Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1349869-The-Other-Side
Rated: 18+ · Script/Play · Action/Adventure · #1349869
Rosaline is killed due to the incompetance of her subsitute guardian angel Kevin.
Ok major formatting issues - sorry the copy paste thing doesn't work for screenplay.  Anyways, this is the vomit draft - i like the begainning, the end is weak.  Suggestions on different ways that i can take it are more then welcome.  Thanks!


EXT: Street side, on a busy road, -NIGHT

Blackness over the title cars.  The sounds of squelching tires, a mans yell, a woman’s scream.  Silence.  Lights blur into sight, streetlights and headlights.  A man, KYLE (22) crouches in the street, cradling the still broken body of ROSILYN (22) 

            Rosalyn, Rosalyn, dear god, god, god,
            Why did this happen, how could this…

A white light blinds him and he looks up, blinking, his face pale and tearstained. 

            FUCK!  You have got to be shitting me!
            Damn it all. 

White sneakers walk into frame and a youngish kid (Kevin) squats down beside Kyle, his face ashen, horrified.  Kyle looks up for a split second then looks away, to distraught to care who this newcomer is.

              Shit.  SHIT!!!  I turn my back for one second and look what happens!                          And I only had to watch out for her for a week!  A WEEK!  And look what happened

                   Who are you and what do you want?

              Who am I?  I’m – I’m.. I’m her Guardian Angel…

Kyle looks up and at him for the first time, his face angry, incredulous. 

                             Your what?


  OK, I’m not really I guardian angel… I just look after people when their        angels go on vacations or business trips… I was only supposed to watch her for a week, nothing should have happened… I wasn’t paying attention.  Fuck I’m in so much shit! (To himself) they’ll kick me out for sure now.

He pauses, wringing his hands over Rosalyn’s body.

Oh man… I’m in for it…  Hey listen, buddy, did you know this chick?  (Kyle nods) Did she mean anything to you?

                                                           (Through gritted teeth)

Would you jump at the opportunity to bring her back?  I mean, she’s just being catalogued now, If you catch her while her souls still fresh you can have your girlfriend back, I I won’t be forced to live out a thousand mortal lives of suffering.  Sound ok to you?
                   What are you talking about?

Listen.  I’m a substitute guardian angel.  I’ll lose my license if anyone find out about this.  So I’m cutting you a deal.  You go into purgatory and bring her back.  No one ever finds out. 

There is no answer from Kevin, who is still in shock, staring down at the broken body of his girlfriend.

Or, you can sit here in the middle of the street until her body goes cold and you both get run over by a mac truck.  You call.  A hundred lifetimes of suffering is still only a slap on the wrist for an immortal.

He shrug’s and stands, turning to leave.  Kyle reaches out and grabs and his leg.



Kyle is in a gigantic white expanse of a room, packed, full to brimming with people of all types.  There are people in massive winding lineups, people wandering about directionlessly, people sitting and talking, who have obviously been there for awhile.  They are in every state of dress, from ancient Greek to Elizabethan to modern.  He looks around in bewilderment, searching the crowd desperately, turning, spinning wildly about.

Confused?  I was too.

Kyle turns to see a young man in a world war 1 uniform.  He is turned out neatly, as if he had just dressed for inspection. 

                   Excuse me?

You look lost.  Not a religious man I take it?

                   What, no, I mean, I belive in god-

                   Welcome to purgatory.  How did you go? 

He eyes Kyles clothing, as if looking for clues.

                   I’m not dead.

Sorry mate but you are.  Takes awhile to get use to I know.  But hey, depending on your life and death you might be here for a long time.  Like me.  Didn’t do a single redeeming thing in my life.  And yet I died protecting my platoon.  Ha.  Threw them for a loop.  They’re still processing my papers.  You?

No, you don’t understand.. no wait, I mean, yeah… um, where do you go if you just died?  In a car accident?

Car accident?  How unfortunate.  Well, all fresh, non natural deaths are over there (gestures)  with the exception of suicides of course.  Best get in line now.  Best of luck to you.

Kyle sees a desk though a break in the crowd. Two women are sitting at the desk dressed in office formal.  They both look similar, plain, drab, hair pulled back.

                   Name and religious status please?

                   Religious status?

Catholic, protostent, muslim, buddisht, shinto, atheist agnotsic-

                   Oh um… non I mean, I don’t


Cutaway to a quick flashback of Rosiline wearing a crucifix

KYLE (desperately)
                   Catholic!  Ro-Roman catholic!

                   Big C or small c?

                   Um… i-

Small.  Ok then.  Here. Through those doors please.

She shuffles though her paperwork and hands him an official looking form. Kyle turns to wear she has indicated and attempts to head off up a flight of stairs.  Someone grabs his clothing.

                   No, not that way!  Rosiline wasn’t catholic!  What are you doing?  You want to be trapped in the Catholics idea of heaven for the rest of eternity?  And not even to mention what will happen to me.. dear merciful god..

He looks up and shudders.  He is disguised as on of the limbo residents of purgatory.

I’m not even supposed to be here.  I gotta go, if they find me…  I remember, you only have this one chance, this one day of grace.  She’s your girlfriend right?  You know her.  The only way your gonna find her is if you know who she really is.

