Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1349942-There-is-an-elephant-in-the-living-room
Rated: 18+ · Essay · Opinion · #1349942
Just trying to clear up things in my mind by trying to identify what is unreasonable.

(WARNING: the word 'fuck' is used a lot in this essay, but not as a swear word, in my opinion it's the best word to show emphasis.)

For a long time I’ve had a suspicion that there is something terribly wrong with this world and nobody is really talking about it, even if it is only my humble finite human perspective, I have the right to say it, as everybody else has the right to speak as well. The only thing is to try to be honest, not so much to the audience, but mostly to your self, that is truly difficult. So my attempt starts like this.
Like George Carlin said, somethings are like fucking elephants sitting on the couch, and nobody goes “hey guys there is a fucking elephant sitting on the couch!” And time past for me and I myself never really said anything, I never declared “hey people we have been conditioned into mass fucking hysteria and nobody is saying a word about it.” And you know why? Because I went along with it, dew to the fact that I was afraid that people would think I’m weird or crazy or anything else that is said to people to make them shut up and not listened to. But its time to say “fuck you fear, I will now try to be free, of you and the fucking hysteria around me”. So in all sincerity this is what is passing though my mind at the moment, and yes it’s probably fleeting, but isn’t everything.
So let’s start, let’s start trying to clarify. First elephant I’m going to point to, is the obvious fucking delusion that some of us really know what the fuck is going on. We know shit! Think about it, do we really know what is going on? Or are we pretending because not knowing makes us feel insecure. Thousands of years ago when we really knew fuck all, we recognized that we exist and became self conscious and we asked “why is this so?” “Why are we here?” “What the fuck is death?” And this question really fucked us up, because we couldn’t stand not knowing, you see we get afraid of the spooky unknown. Are minds are made to observe and understand are environment, we ask questions and then we go along to answer them, and fuck we are good at it and its helped us survive, no doubt about it. But we got carried away and became arrogant and we persuaded are self that we can answer everything.
So what did we do with the mystery that we where trying to solve? Really what happened? We took the mystery put it in a fucking little box, called it God or any other goofy name and then we went on to describe what it is. Some even said “Shit guys, I think it spoke to me. Fuck give me some paper, I’m going to write a book!” You see the fucking insanity! But fuck it, don’t let it make you sad. If you think about it it’s fucking hilarious, that we used are beautiful intelligent minds and wasted it on bull shit! When we could have really been humble, and said “Fuck it! I’m not going to waist my life trying to understand the intangible ‘something’ that I could never truly know what it is in it self, or be afraid of it, or just pointlessly ignore it. Rather I’m going to focus on being ‘OK’ with not really knowing fuck all, and have some fucking fun with my life and everything that could accompany this mystery that i call my life.And not Hope for something better or after.” Some would call me a blasphemer for saying what i just said, I would say 'fuck you!', I think that its a blasphemy to name the mystery. You see we are like fucking clueless wet cats in a fucking river. And its a pity that it makes us to shit in are fucking underwear. And what do you get? You get a world that smells like shit because everybody is afraid.
And we go along afraid and this fear has rained upon us for so long that now we are totally persuaded that this is the only way to be. And we seek refuge into fucking lies, fairy tales, dogmatic religion, promising lifestyles, fucking destiny, anything that brings us fucking ‘hope’. And this is the second elephant nobody talks about. That fear is the product of are thinking and nothing more. There is no true 'Good' or 'Bad'. We are what we 'think'. The world is as it is, the only thing that fear is, is the feeling that we get when we look at the world in a particular way. Funny e? At this point if you’re saying to yourself ‘he has no idea of what the fuck his talking about’, you probably have no idea of what the fuck I’m talking about. You probably think that its stupid for anybody to think that there is nothing in the world to be afraid of, you know like: death, robbers, terrorists, famine, pain, bad people, fucking evil daemons, abandonment, loneliness, not fucking fitting in, not getting laid, being frond upon, jailed, condemned, hated, laughed at, clowns, spiders, rats, cancer, hemorrhoids, Satan and fucking HELL! And you call that reality.
And my bro, my friend and my companion in life , you’re absolutely right, that is reality. But you fail to realize that we created reality. This is no new wave bull shit; I hate the “your aura is purple” assholes that take far too much LSD to be able to communicate reasonably. This is are human reality, but in any case we can't argue that are finite human perspective is a perfect mirror of 'reality'. Because 'reality' is and probably is going to be, for ever mysterious to are eyes. The universe seems to hide its 'real' 'truths' (if it has any) behind paradoxes.
And this is the third elephant on the couch. That if we can't know what truly is happening around us there is no meaning in are existence, and we are just an accident that happened on a lonely planet orbiting a forgotten 'sun'. I humbly believe
that this is the case, we are an accident, with no 'true' meaning. But thats what I like about life, the uncertainty in thinking or saying anything. And this is what I think makes life so full of awe, and fundamentally funny as hell, and what ever life throes at us we should be grateful not afraid, because we are lucky to be alive and play are part in this cosmic game. Truly I would be disappointed if there is a God and he tells me all the answers. How boring would life be if you took the mystery out of it? You remember that movie 'The never ending story'? Thats what I think the world is, no start, no end, no fundamental meaning, no goal to be archived, no such thing as 'perfect' or 'ideal'(thats the biggest trap ever made by man), just a story with us as actors.
I started by stating that I will try to be honest in what I am saying. So I would have to say something honest about my self. From what I just wrote you get the picture that I am perhaps a optimistic man. I would like to clarify this. I myself am a paradox, (and I always thought that I am the most interesting person I'm ever going to meet.Not because I'm so great or bullshit like that, I for one that I'm an idiot, just due to the fact that I am the only person that I can totally and deeply know, for other people I will always be partly blinded by the image they project)) I myself have believed in a God and been afraid of the world and fell into depression when I looked at the uncertainty of 'meaning'. And to be truly honest I myself have been to the point to stick a fucking gun up my throat and really look at death in the eyes, wanting to end my suffering of the human condition. But I didn't. Why?
I can illustrate why, from a conversation with a friend shortly after my encounter
with suicide. My friend was arguing that if God exists he is 'a mean kid with a magnifying glass, burning us like little ants, forcing as to suffer a futile existence'. And that is where my perspective on life really became something concrete. And I said to him, "It seems that this is the only free choice that perhaps we can make in this life, to render God as a 'mean kid with a magnifying glass' or 'the greatest comedian ever', thus are life is the greatest 'parody' ever written. But don't think he exists, that makes it even funnier.
We are not free in choosing what experiences we are going to perceive, but we could try to find a way to be free to choose how we are going to perceive are experiences. And in this endeavor it seems 'Golden Laughter' is the greatest tool we could have.

From the bottom of my heart thank you for listening. And I would like to ask you guys
never believe what I just said, just think about it, because I'm no authority (no one is!), I'm just a human 'idiot' like you and everybody else.
Take care.
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