’t a teacher.”
By this point she had no idea what she was doing, his eyes bore down into hers, she could hardly speak because of them let alone think properly.
“But I’m not your teacher right now, am I?”
“So what next, Kali? Do you want me to teach you, or do you want me to kiss you?”
Kali didn’t get the chance to reply, his mouth was on hers so hard and hot, her knees gave way and she would have fallen if his arms weren’t around her. Then as quickly as it had begun, he was sitting back down at the desk explaining the next equation.
Maybe she had imagined it, either way Kali sat back down instead of standing there like a stunned mullet. She would have had to have imagined it, he was her teacher after all; but her lips wouldn’t be swollen and she wouldn’t be yearning for something if she had imagined it.

Kali walked home slowly unsure of what she should be thinking, should she tell someone what had happened? Still it was her word against his, and if he denied doing anything like it, she would be the laughing stock of the entire school.
Why did he ask about Belle? So many questions Kali wanted answers for, it will have to wait until the next tutoring.
“Hey Kali”
She turned to see Costa coming up behind her, he looked so good out in the sunlight, his olive skin shone like pure gold, and his hair shimmered. She had to stop thinking like this before he reached her.
“I thought that was you, what are you doing here so late?” he asked
“Tutoring, so I can catch up in my classes” she eyed him, “What about you?”
“I help out the library staff sometimes, depends how much work they have. To be honest I just do it because I hate being home”
“How come?” Kali paused, “Sorry, you don’t have to tell me if it’s too personal, forget I asked” she turned to walk away but a warm hand on her shoulder stopped her.
“It’s ok. Me and my dad don’t get along very well, he thinks I should do one thing where as I think another. Typical Italian drama, nothing to worry about really”
Kali didn’t know what to say to any of that, she didn’t know anything about Italian drama let alone being told to do something she didn’t want. All she could do was offer a small smile, to show that maybe she could understand; if she were Italian.
“Look, did you want to come round?” she heard herself say, “Just for dinner, stay away a little longer, I’m sure my mum wont care.” Inside she grimaced, he will say no and again she will be the laughing stock of him and Mark, she didn’t need this right now.
“Sure, sounds good to me” he smiled.
Kali couldn’t believe her luck, Costa, the boy of her dreams and fantasies was coming over for dinner; without Belle and Mark. Things were suddenly starting to go right, finally, maybe one of her resolutions would happen.

“Mum, I’m home; I have a friend with me for dinner.” Kali called to the kitchen. It seemed as from no where, her mother just appeared in front of them,
“Costa, mum”
“Costa, I’m pleased to meet you. I’m Tory; Kali’s mother. Do you like chilli?”
“Don’t know, I’ve never tried it. But I’m sure it will be fantastic” Costa said.
“You’ll love it, I promise you.” With a quick wink at Kali she made her way back into the kitchen, “Why don’t you and Costa hang out in your room, I’ll call when it’s ready”
“Ok” Kali replied.
Kali tried to remember if her room was tidy, what clothes were thrown where and if her bed was made; but for the life of her, she couldn’t. This could end badly, she thought.
“Nice bra” Costa said, holding up a red number she favoured. Kali raced over and snatching it from his grasp said,
“Stop looking for my underwear, all you have to do is ask, that way I know what you will see.”
“Really? All I have to do is ask? In that case, how long till dinner is ready?”
“About twenty minutes, why?”
“No reason. I want to see what underwear you’re wearing at the moment” his eyes grew dark with lust. Kali could do nothing but stare into them and lose herself.
Kali couldn’t believe that something like this could happen to her twice, in the same day as well. Costa hadn’t shown any interest in her until now; oh god, what if he saw her with Mr. Henry? Kali mentally slapped herself; if he had seen that he wouldn’t be standing here asking to see her freaking underwear.
“So? What’s it going to be?” he asked quietly.
“But, you haven’t shown any interest in me since my first day” she said
“I know. Everything has been up and down for me, and this was the first chance I saw to make it known to you, that I like you.” She watched his eyes, not only had they darkened, they were now glazed over with, need?
She didn’t stop to think about what was going on, or what bra and panties she was wearing. Within seconds her skirt was on the floor and her top and shoes followed after. Kali stood in front of Costa in her pale blue bra with matching boy leg panties, she sent a silent thank-you for not been caught in granny knickers.
She felt his eyes running up and down her body; Kali couldn’t help but fidget under his silent approval.
Then so quickly that she didn’t see it coming, his mouth was on hers, it wasn’t hard or soft, it was… not as good as Mr. Henry. She pulled away from Costa, shocked that she thought that.
“What? If you don’t want this, I’ll stop” He smiled at her.
Kali needed to forget about Rick Henry, she couldn’t have thoughts like that ever again, too dangerous. She smiled back at Costa and slid down on to the bed,
“Are you coming?” she invited.
“Not yet” his smile held mischief and wanting.

