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by wolven
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Action/Adventure · #1351676
A mysterious man searches for who he really is, as he is dragged through existence itself.
A flash of light struck across the sky, thunder crashed in the distance, and shadows dashed through the trees violently. One shadow was being pursued by the others swiftly through the dark forest. It was raining that day...that sad dark day...
    All of a sudden several knives flew from the darkness, but they were immediately deflected by a slash from a sword that came from the lone shadow. The knives flew back and stuck into a tree directly in-front of the opposing shadows and they franticly continued there chase through the brush as if they were oblivious to what had previously happened. The lone shadow ran as if he was a wild beast, Claws ajar, cutting and slashing at every tree that passed his way. His breathing was heavy, and his hair was whipping around in every direction. Incidentally, he landed in a clearing, too late too go on, he stopped and waited. His back was now to the forest in which he had the protection of earlier.
      The man that stood there was surprisingly slender, his hair was a black, tangled mess that hung at just about the middle of his back. Part of it covered his face, and so did a large collier that stood up from his coat. The coat that he wore was very long, and was made of a deep, dark blue material that was course. It  was sleeveless and frayed at the edges of the shoulder, yet, he wore a long sleeve shirt, also course, that was deep gray under-neath it. The coat had buckles on the front, to keep it closed, and the coat itself hung almost to the ground and was parted on all four sides, so that each flap projected from his sides a little. A big belt was around his waist on the out side of his coat, another belt was connected to it which hung on the outer part of his leg, then back up and then it connected to the back of his belt. His sleeves where rolled up, and a large dark green belt was wrapped around his left wrist, it went up his fore arm quite a ways and there was a small pouch on the side of the belt-like bracelet. And two large chains hung from his belt, one  that collected in a pocket on each side.
      As he slowly turned around, five hooded rogues stepped out of the forest.
    "Aahh... we finally meet." The leader of the rogues said.
    "Hmph..., don't talk like you know everything, I don't think you even know who I am... Your most likely just another hired arm out to kill me like all the other people." Said the strange man.
    "Oh I'm no hired arm, I fight for my own ambitions... and  I had found that you had graced your curse apon our little planet and I just jumped at the opportunity." Said the rough leader as he slowly walked around Gang from a distance. " I'v heard so much about you," He continued "And if you are truly one of toughs people, the ones in the stories... then I would gladly kill you just to at least attempt to gain what you have."
    "Is that so? ...I have no clue what your going on about, but it matters not to me." Said the strange man as he continued to stare straight a head.
    "Yes, that is so. Hmmm, what a pity, that you don't care that is, because I would hate for you to die not knowing your killers intentions. Oh, and on the contrer, I do know who you are..." He stopped, paused for a short time and then continued his walk around him."Hmph... your none other then Gang... A.K.A Wolfgang or should I say 'Wolvagangiskana'..." The leader stopped and pointed at Gang, "Hmph, 'Wolvagangiskana the sixth child of the wolf!'"

