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A poem about writing and how the character comes to life. |
True Character The stories come swiftly They dance in my head They play like a movie I see them I know the characters I make them They are mine I am their creator I know their hearts I love them I write them They come alive for me But then.. At the most dire moment They leave me They desert me They take the story into their own hands They do not tell me what happens That is why my stories never finish That is why writers block plagues me Because they leave If my characters leave my control What more can I write? I scarce make the man before he leaves me I bring him into existence I give him life and a mind And what do I get for it? Desertion I am left with nothing Nothing but the memory of him Nothing but an unfinished tale Perhaps though... Perhaps, they only wished to escape I made them, should I wish to always keep them captive? Maybe they only desired freedom I hope they are happy, wherever they have gone too Maybe there is a land where they all live among one another All of my characters, friends Maybe there is a world made up of my characters alone I should like to visit this world someday To see those I once vividly described as flesh and bone To see what those who I only vaguely mentioned became Perchance some servant boy became a King after leaving my story Or maybe a King went on to be made the servant? Maybe the lonely character from one story found his perfect lover from another Perhaps they have beautiful children? Am I letting this get away from me? Probably. But then again, so did they! May the world become theirs May they only return to my story when they wish May they come to my heart and tell me of their great adventures, So that I may record them, and cherish them Yes... I am almost convinced of it now. No writer writes the stories of his characters. No...A writer has barely made the character before he breaks loose He breaks out of the authors inky bars and lives out his great life Then, as quick as he can, he returns He comes back to his maker And he tells him his story He tells him all about what happened when he was away Maybe he apologizes for leaving? But of course, who could blame him. And then, as he tells his amazing story to his creator His creator begins to copy it all down He writes his characters biography In the end, he has made a story. Nathaniel Ryan Dylan Mounce May 06, 2007 ~Dedicated to writers block: You've never helped me write so much!~ |