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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Drama · #1350356
Need advice to keep going or not..
Pt 1

People live by rules.  Its what makes society function correctly, well for the most part.  People do things that they are supposed to do, and not do things that they aren’t.  Again, for the most part.  So when one does something that they are not “supposed to do”, they immediately look for ways to fix it.  Ways to make things better with what ever they have done wrong.  So what happens when one does a not “supposed to do” thing and decides that instead of “fixing” it, they just live with it, learn from it and move on.  Is this person bad?

Okay, so one of those not “supposed to do” things would definitely be not to sleep with your best friend, especially if that best friend used to get with your other best friend.  The sleeping with your best friend is complicated enough, but having to deal with the part where he might have had earlier relations with the girl you have been friends with since like middle school…umm yea.  Way more complicatedness if that is even a word. 
So on top of all the other stressful events occurring in Kirsten’s life, make that numero uno.

K walked around in circles for what seemed like hours trying really hard not to think about what she was going to have to face when she decided to leave the sanctity of her precious little room.  She would have to talk to Mike, the best friend she just lost her virginity to.  And then she would have to talk to Lindsay, the friend Mike hooked up with who was K’s other best friend.  Lovely, just lovely she thought.
The next thing she thought about was being in Mike’s room again.  Only for like a second though because her phone started beeping on her bed.  She stopped her pacing and walked over to read a message from who else, but good ole' Mike.  “Hey…” it read.  Mike had sent her a dozen text messages since the other night, none of which she had answered.  What was she supposed to say,  “thanks for such a good time?”  No.  Ignoring them was just so much more easier. 

Who was she going to talk about this with?  Definitely not Bec.  Never will she ever tell that girl anything personal again.  K didn’t exactly know that Bec was the gossip queen of  East Roosevelt High at the time she confessed her crush about Steve Madden to her. 
Sexy Steve was the school’s star running back and also the beloved boy toy of  little Miss Tina Goot.  K’s crush secret was the biggest thing to hit ER High since Mr. Dougherty past out drunk in the middle of third period of during sophomore year. 
The rule was simple, star football players only dated cheerleading captains.  If you happened to have a silly little crush on one of their boyfriends, say like sexy Steve, well then you definitely had to die.  Not literally of course, but your reputation certainly had to.  It took K almost a year to clean up the roomers of having slept with the whole football team, except for with sexy Steve of course.  These roomers were spread by non other than miss Tina Goot herself.  What kind of name is Goot anyway.
So back to the situation pressing at hand.  Bec was a no-can-do because if she had not of opened her big mouth, then K’s chances with any guy on ER’s hotlist wouldn’t of been shattered.  So it looks like its her little secret to keep bottled up inside, wonderful. 

K walked into work that night in the worst mood ever.  Which is not such a good idea when you’re a waitress and have to deal with people.  Tonight wouldn’t be too bad though, it was senior night at the restaurant. They were always so sweet and she would never take her bad mood out on any of them. So she walked straight to the back to get changed into her apron when Nicolle came from behind her.

“Hey girl, whats up?” she asked.  Which quickly turned into a “what’s wrong?” when she saw K’s face. 

K thought to herself for a second.  Nicolle wasn’t exactly the person she came running to when things were bad, but she was certain that she wouldn’t say anything to anyone.  They worked together for a good two years now and told each other secrets on slow nights to keep each other occupied.  Well tonight was a slow night, K could finally get this whole thing off her chest.

“You look like hell…what were you doing last night?” Nicolle said in a jokingly manner.  K didn’t find it so funny.

“Well thanks because I feel so much worse.”

“Oh, alright then.  We will have plenty of time to discuss details.  Just let me finish up with the couple from like the 1930’s and Ill be right back.” 

When she came back K filled her in on the whole story.  When she finished the two of them sat there quietly for what seemed like a good five minutes.  At least that’s what it felt like to K waiting for a some sort of reaction from Nicolle.

“Okay.  So let me get this straight.  Mike, your best friend since like Kindergarten, and Lindsay your girl since like middle school. Got with each other like a couple years age, and you slept with him the other night.”


“Damn, that sucks.  One question though…was it good?”

“O, ya know…this is a serious matter i'd appreciate it if u could leave the jokes out.”

“Haha, come on.  What are you so stressed about?”

“What am I stressed about?  Are you serious, what the hell am I gonna tell Linds?  I mean they like did get with each other like years ago, but I cant help but feel like I deceived her.  And I cant just lie to her and act like it hasn’t happened.”

“You shouldn’t feel that way.  They are like so over…you should be happy!  He is like so freakn hot!”

“I am fully aware thanks.  Its just weird, iv known him since…well forever.  And he isn’t even thinking of Linds!  I really don’t think he even cares that he probably just ended my friendship with her.”  Nicolle leaned in, grabbed K’s hands and looked her straight in the eyes.

“Listen to me, very closely.  Obviously if he is not thinking of her than neither should you.  K, seriously.”

“Alright.  I mean they only got with each other they never were in a relationship.  I think it only lasted like a week at the most anyway,”  K said trying to assure herself.

“Who exactly are you trying to convince here?  I don’t think the Lindsay part is what has you all worked up.”

“Yea well.  It’s just your not supposed to sleep with your best friend…it complicates things.”

“Well I think that he really likes you, and you just wont admit you feel the same way.  People don’t get any where in life being scared all the time K.”

“I don’t know how I feel!  I love the kid to death and everything its just…he has been there for me for like my whole life.  This changes things a big bit.  Where does the friend line end and that “whatever” line begin, ya know?”

“Wow, maybe it’s just me but…since when can’t the friend line and the “whatever line” be the same.” 

When K went home that night all she could think about was the last thing that Nicolle said to her.  About the two lines being the same.  Geese, how confused could one girl get.  One thing was for sure, after the other night things definitely wouldn’t be the same ever again.  Whether that different was going to be a good thing or not was entirely left up to K.

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