------------------------------------ Chapter one: The curse...
Gang turned twards him in suprise, and an evil grin shot across the leaders face.
    "Wh-what do you mean?! I have no idea what you're talking about!" Gang replied.
    "Hmm? Do you not even know your own identity? Thats very strange, what a shame." The leader said in a sarcastic way as he started to walk around Gang once agian
    "This only happened to me a little over a month ago..." Wolfgang said as his head sunk to his chest and he clinched his right fist. "It was all because of this!" He raised his head slowly and lifted his right arm that was clinched in front of him. On his wrist was a large dark bracelet with ancient writings on it and it also had some sort of metal objects in-bedded in it, they looked allot like screws that were positioned side-by-side and went all the way around it. The bracelet was flat on seight sides so that it was shaped like an octagon
    "It was this that did it to me!"
    " ...you mean to roam existence itself?" The leader said with an evil smirk on his face.
    "Yes... but what would you know about it..."
    "Oh how fascinating! So the tales were true!"
The rogue leader laughed creepily and then continued.
    "I know enough to know that you are really him!" shouted the rogue leader as he raised his hand and all the other rogues scattered in all directions! He then pulled his sword from his sheath as he began to dash towards Gang with a crazed look on his face, Gang dashed as well the same and their swords soon met. The leader clashed into Gang with enough force to knock him back a few feet and then two of the rogue's men came at his left. He stabbed one in the chest, threw him off of himself , grabbed the other one by the face and then threw him at the leader, which was now very close. He hacked his own man in half and then proceeded through him while his body was still in the air! Their swords locked once again and they were now face to face.
    "I thought you had more weapons!" Harshly whispered the leader as they fought to keep their swords locked.
    "What do you mean?!" Gang said frantically
    "Swords, you had more swords, not only that, but you had other weapons too!"
Gang didn't replie to his hateful inqirey but instead kept their swords together the best he could knowing that the rouge most likely had the upper hand in head-to-head combat.
    "Rraahhh it means nothing to me, you must die!" Shouted the leader angrily. He then slashed and shattered Gang's sword into countless pieces and the shards glistened in the dim light of the setting sun. He flew back and landed on the ground rolling, chunks of grass and mud flew up as he hit the ground, and a violet explosion of debris coverd the area. The two remaining weaker rouges crissed- crossed each others paths and dashed towards him such as there previous comrades had done. Gang stood to his feet and the rouges threw several sheirken at him, he destroyed most of them with his claws but two of them sunk deep into his right shoulder. They had now come to each of his sides, and he had just enough time to slash the one on his left, and turn to the right  and grab the other ones sword. He shattered it with his bare hand, and then cut him down.
    "Hhmm, your not so bad after all" Said the leader.
Gang slowly turned towards him with an evil smile on his face from the triumph of defeating his enemy's followers.
    "maybe you'll live up to my expectations." continued the leader
    "maybe, maybe." Gang replied
    "...Well theres no point in just standing around chatting is there?" Said the leader with a big grin on his face.
    "true." Said Gang. And as he said that he raised his arms outward, low to his sides, with his palms towards himself. something like black fire began to form around his hands, the ground began to shake underneath them and shardes of it started to jar up.
    "Ha! Theres no denying it now, this... this is your raw power!" yelled the leader.
    "Fool! This is'nt even one/tenth of my power!" Gang screamed from the abyss of the blinding black fire that at this time was now swirling around him!
    He quickly closed his eyes and then opened them again, his irises begun to glow neon yellow and the rogue could see them peering from the dust that he had been kicked up by the commotion. Wolfgang's hair was thrashing about and the black fire began to creep up his arm slowly. He quickly slashed one of his claws from his side upward and whips of fire went flying toward his opponent. The rouge swiftly dodged Gang's attack by jumping to the side and sliding on his feet. He then whipped out his sword once agian as he was sliding and dashed towards him once more. Gang also began to dash twards him with the black flames on his arm destroying the ground around him. They clashed and an explosion, from the eminse power of the two of them, destroyed every thing around them. After the debris cleared and there was an odd silence the battle continued on. Gang slashed the rogue with his claw that was now also engulfed in black smoke and the rogue flew back-ward into a tree. The tree burst in half and debris went flying every where, and There was now a pile of rubble where the leader had landed. There was a short silence, but then he slowly rose from the pile breathing heavily, and he was covered in mud and wood splinters. Gang walked slowly to the tree as the rogue struggled to stand.
    "Any last words?" Gang said as he put his smoke and flame covered hand to the rogues throat.
    "No... my only final wish is that I my have the honer of dieing by your hand..."
    "Hhmm... I won't allow you to have such an 'honor'" Gang said as he dropped the rogue and the fire around his hands began to dissipate.
The flames had now completely diminished and Gang had began to slowly walk away.
    "Kill me, kill me now!!!" The rogue leader shouted as he coughed up some blood.
Gang continued to walk away and an angry expression struck across the rogues face and he reached into a pouch on the back of his belt and slung many sheirken at him! Gang simply slashed them with one of his claws and continued on his way.
    "Rrraaaaaahhh!" Screamed the rogue as he collapsed upon the rubble from exostion.
Gang had now come to the edge of the forest and turned slowly to look at the mess that he had made. As he stood there he shattered into a thousand pieces as if he were made of glass and the sheirken that were in his arm fell to the ground with the the shards. They fell into a puddle that had formed from the rain and the blood washed off of them slowly as the rain continued to fall even harder then before.
      Another hooded figure stood in the shadows of the trees, he wasn't one of the rogues but a different person altogether. He had glowing white irises and his hooded robe was a whitish tan mixture. The robe had ancient symbols imprinted across the rim of the hood and the long sleeves. He stood there peering from a distance at the pile of shattered memories of the weak and meager minds that Gang had left.

End of chapter...

>  Created by: Vincent Alexander Raythe Beasley

>Please leave your comments at "Wolvagangiskana@aol.com" (will later be changed.), and I insist that you do not leave any cursing or crude comments or they      will not be saved or even read! Hopefully I will have a website for this and other stories in the future (with music!), so hang on until then!

>Comments: It took me four years to fully create this wonderful story in my head ( It's a very long series of books), and I am now happy to say that I'm putting it down on paper so that many other people can enjoy it as much as I have. ...Now all I have to do is write it... crap -_-'
© Copyright 2007 wolven (wolven9 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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