Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1353609-The-War-In-Time-Book-1-Cold-Fire
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Fantasy · #1353609
Revised Prologue Added

-700 DE-  (Dragon Era)

         The sun shown brightly on the massive battlefield where two of the most powerful kingdoms on the province of Uisdean waged war against one another.  The battle that took place, later became known as the Great War because of the amount of soldiers that were lost.  The evil kingdom of Zlogonje had attacked the kingdom of Driton out of greed for power and land.  However the king of Driton, Leon, would not allow such a disaster to occur to his beloved kingdom.  Leon had reigned on the throne for 40 years and his intent was on keeping it that way.
         Driton had fought many wars under the King's leadership and not once had they been overcome by their opposing force.  Although, little sense of this war was known to Leon, for Zlogonje resided on the complete opposite side of Uisdean, from Driton.  The intentions of the overlord Ambrose, were to control the great orb containing the the fiery energy called Gintara.  This energy would give great power to the one who possessed it.  Driton would only use this energy as a last resort in war; and  they never had unleashed its power in the midst of battle before; so not many knew as to what it could do.  This was the ultimate reason for the attack on Driton, and those who did not submit to Ambrose's authority would be crushed under his legions' feet.  Apart from Driton, Ambrose knew that he could seize the other areas on Uisdean with only the words uttered from his lips.
         This battle was the first Ambrose had ever tried to crush the Kingdom of Driton, and his attempts seemed worthless as the battle went on.  He had not anticipated such resistance in this encounter with the wood elves of Driton.

         King Leon fought alongside of his men during the war with strength and endurance of a veteran who had fought countless battles.  Although he had never fought such a force as the demons of Zlogonje, he held his composure through the entire battle, relentlessly fighting any being that came his way and he knew only more were too come.  He watched as his soldiers fought their enemies with endless vigor for the survival and freedom of Driton. As he scoped out the battle with his keen blue eyes, Leon's black hair was tossed about by the light breeze that passed through the battlefield.  His face was scarred with the badges of honor that came with war, and his faded golden armor was covered in the blood of the demons that he had slayed during the timeless war. 
         A demon came running at Leon with a ravishing thirst for the king's blood.  It had seen the magnificent fighting of Leon destroying its comrades of war and wanted the king's head as a trophy for his master.  As the hideous beast came running toward Leon, the king brought up his massive broadsword quickly in defense.  The demon struck the sword who had not anticipated the king to raise such a large sword so quickly.  Leon then punched the demon in the chest with his left hand which was enclosed by a gauntlet.  The demon staggered backward by the powerful punch, but was not so easily defeated, and ran toward the king again with its weapon raised for a fatal blow.  Leon had anticipated the move of the demon and side-stepped when the weapon came down at him.  He then swung his massive sword with a backhand at the demon's back.  The sword was so sharp and the king's swing so powerful it cut the demon in two.
         Ambrose stood on a large hill behind his soldiers and observed the event that had just taken place.  He was not the least bit impressed with the king's fighting skill, for he had anticipated the king's power.  The overlord stood there in his black jagged armor and just stared at the king with his deadly red eyes that seemed they could kill any who dare look into them.  His red frayed cloak blew with the wind as he still stared relentlessly at the king.  Ambrose wanted nothing more than to destroy this king and bring his kingdom to their knees.  He hated Leon more the longer he stared at him.  Then he muttered to himself, “You may win this battle, forsaken king, but I will come back and destroy your kingdom with an army so great you will beg for mercy.  Yet you will receive no sympathy from me even if you bow before me like a pathetic fool.  Your people and your kingdom will be mine.”
         Alastair, the Stratego of the Driton army fought in the front lines close to King Leon.  He too had fought many battles alongside his elven king.  Alastair himself was not an elf, he was a human, and one of the few humans that called Driton their home.  He had come to the aid of Leon in a previous battle long ago and was named Stratego, the highest ranking officer in the Driton army, for putting his life in peril when the king was going to be destroyed.  Ever since then he was the Stratego who gave orders and led the troops into the most destructive forces of the enemy first.  He was fearless when it came to fighting on the battlefield, for it felt as if it was where he belonged.  To say the least he enjoyed raising his axe to any who would try to bring the kingdom down.
         Alastair fought back the demons who made their way toward him and encouraged fear in the minds of those who opposed him.  For the onlookers of this great war machine, you would notice first his large black armor that was war torn from numerous battles, most of which the outcome was a victory.  He was the only soldier in all of Driton to wear black armor, he took a liking to it when he had killed an enemy and took it for a spoil of war, ever since he wore it with pride.  His hair was short brown and was filthy because of the blood from the demons and dirt on the battlefield.  His eyes were that of hazel and struck his opponents when they approached him.  The color of his eyes was not the factor that struck his opponents but the look they gave off when he stared his enemy down. 
         Alastair fought on as he had done many times before, in the midst of the strongest group of the enemy.  Although the demons of Zlogonje were more powerful than he was used too, he felt comfortable with his skill in dealing with this treacherous enemy.  The axe he wielded was as comfortable in his hands as a blacksmith is with crafting metal.  If he was ever in doubt his great axe usually had the solution to his problem on the battlefield. 