Kali was on her way to school, another long walk with snow, slush and amazement. She couldn’t believe what happened last night, and more to the point she could swear her mum knew, why didn’t she say anything though? She will get to that when it happens; right now she had more important things to deal with.
The biggest being how to act and react around Costa, did this mean they were together now, or still just friends? Kali decided to take her lead from Costa, act like he does.
“Hey guys” she said
“Hey Kali, did you get the History homework done?” Belle asked
“Yeah, did you want to have a peek?”
She laughed, “You know me to well. Bring it with you to Chem, I’ll peek then”
“Has anyone seen Costa this morning?” Kali asked keeping her voice even
“Looking for me are you?” said a deep voice
“Costa! Hi. How are you today?”
Instead of answering, Costa held her face between his hands and planted a soft kiss on her lips.
“I’m good now” he smiled.
At that moment it seemed as though all of the oxygen was sucked out of that corridor, great, she thought, now I have to deal with Belle by myself. Thankfully the bell rang before the interrogation could begin; it will have to wait until Chem.
“See you in Bio, babe” he whispered to her.
Kali could only give a small smile as a reply, she had lost her voice and wasn’t sure she could find it again before Belle started to pester her.

Kali spent the entire day wishing that she didn’t have to go to Bio; she didn’t think she could sit there for the hour listening to the person that had kissed her so passionately the afternoon before.
“Anyone who didn’t complete the required homework will be given an after school detention” Mr. Henry said, “All those who did not do it, raise your hand”
The whole class looked around to see who would bare the full force of their teachers’ anger, to their amazement, only one hand was raised.
“Sir, I did not do the homework” Belle said quietly.
“Detention for you” he said before beginning the lesson.
Kali exhaled a breath she didn’t even know she held. If Belle has a detention after school, will she still have to go to tutoring? And if she did, the same thing can’t happen when Belle is around. Kali really hoped she was right about this, if not things could turn out really badly for all of them. Instead of stressing about it now, Kali decided to concentrate on what he was saying and writing on the board, even if her social life was going to hell, she will still pass her school tests.
The bell rang to signal the end of the lesson and the end of the day, as she was walking towards the door Mr. Henry stopped her.
“We will have to reschedule our tutoring for this afternoon due to Belle’s laziness. I trust you understand”
“I understand, Sir.”
Kali looked towards Belle expecting to see a heart broken girl who couldn’t do her after school shopping, but instead she saw the biggest smile on her face, not directed at her, but at Mr. Henry. Is this the reason why he asked about her yesterday?

