Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1351038-A-Comedy-or-is-it
Rated: E · Other · Comedy · #1351038
I started this to help me work background for characters for something I am working on.
The man awoke in the dim glow of his alarm clock in the middle of the night. The man leans out of bed looking around as if stuck in slow-motion. He yawns a bit before trying to move anymore. He felt like a ton of bricks were lying on his head. He wanted to lie back down and sleep, but he knew he must get up and report in. The story you think is beginning now, but it is not. The story began about ten years prior to this moment.
The man was known has Jeremy Rassed. He was twenty years old and had no idea what his life laid out for him. When Jeremy was younger he had issues with authority and with his parents. He had issues with everyone that told him different then he believed. Jeremy was strong headed, independent, and well broke. He knew he had to do something, anything at this point. He struggled threw his schooling and worked hard at every job he did. Let me explain, and to do that we must go back a little further…..
Jeremy Rassed was seventeen, and by this time he had a history in many let’s just say shady deals. Jeremy was always in a fight. He didn’t always win, but he always landed his fair share of blows. Jeremy was good in that manner. No one had to worry about if he would get back up. Jeremy always got back up. That fact alone made him dangerous. He would be on the edge of death, and he would stand back up for more. This is how he won most of his fights. He always got bored in his classes in high school. He didn’t know how to cope with the boredom, so he would pick a fight or defend someone who couldn’t defend himself. In high school they handed out these test that would ask you questions about yourself. The test always told him Police officer, or Career Criminal, and a few times a teacher. He always blew off that test. The test would bother him more then he let on. He did not understand if he had a choice or if it was to let him know he was on a path.
Jeremy went to school and did fairly decent the last two years, but that wasn’t enough for a scholarship to some fancy college his friends were leaving to. Most of his friends had parent’s with money to send them no matter the grades. Jeremy did what most kids do after high school. He got an average Joe job. He worked has a stocker for two years. At the age of nineteen, young stupid Jeremy got into a fight that leads to almost his death. Jeremy met a man named Mole Deevans. Jeremy beats what they call an enforcer down and Mole liked that. Mole liked the spirit young Jeremy had within. Mole also saw the hunger Jeremy had, and Mole fed upon it.
The next year and a half went by, with incredible speed. Jeremy must have broken down forty to a hundred and forty doors, and collected money owed to Mole. Business was good. This went on for months, and Jeremy began to feel guilty and out of place. Jeremy realized he had morals. He also realized a new face watching and hanging around a lot. Jeremy figured it out quick and decided to get out. Jeremy sold all the items he owned and walked to the recruiting station. He saw a man in a blue coat and a white hat.
United States Marine Corps, Jeremy stood at the door and the man inside with a raspy voice; Come in boy! Jeremy shook with his voice. Jeremy wasn’t use to that besides when his father talked. He walked in and told the recruiter what his story was and told him he wanted to make a change for the best. Before anyone knew it Jeremy was on a plane to San Diego to become a Marine.
Boot camp was easy enough for Jeremy. He never bent to the mind games. He had a family that was always a bit twisted. Jeremy was use to mind games. The physical issues, well there wasn’t any. Jeremy remained in good shape since High school. The three months passed. The Drill Instructors noticed the same thing Mr. Mole noticed. The hunger and the undying will. Jeremy always had drive. He always went forward. A fellow recruit fell, and to surprise everyone Jeremy went back and picked him up and carried him rest of the hike. He carried himself with a higher standard. Jeremy still didnt take anyone in close enough to get close to. He remained alone. Jeremy had excellent skills in marksmanship. ……More to follow
(this is a work in progress))
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