         He continued to fight with his soldiers and never had the thought of defeat in his mind.  It was apparent to him that this victory would be Driton's at the end of the day.  As he continued to fight 3 demons had grouped together specifically to destroy him in hopes of crushing the spirits of the soldiers and to give an advantage to Zlogonje.  They charged him with their swords and began to swing wildly at Alastair.  He had had these experiences before in his time of battles and knew what his plan would be to give himself the advantage.  When they reached him he dropped to the bloody battleground and their swings missed his body completely.  Alastair then bounced back up to his feet right away and took a massive swing with his great axe.  The force of the swing alone took back all three of the demons, but the deadly blow killed two of them in the process.  The third demon had been wounded badly and Alastair killed it with another blow from his axe. 
         Alastair looked down at the wretched demons he had killed and for a moment had pitied them, then he realized that their purpose was to destroy him and those he loved.  He then discarded the thought and prepared for the next attack that would be bestowed upon him.
         Fighting next Alastair was another high ranking officer named Barak.  He held the title of Epimelete who was the second highest rank in the Driton army.  Barak, like Leon and Alastair, fought with the bravery and courage of many men trapped in a single body.  He was a wood elf like the multitude of the Driton kingdom, and was proud of his heritage as was the majority of those who lived in Driton.
         As Barak fought, his brown hair ran down to his chin and swayed with every slicing motion he made with his longsword.  His eyes were solid white orbs with no iris or retina and matched his armor, except that his armor was filthy with the dark red blood of the demons he had slayed on the battlefield that day.  In quick swordsmanship, he was unmatched in all of Driton and he moved swiftly on the battlefield to avoid oncoming attacks from his enemy.  He was considered one of the best warriors to ever fight in the Driton army.  Although, he did not fight alone; Barak always had his back covered by his good friend Erebus who was an elite soldier called Agema.  Erebus was a dark elf who had come with his wife from an area very distant from Driton but still on the province of Uisdean.  The only dark elves to make their homes in Driton were Erebus and his wife Carey.  They had come to Driton because they wanted to experience a different kind of lifestyle than that of what they were used to.  Erebus met Barak in his travels and then followed him to Driton and made the kingdom his home.
         Erebus had dark blue skin, so dark it almost appeared black, and his eyes were solid blue orbs in color.  His accuracy with a bow was extremely deadly, and Barak was happy to know that Erebus was like an extra pair of eyes and could take down an enemy at will.  His hair like many other elves was long, and the color was the color of night, making the elf seem invisible when the sun fell below the horizon.
         The war waged on and the soldiers of Driton could see victory in their grasp.  When they noticed this, their efforts became even stronger so they could insure a victory that day.  The demons of Zlogonje could see that their efforts would be lost but they persisted on, in hopes of destroying as many as they could before their inevitable defeat.  Ambrose too noticed that defeat would be near for his army and as a last resort to kill more soldiers; he sent in his most elite soldier, his Dark Stratego, Abaddon.  Abaddon was a treacherous demon whose only intention was destroying soldiers in the bloodiest way he could as a sign to others who observed him, and serving his master with great loyalty.  He would do his master's bidding as soon as Ambrose gave the command.
         Abaddon was dark in appearance, that of a werewolf, with eyes the color of fresh spilt blood.  He made sure that before he killed any enemy of importance that they stared him in his eyes, for the sole intent of planting as much fear in the hearts of his enemies as he could, so they would cower before him.  Along with his dark fur skin look, he wore black spiked rigid armor that was not the least bit war torn, for few had struck him because of his knowledge, quickness, and great power in combat.
         The demon Abaddon walked across the numerous dead bodies that lay on the battlefield motionless; soldiers on both sides lay dead, but Abaddon walked across the bodies of both kingdoms as if they had died this way to make a path for him to the front lines of the Driton army.  The living soldiers of Driton cowered at the sight of this hideous beast, and ran away quickly in fear.
         Alastair noticed Abaddon coming across the field but did not cower like the rest of the soldiers of Driton.  He was alone, going to fight this elite demon soldier himself.  Alastair did not care, his intent was to destroy this beast that so many feared. 
              Abaddon continued to walk toward Alastair; he quickly glanced over to the right side of the battlefield and saw King Leon in the distance fighting a pack of demons with Barak.  He too observed as the dark elf Erebus shot down any demon that would attack Leon or Barak that the two were not prepared to fend off.  He then looked back at his target with the great axe who had killed so many of his demon legion.  Ambrose will be proud of me when I destroy this pathetic human, he thought to himself.  Abaddon drew his weapon as he was closing in upon his target.  The weapon in which he unsheathed was a magnificent sword, that glowed the red of a hot fire, and the hilt reminded Alastair of the spikes on a dragons back.