Kali really didn’t care enough to stick around and find out, plus she really wasn’t into that whole spying on teachers and peers; it didn’t sit well with her. So she made her way home, she didn’t really feel like talking to Costa, so she made her way around him so he wouldn’t notice and went home to watch some stupid soap operas; that will make her feel better. There was no way her life could be worse than theirs.
“Everything okay, love? You seem a little out of sorts” that came from her mother.
“Yeah I’m fine, Ma, it’s just been a long day”
“Would you like to talk about it?”
Kali knew her mother meant well, but she couldn’t really discuss what happened between her and Mr. Rick Henry, she will just have to talk about Costa then.
“It’s about Costa” she started
“Let me guess, you made love to him and now he isn’t acting like his usual self?”
“No, well yes, we… made love, but he’s acting the same, if anything he is paying even more attention to me, I don’t know how I should act after something like this” Well there, she said it; she knew she was going to get a big talking to by her mum, but it was better this way that having to talk about Mr. Henry, no way will that happen until she sorts it out herself.
“There is no right way to act after you share something this intimate with a person. There is a wrong way to act, but neither of you seem to be doing this, I suggest just go with the flow, but don’t ignore him. If he starts to ignore you then talk to him about it; don’t be serious or upset, it probably has nothing to do with you. Just chill and be mature about it all”
“You’re right, thanks mum, I better go do my homework; see you at dinner”
“Ok, love”

Kali decided that she will have to talk to Belle about Costa, maybe leave out the Mr. Henry part about everything, seeing as though she was under the impression that there was something going on between them. But she really needed to talk to someone about this, someone who wasn’t her mother’s age, someone her age would be good. Kali decided to call Belle’s mobile to see if she could just pick her up for school tomorrow, get it over and done with early.
“Hello?” the voice sounded
“Hey Belle, its Kali”
“Oh hey girl, what’s up?”
For someone who would have just gotten out of after school detention she seemed rather happy and relaxed.
“I was just wondering if you were able to pick me up for school tomorrow, I have something fairly important to talk to you about, I’m in much need of girl talk.”
“Yeah, no worries, I’ll let the boys know they’ll have to find their own way, anything else?”
Why not?
“Yeah, how did the detention go? Was it the pure hell people tell me?” Kali decided that if something was going on, Belle wouldn’t come out straight and tell her, so she decided to get the truth in a more subtle approach.
“No actually, it was okay. Mr. Henry isn’t the bastard that everyone thinks he is.”
There, Kali had all the proof she needed, after her tutoring lesson with Rick Henry; she didn’t think he was a bastard at all.
“Okay then, well I’ll see you tomorrow; have a good night, Belle.”

Kali had hardly slept that night; she was too busy wondering what Belle was going to say about Costa. It’s not that she didn’t trust her friend to keep the secret, but could she really keep it from Mr. Henry; if she was ‘with’ him, did she trust him? Kali was confused and didn’t know if confiding in her friend was the best thing to do, but she really needed someone to talk to that was close to her age; not her mother. She heard a car honk outside and ran down out the door before her mother could even call for her.
“Wow, you’re actually really on time; for once.” Belle remarked,
“Yeah, I couldn’t sleep.”
“So what was so important that you couldn’t tell me over the phone?”
“Costa and I had… made-love” Kali didn’t know how else to say it, so bluntness was probably the best.
“Really? When?” Belle was beaming the brightest smile in her direction.
“First, keep your damn eyes on the road, second; yes really and thirdly; a few days ago”
“I’m so happy you told me, Kali, I’m really happy you can trust me with this stuff, I promise I won’t tell a soul. Do you mind if I tell you about something similar. Now that I know we trust each other this much and all?”
“Sure thing” Kali smiled
“I think I love Rick, I mean Mr. Henry. Don’t say anything, let me finish. At my detention the other day, I kind of flirted with him a bit. It wasn’t anything dirty; I was just having some fun in a really boring environment. But he started flirting back, and then he kissed me. And Kali, it was the most perfect kiss. We made-love after that and it was so beautiful and nice. I really do think I love him, Kali, and I have no idea what I should do about it.” Belle finished her admission with slow tears running down her face, she wasn’t gushing, just a few tears of… confusion maybe?
Kali had decided she already knew about this but decided her scrutiny wasn’t what Belle needed right now, she needed a friend and that was what she was.
“Are you sure you love him; I mean he is a teacher” Kali asked.
“Well I don’t know for sure; I mean it feels like love I suppose. I feel more for him than I ever have for Mark, what does that mean?” Belle again looked in Kali’s direction and ignoring the road at the same time.
“Will you keep your eyes on the road!” Kali paused, “But to answer your question, I don’t know. I don’t even know what I feel for Costa let alone try to understand what you are feeling” she said softly.
They arrived at school and all talking on the subject stopped; they traded quick smiles with each other and went their separate ways, making a silent vow to talk in History.

