Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1351851-The-little-Drivy
by manika
Rated: E · Short Story · Animal · #1351851
The little-DRIVY

Vidisha was a enthusiastic college going student and was learning to drive a four wheeler from past one month, and was completely frustrated. Her elder by a year brother Varun was her teacher and it was because of his insistence that she was still learning.

So as they were practicing in local ground for almost past couple of hours and despite  decided to take the last round of day. disappointed Vidisha sighed, “I will never be able to drive this car all by myself. I am so nervous. Wonder what I’ll do once I am there on road! I have decided Varun I give up!” 

Varun smiled gently and  consolidated her, “Don’t be so impatient my dear little sister. You say this every day now Give me the steering we’ll come again tomorrow and remember as mother always said 'winning is easier than loosing'”

Vidisha distantly said ,“I am a shame on Mom’s name… from always she was so bold and enthusiastic and I am a big loser!” Varun outraged, "Come on Sis. Now don’t start with it all like this, how is Mom related to your driving? We all miss her but… just give me the steering.” Vidisha gloomily gave way and Varun took the driver’s seat.

Vidisha asked him “Will you drop me to my 'adopt a friend' organization's  center?”
Varun introggated, "Is it another animal friendly organization?" Vidisha nooded "Yes this one encourages people to adopt dogs" Varun fussed, "you and your love to animals its so incredible. Perhaps another inheritance from Mom!”

Vidisha mumbled, “I just can’t bear the attitude of people towards animals. They don’t want to understand how precious these four-legged creatures.And Perhaps it’s a way of keeping ourselves connected to Mom”

Varun impatiently said,  “Vidisha by saying this you  are deliberately killing Mom’s sweet memories look sis. Mom is always there in our hearts and we don’t need that foundation to be with her” Vidisha explained  “I didn’t mean that! I just feel that Mom is there with me when I work and do what she herself wanted to do”  Varun asked,“ Don’t ever say that again” and disturbed Vidisha diverted her focus on those long running trails on buildings in their busy Mumbai.

They crossed the outskirts and entered the  Main Street,  suddenly panic stuck Vidisha ordered,  “Varun stop- stop right now” Varun applyed  brakes and surprised he asked, “What?” She stepped out and pointed, “Look that dog its badly injured if we take timely measures we’ll be able to save it.”

Varun glanced at little dog with its injured leg and badly bleeding fur, carefully he embraced it in his arms, and tenderly carried him to front seat of car.  After all he was an animal lover, although not a very enthusiastic.

In her haste Vidisha didn’t realize that she was actually sitting on driving side as she got inside; with her full mind on dog. Absent-mindedly she drove on the busy street as if a habitual driver without any sort of hesitation or collapse. She was just too concerned about the bleeding pup mourning in Varun’s lap. Varun at once noticed this but kept it to himself and Vidisha began to fuss, "Careless drivers look how badly is this innocent being hurt because of some ruthless humans who are just to busy to think….”

They reached vet nary hospital. Both siblings rushed with  the little injured puppy to vet. The vet concerned hurriedly took over the puppy asking, “Does it belong to you?” Varun said, “No we just found him injured on the road but we’ll pay for his treatment” Vet politely said, “that's okay!”

After he took away the pup Vidisha  anxiously started to stroll in corridor  Varun thought it was right to reveal the truth, he walked upto and politely said, “You know what? You are the silliest girl in world” “What???” Vidisha asked in dismay. Varun continued, “Today you drove all the way from Main Street, the Royal Bagh Road till  the hospital.” Vidisha was astonished and realized “Yes I did- I did but I didn’t noticed that and you-you horrible boy you-  never told me!”

Varun explained, “Now I understand that why you couldn't learn in  because you never lacked driving skills but your self confidence! You see to learn to swim you have to jump in water you jumped into the street without any preparations and you drove perfectly I mean no jerks – no harshness – no crashes nothing!. You were so smooth that you didn’t even realize you are driving.” Vidisha didn’t get words to express her glee she quietly agreed, “I did- I did”.

Doctor came then and said,  “The puppy must have been abounded by its mother and was struck hard by some careless driver. But he’ll soon be okay. You don’t need to worry but what we’ll do after its recovery? Means we have to find it some home because he is too young to be left alone” Varun smiling said, “We have found home for it.  He is gone to be first pet in house since Mom left us We’ll bring it up and  I have already named it- ‘Drivy’” Doctor puzzled asked, “What’s this drive+y? I never heard of it before” Vidisha quietly whispered “Just a tribute- Just a tribute”

                                                                                          -Manika Jain
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