EXT: Stairwell to heaven DAY

The proverbial stairwell to heaven is actually a series of stairways leading to various places in the sky, into the ground and of into various off roads.  Every single one of them is packed with people, waiting, some who look like they have been there for a very long time.  The pearly gates are something like an airport security check. Kyle spots rosiline sitting on a stair well in the distance.  He stats yelling at her.
WHAT ARE YOU DOING?  Shut up!  Do you want to get noticed?  Why don’t you just stand up and tell St Peter that your alive?  For my sake man, use your brains.  Please?

Use my brains?  What kind of a comment is that coming from an incompetent substitute guardian that killed Rosaline because he was trying to beat his stupid video game?

By now people are notice them and looking.  Kevin cringes and tries to look away, not making eye contact.  An official looking security guard waves at them.
You, hey you, what’s the big idea?  Tone it down!

                   Calm down, please just calm down

Why don’t you come and take this useless cherub out of my site?  After all, murderers don’t go to heaven!

Kevin looks at him in horror, then at the guard, who is making his was down the steps towards them.

I-I’m not a murderer, I didn’t, I wasn’t the one that killed her-

         YOU KILLED HER!  You were the one who was supposed to protect her and you killed her!

         No, your wrong I didn’t, I would never-
         What in heavens name is going on here?  Give me your papers.

He snatches at Kyle’s forms, and glances over them. 

         Car crash eh?  Roman catholic? No.. Non-denominational Christian.  Humph.  21 years old… Fine then. And yours young man?

Kevin takes a step down away from the guard
         Um, I’… I lost them, I-

         Wait – Kevin?

Kevin’s face turns white and he freezes.

         Kevin?  What are you doing here?  This is authorized personnel only- and hey – you know that the invoice Michael sent out this morning had your name on it right?

         I don’t know what you’re talking about –

         And you are not allowed to be here.  I’m going to have to apprehend you, sorry

Kevin unfreezes long enough to grab Kyle by the arm and race down the stairs yelling frantically.  People are knocked to either side of the railings.

         Let go of me!

         Shut up! Move!  Do you want to get caught?  Do you have any concept of what they will do to us if we get caught?

         Nothing they could do to me is worse then what you’ve already done!

         Yeah?  Nothing?  What about Hell?  Want to spend the rest of eternity there?  Then you would never see your precious little girlfriend!  Do you want that?  Because I’ve just about had it with you!

         Let go of me!  You’re just a hindrance!  I can find her by myself!

         Are you kidding me?  Letting you go would be the equivalent of sending Paris Hilton into the Amazon.  You’ll die!  And then your guardian angel will have my ass!  I’m in enough trouble for one day thanks!

         Well          your about to be in a whole lot more of it!

He gestures to where there are two guards running up the stairs towards, them and the previous guard running down the stairs.  Kevin looks wildly about, up and down, side-to-side and then over the railing of steps.          He looks from side to side, as if trying to find something below them.

                   Who was Rosaline?



Who is Rosaline?  What are her lives ambitions?  What does she want do in her life?  Where is she headed?  Does she sing in the shower?  What kind of breakfast cereal does she eat?  What kind of music does she listen to when she isn’t trying to impress everyone? 

What are you talking about?  How is any of this relevant?

He grabs Kevin bay the arm and moves to the edge of the stairs. 

Listen to me! Unless you want to spend a lifetime in the judicial courts trying to beg your way out of a Hell sentence just listen to me and think.  Who is Rosaline?

I-          I don’t know, she was my girlfriend, she was-

Not was, is.  She IS!  Don’t put her in the past tense.  WHO is she?  You’ve known her for 4years.  Who is she?

                   I can’t, I don’t-

The guards are closing in.  People are staring at them.  Kevin looks once more over the railing and cfringes, closing his eyes.  He tenses and jumps, throwing kyle over the railing. 

                   WHO IS SHE?

Kyle has his eyes squeeze closed, but he opens them as they fall, looking at Kevin for the first time.

`                                                  KYLE
                   She’s my best friend.

EXT: City streets – NIGHT

Red flashing lights of emergency vehicles over the scene of a hit and run.  Kyle opens his eyes to pavement and the sound of frantic voices around him.  He can make out a body being put onto a stretcher.


He scrambles upright, staggering towards her.  A PARAMEDIC rushes towards him.

         Whoa.  Take it easy.  Everything is fine.  She’s fine.  We got here in time.  Come on over here, just let me take a look at you.  Your friends are fine, the girls a little banged up but your little brother is alright.

Little brother?  What?

He is ushered gently to the back of an ambulance where another figure is sitting on the bumper, a blanket wrapped about his head and shoulders, shadowing his bloody face. He looks up and grins, blood between his perfect teeth.

                   Not glowing anymore eh?

Nope.  Won’t be for a while I except. Could be worse.  And anyways, now the only person I have to worry about taking care of is myself. 

                   She’s fine isn/t she?

                   Yeah she’ll be fine.  Will you?

Kyle takes a seat beside him on the bumper, and take the coffe the angel offers him.
Yeah. We’ll be fine.


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