Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1351834-The-Trusting-Muha
by manika
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Children's · #1351834
The Trusting Muha

Muha, Vidhisha, Risha and Simran were going to spend a weekend at Muha’s farmhouse located in the outskirts of town.

The 4 best friends of 9th standard lived in a lovely small town in middle of mountains, surrounded by forests and accompanied by the gurgling streams. The farmhouse was exceptionally impressive  with its old wooden furniture, huge garden with sparkling stream of crystal clean sweet water and the warm old care taker and the old maid the lovely aged couple who made farmhouse very inviting.

On Saturday night four friends sat chatting with loud pop music, planning for inter-house competition that would be held after a couple of weeks. It was thoroughly enjoyable, to sit with the best friends of world and to enjoy tenderness and warmth of nature.

Vidhisha looked at Muha’s first-aid box at center table and exclaimed, “Good heavens Muha, you don’t go anywhere without this mini hospital of yours.”  Muha weakly told, “It is necessary to have it in case of emergency”

Risha examining it demanded, “Why did you bring these sleeping pills?” she simply shuddered off, “Just like that!  By the way how are your karate classes going on?” Risha crackked, “What about a fight?” Muha sigh fully replied, “I loved being karate student. But dad discontinued my classes saying 'karate is no girl’s thing.' Anyways now I would like to go to cooking classes because, for one thing Dad would love me doing that and secondly even I think I should learn that”

Simran laughed, “We three Know to cook at least a bit. But Muha you can’t even prepare a cup of tea properly!” Muha defended herself ,“Hey! At least I know to light the gas stove” Vidhsha told, “Really Muha your hobbies and interests are boundless!”

Before anyone might have opened mouth to tease her further; out of the blue door burst open, instantly Muha shouted, “What nonsense is this! Who are you? To jump on my property like that” her eloquence was cut as one of three horrible looking bearded and mismatching clothed men standing with dirty their selves and terrible looks on face standing at the beam produced a gun.

A tall one with gaped teeth clearly the uncrowned leader harshly said, “be quite and don’t dare to shout. We want to hide away from police and so will accommodate this hut for tonight. Now get into action and prepare something for us to eat.”

4 paralyzed dead scared girls witnessed the three crooks moving carelessly and settling themselves comfortably on sofas Simran bravely asked, “ You rascals why are you running from police what have you done?” The fatter man’s ugly horrid face became worse as he said, “We are Mafias- the tiger poachers. Look, if you 4 don’t want to be shot dead like those beasts, get some food the stomach is rumbling like anything. Rinaapple, go and watch the girl”

Muha assumed that that’s how they call each other to hide their identities. Suddenly, she had a bright idea she said, “I’ll go and get you some tea” and ascended towards kitchen.

The old maid and servant were in outhouse, sleeping pleasantly unaware of the raid girls were facing. But Muha knew what she was doing. Aware she couldn’t even prepare tea she had volunteered because a plan that was pacing in her mind.

Having a keen watcher on her head she prepared whatever she could and at end dropped many spoons of red chilies in each cup from hard plastic box, which the guard- crook assumed to be sugar. Then she kept some glasses with water ready there. And served those cups of tea to crooks who gladly took it without much questions even on queer color due to huge amount of chilies in it.

Luckily they gulped huge quantity of chilly tea in the very first sip and soon they were all over exclaiming, “WHAT YOU SILLY GIRL -YOU-YOU--WHAT HAVE YOU MADE QUICKLY GET SOME WATER!” Their eyes started to become misty and throats burned from severe chills.

The other three girls knew what to do, as they saw Muha, taking out the sleeping pills from her first-aid box. They too quietly slipped with her into kitchen, and dissolved many tablets in a single glass of water and brought it to the three crooks who again repeated the old mistake and took water without surveying the milky color due to strong concentration of sleeping pills. Well, they can't be blamed! After all those strong chilies, they were desperate to gain relief. To girls pleasure they each drank two glasses full of sleepy liquor.

And so because of high overdose 3 fainted before they could speak a word. Four girls grinned broadly to each other. Risha suggested, “Let us tie them first. I’ll get the rope,” Vidhisha informed, “I’ll call the police” Simran ran to wake the sleeping maid and care- taker while Muha remained there on guard.

The three girls joined all their strengths to tie the crooks that remained fast asleep whole night and next day woke us to see the jail’s iron bar.

The press reporters surrounded the proud girls next day and buzzed them with a whole lot of questions and appreciation. When they were asked, “Weren’t you afraid doing such a plan against dangerously armed mafias?” Muha broadly grinned, “I trusted my cooking!” And four girls burst into fits of laughter and that giggling photograph was on front page and breaking news in all national reporters.

                                                                -Manika Jain
© Copyright 2007 manika (manika14 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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