Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1351308-Dirt-Tastes-Like-Poo
Rated: E · Monologue · Activity · #1351308
Brotherly competition.

O.K. Kids, I learned something today. It is a undeniable truth about this world we live in.. DIRT TASTE LIKE POO. Especially when it is forced into your mouth by your own act of natural male dominant behavior. My brother and I were riding at a local park droping off the retaining walls of the dried up ponds and having a pretty good time. Matt tried to ride off of a raised bench deck but his front wheel got stuck in between the planks. Naturally being the better looking more daring brother with many natural talents I was quick to show my younger lesser sibling my lack of the fear gene (other wise known as commonsense).

Off I went as fast as I dared. I was so excided to ride the deck made out of warped one by fours without incident that I miscalculated the drop off and landed front wheel first. I did manage to ride for a few inches on the front tire in a near complete vertical extreme stunt manouver that they only teach Jedi Knights. For a few seconds time stood still. I felt great. A sense of peace and accomplishment filled me. But like Peter walking on water I too experienced doubt only to have my face break my fall ( What I wouldn't give to have been in the ocean then)

Now when your body is upside down moving in a foward in a downward tragertery a few things happen when your face makes contact with dried pond dirt.

First is that your bottom lip is pulled back. This is done so a path is cleared for the rest of your now flailing body.

Second your lower jaw in snapped back exposing your pearly whites. This is done so that you will get a generous helping of mother earth and fish humus. Once this happens you come to the conclusion that DIRT TASTE LIKE POO!

Third and final after you pick yourself up the younger sibling will know brag by way of insane laughter at the fact he has the fear gene (commonsense)

Now I know that if perhaps I was wearing a helmet or I did not attempt this dominant male ego boosting stunt only mastered by the most agile Jedi Knights that I would not be here with ice on my pinky , road rash on my handsome mug nor would I be attempting to produce a pearl in my cheek from the landfill that I managed to aquire in one of my not so finest hours.

The way I see it is if I was going a little faster and the deck was a little higher I too would be a Jedi Master.

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