Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1350999-Chapter-6
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Mystery · #1350999
An archeologist's home is broken into and she catches the thief.

         Jordan stared down at the man beneath her. Her breath was coming in gasps, and her body felt hot and sweaty from their tussle. She could feel his hard length underneath hers, and unconsciously flexed her fingers on his shoulders. In her anger, she didn’t notice how handsome he was, although his obvious strength and power were clear.
         “I didn’t break into your office lady.” The thief spoke suddenly, as he figured she wouldn’t let him up until he did. Jordan focused on his face again, surprised at the lilt in it. She gazed suspiciously down at him.
         “You’re Irish?!” Green eyes met blue as she gazed accusingly at him.
         He tensed underneath her. He hadn’t expected this reaction. “Yes I am.” He tried unsuccessfully to hide his Irish lilt. Enough was enough. He placed his hands under the very nice rear end sitting on his stomach, and gave a mighty heave. He shoved her off of him and tried to get up. Jordan swiveled her foot out and caught his ankle.
         “Oh no you don’t!” She screamed as he once again fell to the floor.
         “Slim, don’t make me hurt you.” His blue eyes blazed as he looked at her in frustration. “I’m bigger than you.” He raked her with his eyes. A sensual light entered them, and Jordan felt sure this was far more dangerous than angry yelling. She scooted back a few feet from him, prepared to let him go.
         He stared at her a few moments longer, and nodded as if coming to a decision. He stuck his hand out to her. “Jared Sullivan at your service.” His eyes twinkled as she looked reproachfully at his outstretched hand.
         Listen Irish, I don’t know what you’re playing at, but maybe I should call the police.” However, at that thought, Jordan remembered dismally how terrible her appointment at police headquarters went earlier that day. But he didn’t know that.
         At the mention of the police, Jared pulled his hand back. “Now darling, you don’t want to be doing that.” He put a hard edge to his voice. Jordan glanced up at his face, eyes narrowing. His threat didn’t seem to faze her.
         “And why wouldn’t I?” She was very interested in his answer. Jordan felt sure this painfully attractive man broke into her office. Why else wood he be in her house? She flicked her eyes back to him. He really was gorgeous. Thick, black, nearly shoulder length hair, fell to broad shoulders. His eyes reminded her vividly of diving the depths off the coast of North Carolina. He had eyes a less sensible woman could drown in. And…what a body he possessed. She tore her gaze away with difficulty.
         “Like what you see darlin’?” He chuckled as he noticed her checking him out, conveniently forgetting she caught him rifling through her underwear. He kept himself from groaning out loud at the remembrance of what she kept hidden under her business suits.
         This scene was very strange indeed, Jordan thought, as she flushed an angry red. “What the hell do you want?” She screamed at him. Jordan surprised herself; never had she been such a shrew. Even if the guy did break in Jordan would never normally be so shrill. Maybe if she zonked him on the head it might make her feel better. She eyed him calculatingly, but dismissed the thought when an obvious bulge caught her attention. She stared hard at it.
         Jared looked down where her eyes stopped. He grunted when he realized what she was looking at. “It’s a big gun, don’t ya think?” Laughing, he pulled it out and pointed it at Jordan.
         “Would you really shoot me with that?” She asked quietly. Somehow she didn’t think he had it in him to pull the trigger. She was banking her life on that bit of intuition. It rarely let her down.
         Jared looked solemnly at her. He marveled at how calm she seemed with a 9 millimeter pointed at her heart. He knew deep down that he’d never shoot her. Not only did she interest him, but there was her father to consider. Ethan Carmichael would not understand if he shot his daughter. Jared had the utmost respect and admiration for the old man. It didn’t hurt that he also wanted to get horizontal with her too, he added guiltily.
         Jordan watched the internal battle on Jared’s face, secure now that he wouldn’t shoot her. For some odd reason, the thought comforted her. She dismissed that thought.
         “Okay Irish, do you want to tell me why you’re here?” She nodded at her room, and blushed when she noticed him staring hungrily at her. There would be none of that, she vowed to herself.
         Jared smiled wickedly. He put the gun back into his shoulder holster, and reached out to grasp the red panties on the floor. “Well Slim, “he drawled sexily, “I just couldn’t resist finding out what you wore under your suits.” He winked at her, knowing it was only half true. He continued to smile as he placed the underwear in his pocket, never taking his eyes off her.
         Jordan didn’t believe him for a moment, although she felt off kilter as she watched him pocket her lingerie. “I don’t buy it Slick.” She eyed him warningly. “Please don’t lie to me.”
         Something shifted inside Jared. He had a reputation as a very hard man, not someone you wanted to cross lightly. Although he didn’t like it, he had killed in the past, and felt sure he would again in the future. The only person he felt any kindness towards was the man he tried to rob when he was a kid in Dublin. Ethan Carmichael took him in, fed his malnourished body, and taught him the proper way to steal. Now he was faced with that man’s daughter, and the plea in her simple question undid him. But he could hardly tell her everything. Maybe they could work together.
         “I’m here for the book Jordan.”
         Rage flew through her, hot and hard. She lunged for him, hands outstretched into claws. “You bastard!” She launched herself at him, ready to do battle. Jared seemed prepared for it, and grabbed her arms, hauling her into his lap.
         Jordan felt unbreakable bonds wrap around her arms, Jared pressed her into him, and spoke in her ear. “Now darlin’,” he said softly, “we don’t need any trouble now, do we?”
         To her embarrassment, tears spilled out of her eyes, and Jordan collapsed like a burst balloon. Sobs reared up in her throat, and she didn’t think she could keep them back. “Y-you des-destroyed my office.” She finally cried out.
         Confusion swept through Jared. Destroyed her office? Granted, when he broke in, he might have dropped a few things, but destroyed? His skill level far exceeded that. He shook her gently. “What do you mean destroyed?”
         Sniffling, Jordan looked up into his depthless blue eyes. “My office was broken into last night, and whoever did it smashed all my things. Did you do that?” She asked again.
         Jared was shocked. Someone must have gone in after he did. He would never have smashed her things. He shook his head as his mind spun. “I only wanted the book Slim. I would never have destroyed your office. Please believe me. I can be a bastard at times, but only when the situation warrants it.” He wanted her to believe him. He needed her to believe him. Jordan stared deeply into his eyes. She really wanted to believe him. Knowing it probably will come back to bite her, she nodded her head.
         “Tell me why you want the book, and how you knew I had it.” She did need some things answered.
         He thought for a moment and then answered her. “I work for an interested party. We were only the trail of the book and traced it to a rare book dealer in Amsterdam. By the time I got to his shop,, he had already sold the book to a Yale professor. But I knew that Wyatt wasn’t really interested in the statue. He has more than enough money and doesn’t need it. So I asked around and found out about a former student that wanted to find the Lady. That led me to you.” He hedged the truth of course, but she didn’t need to know that.
         Jordan looked skeptically at him. She knew something was missing, but until she had more information, it could wait. “Who is your boss?” She didn’t expect an answer, and didn’t receive one.
         Why don’t we work on this together Slim.” Jared offered, thinking he would have to adjust his plans and make some calls when he returned to his hotel room.
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