Kali couldn’t decide if she was pissed off because the math question was kicking her butt or because she was jealous of Belle. The second reason scared her in to making herself believe it was the math; her heart new better. She knew she didn’t love a Mr. R. Henry, but what she did know was that she wanted to experience what Belle did with him.
He was a teacher though; what kind of nice guy got-it-on with students? What Kali couldn’t understand is how one kiss drove her to be jealous of Belle getting what she wanted; from a sleazy no less! She finally realised why she was angry; she was attracted to the one thing she hated, arrogance. Her mum always said you cannot chose attraction, funny how mothers are always right at the worst of times. She left for her private study time wondering how Bio at the end of the day would turn out and if she would get her tutoring; if she did, would she really hurt her best friend just to be able to move on from a teacher? Kali was turning into someone she did not like, but she reasoned that the heart knew best, and Belle didn’t have to be told.

“Okay Kali, I would appreciate it if you actually decided to concentrate on something other than your phone, I am trying to tutor you if you hadn’t noticed.”
Mr. Henry had been in a grumpy mood since the tutoring started 20 minutes ago, it seemed her mother calling at that moment probably hadn’t of meant anything to him other than an annoying distraction from the Biology lesson. Kali had decided earlier in the day that seducing Mr. Henry would take longer than the usual 30 minutes of tutoring.
“Mr. Henry, do you mind if we make the tutoring lesson longer this afternoon. I did miss out on a lesson yesterday, and I really need to catch up to the class?” Kali asked the questions lightly, she didn’t want to advertise her plan, she asked like any other student may ask, except of course maybe Belle.
“Sure, how long are you wanting to extend it for?” he asked.
“I don’t know, maybe for an extra hour?” This time she gave him a small smile, one that would hopefully make him realise that there was more to this than simple Biology, there was genetics too, and Kali was feeling more and more inclined to see how theirs would fit together.
“An extra hour?” he sounded amused like he knew exactly what she was thinking, “Sure, I can do that; now finish the equation.”
Kali did so without mistake and not needed any correction, she didn’t actually need tutoring anymore, she had studied at home over the past couple of nights and had caught up to the rest of the class by herself, but a façade is what she needed, and tutoring gave it to her on a platter.

“It would seem, Miss. Kali, that you do not need tutoring from me, you haven’t needed help so far” he was baiting her, she knew it.
“I don’t need tutoring in Bio, no; but I do need help with other things.”
Could she really go through with this? Kali didn’t know, but it was going to happen regardless, she needed it, she deserved it. So what if it ruined her friendship with Belle, she shouldn’t have cheated on Mark, so it would serve her right. Kali didn’t know who she was turning into, but it was one of those girls she never wanted to be. Love-struck, she was a foolish love-struck teenager, no, she wasn’t foolish, she was greedy; she wanted Mr. Henry all to herself, Belle can be damned.
“And what would these other things be?” he said it softly, but with a hint of determination.
“Well” she started slowly, “I need help with sexuality. See I’m not sure what I should or shouldn’t be doing to a man if we were to, you know, have… sex”
“And you want me to be the one to show you these things?”
“Yes” she said it softly but forcefully, hoping he will get the point that it was not up for discussion, she wanted him; and she wanted him now. 
“Would you prefer me to tutor you here, on the cold hard bench; or at my apartment, in my warm soft bed?”
“Well, I suppose today will be here and then the rest of the time, at your apartment?”
“Ok” was all he said before he stood, pulling her up with him.
Kali realised there was probably not going to be any more talking after that, she couldn’t think properly to be able to form coherent words and sentences; not with his strong hands caressing her face and neck.

© Copyright 2007 melons2002 (melons2002 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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