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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Death · #1353556
Chapter one
I was walking along the dock, dreaming of my boyfriend Scott. My trail of thought was interrupted when I saw Salice Venus looking out to the river at the edge of the dock. I began to remember the time Salice and I got into a fight over Scott. It was at the beginning of my grade 12 school year.

Salice was new to the school, and had her eyes set on my boyfriend Scott. I warned her that he was mine. She seemed to have backed off for a while until about two weeks after that incident. She had been plotting all this time. I heard her announce to her friend, Tina that she was going to make it look like Scott was cheating on me.

I confronted her and announced that I knew her little plan. She was going on and on about how she was going to get Scott and I told her he did not want her. We ended getting in a fist match, I was winning since I was almost twice the size of her. A teacher broke up our fight and we got a three day suspension. I ended being grounded for a week by my dad, which at the time made me extremely upset.

My dad asked me if I regret getting into a fight, and I admitted that no one takes what is mine. That also started my dad's hatred for Scott. My dad thought Scott was getting away of my schoolwork. That is parAnnelly true since I was so wrapped up in getting rid of Salice. After that event, Salice was still out for my boyfriend. We did not have anymore public fights but instead just bickering.

My thought ended when Salice noticed me. She came towards me with anger. I stood there, as if I wanted Salice to approach. A part of me wanted to tell her the news, there was no way she could have Scott now.

"If it is not Tuscany!" Salice snickered.

"What do you want?" I asked in a sarcastic voice.

"You still trying to hold onto Scott, I heard from my friend that he was looking into other women. You must be wandering why he is absent front school," she said, I all sudden thought of the perfect plan. It was not totally evil, but just enough hopefully to make a point to Miss Delusional here.

"Why do not you call him then. I know you want him," I said and pulled out my cell phone.

"What are you plotting, You would not let me have contact with Scott without an agenda,"

"I'm not plotting anything. I just want this stupid competition over Scott to end. Since you think Scott rather be with you then me. He should have no problems talking to you," I explained.

"We all know Scott rather be with me," Salice bragged

"Call him up and ask, I am sure he will love to talk to you.' I said almost laughing.

"I do not need to call him, I need to see him in person,"

"Just admit he rather be with me. You are delusional. What Scott and I have you can never have. This has to stop since after school ends. Scott and I are getting our own place together,"

"Tell me Tusk, what do you have that I do. not You obviously don't have beauty, you know how to make the guys like you and so do I. What is it! I have more to offer then you will ever have,"

"I'm pregnant with his baby," The words just slipped out of my mouth.

"You're pregnant!" Salice said shocked.

"So tell me, who does Scott want more?"

"Scott will be mine. If a baby is all you have you have not got a chance," she said.

"Whatever, you can continue dreaming of a relationship you cannot have," I said and then turned to walk away. In the nearby bushes my best friend Libby have been spying on us. Libby noticed Salice taking a bottle out of her bag. Salice was approaching me with it. Libby jumped out of the bushes yelling.

"Tuscany watch out!" I stopped and turn to look, when Salice cracked me with the bottle across the side of my head causing me to hit the ground. Salice stood there smiling.

" Sweet dreams girl. I finally won. Scott finally is mine"

Libby came running towards them. She bent down to see if I was okay.

"You making sure the little tramp is alright," she said. That infuriated Libby greatly. She was very worried about me. Libby got up from above me and charged into Salice causing both of them to fall into the river. Meanwhile I lay on unconscious on the dock. Blood was slowly making a puddle around my head. Parts of my long black hair lays in chunks in the blood. Libby and Salice were fighting in the water, pulling at each others hair.

"Look what you've done you bitch!" Libby shouted.

"My hair is going to be ruined," Salice said loudly.

"You are worrying about your stupid hair when a woman is laying on the dock bleeding to death," Libby screamed. A group of young men came by when they notice me laying there on the dock. One of them stopped to see that I had a big wound in my head. He took his shirt off and was blocking the wound to stop farther bleeding from occurring. Another guy was calling the police. He was explaining what happened to me and the fact he was witnessing two girls fighting in the water. Soon the police arrived, that was when Libby noticed help was on the way. She and Salice got out of the water. They stood around me. Salice had the smirk look on her face, while Libby was playing roughly with a piece of her blond hair now drenched of water. She was obvious worried seeing me her best friend not even awake.

