Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1349479-What-dreams-are-made-of
by Tavia
Rated: E · Short Story · Children's · #1349479
This is a story about ten year old triplets who enter into the world of dreams.
.                      Chapter one: The end of a busy day

      It was a busy time inside the Braxton house; ten year old triplets Maya, Morgan and CK were finishing up their evening chores. Maya the oldest was putting the last of the dinner dishes into the dishwasher, Sister Morgan had just finished wiping down the stove and table, with Brother CK hurrying to finish sweeping and moping the floor hoping to complete his chores before his sisters .  The triplets completed their chores with laughter and lively conversation each trying to telling their mother everything they had learned that day in school.

      “Mama today at school we learned about Africa” the triplets cheerfully told their mother.
      “OK one at a time tell me what you learned today?” mama asked, always interested in the new things her babies had learned at school.  Mama looked at the children and thought how much they had grown.

      Maya the oldest of the three was tall and slender.  Mama found herself smiling when she thought about how much Maya had begun to look like her.  Maya was the color of warm caramel with amber eyes that always seemed to be looking for the meaning behind every question.  She had recently started to wear her shoulder length brown hair down enjoying how the new hair style made her look more sophisticated. Maya felt it was her duty to look after her brother and sister. 
Maya enjoyed reading, drawing and music. In her free time she could always be found curled up with a book or working in her sketch book by the window in her room. The more logical of the triplets Maya was the one who paid attention to the small details, she alone asked the whys, when and how.

    Morgan the youngest of the triplets by 15 minutes was almost identical to Maya but slight differences helped separate the two.  Maya was tall and logical while Morgan was 3 inches shorter and a free spirit.  Morgan’s hair was a reddish brown which she preferred to wear in two plaits hanging down her back.  Looking at the girls separate most people were surprised they were identical twins.  But when they were side by side it was easy to see the resemblance.  The only visual difference being that one girl had brown hair and the other had reddish brown hair. 

    Appearances aside Morgan was more outgoing she was the one to go head first in any situation while Maya was more practical, more cautious.  Morgan was the one who did not mind going into a darken room.  The girls were different in their likes and dislikes as well; Maya loved pinks and anything frilly, while Morgan was fine with anything as long as it was clean.  Mama thought about how hard it was to get them to agree on anything.  Even dressing them alike as toddlers was a battle. 

    CK the boy was a fraternal twin, smaller in size than both girls right now. But his personality always made him seem larger.  He felt it was his duty to protect his sisters, rushing head first into anything that would be of danger to his sisters.  Now that he was getting older mama found that his interests no longer included his sisters.  Now all he talked about were video games or sports.  With age CK found less time for triplet things now longing for more boyish intrigue.

    But tonight he joined his sisters in telling their mother all about the things they had learned at school.
© Copyright 2007 Tavia (yedcl at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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