         Alastair picked up his axe as Abaddon was close to him and was anticipating the first strike to be delivered by his approaching enemy.  Then as Abaddon was only ten feet away, he stopped abruptly and took a step backward.  He made a shrieking noise and a small group of 5 demons ran toward Alastair from the side.  Alastair took his concentration off of Abaddon in order to resist the demons that were flanking from the side.  At that moment Abaddon jumped high into the air and landed right next to Alastair, and with a quick clean stroke struck Alastair in the back with his sword.  The strike pierced through Alastair's armor and penetrated deep into his skin.  Alastair fell from the shock and pain from the blow that had just been delivered to him.  He gasped for air and then stood back up slowly using his axe has a crutch to prop him up.  He then swung his axe with a powerful stroke and destroyed the demons that had flanked him.  Alastair then put his sights back on Abaddon who stood directly in front of him.  He was beginning to lose his strength quickly, but he remained focused on the target ahead. 
         Barak had seen the blow Abaddon delivered to Alastair and began running in the direction where they were.  He began to scream, “Nooo, hold on Alastair, I'm coming!”  Barak ran as fast as he could toward Alastair but realized a demon had been chasing him.  King Leon and Erebus had been caught up in their own troubles of demons and had not realized that Alastair was in peril.  Erebus would have shot down the demon chasing Barak had he not been caught up in a fight of his own. 

         When Barak noticed the chasing demon, he stopped abruptly and stabbed his sword backward.  The demon could not stop in time and impaled itself into the sword.  Barak then pulled the blade out quickly and began to run toward Alastair again.
         Alastair stared at Abaddon who was no farther than 2ft from his face.  Alastair then dropped his axe completely; Abaddon saw this as a sign of defeat, but Alastair used the quick distraction to punch the hideous demon in his face.  Abaddon fell back from the blow; Alastair then fell down onto his back, he was losing blood quickly from the blow earlier.
         Barak reached Alastair and then took a swing at Abaddon with his sword.  Abaddon had just been able to regain his composure from the blow and was able to parry the attack.  Barak was enraged and began to fight even harder than he had ever before.  Abaddon was not foolish and realized he would be destroyed if he did not step back from the fight.  He took a couple steps back from the clash of swords and then whistled; a great dragon flew from behind the hills and Abaddon ran and jumped on the back of the massive winged beast.  Then Barak knelt down next to Alastair trying to comfort him.
         From a tower inside the walls of Driton; Hanaa, the elfish wife of Alastair ran toward where her dying husband lay.  As she ran she cried hopelessly.  By now all of the fighting had subsided and the remaining demons had retreated.  Ambrose still stood on the hill next to Abaddon whose dragon hovered behemothly over the ground.  Another great dragon flew next to Ambrose and he took his position on his mount.  This dragon was covered in chains and had a large leather bag dangling on the side of it.  From this bag Ambrose pulled a black crossbow. 
              Erebus had began walking toward where Alastair lay but Hanaa ran past him quickly.  King Leon noticed that the overlord had pulled his crossbow from the inventory of his dragon and raised it in position to take down whatever target Ambrose chose.  His sites were aimed at the sprinting female elf.  King Leon shouted at the top of his lungs to Hanaa, “Hanaa look out, drop to the ground!!!”  Hanaa was not listening and only ran faster to reach her dying husband. 
         A faint whistle blew that broke the silence of the air.  It was the sound of the bolt coming from the overlord's crossbow.  As he had intended, Ambrose struck his target.  Hanaa dropped in her tracks and fell dead for the bolt had hit her in the heart.  Leon ran toward Hanaa and felt her pulse, no sign of life ran through her veins.  Erebus had caught up to where Hanaa now lay and dropped to his knees.
         Barak still knelt next the body of Alastair who was still alive.  His life would soon end from the amount of blood he had lost from the fatal wound.  Before he perished Alastair said to Barak, “Barak it has been an honor to fight next to you, tell Erebus and Leon the same.”  His voice began to get faint.  “I want you to do something for me my friend, for I have witnessed my wife's death.” 
         Barak replied quickly to Alastair, “I will do anything for you.”  Tears began to swell up in Barak's eyes as he noticed his friend was fading.
         “Raise my son Mordecai, and love him as I have loved him.  Make him a great warrior like yourself.” Alastair said quietly to Barak.
         “Your son will be as great a warrior as you are Alastair.” Barak said sobbing.  Quietly Alastair whispered to Barak, “Thank You.”  Then Alastair faded into death.  The same death that so many had experienced that day.
         Barak looked up and on the same distant hill saw Ambrose as he had before.  Ambrose looked into the eyes of Barak and then smiled.  Then Abaddon and Ambrose took off into the air and flew away on their great beasts back toward Zlogonje.
         King Leon walked next up to Barak and said to him, “We lost many great men today, even a woman we dearly loved, but we must bury the bodies of the dead and head back into the safety of the walls of Driton.”  Barak responded with a nod and wiped his tears away.  All who remained on the battlefield began to pick up the bodies of the dead and began digging holes to place the bodies in.  The people of Driton then came from inside the walls and helped pick the bodies up, as was a custom of war.  They buried all the dead bodies, then the people of Driton began to file back inside the walls of their kingdom.
         Barak was the last one in line to file back into the city and when he reached the city gate he looked back into the night sky and said, “Alastair, your death will not be in vain.”  He then turned around toward Driton and passed the through the massive gate.  The gates were then closed behind Barak.
© Copyright 2007 T.J. Bridgman (lmstsb at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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