I was transported to the hospital, Libby and Salice stood back giving statements to the police.

"Miss Mockerwood, tell me what happened here?" he asked Libby.

"I was coming towards the dock, when I-I saw Salice," Libby said as her voice was cracking up. She paused for a second before continuing. "She had a bottle in her hand. She approached Tuscany from behind and strike her in the head. I went to charge her, causing us to both end in the river," Libby said fairly quickly. She was shaky and was roughly playing with her hair.

"How well do you know Miss Patuski?" the officer asked firmly.

"We've been besting friends since Kindergarten," Libby said

"Are you aware of anything that would make Miss Venus want to hurt Miss Patuski?"

"Salice has been after Tuscany's boyfriend for a while now. Tuscany and her got in many heated arguments over the issue,"

"What is this boyfriend name?"

"Scott Rice!"

"Thank you for your time, we'll keep in touch," the officer said and then left. Meanwhile another officer was talking to Salice.

"So let me get this strait Miss Venus. Miss Patuski said she was going to kill you. She pulled out a knife and then turned around. You grabbed a bottle and attacked her before she turned around again,"

"Yes, I did not mean for her to get hurt. I was scared for my life. That woman is psycho," Salice lied while faking some tears. Salice thought in the back of her mind. I hit the jack pot. I just have to wait for her to die, and I added a few tears and a little lie that will makes it look like an accident. Scott would finally be mine. Salice's line of thought was interrupted when the officer spoke.

"Where is this knife now?" he asked. Salice forgot all about the part about the knife. In a quick thought she made up something.

"Maybe when she fell she dropped it and it landed in the river," Salice said quickly.

"Thanks for your time Miss Venus. If you need anything, please call. You must be shaken up over this whole ideal,"

"I think I shall be fine. For right now Tuscany cannot hurt me. When she wakes up would it be possible for me to get restraining order against her,"

"We can arrange that. Do you need a ride home?" he asked

"No I'll find a way home," she said and then turned to leave.

"One more thing Miss Venus?"

"Yes, what else can I do for you?"

"Why were you in the water fighting with Libby Mockerwood,"

"Libby attacked me because she thought I hurt Tuscany on purpose. It is alright. She was just doing what good friend would do. She is friends with Tuscany,"

"Okay, have a good day and we will stay in touch," the officer said and Salice left. Libby was already on her way to the hospital. She wanted to see how I was doing. I was undergoing x rays and cat scans to determine the extent of the damage. I was then sent to the Intensive Care Unit. They managed to stop the bleeding. A few hours later I woke up. I was looking around, and was confused to why I was in the hospital. A few minutes later I began to regain the memories of what happened prior. I remembered arguing with Salice over Scott and then turning to leave when I heard Libby screaming for me to watch out. I saw the bottle and then I went blank and I woke up here. Now I am laying back trying to endure the strong ache that was agonizing me. I was wandering if my boyfriend Scott knew of this demise. I remembered when my father assaulted Scott when he found out I was pregnant. Scott has been recovering for about two weeks now. I have not really talked to my father much since. My mother and I get into an argument over it. She thinks, I ought to forgive him but I say that I am still upset over it. My thoughts were slowly fading when I was going back into a deep sleep.

Scott meanwhile was awake in his room with his mother Molly by his side when a couple police officer walked in. Molly looked at them confusedly, Scott looked puzzled and was about to get up.

"We need to talk to Scott Rice about your relationship with Salice Venus," the officer said.

"I do not have a relationship with Salice Venus," Scott said instantly almost offended at the thought.

"It seems you have some type of connection with the girl. It may be the cause to the accident that occurred earlier today,"

"What kind of accident? I do not know of anything. I cannot be of any help if I do not know anything,"

"Tuscany Patuski was brutally assaulted earlier today,"

"WILL she be alright?" Scott asked loudly.

"We cannot discuss her condition with you. What you can do is telling me anything that may help us with the investigation,"

"Well first I don't know what Salice was telling you but, Tuscany is my girlfriend and she is pregnant. Tuscany and Salice don't exactly like one another much. I've told Salice on many occasions that I wasn't interested in her but she is still trying to get my attention. She is very obsessed so I'd put nothing past her," Scott explained

"Thank you for your time Mr. Rice. Thank for furthering our investigation" he said and the officers left. Out in the hall the two were talking.

"Something doesn't add up. I heard from both Miss Mockerwood and Mr.. Rice himself that Salice Venus has a thing for him. Salice told us that Tuscany tried to attack her with a knife and the knife most likely fell into the river. Yet I looked at the girls injury and it is from the side of the head. Salice told you that she attacked her from front. " the officer said.

"That is true and what if the pregnancy played a part in the whole thing. We need to talk to Miss Venus again,"

Minutes later Libby arrived at the hospital. She stopped in front of Scott door and decided to stop to talk to him. She entered to see Scott beside himself. He was pacing back and forth and Molly was trying to get him to lay down. He noticed me and his mood changed slightly. He sat down on the edge of the bed.

How you are doing Scott?" Libby asked

"Not good, since I just heard Tuscany is hurt and I know nothing about it," he said eager and his voice was low.

"So you know too, I hoped to tell you myself," she whispered.

"How did you find out?" Scott blurted out anger.

"I- I," Libby stuttered.

"What tell me Libby, please. I need to know," he begged,

I witnessed the accident or the crime," she said as she broke down in tears. Tears were falling down her cheeks and she was gasping.

"What happened, what did you see, did she fall what?" he demanded to know.

"Salice, sneaked up behind Tuscany and strike her in the back of the head with a bottle. The bottle shattered in a million pieces. I tried to warn her. I tried, but it was too late, she already fell. I lost it, I charged Salice. It happened too fast. I didn't warn her fast enough. I didn't," Libby by this time broke down crying hard. Scott looked at Libby on her knees crying. Her hair was drenched and her natural beauty looked like a horrid mess. Libby's tough image was shattered as she continued to cry. After a few minutes she calmed down.

"I couldn't help her!"

"It wasn't your fault, it Salice's fault. She needs help, she needs psychological help,"

"Scott, I need to go. I'll talk to you later. " she said and ran out the door where she nearly ran it to my father. He noticed that she left Scott's room. He just arrived after learning the news on his daughter. He came to the conclusion it was Scott's fault. He was going to confront him but changed his mind.

Libby was headed for the front of the hospital when she saw Salice enter. They looked at one another. That's when I walked in broad sight. Libby and Salice turned to look at me. Salice face grew scared. I knew, she knew that she was busted. Libby's expression turned positive.

"Your awake. How do you feel?" Libby asked.

"How do you feel Salice," I said changing my focus over to Salice.

"What- at do you mean?" she asked shocked

"Do you feel proud that you assaulted me? Well when your behind bars I'll be happy" I said smiling. Salice didn't say anything. She looked away. I ignored her and walked on with Libby following me. I knew, I got to Salice. Salice was going to go down for assault or better yet attempted murder. It is what she deserves.
Salice was turning to leave when two approached her police officers. "Miss Venus, may we have a word with you,"

"Yes, officers what can I do for you?" she asked

"We need to ask you a few questions about the accident, before we talk to Miss Patuski,"

"Sure, I'm not sure what else we can tell you,"

"We talked to Scott Rice, and he told us you had a obsession for him,"

"I don't know what that had to do with anything, but if you want an answer. I have a crush on him and it slowly turning into something more. He has a crush on me, but he is obligated to stay with Tuscany because she is pregnant. He is only making up stuff so his girlfriend doesn't leave him,"

"Can you answer one more thing, you told us that you hit her in the front but the evidence states you hit her in the side of the head. Why did you lie to us?"

"I didn't lie, maybe I was too scared to remember the correct position she was in. I do remember, she is one crazy girl,"

"Thanks for your time," they said letting Salice past. Salice basically ran out, thinking to herself 'that was too close'

The officer looked at one another.

"Salice is lying, their is more to the story then she is letting on," the officer said

"I'm starting to believe there was no knife and Miss Patuski didn't threaten her,"

"So, you think it was intentional?"

"I don't know, but one of the two girls did it. They might be plotting together. I'm sure Tuscany can help us," he said as they left.
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